
Saturday 31 December 2016

Margaret's Trees & Michele's Shadowbox Cards

Margaret's Big Tree

Margaret's small Tree

Micheles's Christmas Dies

Good Morning Ladies,

Huge achievement yesterday, managed to give the craft room a real good clear out and tidy, two dustbin bags of rubbish went out, I had to do it in bursts, but felt so good to walk in to a clear floor and have room to see it and craft without shifting stuff first.  I was about ready for a lay down by the time I was done, I have got to sit and sort my stamps now, I bought two boxes a while back to organise them in, but haven't got round to doing it yet, I then need to find a decent storage solution for my dies, what do you all use??
I quite like the Ali Reeve desk storage system :

But to be honest it's a little bit to expensive for me, I would probably need at least two, I have asked Fernli if they can come up with a cheaper alternative.
So for now I have gone for these:

They are Hobbycraft's own storage boxes and are currently on offer at £4 each, instead of £7, these will work better for transporting to Pats when we craft there too.

Now onto today's photos, 

Margaret sent us photos of both of her Christmas trees, both are fabulous Margaret, 
I love the cute fairy on the little one though.  
The small tree has lights on that Margaret bought from Woolworths in 1963, so I think  you have definitely had your money's worth out of them, they are definitely Vintage !! You couldn't beat Woolworths for quality Christmas decorations!
Thank you for sharing Margaret xxx

Michele has sent in a couple of cards that she has made with her new Shadowbox dies, I absolutely love the 'thanks a latte' card Michele, did you enlarge the Shadowbox part of the card, of is that it's original size (it looks larger to me)!
I also love your 'love' themed card, I know you said you weren't happy with it but I don't know why, it's amazing.
Thank you so much for sharing, I am pleased to see that you got some quality time in your craft room while you have been home xxx

Well this is the last post of 2016 ladies, I would like to wish each and every one of you a Fantastic 2017, filled with Good Health and plenty of Happiness.
I cannot thank you enough for sticking with me through out this year, I hope to continue to inspire you into creating more incredible cards with Challenges etc during 2017 too.

Sending Heartfelt Thanks, lots of love and hugs,




  1. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET - your trees are beautiful and yes I agree with SANDRA that your lights from 'Woolies'. Those were the days when you could get anything and everything from a very reasonably priced shop/or wonderland as it seemed when we were

    MICHELE - your shadow boxes are beautiful and really suit themed cards don't they.

    Well as I didn't get any shopping done yesterday it has to be this morning. I was so busy tidying and getting stuff put away that the day just disappeared.

    I wish to thank all of you Dear Friends for your love and support over the last twelve months. I really could not wish for a better set of Friends and I've everything crossed that I can meet as many of you as possible this coming year.

    Have a wonderful New Year's Eve whether you're celebrating or not. Take care and I wish you all a very HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PEACEFUL 2017. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-both Christmas tree look lovely.

    I had a lovely play in my craft room yesterday as you can see by my cards. Sandra-yes I extended the shadow box shape in the Thank You card. To me they're an odd size with or without the lattice frame dies so I wanted to make it fit a pre-made card blank.
    Today I have the "honour " of calling at a colleagues house for a collection and then going to spend it! We have over £100 which is amazing but then the lady who is leaving has been with us quite some time and has done so much for the department. She's also quite tricky to buy for-doesn't drink, goes to SlimmingWorld and isn't into "designer " stuff!! I'm going to need some inspiration-let's hope the shops of Southport are good to me this morning.
    Might be an afternoon of crafting again to relax!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the shops were good to you and gave you some inspiration. Great how you managed to extend your shadow box.

  3. Me again-

    Just to wish everyone a very happy, healthy & crafty New Year.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Just a thought for your colleague's gift, what about an Experience voucher, she could do a spa treatment or go do something fun, both Matt and Becca and Paul and i received one and we all loved them, Matt's is a "Segway safari", I got Becca a 2 person relaxing Spa day that includes relaxing treatments and Paul and I got a voucher for a London Bus tour and Thames Boat tour, which we are really looking forward to booking.
      I think that they are a fantastic gift, hope that helps!

    2. I think Sandra's idea is a good one We've given a wine tasting, a Segway day, zorbing We've received and thoroughly enjoyed - Thames river cruise with a trip on the London Eye and theatre tickets with an overnight stay. Does she read? collect anything? The Experience days are a definite goody Your shadow box cards are amazing It is ashame the don't "fit" our UK card blanks though

  4. Morning I love your trees MARGARET and it's true you couldn't beat woolworths for great value
    Your cards are gorgeous MICHELE I especially love the LATTE one and how you've put seperate coloured backgrounds in the "boxes"
    I'm out dancing tonight to celebrate the New Year and I want to echo SANDRA's sentiments I have lots of great times over 2016 but also some dark days and being able to visit here has really helped And here's to more meet ups with more people So a happy, healthy and safe 2017 to everyone xx

  5. Morning Sandra and Ladies,

    Beautiful trees, cards and dies for today's delightful post. Thank you for sharing ladies.
    Last post of the year is tinged with a bit of sadness. Tomorrow will be 2017, so who pinched most of my time this year? It has certainly gone quickly for me and I am finding that the older I get, time flashes by in an instant. One minute it's here then poof! it's gone.
    I am looking forward with joy and anticipation to what delights this year holds for me.

    So I wish you all good health, good cheer, many surprizes and may our friendship continue for many, many years to come.
    Happy New Year.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Forgot to mention Sandra, I bought a tall, sturdy, chunky style chest of 4 x drawers to house my dies in from a local oak furniture store. It cost £82 in a sale and will last me for many years, I'll send you a picture of it. xxx
    The drawers are just the right depth and width for SB dies and many others.

    1. Can't wait to see photo Cheryl!
      2016 had some happy moments for you, particularly your amazing adventure in America and your happy news in December, I hope that 2017 continues to bring you love, good health and happiness! You have a lovely family filling your home with love and happiness, I hope it continues, thank you sweet friend for your love and support during 2016 xxxx

    Will raise a glass at midnight to friends far and wide, seen and unseen.
    Looking forward to being inspired by all your shared ideas.

    love to see all the trees and different decorations (that's certainly a very large tree Margaret, nice space to have it in).

    SANDRA would be ashamed to show you my Craft room but you have given me the boost to,have a clear up, that's when I can clear the floor space a little.
    Not a fan of leaving up decorations after tomorrow, so will be doing that. Why is it that they never seem to go back where you thought they should go? And what a mess I get in before order is restored.

  8. Hi Sandra& friends
    Margaret two beautiful trees.I spent many hours browsing round Woolworths all the good shops are disappearing such a shame.
    Michele your two shadow box cards are gorgeous clever of you to extended them.
    Sandra hope your not suffering to much after last night. I keep my Dies in the Tonic folders the A4 size store quite a few dies as they are with double sided magnetic sheets. I also have the smallest ones. I find they good & i keep them on the shelf above my desk but they are heavy when full.
    I didn't sleep well again last night with the coughing so feel like I need some good sleep.
    I would like to thank all my lovely friends for all your kind Hug's & well wishes over the past year they ment a lot. I wish each & every one of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR a Healthy & Happy & prosperous 2017
    Love & Hug's to you all Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Those antibiotics are taking there time kicking in Lynda. Gentle hugs are winging there way to you this evening.

  9. Just a tought on your die storage SANDRA As you already have some portable storage for your dies, how about a magnetic wall? My intention is to stick magnetic sheets on a wall or existing cupboard door to store the bulk of my dies You can see at a glance your dies and keep your "go to" dies in the portable storage at your desk and swap in & out as need be

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love your dies and the cards you've made with them Michele. Oh so pretty.

    Margaret both your trees are lovely. How great to have room for such a big tree.

    I've been putting up fences for the last 5 hours with Lynn. Lynn and Paul had planned to do it tomorrow but now Paul is on light duties (yes his rib is cracked)
    we decided to do it. I am exhausted, getting too old for such manual work so I'm about to have a sit down and maybe a snooze.

    Whatever you're up to tonight ladies I hope you have a lovely time and may I wish each of you and your families a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. May it be everything you hope it will be.

    See you next year.
    Love Valxxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my trees, MIL made the fairy but that is not allowed on big tree I have to use the original one I bought, cannot see it in picture, a certain daughter says it would not be right without it, sentamental lot we are.
    Thank you for all your hard work on the blog & all the help you have given me in my first year of card making I have learnt soo much from you.I hope 2017 is a great year for you Paul &
    Michele your cards are lovely & love the dies. Good luck with your
    Thank you all for comments on my trees we are lucky in having a big conservatory so had to have a big tree, I had never had room before.
    Lynda hope you start to feel better soon sending
    May I say a big thank you to you all my lovely friends for the encouragement you have all given me, look what I would have been missing if Sandra, Pat & Sue had not met up that day. Wishing you all a very Happy Healthy 2017.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Sorry Brenda hope you are feeling better these colds are particularly nasty ones. Sending healing hugs Margaret.cxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all my lovely friends! If you are looking in, you are very welcome to join this great group of crafters who love to share.
    Beautiful trees Margaret, such a big one in the conservatory. Love you have some candles who are my age hihi. Shame the Woolworth , C & N and now BHS have gone, they were shops I liked going shopping in.
    Michele- love the new dies and your cards are great, especially the 'Latte' set is very usefu
    Will try to pop in later, some friends are over for some drinks. Sending healing hugs to our poorly friends Brenda and Lynda. Hope you feeling better today Sandra. A huge HAPPY NEW CRAFTING YEAR to you all! Love Xoxxo

  13. Hello All,
    Margaret love your tree, we didn't have one this year so love seeing everyone else's.
    Michele love your cards, do wish die makers would make dies to fit standard size card blanks.
    We have been to my family party, it's my elder brothers birthday and all the family go to visit, used to be evening, but my b/inlaw, can't drive in the dark so this year is I was lunch, missed not having my older sister there.

    Sandra I'd like to thank you for this lovely blog, you must spend a lot of time on it, it's a lovely friendly group, hope we all manage to meet next year.

    Lastly I'd like to wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2017, and the icing on the cake would be if one of us won the lottery!!!!!!

    Have a good time if you are going out tonight, hugs Lilian

  14. Hello I just wanted to wish Brenda better very soon sending you some Hug's xx
    Margaret thanks for the Hug's xx
    Maria I used to work in BHS for many years I was vey sad when Primark bought a few of them which ment our shop was going to close as next door was already a Primark so we were all made redundant 😭😭
    Sandra thank you for all your hard work on your lovely blog 😘😘xx
    Love Lynda xx

  15. I bought 100 plastic DVD cases, at 79 cents each on the web, and cut a sheet of magnetic furnace vent sheets {for the ones with matching dies} and store all of my polymer stamps in these. I then bought a 100 plastic VHS cases and store my wood stamps. I arrange them on portable shoe racks. I number each container on side. I then copy the filled case on my platform printer, write the number on copied sheet that correlates with the case and store it in a notebook. I no longer have to pull all of my stamps to find the one I am looking for. I just pull out my notebook, find the stamp or die I want and check what the correlating number is. I pull it off of the shoe rack and put it back when I am done. Hope this idea helps. I no longer pull out a bunch to find one. I just look through the pictures in my notebook.

    1. Hi Maggie
      Thanks for your idea as I also need somewhere to store my dies. That's apart from the plastic boxes that my SIL brings my chicken breasts in from either Camden Market ir Smothfiekds.

    2. Maggie,
      Thank you so much for your help, it's so kind of you to stop by and help. Please feel free to call in and join in the fun and Challenges anytime, you will be made very welcome.
      Love & Hugs

  16. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    I have just received a message from Sue, sorry she has been missing but just getting over a 2 day migraine. She asked me to wish you all a Very Happy New Year & hopes to see you all

  17. Hi Sandra
    I echo Cheryl's sentiment in where on earth gas this year gone to. Seems the older we get the quicker it goes.
    Margaret how lucky to be able to have two trees, and what a shame it was when Woolies closed down. A great shop and ours was always packed.
    Michele love your shadow box cards. I was going to make one today but my 40 I got Sandra was slightly to big to fit. Plus I'd cut the Shadow box out of a different colour Navy Blue. Then I couldn't find my tape, so I gave up. So I'm just making a plainish card. How on earth did you manage to extend yours.
    Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year and I also hope we can meet up in the New Year.
    Gentle hugs to Lynda and Brenda, and anyone else who is feeling under the weather.
