
Thursday 15 December 2016

A beautiful Birthday Card from Brenda

Tierney's  18th Birthday Card

The lid of Tierney's card's box

Good Morning Ladies,

A break from Christmas cards today, I can honestly say that the pleasure of opening your beautiful handmade Christmas cards far outweighs the stress of getting every card in that post box.  I finished mine yesterday, the biggest stress was finding envelopes to fit my cards, so major note for next year, stick to standard card sizes!
I don't like being restricted by size though I design my cards from the front backwards, the card base being made to fit the card, I also like to make everyone's Christmas cards unique, I hope you all get the same buzz as you open your envelopes as I have bad opening yours.

Now onto Brenda's beautiful 18th Birthday Card for her Granddaughter Tierney.
Brenda that die you have used as the front of your card, it looks like one of the Crafter's Companion 'Create a Card' dies, but I think it could also think it could also be a 'tattered lace' die, I await your confirmation Brenda!!  It looks as though you have created a  card with a 'fold back' front, making that beautiful topper stand out even more, highlighting every bit of its detail.  The box you made us equally as beautiful, especially with the added detail of the butterfly's being a different colour, I am sure that Tierney absolutely loved this gorgeous card Brenda, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

I would love to show you all a picture of my dining room table as it was yesterday, you couldn't see it for card making tools and 100's of envelopes of different sizes and styles, most of them the wrong size for any card I made, but I am too embarrassed to be honest, we ate our dinner around the coffee table last night, as I didn't want to just dump everything back into my craft room as usually do, I want to sort it all out and tidy everything ready to start a fresh, I really do believe that a lovely, tidy, uncluttered work space makes it so much easier to come up with fresh ideas.
I have asked Santa for the 'Raskog' trolley from Ikea for Christmas, 

I think it would be a fantastic addition to my craft room, having a permanent storage place for all of my 'everyday'  craft tools, the other more important bonus will be that I can wheel it through to the dining table for our weekly craft sessions rather than struggling to and fro with each pot of tools individually, I know some of our ladies have them and say they are brilliant, you can add little baskets etc for extra storage.
I do hope I'm not on the "naughty list'' banana

Anyway, I must dash (if only) tihi ! We are going to Swindon for a major shopping trip today, our eldest daughter Becca is coming along too, she wants to go to the outlet centre too, I have a feeling it will be a very long and expensive trip!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Huggles,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-gorgeous card. It's really lovely.

    Sandra-that trolley look excellent, I can't remember the last time I went to IKEA. Think I'll ask my crazy friend if she says trip out to our nearest IKEA (Warrington) -am sure she'll agree!
    Meeting with the contractors yesterday went fine-they've agreed to a delayed start date (our request) so all work starts on 16th January for the refurbishment. They have the job down as 8 weeks but I'm not sure we will be up and running that soon. It will all be worth it though.


    1. Thank you Michele. Thank you also for the lovely Christmas card. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's another one of those days where I'm not sure whether I should be getting up or going to bed it's so dark this morning.

    BRENDA- What a beautiful card and box. I love your chosen colour and aren't those CC dies gorgeous.

    SANDRA- I'm so pleased that someone else has a dining room table which looks like mine at the moment lol. In fact the whole room looks like a jumble sale so that's where I'll be today well in between my hairdresser coming at 10.00. I will be so pleased to see the last parcels in their bags ready to be despatched to Santa.

    The CAFE is open for the day. Extra hugs have been despatched as I think we all need them. Have a good day whatever you have planned. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet. Thank you for your lovely card, love the sentiment. xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I didn't get in again yesterday, went to Oxford, then usual swimming with the girls then meal out to celebrate BIL's birthday! Why is it that everything comes at the same time?
    Pat your cards are lovely, those cheeky snowmen just make you smile don't they. It was lovely to see you and Sandra yesterday, we won't be back to meeting on Weds until after April as HR doesn't go until the baby is born. I hope you manage to relax a little , you do have a busy week don't you x
    Brenda, Tierney's card is gorgeous, it will be going her keepsake box for sure x
    Maria, I'm pleased to see that you had a lovely trip. You did walk an awful lot though, no surprise you were so tired when you got home! x
    Lynda, I'm glad that you got on well with your hospital checks. Still look after that wrist though please x
    I must go as breakfast is ready, then another busy day, as I'm sure it will be for you all too. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Mum,Janet, Lynda, and all in need, sorry if I've missed anyone. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I know just what you mean about your dining table, I craft in conservatory which also serves as our dining room, I have bits & boxes on every window ledge, I spent yesterday afternoon sorting out bits I had cut out, & forgotten!!! Will carry on later after food shopping then perhaps tomorrow can get tree down. Good luck
    Brenda your card is beautiful I love
    Sending hugs to all who are suffering love

    1. Thank you Margaret. Join the club - we all discover bit and pieces we have put away in a safe place!!!! xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful card Brenda. I love the die you've used.I bet this card and box will be treasured.

    Sandra what a great trolly and how handy for keeping all the things we use every day in one place.

    Well my son files back to the UK later today so feeling a bit down. I will be seeing him next month in England when we arrive back from our hols and before we fly back here but it would be lovely to all be together over Christmas. Never mind at least I've been able to spoil him whilst he's been here which is something we mums love to do.

    A really miserable day her, cloudy and rainy. Just the sort of day to stay in, in front of the tee and the fire.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to Al those not feeling too good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Vall. Hope you are alright, it's hard saying goodbye to loved ones xx


  6. As a reminder, it is essential to remember the fact that weight loss surgical procedure isn't your only alternative, whilst looking to shed pounds, however it's miles a technique that you should explore.

    1. I keep my blog open to inspire other Crafter's that might not feel up to joining in with commenting etc, I am guessing that you were drawn in by today's beautiful card, but I have asked you politely once already to NOT POST ADVERTISING NONSENSE on my blog, the readers of my blog are all strikingly beautiful women inside and out and have no need for any lifestyle advice, intact I am pretty sure that between us we the experience we could share would too any advice given by experts!
      Thank you for popping in, I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a healthy 2017!

    2. Sandra, thank you for clearly explaining that NO ONE on your fantastic blog has any interest on seeing anything other than yours and ours beautiful cards and crafts xx

  7. Hello Sandra and all who call in the Coffee Shop today,

    What a surprise when I stepped into the Cafe today to see Tierney's 18th birthday card, Thank you Sandra, She loved it and displayed the box as well as the card, her reaction hen she first looked at it was, this is a card I am definitely going to keep.

    Hope Santa brings you that storage trolley Sandra, it really looks great, might be good idea to get one for Ciara, wouldn't mind one myself actually. Might just have to pop into IKEA. Ha ha

    We are home again after a few days grandchildren sitting. When I opened the post there was a letter telling us a friend/work mate of Johns also Herat one of my work friends has died. Then later my hairdresser friend (we were due to go to her today) her husband was really very poorly. District Nurse was in yesterday and has arranged for Doctor to call in today. But thinks he should be admitted to hospital. Poor friend was at the end of her tether. Another friend whose husband has been in hospital and no being transferred to a hospice for palliative care. I began to feel we shouldn't of bothered coming home. But it is that time of year. Sorry hope I haven't gone on too much.

    Your dining table reminded me of our daughters kitchen on Tuesday evening, Ciara needed a Christmas hat for school lunch on Wednesday. Now our daughter has a very large kitchen with an island in the middle, I don't know size wise but it's six full-size kitchen units (3 each side back to back) with a marble top. You wouldn't believe the mess we created, Ciara was in her element and the hat was a great success.

    Hope you're not too exhausted after your trip into Swindon Sandra, as you say it could be a very expensive day !!!!

    Time to make lunch willlook later, after school run, enjoy your day everyone.
    Lots of love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card by Brenda today - I can imagine Tierney absolutely loved it :-)
    I am loving all of the other cards displayed this week too - sorry for not commenting.
    Thank you Margaret and Michele for your lovely Christmas cards :-) I am slowly getting through writing and posting mine, and still finding that I need to make some more! I am sad to say that a lot more people have shop bought ones this year as I really haven't been able to get back into my card making these last couple of months :-( Fingers crossed the new year sees me finding my love of crafting again - but I can honestly say that at the moment I'm not going to stress over it!
    I hope you've had a great time shopping in Swindon today Sandra, and everyone else has had a good day too whatever you may be doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello All, a day of torrential rain, my poor little car nearly got swept away !!!!

    Today went to the works lunch at one of the big hotels in Falmouth, we get treated every year, it's a posh hotel but the foods not that great, very hard carrots and only two sprouts each. Very rich chocolate put, so am now suffering with indigestion, can't do with very rich food these days.

    Brenda your card is superb, lovely with a box, makes it all the moor special.

    Michele thank you for your lovely card which came today, managed to get mine in the post today, still a few special family ones to do before I can put all the Christmas stuff away.

    Sandra hope you had a good day shopping, love the IKEA trolley, just what I could do with, had a look on line but there web site is down today, and we do not have any near us.

    Sorry didn't have much to say yesterday, it would have been my sisters 80th birthday yesterday, so felt a bit sad, this first year.

    Well I'd better go and get some dinner, not that I will need much, but think o/h will be hungry, have a good evening all ,hugs Lilian

    1. Oh the weather sounds terrible Lilian, it was very dark and overcast today but the rain held off until about 4pm.
      I think the 'first' anniversary of everything is hard after you have lost a loved one, it does get easier but it's still painful, especially this time of year, special hugs coming your way my lovely xxx

    2. Thank you Lillian,. Had to smile when you said only two sprouts. Granddaughter was discussed with school Christmas dinner. Only Peas and NO SPROUTS and the small sausage didn't haven bacon around (pigs in blankets). xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all.
    Brenda- a lovely card and box, no wonder she keep them both on show. Love the colour and the die you have used.
    Hope your shopping trip in to Swindon has been good Sandra even if a bit more costly having Rebecca coming with you. Can't see you being on the naughty list ever so I'm sure you soon will have that little trolley to wheel your bits around the house :-)
    I hope you all have had a decent day, Lynda and Janet are taking it easy (oh yes) and Sonia, nice to see you back in. Just take one day after the other and you soon be in the right mind to make a card or two in the new year.
    Michele- it sound like you get it all nice in the new year, hope they want take too long with the refurbishment.
    Brenda- you do going back and forth at the moment looking after the grand children, hope you get the weekend free so you and John can have a breather.
    Thank you Margaret for the card I received this morning ,love the the little cottage stamp.
    Sue -hope you are alright and have managed to decorate your house to the rim.hihi.
    Val- take care. It will be a little quieter now when your son gone back but you will soon see them again, limping or no limping that's the question ?
    Dinner time, see you later possible. Love and hugs to you all ,Maria Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria, school breaks up tomorrow, today was our last school runs until 2017 Will look after them on Monday and that's it until after Christmas xx

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wel my comment seems to have gone AWOLi did this morning .
    Well can't remember what I said so first Michele thank you for your lovely Christmas card love those Dies Janet thank you also for your lovely card
    Maria thank you for your lovely card Margaret thank you for your Christmas card lovely Val thank you as well for your lovely card.
    I have finished all mine now & all posted now I have got to tidy up my craft room
    Tomorrow. Terry said shall we go out on the Bus 🚌 this morning to Canterbury just got to the bus stop & bus came got on Then embarrassment 😡 as driver said your bus passes run out in March so had to get off as cost would have been £6 each one way. So walked back home HAHAHA. Now we have got to get another two passes tomorrow hopefully.
    Sandra I'm sending you some of my Christmas cards I have made this year. Also my new crafty buys. I will go & do that now as I have to go on computer.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Sorry Brenda your card is gorgeous xx
    Sandra I love that craft trolley too.😄 Xx
    Hug's Lynda xx
