
Friday 9 December 2016

A little Vintage Treat from Janet

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

All back to normal in our house today, Paul has gone back to work after having a week off, which he tagged onto the end of a 5 day stand down, meaning he had almost 2 weeks off, which has been lovely.  We rounded his leave off with a trip to the cinema last night, we went to see the latest JK Rowling film 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them'. We have all enjoyed the Harry Potter films and booms, our children have grown up with the story, so we were looking forward to going, it was fantastic, that ladies imagination is beyond brilliant!  I was quite surprised to see a cinema full of couples too, I thought we would be the only 'big kids' there. 

Now onto Janet's stunning card, I have to say that I am particularly fond of Janet's Vintage Lady card's, each one has been special in its own way, I adore the frame you have used in this card Janet, so delicate, framing your beautiful vintage lady.  
Please let us know which did it is, it looks like one I saw Julia watts demo on Hochanda a while ago. 
The 'Sweet Paris' paper is one of my favourites, I have some but I am reluctant to use it, hence the overflowing craft room!  It works so well with the vintage feel of your card, a few pearls and those pretty flowers are all that is needed. 
Thank you so much for sending me your Cards to share. Xxxxxx
I also hope that your Antibiotics are starting to work and they are beating back that bad chest!! I am sending you warm, snuggly hugs, rub some 'Vick' on your feet, I think that's supposed to help.  Don't you just love "old Wives Tales"!? 
Are there any evidence that they are true?  I love to hear them I have to say!
I still life my life by some of my mum's .....

NEVER have umbrella up inside =bad luck
NEVER put new shoes on the table = bad luck, 

Just a couple there, do you have any that you all stick to practising 'just in case', I would love to hear them.

Sadly I didn't get to see Sue yesterday, so Paul and I got on with some 'Cyber' Christmas shopping, I have to say it is a little easier, no busy queues at the till, we can stop for a coffee without working out which one in just a 'normal' (Americano) coffee, that comes with no froth or flavour syrup, I also don't have to watch Paul cringe as he pays more than £5 for said coffee!  No carrying bags back to car, all you get is a sore finger from scrolling ! We just have to "cross our fingers" that there are no adverse weather fronts on the horizon to stop Christmas being delivered!! ( Who's  now thinking of Margo & Jerry, from Good life)?! 

Have a lovely day Ladies, warm healing hugs for those suffering xxxxxx
Maria I hope you are enjoying your visit home, have you stroked any puppies get?? Xx

Love and hugs,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Someone stole yesterday until just after 8pm when we sat down to eat! Wasted nearly 45 mins at the optiitions as they were running late (nearly didn't get there at all as I had forgotten to put the appointment on the calendar, it was only a text reminder from them on Wed eve that reminded me, so that meant I had to miss my time with Sandra that I was all ready for 😖
    Pat your cards yesterday were beautiful. Sorry that you had one of those "bang your head on a brick wall" phone calls to Humax! I hope you get the new box soon x
    Janet, thank you for your lovely card, it is beautiful. I haven't posted any yet. Fingers crossed they will all go in the post on Monday. Anyone who has met me will know that I am not a "flowers and frills" type but I love todays card. It is fabulous, so delicate and pretty, and please share which die the beautiful delicate frame is. I knew before reading it that Sandra would be itching to know 😊 how is your bad chest? You might need to put a thick layer of goose grease andvthen a few layers of newspaper all over your top half, and then get Jim to sew you into your vest for the winter. That was a common practice in Victorian times to help keep chest problem at bay...I imagine it would have helped to keep you warmer and therefore more able to shrug off infections. I hope you manage to shake it off without having to resort to this treatment, sending healing hugs to you. The Café looks so warm and welcoming with the tree and decorations 😊 x
    Some other old wives tales theme, some of them made sense and others are rather puzzling. Why do I throw a pinch of salt over my left shoulder if any gets spilt? Mum does too and so do lots of people. Chris's Mum's one about not tickling babies feet as it will give them a stutter still has us baffled too. Does anyone have the answers?
    Maria, I hope you had a good journey, enjoy seeing you family x
    Lynda, it sounds like you are using your wrist more now, is it getting easier, I do hope so, but don't go doing too much please, sending healing hugs x
    Today Mum and I are out to lunch with a close friend so lots of chatting and laughter is guaranteed 😊 See you in a while Mum xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Janet and all in need, sorry if I have missed anyone. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Janet-really lovely.

    I'm so glad it's Friday although it's going gvto he a busy one. We have an emergency chemotherapy treatment to make for 9am on top of the regular patients then we have 6 adults who need I V feeds for all weekend (18 bags), let's hope there's no babies needed IV feeds as I think I might scream or cry!!

    We were meant to be going out for dinner & drinks with a couple from the golf club but he was due to have some injections yesterday prior to starting chemotherapy and didn't know how he'd feel so they postponed it to next weekend.

    I think I'd better make my last 3 cards tonight-hubby's, crazy friends & one for the American relatives...nothing like being last minute is there???!!!


  3. Good morning Sandra,

    Oh my goodness Janet, your beautiful card is amazing. Fantastic colour theme and such a pretty lady, reminds me of the old b/w silent movies.

    One side of my wardrobe shelves now in a muddle as I have just shoved things back in. Got really tired with sorting out and it took so long as I remembered the memories that are wrapped up in some items that I haven't the heart to dispose of. So they are back all higgledy piggledy, hehe. Another time perhaps. Like most, my children will just probably take all to the nearest charity shop as the memories are not theirs.
    So plans are.... a quick tidy up of my work table and get my Christmas cards done. Although I did quite a few at the beginning of the year and throughout, why is it that I never seem to have enough to send out? Now there is a conundrum that I think we all share.

    Gurt big squashy ((((((hugs))))) to all in need of one or just because.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Lovely card JANET I can't quite crack the vintage look myself Be careful SANDRA... Stroking puppies! I nearly got the wrong impression there But my mind does stay in the gutter sometimes!
    Old sayings that I still do - the pinch of salt one and not walking under a ladder
    MICHELE I hope your day calms down Off to work and when I get home I need to sort out Internet on laptop

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you managed to sort out your internet. Anything technical just baffles me I'm afraid.

  5. Morning Everyone
    from yet another very wet, windy and dark morning here.

    Sandra you always surprise me when you display one of my cards. I know you're going to put one on display when I've sent them to you but the surprise is always there.

    The lady is one of the free prints from Utube. I really found a pot of gold when I found this site. As Sandra says the backing paper is from 'Sweet Paris' (I bought two packs of course) and the die is a Tonic one and now I have to confess that I don't know the name as it's one I bought very early on when I started die cutting and didn't keep the label. Sorry. The roses are from my stash.
    I love doing vintage. I really was born in the wrong era but don't tell my Daughters that as I get teased enough about being 'old fashioned' lol.

    We too follow the Old Wives Tales -

    To add to Sandra's - Never throw bread onto the fire.
    Never bring 'Mother Die' into the house.
    and Never bring Hawthorne into the house.

    The Café is ready and waiting for you all. Have a good day whatever you've got planned. Hugs on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you for your lovely Christmas card. xx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for your lovely card & for sharing your card today, it is gorgeous. Hope your cough is

    3. Hi Janet
      I hope your cough is improving. I must say I've never heard of your old wives tales?

  6. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    Beautiful card JANET. I've never got the hang of vintage but you make it look so good. Beautiful image, papers and pretty flowers. I also have this Tonic die but it's out of the packet and quite old so don't know the name. Hope your anti biotics are working and you'll soon be fit and well.

    Love all the old sayings Sandra.
    Never pick up a dropped glove yourself.
    If you're with somebody both should walk around a lamp post on the same side.

    As you say Sandra some are easy to understand but haven't a clue about some including the salt over the shoulder one.

    Just got the Christmas decorations out of the shed. That's this afternoons job. Off out for lunch First? Indian today. No craft class today but another play with Pixie Powders next Friday as some of our ladies missed out last time.

    Have a good day everyone. Love to those not feeling too good.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas card :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Val, Thank you for the lovely Christmas card. xx

    3. Hi Val
      Not to sure what I'm doing regards Christmas decorations this year. I've been trying to get a fibre optic tree but couldn't get one last year and this. You can get them online but I quite like to see what I'm buying. Our old one is still good to go, but it takes ages to put all the branches on the trunk.
      Thanks very much for lovely Christmas card.

  7. Hello All, dull drab day here.

    Janet your card is superb, love those papers, hope you will soon be feeling better.
    Trying to get the last of my work finished as they are closing down for two, which they have never done before, and I'd like my pay before that happens.

    Still have so much to do before Christmas, I bought the grandchildren a little storage unit, it has 24 little draws, I think Alley says it meant for advent calendar, it's mdf, and has to be put together and then painted, was hoping the drawers would be made, but no they are in four pieces!!!. It's for them to keep their shopkins in.

    Val thank you for your lovely card, mine will be in the post soon( hopefully).

    Have a good day all, will drop in later to see what everyone is up to, hugs Lilian.

    PS, we always go out the same door as we came in, no idea where this came from, as race we Cornish are very superstitious.

  8. Home frm work - thank goodness it's the week end Need to finish CC card, make some more Christmas cards and birthday cards for my brother in law and a couple of others

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card from Lynda today :-)
    Hope everyone is well and has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I haven't been in for a couple of days, but I have been keeping my eye on you all, ha ha. We had a call on Tuesday evening from our younger daughter asking could we go and stay Wednesday and Thursday as she had a business trip to Leeds. So that's where we been, it's not to far away, we been doing school runs and swimming lessons etc. Thursday I was going out for a Christmas Lunch with some friends, fortunately i didn't have to cancel as it slotted into the school times very nicely. So after a very busy few days we are home again, but think we could be going back next week as daughter has to go to Edinburgh for two days.

    SANDRA and PAT love your cards you have made these last two day. That is one very big die you have used, thankfully with the help hof my stamping frame I would now be able to use large stamps like this, as before I'd never had the confidence.

    JANET have created a very beautiful vintage card, and used some beautiful papers. I Love it. xx

    I'm having withdrawal symptoms as I haven't been able to craft this week. Might have to. shut myself in my craft room tomorrow.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Janet
    I do love to see your vintage cards. We are so lucky that you share your cards with us.

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