
Saturday 10 December 2016

Craft Buys , Janet's Altered Notebook and more

Janet's Stunning Address/Birthday Book

Look What Karen's got!!!!!

Karen pictured with a genuine "Banksy" 

Michele's new Stamp set

My bargain buy

Fab cheap ribbons

Michele's MIL's card for Phil
Good Morning Ladies,

A bit of a "this and that" day today on the blog, some fabulous photos though!

First up in true Mixed Craft Saturday style we have another of Janet's works of art, a stunning Altered Address /Birthday Book, Janet has used 'Sweet Paris' papers as a base for the book, then beautifully adorned with lace, heart shape appliques, some flowers and metal keys, a pretty resin Girl has pride if place on the centre of the page, what an absolute delightful gift for someone for Christmas Janet, thank you for sharing xxx

Wow, Karen's a lucky girl, look at her new Toy, a Brother Scan and Cut,  it was on another fantastic offer including the new Embossing kit, pens etc on Create and Craft just as Karen's hubby walked in, he suggested Karen get it with her leftover birthday money and for Christmas, so like me she jumped at the chance, I am looking forward to seeing your upcoming crafts!  
The photo is of Karen posing in front of a 'Genuine Banksy', it was taken during Karen's recent ' walking tour of Street art' in London, which Karen really enjoyed.
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with us xxx

Michele treated herself to this fantastic new stamp set, perfect for all man cards, 
It has just about everything thing on there, the computer and phone are great for teens too, a great bargain purchase Michele.
Michele's next photo (the last one shown) is of the card that her Mother in law made for Phil's birthday, I am guessing he enjoys a Guinness, a fantastic card, very clever idea.  Thanks Michele for sharing xxx

The last two purchases were what I bought in the Range on Wednesday, the Crafter's Companion Magazine was reduced from £9.99 to £2.00 because the box was open, I checked inside and it still had the DVD/CD-ROM, metal die, embossing folder and stamp set along with the magazine, it would have been daft not to buy it ! I was also looking for some gold/silver ribbon, I found these pretty glittery 'ricrac' ribbon in gold and silver, another gold ribbon, all were just £1 each, even the multipack was just £1, oh I do love a bargain !!

Thanks for everyone that has taken part today.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Everyone
    Looking out of the window here at home I'm not sure whether I should be getting up or going to bed it's so dark, damp and a little foggy.

    I have altered the address/birthday book as a little gift for my hairdresser who will be coming this next week. I think I've said this before but I've known her since she was in secondary school and had her cutting my hair throughout her career. I don't have to go out as she is a 'travelling' hairdresser and has been for the last 18yrs that's when she had a daughter. I only have to hope she likes it now.

    What a wonderful array of buys this week. From a very expensive looking machine right down the scale to a £2 bargain! That Crafters Companion packet is a bargain at it's normal price but at £2!!!!

    Well we should be meeting Jim's Niece and her little ones this morning for our fortnightly get together but it may just be Jim we'll have to see.

    The Café has just opened and the smell of Christmas is so enticing so come on in and sit a while for a little chat. Hugs have been despatched to you all. xxxx

    1. Well I love it Janet, she will too. My daughter's friend who does work in a salon but comes to ours to do mine and hubby's hair. Brilliant isn't it.

    2. Hi Janet
      I sure she'll love it, I know I do. I also have a lady come to do my hair as well. We've had her for about 25 yrs might even be more that that.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-another gorgeous creation from you. I'm sure you hairdresser will love it.

    Karen-wow, what a wonderful gift. Can't wait to hear what you think of your new machine.

    Sandra-absolute bargain! I see I have competition in the bargain hunting now-he he!!

    I hope to have a play this afternoon with some of my new stash, well..once I've cleared all the Christmas craft stuff away. Although I might be better writing my Christmas cards first!


    1. I love your stamp set and where's the Guinness from I have a couple of men in my life (steady!) who'd Id love to do something similar for.It's a great card

    2. Michele what a useful stamp, I find men cards very difficult. Enjoy your weekend you certainly deserve

    3. Hi Michele
      Love the card that your MIL made. Men really are difficult to make cards fir.

  3. Hello Everyone, wet and grey here today, roll on March.

    Lovely altered book Janet, I'm sure your hairdresser will love it.

    Karen , hope you enjoy your new toy, I have one, but have to say I prefere my Cricut Explore, but the good thing about the brother is that it is stand alone.

    Great stamps Michele, always a plus to find stamps for Male cards.

    Sandra great bargains.

    Have a lovely day, hugs Lilian

  4. Morning ladies,

    Oh my, Janet, two vintage treats in one week, how you spoil us. I am sure your hairdresser will be very pleased with your gift. It is perfect in every way.

    More bargain basement finds too, another WOW!.
    I have always found some beautiful £1 ribbon spools at the Range and their Christmas ribbons are no exception, although I have not seen Crafter's Companion at our local Range. Perhaps they only sell them in the larger stores? as we seem to get a lot of Do-crafts mags and the occasional demo.
    Good luck with your ScanNCut Karen, I still haven't done much more than get mine out of the box lol. Although to be fair, Joseph and I did get some hearts cut out for his mum's card (where we promptly cut through one of the mats because I forgot to change the pressure) and I have been busy with other crafts this year.
    My determination not to buy any more crafting items apart from the basics in order to use up what plentiful stock I have got has turned up some little treasures and I had saved enough to purchase my embroidery machine. And I am well pleased with that.
    No resolutions again next year, they always fall by the wayside however good my intentions.
    I am prompting for the Panto starting next month so that will take a good chunk out of Jan & Feb for me.

    Off to insert the printed inserts into cards to be posted so I shall bid you farewell for now, will pop in later to see posts.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. What a beautiful book JANET as I've already said and to MICHELE I love your stamps and that Guinness card is pure genius - get it..
    Love the bargains you got SANDRA I'm going to try to tempt husband to go to ourRange tomorrow on our excursion to Mothercare ...
    I am a very lucky lady. Some of yuo may remember I have mentioned in the past that I bought a ScanNcut when they very first came out and returned it because neither Mel or John were very helpful at the time (lack of knowledge as it was fresh to them I suppose) It wasn't calibrated properly and wouldn't cut my decoupage properly. You can now calibrate the machine and I have to say I am really pleased with the results I am getting on that front. In the new year I will "play" with the embossing etc. I want to experiment and try cutting a leaf (from built in patterns) and try drawing shapes as per Sue Wilson's latest leaf collection and create my own cutting file...
    The tour was fantastic. If yuo don't mind a bit a walking, it is well worth it - SophIE would love it. I hate my photo at the best of times and it was at the end of the tour and beginning to get a bit cold. Most Saturday tours last for about 4 hours. One of my favourite things was seeing an artists beautiful detailed work on pieces of discarded chewing gum. If the council don't like it then they just have to scrape it away
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Hi Karen I hope you enjoy your scan & cut as much as I am enjoying my Gemini, mind you I could not design like you obviously can,

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you did have a lucky find in the Range well done.
    I must send you photos of my latest buys I keep forgetting. Hope to spend this afternoon finishing my cards of so I can get them in post. Enjoy your
    Hope all suffering from coughs & colds are improving sending healing hugs.
    Hugs are on way to all who need them love

  7. Hi everyone.
    I'll have my second attempt at trying to put a comment this morning.

    Janet your book is beautiful and I'm sure your hairdresser will be delighted all the more meaningful because it's hand made.

    Love your Scan and Cut Karen. I'm sure you'll have great fun when you start to use it. Love your photo. I bet you tour was so interesting.

    Lovely male themed stamps Michele which will be oh so useful. Great card from your MIL. Lovely idea.

    Sandra you certainly have got some bargains today. Your magazine such a good buy and your pretty ribbons are lovely.

    Brenda, Lillian , Pat and Sonia, glad your Christmas cards arrived safely.

    Well the tree and decorations are up and downstairs nice and clean and tidy. Just got to change the bed and clean the bathroom and the house is sick and span for my son arriving tomorrow. I really don't know why I make such an effort as he never notices anyway ha ha.

    Just about to send my cc to you Sandra.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      I thought I left a comment last night but it seems to have disappeared. Thank you for your lovely card, the hedgehogs are so cute. Have a lovely time with your son, it is good to be able to spoil them once in a

    2. Glad it arrived Margaret. XXX

    3. Hi Val
      I hope you have a lovely time with you son. Hope the weather stays fine for you.

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Wow Janet your card yesterday was gorgeous & your altered book is beautiful I'm sure your hairdresser will love it.Sandra love your Range bargains the magazine brilliant buy I never find any bargains boo hoo. & the Ric rak was also a bargain. You was definitely in the right place at the right time.
    OOO Karen enjoy your new toy. Love your stampset too.
    Well we had a lovely day at my son's yesterday Harry was the star he made me a snow angel ( looks like a snowman ) Sam said he was so excited we were visiting he came running up to me & gave it to me she said he stuck all the pieces on himsel. I had lots of cuddles & kisses.made my day.
    Next time we see them will be Christmas Eve at Lisa's so that will be nice all together.apart from Alfie he should have been there yesterday but his mother cancelled Darren's visit AGAIN. Horrible woman..
    Must go back in craft room as want to finish cards.
    Pat thank you for your lovely card it came today.xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm so glad you had a lovely day with Harry. He's at such a lovely age. Cuddles galore from them. Such a shame that Alfie's mother wouldn't let him come as per the arrangements. Not to sure why adults think they should punish a child like that.

  9. Hi Sandra
    My word isn't Janet's vintage notebook fantastic. You are so clever making these and the cards you do. I wouldn't know where to start.
    Love the Bargain buys as well. Fancy Karen buying a scan n cut as well Sandra
    Karen you are clever to get it to do all the things you want. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin. Cheryl bought hers to the retreat but it didn't come out of the box. Sandra is getting to grips with hers as well.
    Damp first thing and now it's throwing the rain down. We have to go out as well to the club to pick up our Christmas Party tickets. Just what I can do without this evening as well.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Just realised I have not left a comment today. Have had a busy day, the time has just flown by. Did get to spend some time in my craft room also spent some time in the garden. I think the days are getting shorter, because I don't seem to achieve as much in a day as I used to. But then I am getting older - well that's my excuse!!!!
    JANET, your card is beautiful, you really have a great talent for the vintage look.

    KAREN, Enjoy your new toy, looking forward to seeing your results. That must have been a great walk around London. Great photo, suggested caption "Karen was here"

    SANDRA, Great bargain from The Range.

    Hope everyone has had a good day. Love Brenda xxx

    1. MICHELE, Love your Man Dies. And MIL card is great. xx
