
Friday 16 December 2016

Karen's Digitally Designed card Margaret's Craft Shopping and cards.....

Karen's card for Neighbours 

Two of Margaret's Christmas cards

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well here we are again at the beginning of another weekend, boy this week has whizzed by, panic is about to set in, after another full day shopping we still don't seem to have made much of a dent in the list, I find it really hard when you read a list and it says "Surprise" or in Sophie's case "Really Cool surprises" !  Do you think a tangerine and a walnut would be a surprise???? We always had a tangerine and a walnut in our Christmas stocking, I have no idea why to be honest.  In those days though you only ever got tangerines at Christmas time, so they were much more of a treat, their fragrance still reminds me of Christmas today, do you all have any funny Christmas traditions ??

Now onto today's cards,

Karen has digitally designed her Neighbour's Christmas cards using the Serif Craft design software on her PC, I have both first and second editions of Serif but I am absolutely lost when it comes to using it, oh my I wish I could come up with designs like you have Karen.  Karen used a Free Graphics Kit called ,"Tis the Season" to create her card, the kits come packed full of design papers, embellishments, frames and alphabets for you to use as you would when designing an actual card, this way there is no paper wastage, if you don't like it you can delete and start over!  I love all of the elements you have used, particularly that cute Snowman with all the birds perched on his twig arms!  The Sentiment is genius too, your neighbours must have been very impressed Karen, thank you for sharing xxx

Margaret's cards are both fantadtkc, I can totally vouch for the first one as it is sat on my Dresser in my dining room, alongside all of my handmade cards, I love the Nativity scene, it reminds us all of what this season is all about, the die set is fantastic Margaret, it has die cut so well, your new Gemini made easy work of all that die cutting too!
Your second card is really pretty, using that pretty double layered doilly die (which isn't obviously Christmas, making it really versatile), topped with a Cute little gold foiled Christmas tree, the matching good foiled sentiment finishing the card off.
Now onto Margaret's new dies.......
Those 'Apple Blossom' dies are all so pretty, the flower ones especially, getting you all set up for those Spring cards, that Front door die will be really useful too, for New Home and of course for decorating with that Wreath die you have bought too, the Pretty Quick' Winter Scene die set is fantastic too, I saw a lot of cards on
Pinterest with this style die cuts or stamped images, so there is lots of inspiration out there.  Thank you so much for sharing your fabulius cards and shopping with us today Margaret xxx

Mostly decorating the house and hopefully some crafting time today for me, the girls have their last day today, they finish at lunchtime, it was quite funny listening to them describing the 'Christmas Lunch' last night, they were shocked that they only got 1 Brussel Sprout, sausage without bacon (most unimpressed), they said the turkey looked like plastic and they had a slice of wrinkly wet ham !   I am not sure what they expected for £2.30 though.
I am not sure whether Lucy will make it through the morning bless her, she is absolutely full of cold/flu symptoms, but she wants to go to give out gifts to her friends, I wonder if we will get a phone call??!

Maria, it's lovely to have you home, I see you got straight back into your walks, with extra entertainment thrown in, poor chap sounds like he was terrified of those dogs, owners should always have their dogs under control in public places, they can't assume that everyone is fine with dogs, Sophie and Lucy were absolutely terrified when they were younger, we needed up avoiding public parks for that reason.x

Brenda, I am so sorry that you came home to such sad news, it seems even worse this time of year.  I can just picture the mess you and Ciara made making her Christmas hat, I bet it looked amazing, I can just picture her big beaming smile as she proudly shows it off, it makes the mess so much more worth while.
I am glad to read that you and John have a little break to look forward to, well until the new year anyway!  My sister's school is Essex doesn't finish until next Wednesday, I haven't heard of them finishing that late before.
Enjoy your rest (or use the time to nip to Ikea) xx
 I am hoping that they might deliver those trolleys, I will look it up, although Sue told me that she uses an Ikea Anglepoise lamp and one of their Daylight bulbs to craft with, my Craft lamp is on its last legs and I dont really think it was worth the £50 odd pounds Paul paid for it so if I can get one there for a third of the cost I would be happy, plus if they don't deliver I will have to pop to Milton Keynes and have a coffee with Maria !!

Lynda, Lynda, Lynda, fancy having to do the 'walk of shame' off of the bus, I bet you and Terry had a giggle about it, it just goes to show that you aren't using them often enough, your story did make me smile xx

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,

(sorry Michele, if you read all of this you were probably late for work) !! 😉

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Karen, what a brilliant card. I love your snowman and those cheeky birds that are having their Christmas pudding on him ☺ Thank you for sharing it with us Karen x I just wish I could make myself spend some time learning how to use the Serif CD that I have (thank you Sandra for recommending it earlier this year) It's just another "must do" for next year!
    Mum, these cards are beautiful, no one would guess you haven't been card making for very long ☺ I can't wait to see what you do with all of those beautiful new dies either, and to cut some for myself ☺ Sorry I won't get down to see you today but sending you and Pop great big healing hugs to get rid of those nasty coughs and colds that you both still have. Love you xxx
    Lilian, sending you a gentle big hug. It is so hard remembering loved ones as Sandra said. Fingers crossed the rain has stopped for you, I hope your car doesn't have to turn into a boat! X
    Lynda, sorry but you did make me giggle about the bus pass. I can just imagine the look on yours and Terry's faces. I'm not surprised you got off the bus though when you heard it would cost you £24! X
    Sandra, sorry that you didn't manage to get the shopping done. A really cool surprise is a tall order to fill! Good luck with that one ☺ xx
    My plans for today are writing cards then off to the Scout group party this evening. I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks love hope you managed to finish your

    2. Hi Sue I'm glad I made you smile what am I like. Terry sorted it & our new bus passes are on there way.
      Have you finished your Christmas cards now.
      Big Hug's xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen-great card, its lovely.

    Margaret-gorgeous cards & really lovely crafty purchases.

    Quick visit as I have to drop hubby off at the local Tesco-he's doing one of his 3 days shelf stacking. The bigwigs insist on them freeing up 3 days to help out in store. It's not a popular decision let me tell you!! He then has the dentist this afternoon....glad I'm at work!! He he


    1. Thank you for your kind comments. Enjoy your

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love all of today's cards -
    MARGARET- No-one would guess that you have not been crafting for very long -paper crafting that is- as your cards are always so elegant and beautiful. I'm l ooking forward to seeing some results from your shopping too.

    LYNDA-- Thank you for making me smile this morning as I read your comment of yesterday re buses lol. We are very fortunate here in that we don't have to think about renewing our bus passes as South Yorkshire Transport automatically renew and send out our passes. In fact my new one came at the end of last week - my present one doesn't run out until my birthday in Feb but as I say they've automatically renewed it until November 2021.

    I managed to get some more wrapping done yesterday morning and so the dining room really looks like a bomb has hit it and so we are eating in the living room with trays on our knees - I really do have to finish and clear up.

    I'm off now to make a start in the dining room. If I'm not out by tomorrow morning to comment can a rescue party please come and find me hehehe.
    Everything is set up in the Café - we have a fresh batch of mince pies and shortbread biscuits today.
    Hugs have been despatched so should be arriving very shortly. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'll pass on the mince pies, but just love shortbread biscuits.
      My dining room table looks like a bombs hit it as well. Plus the side in my kitchen as well.

    2. Thank you Janet your comments are much appreciated,I was pleased with the apple blossom dies they were all on special offer from Craft Stash costing about 27.00 including postage. Hope you are feeling better

    3. Hello Janet I'm glad my little story made you laugh. All sorted Terry rang council this morning & because we never informed them of new address we had to pay £10 each for new passes & they are sending them out. Hope you got all your wrapping finished.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Morning
    Sorry I've been missing a couple of days It has been do hectic here Wed I had lunch with my Salsa girlies Last might was my work team's dinner Tonight it's the big firm's do Plus I 'be been doing lots of stuff with Oscar
    I love your cards MARGARET and those purchases too I've not heard of Apple Blossom Need to check that out
    I'll have to scroll back and see what you've all been up to
    Thank you for sharing my card It does save a lot of hassle They're just for my street, some if who we have never met, just wave to in passing No comparison's can be done And it's print, score, trim,fold
    Cool surprises are going to be hard SANDRA How about that street art walk for Sophie - £15 or a BUY A GIFT trip or someting personalised from NOTON THE HIGHSTREET or GETTING I'm only recommending those because I've used them and always pleased but othe web sites are available

    1. Hi Karen
      Your card is fabulous. I wouldn't even know where to start I'm afraid.

    2. Seems some good ideas for Sandra Karen. I think I'll have a look at Not on the high street for my Son in Law as he's a nightmare to buy for.

    3. Hi Karen your card is lovely, you are clever to design yourself I wouldn't know where to start. Thank you for your kind comments on my cards, Apple Blossom are lovely dies to use, cut lovely, I get mine from Craft Stash. Oscar will love Christmas treasure each moment they soon grow

  5. Morning Sandra and all.oh it want be many shortbread biscuits if I get hold of them so put them high up somewhere :-)
    Great card Karen for your neighbours, love the birds sitting on his twiggy arms and the sentence is fab.
    Margaret- lovely Christmas cards. You never thought it would get to this did you ,hihi Apple Blossom are some lovely dies and not too pricey at times, where do you get yours from ? Like the door and the deer scene, very nice. Wishing you and Pop better! Lilian- I hope you have some better weather down South today,take care if going out. It's a sad time around Christmas especially when you missing your loved ones who no longer with us. I try thinking of all fun times we had together,hugs. Brenda- sending you and John some special hugs too and hope you have a restful day.
    Wishing all who are poorly a speedy recovery and if you going out for some Christmas meals I hope you have a good time and a few more brussel sprouts perhaps tihi
    Going out and hope to get to Ikea so best jump in the shower but will see you later. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Wish we could just pop to Ikea. I'm not to sure if our nearest one is out towards London. They do seem to have some great things. Hence are Misti's that Sandra kindly did for us and the Tracey Sandra showed the other day.

    2. Crikey that should read Trolley not Tracey.

    3. Maria thank you for your lovely comment even if you are laughing at me. I admit you & Sue did warn me & I said it would never happen ha ha!! I love Apple Blossom dies I use CrFt Stash they have good bargains. My cough/cold is on way out but Pop's still hanging on, but then he is a man!!! Take

    4. Hi Maria I also wish I could just pop to Ikea our nearest one is at Bluewater which is quite a long way from us.they seem to have some bargains.
      Hug's for you my friend 😘 from Terry hehe.xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.

    Karen just love the way you create these cards. Like Sandra I have all the Serif things but can't seem to get my head round it. Obviously very easyy for you to use but I find it so complicated. I think it's lack of confidence. In my technical ability.

    Love your cards Margaret. The Christmas scene is so pretty and I love the way you've used the doily. Your dies are lovely. Must look up Apple Blossom.

    Lynda you did make me laugh with your bus pass saga. What a shame you couldn't make your trip.

    I'm off to Craft Class later, the last one of the year. We start again in January but it's on the day I fly back to UK so my next class will be 4th February can you believe. Anyway we playing with Pixie Powders again today and a Julia Watts technique involving acetate, glue, pixie pwders and glitter. Sounds interesting and messy Yeh.

    Sandra hope you manage to think of some surprise gifts. Karen's suggestions sound good.

    Janet many thanks for your lovely Christmas card. It's so lovely to open a card and find a hand made one inside. They're so much more special aren't they?

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you for your kind comments, I love the nativity scene, you can use as much or as little as you want so good value. Sounds as if you were going to have messy fun at Craft Class hope you enjoyed

    2. Hi Val I'm glad I have made a lot of you laugh today luckily the bus didn't have many passengers on. All sorted now new passes are being sent. Hope you enjoyed your craft club.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hi Sandra
    I see you've deleted the comment from the lady about me whose advertising on your blog. Or at least set blogger to delete comments from this person.
    My word Karen what a superb card you've made for your neighbours. How clever that you can do this. I can go into word and change the wordings that Amy did for me lady year. Oh and before o forget I've managed to change the colour as well. I'm in awe of your talent.
    Margaret looks very cards on the blog today. I must admit I've never heard of pretty quick dies but I'll go and have a look at them. We're off to our clubs Christmas Party tonight and Winter Wonderland in London was really big this year. Lots of rides for adults and children needless to say I didn't go on any.
    I must backtrack to yesterday as see what Lynda's been up to. I could hazard a guess at bus passes though.

    1. Pat thank you, I bought Pretty Quick from Craft Stash, it cuts very well. Enjoy the

    2. Hi Pat
      Hope you enjoy your Christmas party tonight. My daughter went to winter wonderland Joseph loved it & Lisa she goes on all the rides as well. They go every year.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    Karen what and inspired card to your neighbours, I really love this one and the idea just appealed to me. xx
    Margaret Love your cards, and boy are you going to have fun with those new dies. You really are starting to build up your collection. Just don't ever add up what they have cost you! - Just enjoy using them !!!!!! xx

    Like you Sandra I didn't feel as if I've even made a dent in the Christmas shopping, it's just so difficult. I have told everyone they've got come up with an idea by this weekend. I don't want to be rushing around at the last minute.

    It was great fun helping Ciara to make her hat for the school Christmas Dinner. It has a gold deep sided base, she wanted to put a Christmas trees on top which she had already made (two Christmas tree shapes slotted and interlocked) she asked how would the tree stay on top? I suggested she cut a circle then snip little V's as she would to line a round cake tin. Then she could push the circle through the base (putting glue around the top first) it worked perfectly. Then we could attach the tree. I felt it maybe a bit fragile, so suggested she make a few small boxes and put them under the tree (as presents) she could glue them onto the side of the tree also to the base. It worked perfectly not only that it returned home almost as good as it was in the morning. She wes one very happy bunny.

    Hope everyone has had a good day,
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sounds as if both you and Cairo had a lovely time constructing her hat. Great ideas for it as well.
      You'll have a rest now that schools out, and I hope your feeling a bit better today. Loads and loads of coughs and sniffles about.
      Sandra must be out shopping as I've not been able to speak to her today.

    2. Thank you Brenda for your kind comment. I must admit I usually wait until I see a special offer,no I am definitely going to add it all up. Will have fun using them after Christmas. Sorry to hear all your sad news yesterday what a home coming. Take care xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Sorry to here of all your sad news yesterday you don't need letters like them. Glad Cairo's hat turned out good she is very clever takes after her grandma. Take care love Lynda xx

  10. Hello All, a very quick comment, as my computer is down, spent all trying to fix, think it's worse now than before.
    Karen love your card, used to use Serrif a lot on my old computer, this new lap top is useless, feel like throwing it out the window.
    Margaret love your card and your new toys.
    Hope everyone's cold are on the mend, going to try and press publish now, hope it works, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian what a frustrating day for you nothing worse than computers when they don't work. Thank you for your comment. Hope tomorrow is a better day for hugs on

    2. Hi Lilian
      Thank you for your lovely Christmas card. What a day you have had
      My computer drives me mad since I downloaded windows 10 they keep doing updates &I last time I lost a lot of pictures & some icons on my desk top diapered. Take care Big Hug's xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my cards & shopping & your very kind comments. Good luck with the rest of your
    Lynda I should have loved to have seen your faces on the bus, did Terry blame you for not renewing they usually do? Thank you for my lovely card I received yesterday. Take
    Sonia you lovely card arrived today thank you very much. Do you get time off over Christmas?xxx
    I don't know what happened today it just seemed to disappear.
    Sending hugs to all who are suffering love

    1. Hello Margaret
      I see you also have the time snatchers as my day goes nowhere lately.
      Yes Terry always blames me for thing that go wrong. I'm glad it gave all of you a laugh luckily not many passengers on the bus.
      Your cards are lovely Margaret & your buys look good. Thank you for my card you sent me it's lovely.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Thank you Sandra I'm glad I made you laugh with my little story. Terry got onto the council this morning & because we didn't inform them of change of address it cost £10 each for new passes of course it was my fault hehe.
    Hope my email got through tonight x I have commented on way down
    Managed to do my ironing this morning & tidy craft room then went Tesco later.
    So very exciting day.
    Sandra have you thought of surprise presents have you thought of a experience day they do quit a few .
    Karen love your card I have the my craft studio Graphics program I used to use a lot before Sue Wilson & her Dies came along.
    Take car everyone love Lynda xx
