
Wednesday 14 December 2016

Some of Pat's festive delights !

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's Seasonal Selection of cards have been designed and created by our Pat, three absolutely amazing cards,  the first card is a beautiful snowy scene, Pat has added colour to the street lamps which adds the perfect touch of colour to The card, such a Wintry delight Pat .
The second card has been made using Creative Expressions Snowflake Background die, die cut in white with a red base card behind, the sentiment in the middle finishes this pretty card.
The third and final card for today is a fun and cheerful Christmas card, it would bring a smile to anyone's face, look at those cute expressions, I love the blue snowy paper you have used Pat.
Thank you so much for sending me your Cards to share with our friends xxx

Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, we may not have all been together for a week or two but we always just pick up conversation where we left off, we were very productive too, Pat was busy die cutting bits for more Christmas cards, I finished some inserts for mine, Sue was making Christmas Baubles to send to her family in Canada, it's a yearly tradition, she was quilling away like a mad thing today, I can't wait to see the finished product Sue, I didn't get to see what you were making.
My dining room looks like there has been a craft explosion, but I'll have to deal with that tomorrow.

I did sit and write most if my Christmas cards last night, my only frustration is that as all my cards a totally handmade they aren't standard sizes so trying to find matching envelopes is a nightmare, so your card may well arrive in a 'jiffy bag'

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely cards Pat, all do different but lovely. Glad you, Sue & Sandra were able to meet up yesterday.

    Work yesterday was truly horrendous-we were so busy, then we had a few problems. One of the new patients reacted to his treatment so there was a lot to sort out before he could be admitted to hospital (the chemotherapy patients are just day cascade patients). Then we hear that a surgical ward have given a patient his IV feed by the wrong route so we need to make some checks this morning.
    Something nice happened though-as I walked onto the Day Ward a patient & his wife called me over and handed me a Christmas present & card. They'd bought a tub of sweets as a Thank You-I always try and explain if there's been a delay and have got to know some of the patients quite well.

    Today is starting with 2 meetings-second one is the final "sign off" meeting for our refurbishment....hurrah.


    1. Michele how lovely that somebody appreciates the important work you do, without people like you alot of us would have lost family & friends, thank you. Hope your meetings go

    2. How lovely that some people make the effort to show that your work is appreciated. Pete had his Chemo via a pick line and had to wear it for six days. Going up to the ward to have it removed on Sat afternoon. Going back in on Monday to have another bag attached for the week. A bit awkward wearing it at night though. But all your hard work is appreciated.
      Great your refurbishment has been signed off.

    3. So lovely that you're appreciated Michele and so you should be. You play such an important roll at a bad time in people's lives.
      Do hope today is a lot quieter for

  2. Morning Everyone

    PAT- I love your Christmas cards.

    Yesterday was just one big blurrrrrrr.
    Having gone from one end of the hospital to the other -outpatients Xray and then the Vampires blood letting we managed to get back home just before lunch having left home at 08.30. I then managed to get one or two parcels wrapped before collapsing into my chair completely exhausted and I'm supposed to 'rest' ha.

    Today the washer is already churning and I have to try and get some more wrapping done.

    The Café is just waiting for you all to pop in and hugs are on their way.xxxx

    1. Janet you must look after yourself & try & pace things, I know easier said than done!!xxx

    2. Glad you liked them Janet. I wonder if you've received your this year, as I know you didn't receive your birthday card. Hopefully you can have a restful day today.

    3. I'm not surprised you were worn out yesterday Janet. That's an awful lot of poking and prodding. Do hope you can get some rest today and you don't do too much. Xxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am pleased you all met up yesterday & sounds as if it was a productive day as
    Pat I love your cards what are the stamps you have used please? thank you for sharing with
    Lynda hope you enjoy your hospital free day with Margaret, take
    Maria hope you have recovered from your
    Val have you made appointment to see Dr. yet? if not please do, sending healing
    Brenda hope today's school run is easier, you keep so busy with your grand children, take care. xxx
    Lilian enjoy not having any hoods to make until New
    Lovely & sunny at the moment so looking forward to Petanque this morning then tidy up of my craft stuff this afternoon, well that's the plan!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Glad you liked them Margaret.
      The first one is by Just Ink lined and called Holly Berry Lovers, I bought these a few years ago now.
      The snowmen are by Stampendous and called Snowmen friends a cling rubber stamp.

    2. Hi Margaret. Hope you had a lovely morning playing Petanque and your afternoon tidying has been a success.

  4. Hello All, just got home from delivering my work only to be given another 150 to do!!!!!! They will wait until the after the new year.

    Thank you Pat and Margaret for your cards they are lovely.
    Lovely cards today Pat, the red one is lovely as I had that one in the post today.

    Going to finish my cards today and hopefully get them in the post tomorrow.

    Janet take care of yourself, I know it's easy to say, I'm the same seem to end up shattered at the end of the day.
    Better go and get some lunch , someone nearby is looking hungry.

    I'll pop in later to catch up with things, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad you received your card as I've had a few go astray. I wouldn't mind but I've posted them in two lots and I'm not to sure if all the first lot arrived.

    2. WOW Lillian, that's a heck of a lot more hood and I don't blame you leaving them to you new year.
      Hope you get everything done that you needed to today, xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all ladies,
    Love the cards from our Pat, especially the snowman one as they are so cute :-)
    Michele- hope you day will get better. You are doing a wonderful job for so many people, without you they would be lost but you don't seem to be happy somehow. Hopefully you can have a break sometime over Christmas and recharge the batteries for a happier 2017.
    JANET- What are you doing !? You are meant to take it easy but I know it is not easy to pace yourself at times and we get some days which are horrid because of it. Please take care.
    Margaret- have a good time at the Petangue and with the clear up. Always something to do is it after some crafting, like Sandra said, why does it look like a bomb gone off just with papers and some glue and little bits and bobs. Sound nice with a real tree in the house, love the smell. Hope the puppy not making a too much mess with it and any baubles breaking.
    Lynda- have a nice day with Margaret. Wonder if she brings you anything new to play with :-)
    Cheryl- hope you are alright and have some time to pop in today for a coffee. Love to hear what you been up to.
    Weather here is much nicer today so had my usual walk around Caldecotte Lake. On my way back I saw this guy on his bike surrounded by 1 big dog and 4 little ones barking their head off at him, bless him he looked petrified and the owner or dog walker just standing there shouting at the dogs who not gave a jota about him at all. Some people shouldn't let their dogs loose if they can't handle them. It was quite comical in some ways but in a film not for the poor guy. The tiredness have lifted a bit but not feeling like making any cards but my OH BIL's mother have passed away at the grand age of 97 so I'd like to make a CAS card for the family. Wish I had a nice stamp for it, will have a look later. The sun is out you see the dust laying everywhere so that will have to be done first I think before anything else or shall I have another mug of twice dunked tea bag or a hot Option, yes I think that have won hihi.
    Have a lovely day all of you and if you have a cold and the sniffles I wish you better soon. Val - have you seen the doctor ? Sending hugs to our missing friend and to you all on Sandra's blog, you wonderful people ! Love and warm hugs, Maria Xxxox

    1. Hi Maria. Hope your dusting got done or the sun went in ha ha. Just love those Options. Hope you enjoyed it. Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    I love all three of your pretty cards today Pat and how wonderful that the first one is the one I received from you. Thank you so much Pat, it arrived yesterday and is even nicer in real life.

    For those of you writing about my docs appointment I haven't made one yet. I don't want to spoil my son's short visit by having to go to te doctors but I'll be gong to see him early next week.
    When my family were ten pin bowling yesterday my daughter Lynn slipped. She practically did the splits and boy is she sore today. She's limping on the same leg as me. We look as though we belong to the same club. Quite funny actually if it wasn't so painful. Ha ha.
    Just got in from a walk along the beach and an Indian meal. Time for a long sit down and a coffee.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

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