
Friday 30 December 2016

Looking at 2017 Trends & Val's new die cards

2017 colour Trend

Predicted styles and patterns

Val's New dies

Good Morning Ladies,
Can you believe it's Friday again already?!, Paul is back to work tomorrow 😔, but I need to get in my craft room, so that's my plan for today, I got in there yesterday and found my desk, I started organising all of my tools onto my trolley, that way they won't take up precious space on my desk and I can have them next to me at all times, they will be much easier to transfer to the dining room when Sue and Pat come too.
So I will finish that today and hopefully get some new projects started.
If you have anything you would like me to feature I would love to know, I will happily have a go at anything! 

I had to sit with my legs up yesterday, over the past few weeks I have developed a terrible pain in my 'bad' hip,  as I am trying to walk I get a crippling sudden pain that floors me if I can't grasp onto something, I have no idea what it is, it's something new, it happens sporadically, I think when I am tired it's worse, after traveling to my mum's made a huge difference, I suffered terribly the following day,  then on Wednesday after helping Paul prepare Roast beef dinner for 10, my legs were so swollen that my socks were cutting into my legs at the bottom, again something new, so I think I will! Have to be brave and go to GP.  But while I was resting yesterday I got to thinking about 2017, mainly wondering what the trends will be in the crafting world.  
The Pantone colour charts are a good gauge of what the 'in' colours will be, so I downloaded a chart to give you some ideas too. 
I love most of those colours, particularly the 'Greenery', Lapis Blue, island Paradise and Hazelnut. The pink is a little to 'pink' for me but used as little touches in bouquets or in patterned backgrounds would be ok, it will certainly give a pop of colour.

I then tried to research what styles etc would be popular in 2017, there wasn't too much information out there to be honest, it looks like Zentangle will still be around, it's being used in clothing designs now too, fortunately Checks, gingham etc will still be 'in', I say 'fortunately' as I have a lot of gingham card ! 
For the perfectionists among us, you will struggle I think as its 'imperfect' that's going to trend, I'm guessing that means the 'grungey', 'distressed' look will remain as popular as it has been for the past few years! 
I hope that I have given you a little glimpse of things to come in the year ahead.
During my investigation I found out that Tim Holtz is no longer a Creative Director for Ranger, he will remain a designer for their distressed range though. 
Michele also discovered that Creative Expressions have bought Woodware, I had heard they where stopping some of their products, I guess this is positive news, I just hope that they continue with the designers that they have, their stamps are always that little bit different and I wouldn't want that to change, I guess we will see.

Val has been busy, back in her craft room, she sent me a couple of photos of cards that she made with her new Dies.
I love the embossed detail on the first card Val, you don't see that in the photo of the die, such a fantastic die for quick cards, versatile too, with a change of colour it would work for male or female recipients.
Sue's latest Shadowbox die collections are fab too, I love this second card too Val, it shows that you can use them without having the Shadowbox dies too.  
Thank you so much for sharing Val, can't wait to see all of your Valentine cards in the coming weeks. Xxxx

That's all for now my lovelies, 

Sending Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Val-great dies & two lovely cards. You've been busy in your craft room.

    Sandra-good luck sorting out your craft room. Do you get distracted when you find certain items? I know i do & it's had to know if I should carry on sorting or have a play with what I've discovered.
    I managed to get started on some cards yesterday, I was just playing using my shadow box dies and make a thank you card for my in laws. We're meant to be going over to see them on New Years Day but my F in L still isn't well (they left early on Boxing Day because he was struggling). I'll check in with them tomorrow to see how they're doing-we did suggest delaying the meal until the following weekend.
    Today me & hubby are going to stroll into the village and have a coffee at The Chocolate Shop. They make their own chocolates which are gorgeous-they supply Liverpool & Everton football clubs with chocolates. I've been in there before but hubby hasn't so today that's going to change!


    1. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your stroll and coffee at the end of it. The Chocolate shop sounds lovely.

  2. Interesting to see these colours coming in for 2017 I like the greyish blue at the top Your cards are lovely VAL and I love the one with the shoe design proving you don't need the shadow box die to make a super card
    Off to a Salsa Masquerade Party tonight Daughter is teaching a Rueda class and a beginners Salsa class if anyone fancies popping along Have a great day xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      If I lived closer I'd love to start Salsa classes again. The one I used to go with packed up. The Salsa Masquerade Party sounds lovely. Enjoy.

    2. Have fun, do take photos to show us later. You have to show us the moves next time we sees, hugs xx

    3. Hi Karen have fun tonight with the Salsa party. I wish I had the energy to do it. Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone for the third time of trying to comment. The gremlins are really on form this morning.

    VAL- love the look of your new dies and your cards are really lovely. I've never tried shadow dies.

    SANDRA- the colours for 2017 look interesting and I'm pleased that the 'imperfect' look is still around for the coming year so I can continue as normal lol.

    Housework this morning and then I've got a little shopping to do. Washer already on that's one job on it's way.

    I cannot believe we're nearly at the end of another year. The CAFE is OPEN just waiting for you all to pop in and sit a while. Hugs should be arriving with you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm also glad it's going to be the imperfect look this year as well. My cards are anything else but perfect.

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm also pleased it's still the imperfect look 👀 this 2017 year again as my cards are definitely not perfect. I hope all your jobs are finished & can get in your craft room. Enjoy the rest of your day.
      Sending Hug's xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please see a Dr. you have probably been doing too much but you have to look after yourself as well, sending healing
    Val your dies & cards are lovely look forward to seeing
    Karen you certainly keep fit with your salsa, keep it
    Horrible grey & foggy here, have to go out for vegetables unfortunately, be good if we didn't have to eat save alit of time!!!
    Lynda I understand about coughing & tena pads, the joys of getting older ha ha. Hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Sue hope you are not soo achy
    Love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret thank you for the Hug's. I hope the antibiotics kick in today.
      Wrap up warm when you go out. Returning some Hug's for you & Pops.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all,

    Thanks for showing my cards today Sandra, I didn't expect to see them so soon. The Happy Birthday die is just the red part. I used an embossing folder for the part.around it. I lack inspiration for girl/teenage/ young women cards but I think these dies fit the part. The Happy Birthday die is by X cut. I found it in a sale basket in one of the garden centres for £3.99 so a real bargain.
    Poor Paul is having an xray this morning. He's coughed so much he thinks he's cracked a rib and after much persuasion ( well you know what men are like) he finally went to the docs this morning who has now sent him to the hospital. Everyone seems to be coughing and sneezing over here at the moment. I think I'll stay in my craft room.

    I'm really interested in reading the trends for 2017, Sandra. I love the colourr pallet apart from the vibrant pink. I've never really got in to zentangel, a bit long winded for someone like me who has little pacience.
    Sandra. Have you made an appointment with your doctor? I really think you should even if it's only to put your mind at rest.
    Well I suppose I should get on with the cleaning. Upstairs today, downstairs tomorrow and all clean again for the New Year.

    Lynda hope you're feeling a lot better today and any other ladies not feeling so good, I wish you well.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I love your new dies and the cards you've made. Hope Paul's X-ray is ok. Awful when your coughing and sneezing so much. Goid luck with your cleaning.

    2. Hi Val I love your cards & your new Dies will be well used I think.
      I hope Paul's X-ray is ok I know how he feels I've never had a cough like this one before. Good luck with your cleaning. I hope your new neighbor has quietened down now.
      Big Hug's xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Interesting colours for 2017 however with all the bits and packs of papers I still have ,I must use that up first so best get cardmaking so I can get something new maybe in April.
    Great new dies Val. Good to see you not necessarily need the shadow box to use the dies for it. Like the Happy Birthday die inside the EF frame, what EF is it you have used ?
    Lynda- do take care, you not the only one using tena's these days haha trillions cuddles is coming your way.
    Sorry Janet your comments disappeared again, never found out where they gone. Wonder if the Huggles been around or Herman ate it ? goats are prune to eat papers.
    Sandra do take it easy but hope you see the doctor. Know you scared but we worried for you, see that Doc !
    Saw lot of the trolley's yesterday in the kitchen and bathroom section but to have them for your tools etc is a real good idea. Wish you feel better.
    No walk today, the weather have changed so will stay in and do not much at all hihi sorry to say I am not doing the steps either every day but where we walk Lilian we have problem with horse poo as well and unfortunately there is no law to pick that up. Sending warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria for your trillions of Hug's
      Sorry weather was bad & couldn't get your walk I'm starting my healing eating on Monday & hopefully start walking as much as possible with my stupid feet 👣🏃‍♀️I have The cardiac rehabilitation induction appointment on 18th for exercise cardiac physiologist diabetes diet. Think I need to loose at least 4st HELP. Terry is also going on a diet so let the competition begin HAHA.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    So sorry your still having trouble with your hip. We did tell you before that you needed to see the Dr re your hip. So hopefully you'll ring the Dr and make an appointment now. Thanks for showing us the latest trends. Zentangles still in then. I have some Zentangled stamps, so perhaps I'll get them out and have a play. The postman has arrived with some new dies I've ordered from Setcraft. Fun illy enough I ordered 1 lot one day and another one the next but they've both came in the same parcel. I might use the Birthday Shadow box to make a 40th birthday card for Craig.

    1. Hi Pat Set Craft do have a great service so it's good they put both your orders in same parcel with free P&P.
      The shadow box dies are great I also have the Happy birthday one & i love it. Enjoy using yours for Craig's 40th.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Thanks Lynda. I commented under your comment re your antibiotics. Pete had a phone call re the delivery of his medication. I said to the lady that he didn't see the consultant until Tuesday to see if his readings are still climbing. She said they had a prescription sent through to them this morning. Can't be bad having a prescription sent to you without seeing if it's still working or not. A waste if it's not, at £3000 per month.

  8. Hi Sandra & everyone
    I have commented on way down with coughing fits in between just hoping the antibiotics kick in today. Didn't have a good night think I finally dosed off about 4am this morning & woke up coughing at 8am.
    Sandra so sorry your in so much pain with your hip please see the doctor ASAP
    Pleased you like your trolley sounds very helpful & very useful too. But don't spend to long in craft room as you need them legs in the air. Thank you for all the trends for 2017 love the colour pallet some pretty colour's.
    Sue I hope your in less pain today take care Sending you warm 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Well I do hope your antibiotics have kicked in a bit by now. If not I assume another trip back to the Drs fir a stronger or longer dose. Take care my friend and try and stay warm if you just go out.


  9. Hello All, cold miserable fog.
    Sandra so sorry your in so much pain , GP visit essential.

    Val lovely cards and dies.

    Been covering books with clear sticky back plastic, O/H had music books for Christmas as they are so expensive now likes them covered, and tells me I am better at covering them than him !!!!

    Lynda sorry your cough is not improving, hope the antibiotics will kick in soon.

    Went to the Range this morning, not much in the sale, bought one A4 e/folder reduced from £9.99 to £4.99 so a good bargain.

    Hope you all have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  10. Oh d,, I have just lost my comment

    Hi Sandra and everyone,

    My dear friend I HOPE you have rung your Doctor, you really cannot afford to ignore the pain in your hip. xxx

    Val, lovely cards and dies, looking forward to seeing some gorgeous cards when you get into full production again.

    It looks as though we are in for a colourful year going by the 2017 colour predictions.

    I have spent most of the day snuggled up in a blanket. I have been coughing for days, and today am sneezing for England, had a dreadful night, just could not sleep and today every bone in my body aches. Sounds like a good start for the New Year. Lynda think we could have our own crafty sick bay.

    Sleep well, love and hugs (I'll put a mask on) Brenda xxx
