
Tuesday 13 December 2016

Some of Michele's Christmas cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am delighted to be able to share some of Michele's Christmas cards with you,
I really like that Snowflake background paper Michele, it works so well with that adorable Snowman, such detail in that topper too, like that sweet little Robin sat upon the fence and the cute expression on the Snowman's face.
The Reindeer on the first card has a comical look to me, I think it would work well with a funny caption, I love how you have used it too Michele, I wonder if you could colour the Reindeer's hat and  scarf, if you could imagine colouring them with the recipient football team colours, as I think this Reindeer would be perfect for a male card.
Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your Christmas cards with everyone xxx

I would love to share all of your cards ladies, so please remember to photograph them and send them in .

Hoping to see Sue & Pat today, although it sounded like Pat has a jam packed social calendar this week, I'm not sure whether this will be our last session before Christmas, although I am hoping that we will get chance to squeeze in a Christmas lunch before next Friday.  Oh ladies there is nothing I would love more than to be sat at a huge table with all of you lovely ladies, heaven ! xxx

Actually with that last comment in mind I WILL be organising a get together for all of us next year, so please email me with times and dates that work for you and where you can all manage to travel to. I know that many of you are looking forward to this as much as I am so I want to get on to organising it as soon as possible.

Right I must go and get organised for some crafting with my friends,

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Yesterday went fine at work-only the one bloke turned up and he was very understanding. No problems with scrubbing up & getting gowned up-even understood that his phone had to stay in a plastic bag (I don't allow phones in there for the staff-huge contamination risk).
    The day was so busy that it was 5pm before I knew it. My meal out last night was lovely-I got home about 9pm.
    Another busy day today but nothing planned for tonight-maybe wrapping some presents.


    1. I'm glad that the unit visitor understood, and that you have a lovely meal with your friend. I hope today is ok for you x

    2. I forgot to say that your cards are great. The reindeer, snowmen and papers are all lovely, and all perfect for posting. Thank you for sharing 😊 I love Sandra's team colour idea too x

    3. Hi Michele
      I loved all three cards today and I'm glad your visitor understood the contamination risk.

  2. Morning All -
    this is the second time of trying to say hello today.
    The Gremlins are really working well.
    My comment for Sunday went AWOL and then appeared and my comment for yesterday went AWOL and stayed that way.

    Love your card SANDRA for yesterday and yours today MICHELE.

    Managed an apptment with Dr yesterday tea time and so have more antibiotics and have to go and have a chest Xray and more bloods taken. Xray to make sure my heart is behaving itself.

    So this morning I'm off to the hospital and then I'm hoping to get some presents wrapped as I haven't started on those yet.

    Everything is ready in the Café and hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope the antibiotics start working soon and that your heart keeps behaving itself.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Lovely cards Michele. Such lovely images - all so cute.

    Lynda glad everything went okish for you both yesterday. It sounds you had a really thorough one and a half hours which is so good to hear.

    Janet, so hope your antibiotics work quickly for you so you'll be fit and well by the time the BIG day arrives. Good luck with your hospital visit today.

    We had a lovely day yesterday. After lunch we had a game of Crazy Golf. Such a laugh. I came last but I did manage a hole in one, more luck than crazy golfing of course.
    This after noon we're going ten pin bowling. I say we but I'll sadly just be watching. I'm in so much pain with my back and leg. I hobbled around the golf course and the others had to pick my ball up for me as I can't bend down. I think another trip to the docs is necessary.

    I'm not making any cards at the moment Sandra but I do have a photo of one that will do for the challenge this week. Hope all three of you manage to meet up today and have a lovely time.

    Have a god day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I do think a trip to the Dr is on the cards. Don't you just love crazy golf.

    2. Hi Sandra & lovely ladies
      Another day trip to the hospital today becoming a habit 😳 More 💉Taken then RA clinic she has dropped my Methatrexate from 6 tablets to 4 tablets once a week as last blood test showed my liver was under what it should be😳 But increased the tablets for the tingling in my feet & legs.i have a appointment for a ultrasound on the 5th Jan to check if it's trapped nerve endings that's causing the tingling & burning so fingers crossed.
      Michele all your cards a really lovely.
      Val hope you get a doctors appointment tomorrow your back sounds painful. Glad you had fun on the crazy Golf.⛳️️ & glad you didn't attempt the ten bowling 🎳 take care.
      Janet sorry you got to have more antibiotics but hope they sort you out ASAP take care & don't over do it .x
      Maria my word you did do a lot of walking while you was away. Glad you had a good time & must have been nice for you seeing your mum &dad & sister again how many dogs 🐶 has she got. Have a nice rest for a couple days.
      Sandra Sue & pat hope you all had a lovely few hours crafting talking & laughing.
      Brenda what a pain about the road works adding wasted time for your journey it's so annoying that the repair work has to be re-done.
      I'm going round Margaret's tomorrow Yaaaay no hospital HaHa.
      Hope you all have a good evening
      Love & 🤗🤗 Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone, I'm back tihi
    The last few days cards are absolutely wonderful and to see so many from our Pat is just something we never seen before :-) well done all of you. Yesterday's card Sandra was a stunner, love the sway on the greeting.
    Michele- I just love your cards! Glad your job went well and you had a understanding man in, they are rare.
    Hope you have another good day.
    Janet- sorry to see you still got the antibiotics, really hope they will help asap. Sending you my biggest hug possible through the internet!
    Lynda- hope you careful with that wrist of yours and letting it heal. Little Harry is a laugh but can understand it wasn't funny when the car keys disappeared.
    Hope everything went well for you and Terry at the doctors. Wishing the three Graces a productive day and lots of laughs! Val- you seem to be busy but please take care with your back, we don't want you to be laid up at Christmas now do we. Have a lovely time with your son visiting.
    We had some great days in Gothenburg. Friday we walked 9 miles around just looking at the town. Son got picked up and slept over at his cousins place. Saturday we had a small-ish breakfast and at 1pm we met up with the others (mum,dad,sis,niece and other halves) at a place called Liseberg, it's a funfair place but also have some Restaurants and a great Christmas market. Ours cost a bit more then yours Margaret at £60 a head so a bit over priced but everything was very nice. We left them all at 8pm so that was the visit from them,I was/am a bit ..... because if it been me I had stayed a night at least to see them longer but the dogs needed to be looked after so.That day we did 7 miles :-) Sunday, we did the town again but more in the shops, oh boy so much people shopping for Christmas so we left the arcade and ventured outside again, couldn't find much for cardmaking, they only seem to do a little bit of Scapbooking and not much of any stamps or dies at all.Walked 5 miles :-) Had to check out at noon and the flight was not until 10.30 pm in the end because it was late coming back from the UK so it got a bit long day and we were home first at 1 am Monday and I was dead and achy all day yesterday so I guess I overdid the walks a bit,ojoj. Must go shopping now but I wish you all a nice day. Love and many warm hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Sounds as though you had a lovely time meeting up with your family but WOW what a lot of walking. No wonder you were tired out yesterday. After your shopping today hope you can have a good sit down and rest this afternoon.
      Thank you so much for your beautiful card which arrived yesterday.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with your family, but my what a lot of walking you did. No wonder you felt achy when you eventually arrived home. I'd be walking on my knees if I'd walked that far.

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Michele your cards are lovely, love the snowman and reindeer images thay are so cute, nice background papers to. You always seem to get the mix just right.xx

    Hope our Three Graces get to meet up today, thinking of you LOL

    This morning wasn't to bad getting everyone off to school. Except a road has been closed nearby for work to be carried out on a railway bridge, you wouldn't but the same thing happened a year ago, obviously it was not successful, so now the work has to be repeated, the traffic on the way to the main road was horrendous, a journey that should have taken 20 minutes took over an hour. Thank goodness we don't do this journey everyday.

    I will quickly finish off, I can't believe I started this message about 11:30 am. I keep stopping to do other things.

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      No wonder the country is short of cash if work has to be duplicated every year.

  6. Hello All, wet and miserable here again today, never seemed to get very light.

    Michele love your cards, really Christmasy.

    Hope you all have a good , hugs Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra
    Don't you just love Michele's snowmen and her reindeer toppers. These cards are gorgeous. Had quite a productive day at Sandra's. Although I do have school on Tuesdays so I don't get to Sandra's until 12.30-12.45, so I don't have to long there at all. I'll be glad when we go back to Wednesdays.
    Hope all your coughs and snuffles aren't to bad now ladies.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a good day with Pat & Sue & managed to make some
    Michele I love your cards particularly the snowmen, thank you for showing us. Hope you manage some present wrapping
    Lynda glad all went well at hospital & you had somebody who spent time with you. We look forward to a new Lynda in
    Maria sounds as if you walked off your feet at the weekend, no wonder you feel tired, nice to see family
    Val please see a Dr. about your back nothing worse than back ache healing hugs on
    Janet help these antibiotics work this time, these colds & coughs are particularly bad at the moment, healing hugs on
    Managed to get all cards in post today & made 2 get well cards & a birthday card this afternoon, I hope to try & have a sort out so I can have decorations & tree up at the moment not enough room, it does spread doesn't it?
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hello again,
    I have just lost my comment so this will have to be a shorter version and the main reason is because I can't remember what I wrote haha anyway I'm glad you had a nice time with our Sandra Pat. Hope you and Pete are looking after yourself. Thank you for the lovey card Pat and also from Janet, Val and Lynda, they are all wonderful !
    Lilian- must be nice to have done the last hoodie for this year. It was a lot of them so hope you now can have a proper rest. We have the same weather here but hope it will be drier soon and maybe a little cooler to keep the bugs at bay. Brenda- hope the traffic was not too bad. Never happy if the can't disrupt somewhere by doing some work. Hope you and John are well.
    Anyone with a cold etc. I wish you better soon.
    Bought the last presents for the little ones who still get any and also a thing for the ones having us over for Christmas day. Have to take it back tho because it was in a box and we couldn't see any damage until we got home so hoping for an exchange can be done. Going food shopping we always bring our own bags so I took it, put it in the trolley and lost them all while looking for a new nightie so had to buy new ones, annoyed I was and it didn't get better until I sat down to write and tell you about my day and then loosing it aaargh ! hihi best log off and watch some Tv instead I think so wish you all a good night and I see you again in the morning, take care xxxx

  11. Me again just did a comment &bit has appeared under Val &above Maria's first comment how on Earth did that happen !!! Xx
