
Monday 12 December 2016

Pretty Poinsettia

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

As you have all worked so hard at making challenge Cards every week, I thought that you had all learnt a week off, plus I know a lot of you are getting busier with preparations for Christmas, I still have cards to complete and send out and I know that a few of you have too.   
I would however love to share some of the Christmas cards that you have all been making, so please send some of those in, I could show them on Sunday instead of challenge Cards if you like.

I made the above card yesterday and I have to say that I think it's my favourite one so far, I like the simplicity of it, although it was very time consuming edging all of those petals and leaves with a metallic gold pen, but I love the effect it gave.  
I used Creative Expressions Poinsettia Frame Embossing folder, The 'Seasons Greetings' is an Elizabeth Designs die, (I love it)! The Poinsettia's are the original Spellbinders ones, I have had them years, I used Centura Pearl and Gold mirror card with a little green added in for the leaves.  
I hope you like it as much as I do.

We managed to get our Christmas Tree yesterday, we used to have an artificial tree but as it was due for retirement I persuaded Paul to let me have a real tree, we go to a lovely old fella in the next village, his trees are usually freshly cut so they last for ages even though they aren't rooted.  He was worrying because he could only get Nordman this year and they are £1 a foot more expensive, but at £6 a foot I don't think anyone could complain.  It warms my heart a little knowing the money is going to him rather than a big company, our local Garden Centre  (Burford) charges double that and more, some friends of yours bought from there and paid £80, by Christmas Eve that had more bare twigs than anything else, but we have been in at beginning of December and there are stacks of trees piled high, they aren't going to be quite so fresh by this weekend, bit of a rip off really.    I think that we may go back to an artificial tree if the price continues to increase though, our last tree did us ten years and is still used in the girls room with all off the decorations that they have made from preschool onwards, some of Matt's are a good 20 years old, so cute though, so their tree is full of nostalgia.  
I will say though that after talking with Paul about how good both our cats are with the tree, saying how lucky we are, it suddenly dawned on me that we have Harley this year, (Matt's Border Collie Puppy), he is like a thunder bolt tearing through the house, so I think I may leave the fragile baubles in the box! 

I look forward to seeing and sharing some of your Christmas cards.

Have a fantastic week,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I was expecting another challenge today-understand why you haven't done it though. Oddly-I'm missing making cards after making so many Christmas ones (nothing to rival Val though). I might start on some Thank You cards this week.

    Today I have contractors visiting the Unit, they want to see the doors as they need replacing. It's always a drama when we get visitors who don't know the procedure, most of them think we make up the rules! I'm already anticipating trouble!!
    Tonight I'm meeting a friend for a meal out-we're going to the Indian restaurant in the village, her suggestion which is nice as she has quite a drive to get here.


    1. Hi Michele. Let's hope the unit visitors don't cause you too much trouble. At least you have a lovely evening to look forward to. Enjoy yourself. X

    2. Morning Michele, hope your contractors behave themselves. x

    3. Hi Michele Do hope your visitors aren't too much trouble.
      Enjoy your Indian meal tonight. Xxx

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope your contractors aren't causing you to much trouble today and that they don't disputed your work to much.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a fabulous card, I love it all, from the beautiful flowing greeting(which is on my wish list)the gorgeous Poinsettias(with their pretty gold edges) the pretty splash of gold foliage at each end to the beautiful EF that surrounds it all, thank you for sharing this gorgeous card with us. It's good to hear that you got a lovely Nordman tree, they do hold their needles really well, and supported a local business too 😊
    Lynda, sorry that your wrist was hurting last night, hopefully a nights rest has helped. I'm sending healing hugs and hope you get on well at the hospital today x
    I'm off to see a friend this afternoon after more crafting this morning.
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you do and those of you with coughs and colds are feeling better each day. to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Good for you SANDRA you need a break from setting yourself these challenges which we can choose to take part in or otherwise Whereas you have to do it which I know is not always easy to do
    I hope the "trouble" is not as bad ad you anticipate MICHELE
    I still need to make more Christmas cards It's the "special" ones for close family that I'm struggling with
    PS the infamous clock is nearly finished! Made a box for it at w/end and stupidly forgot to account for the depth of the mechanism - Doh! Will have to buy a gift box because I don't have any A3 cardstock
    Have a good day xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to find a box for your clock.

  4. Morning Sandra,

    Such a stunner of a card, I love the simple ones, they have more of an impact for me than the OTT ones, although to be fair they are the WOW! factors.

    Tree is up, I thought we would get decs down from loft and all up but family arriving put a halt to that idea. Milly-May's little face was a picture as each box or bag was opened to reveal treasures. She loved the singing, dancing Snowman, penguin, Rudolph and the dog on a sledge. They kept her busy for a while until she found the on/off buttons for herself so we ended up with a choir of songs and Milly-May dancing away. Such fun with no more work done. Jamie and I decorated the tree after they had all gone as my baubles are glass plain & frosted ones. Didn't want Milly-May to break any.
    Plan today is to get garlands of holly and ivy up with baubles and berries, Christmas presents wrapped and cards finished. Well, that is the plan but it could all go haywire.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      How lovely that you managed to see Milly May. Not to sure what to do about a tree. We have a perfectly good artificial tree, but it takes an age to put up let alone decorate. I've been trying to get a fibre optic one to no avail. You cab buy them online but I do like to see them in the flesh so to speak.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies. Love the card you've made for us today Sandra. Love the embossing and the post ties are really beautiful.

    SANDRA Everyone is so busy this time of the year including yoursef and it's good to give yourself a break with not organising Sunday cc. You tree sounds so lovely. I just love the smell of a real tree. The whole hose smells of the woods. Hope Harley behaves himself. Fortunately my 3 cats are no longer kittens like and they ignore the tree. Well they have done up until now ha ha.

    Lovely to have my son here. He's just upstairs having a shower and later we're going to a local park for a walk and to feed the ducks. Then seeing as it's a nice sunny day we're going to a favourite sea front cafe for a coffee and a light lunch.

    Lynda. Hope everything goes well for both you and Terry today. Also that you didn't do too much yesterday and your wrist is improving.

    Have a good day everyone. Hope all those with coughs and colds are feeling a lot better today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Have a lovely time and a lovely lunch down on the seafront. Lucky you I'm envious already as we have dank drissly weather here.

  6. Hi Sandra
    Love this card Sandra but I'm not sure I would have edged the poinsettias in gold. I love you all but it would take so long to do.
    Well, somewhere along the line I lost a week. When telling the Humax people to deliver our new box I thought today was the 19th Dec. So I had to email them this morning to ask them if it could be delivered earlier. Switch it on in the morning and all you get is a blue screen. Pulling all plugs out tele and box didn't work. I had to leave it on the tele for Pete but as that remote didn't work either even though I'd put new batteries in it. So had to change it all on the tv. I told him I'd have to fiddle with it when I came back from school. Came home with £10.00 as I'd won the bonus ball number on our Lotto that they do.
    Hugs to you all and Lynda I hope yours and Terry's appointments go ok. Take care of that wrist.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Meant to say I'm glad you managed to get a tree. I'm not to sure if you saw my email yesterday re Countryfile on BBC1 re training collies for sheep heap riding. You need to start early apparently and they need to be calm not boisterous. Most of them seem to live as family pets as well, and they're very obedient.

  8. Sheep heap riding?. Where did that come from. Should have read sheep herding.

    1. Ha ha Pat. Don't you just love predictive text. Xx

    2. I know Val but it does give us a good laugh.

  9. stunning card Sandra ... we got a real tree this year smells divine I forgot just how lush it is after having false for a few years lol xx A

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    I started to comment this morning but something happened & I had to stop. I have been to Petanque Christmas lunch today, which I organised, there were 66 of us & The Marriott hotel did a fantastic job, it was carvery & they brought 2 starters & 2 sweets round for you to choose, plus coffee/tea & mincepies all for £18.00! So nice to see value for money.
    Sandra I love your card, please don't feel guilty about CC, as somebody said we can choose but you have to organise no matter what. One Christmas 9 years ago we had 5 puppies left from litter we had 8 weeks earlier, Star was one & I soon learnt not to put anything near the bottom of tree, we used to let 2 out at time, good fun but hard work. Good luck with
    Lynda hope your wrist is rested today & you both got on ok at
    Maria hope you have had good weekend & thank you for lovely
    I hope all suffering from coughs & colds are improving, they certainly take their time going, sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello All, grey and drizzly here today.

    Been working all day, just finished my 100 hoods to be delivered on Wednesday, no more now until well into the new year.

    Sandra what an absolutely beautiful card, love the poitsettias and the greeting is lovely.

    I would love to send pics of my cards unfortunately they are still inside my head, must get on and get them finished, every year I say I will start early but never do.

    Michele hope your day wasn't too bad and that you have a lovely meal tonight.

    Lynda thank you so much for my lovely card, hope your appointments went well for both of you.

    I will be sending cards, it's just I'm a bit late as usual.

    Have a good evening , hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Well you sound just like me, I always mean to start early but never do. However, due to Sandra's challenge cards it spurred me into action, so I'm on a roll at the moment.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I love your card, it really is beautiful, I also have these dies and for me they just works so well. And I have used them on so many occasions, except this year, but I still have family card to make so they might just see their light of day. You have certainly inspired me. I love the embossing folder you have used, and that sentiment is lovely. Will have to keep my eye out for it.

    i'm glad you're having a week off from the CC, you need to time as well as everyone else. I'm sure we all have a card we have made that we would be happy to share with everyone. So it's not a problem. xx Your Christmas tree sounds lovely, hope Harley agrees with you and enjoys it with the family!!!

    We are back in Kenley (Surrey) as daughter has to be in Edinburgh for a couple of days. Today we only had school pick up and trampoline club, in between I made the dinner and now I'm relaxing before sending the younger two to bed.

    Lynda and Terry hope all went well today. LOL

    Cheryl, I can picture Milly Mays face, just one of life's special moments. xx

    Michele, hope all went well at work today and you are now enjoying a lovely meal with your friend. xx

    Have a good evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you enjoy your grandchildren sitting. Can't really call it baby sitting anymore can we.

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry late I went to the cardiac rehabilitation appointment it was quite informative really the nurse was very nice &a she explained everything about the Stent & how they fitted it. I told her my wrist is still quite painful & she said it depends On the bruising so it just takes time & not to over use it.& also mentioned that I sometimes still get the heavy feeling in my chest which she also said is bruising again & I can use the angina spray if I need too but if that doesn't stop it go & see my doctor. She then said she wanted to book me in for physio & exercise class & help with dieting that's on the 11th Jan so when I see you all at Ally Pally in April I will be so slim & fit HAHA 😂 ( not ) I was in there for 1 1/2 hours.Terry only had doctors for blood test results & gave him blood pressure tablets.
    Tomorrow I have 💉Test at 9am at hospital & R A clinic appointment at 10am.
    So that's my morning gone still have a couple of cards to make so must do the tomorrow afternoon.
    Sandra your card is lovely I'm sorry I haven't we'll I forgot to take pictures of my cards but I will photograph the ones I have just made. I have some crafty buys will send them as well.
    Darren just sent me a little video of Harry he got up this morning & went downstairs & he had opened 5 advent calendars eaten all the chocolates & the floor was covered in silver paper you wouldn't believe the mess. I could send you the video it's only a few minutes can you put them on your blog Sandra.
    I love him.
    Thank you all for your kind comments & Hug's your all so lovely 😘Xxx
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Lynda
    My word you did have an informative meeting didn't you. Physiology and exercise classes eh. Pity we don't live closer we could have gone together. So we might not only see a slimmer version of Maria but a svelte version of Lynda as well. I'm glad Terry's appointment wasn't to bad either, just blood pressure tablets. Oh the joys of getting old Lynda. Gentle hugs to you both.

  15. Meant to say Lynda fancy Harry eating all that chocolate it's a good job he wasn't sick.

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