
Thursday 29 December 2016

Janet's cards

Good Morning ladies,

I feel terrible that I am not showing you anything new of mine, but I just haven't had the time or energy to get into my craft room long enough to Create anything, I feel to rude spending time in there, leaving Paul to entertain and host.  I will be back to normal after a couple of days. 
I really appreciate you sending me your cards etc to share, I love giving everyone the opportunity to see all of your creations too.  
So today I am excited to be able to share Janet's cards that she has made for Gracie-Leigh's First birthday, can you believe how quickly that year has flown, it barely seems 3 months since she arrived.
You have created two beautiful cards for Gracie-Leigh's birthday, I can't choose a favourite, I love both the Terry bear and the beautiful paper you have used on the first card, the pretty teddy has been beautifully decoupaged.
The second card is such a pretty pink, those little girls are so cute, the unusual shape of the card makes it stand out too and works so well with your design.  I hope you get to take a photograph of Gracie-Leigh too, I can't wait to see the album too, thank you so much for sharing your stunning cards Janet xxxx

Next up are Michele's bargain dies that she found on eBay, I will paste in Michele's description of her purchase below.......

Just ordered these off Ebay-they cost €7.17 which is approx £6! They are coming from China so I might have to wait a while but I'm intrigued about the quality. They seem to be the suppliers for the magazine freebies looking at the selection. I should know considering how many magazines I buy-maybe I should offer to review them so I could get the magazines at a reduced price-ha ha.

Thank you so much Michele for sharing your bargains, we can all go and have a look now you have discovered them, maybe you could send a link for these dies? Xxx

Have any of you found any craft bargains in the sales? 

The Range had a lot of Sue Wilson's Christmas dies at half price, which I was surprised about, there were loads of them, so well worth a visit.

Lilli of the Valley currently have 30% off of everything 

Craft Stash (who sell Apple Blossom dies that Margaret recommends) have had a good sale on too. 

Polkadoodles have a 30% off sale too, their craft CD roms are really good, especially the ones that have the different workers on (Doctor, Dentist, Ballet dancer etc), they have all of the little complimentary embellishments too.

I would love to hear of any bargains that you have found too, so please let us know.

Paul's parents are leaving this morning so I am hoping to get back into my craft room, it's Paul's last day off too sadly.

Have a fun day ladies whatever you are up to.
I hope those of you that have been suffering with cold and flu bugs are starting to improve too xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Sandra and everyone. If you looking in, don't be shy, come and join us for a little chat, we love to meet you.
    Janet- I Love both of your cards but the teddy bears wins by far because they are sooo cute and I just love Teddies. Hope you doing alright and the new year will be a lot better for you and many of us others too,
    Thought the photos were are new challenge first before reading they are Michele's bargain buys. They look great and so useful for many cards. Fantastic price! Is it safe to buy from Ebay ? I'm a bit worried about these things.
    If you working Michele, I hope you get a quiet day and the same for Sonia, how do you like working in the new place ?
    Lynda- hope you got to the doctors and get some help for your horrid cough. Sending you well wishes and many warm cuddles. Tell Terry to give you a real one :-)
    I have bought some things from Craft Stash including some from Apple Blossom (Margarets fault hihi) they are good price and it always seem to be some on sale. Getting e-mails everyday to tempt me to wish I could buy them all.
    Another beautiful frosty morning here so hope to get to Ikea later. It's seem to be the best walk to get the 10,000 steps in just to be healthy Lol
    New years eve will be a quiet day for us but I always watching the fireworks from London before bed. I have been up all night so feeling a bit groggy sitting her watching 'Captain Phillips', do like films with Tom Hanks. Wish you all a good day, love and warm hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, I'm sending you some hugs as you sound like you need some extra ones after a sleepless night. Enjoy your healthy walk to Ikea, but I'm not sure the stop at their Cafe for yummy food and drinks is so healthy ☺ x

    2. Hi Maria, so sorry you've had a sleepless night. It makes you feel so yucky the following day. Do hope after your walk you can sit with your feet up and maybe have a snooze.
      I'm a Tom Hanks fan as well. Love all his firms. Such a god actor and seems a nice man as well.
      Take care. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Maria,
      You and I should start a late night craft club, I very rarely nget to sleep before 3.30 am these days,it's like my body clock is out! When we go to bed, Paul is asleep before his head hits the pillow, it really frustrates me sometimes as I would like to go to sleep first so I don't get kept asked by snoring! I'm surprised he hasn't noticed marks on his legs were I keep nudging him, this has only been the latter part of this year, he seems to have had a cold since September! Which clearly affects his breathing.
      I either get lost for a few hours in Pinterest or YouTube, or I lay solitaire on my tablet.
      I hope you can get a nap n today to recover

    4. Hi Maria
      I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight. You'll certainly be fit if your walking about 10,000 steps every time you go. Have you seen Sandra's trolley while you were there?.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two gorgeous cards, both really lovely.

    My dies were from a seller in EBay (careforyou123) , I can always send Sandra a link in an email if anyone is interested. I've ordered other non crafty items from sellers in China and not had a problem. If you pay using PayPal and the item doesn't arrive then PayPal will refund the money.

    I had a quick trip into Southport yesterday then watched the last 3 Sue Wilson shows I'd recorded. I actually started to use my new dies in the afternoon & made a card. We had thick fog in he evening and we have a very heavy frost again this morning. I'm off to Tesco to get some fresh products & the basics. It's great not having to rush to do these things-it will be a shock when I go back to work on Tuesday.


    1. Hi Michele. You really are our "Bargain finding Queen" ☺ Those dies look great, at that price you don't mind having to wait a while to get them, do you. I will be having a look at this eBay seller, thank you for sharing x

    2. Hi Michele. Love your dies. Lynn orders a lot from China but I've never ordered dies just popping over to have a look.
      So glad you're enjoying your well deserved break from work. Enjoy your day. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I'll pop over and have a look as well. I've ordered from America and had no problems apart from the wait. Enjoy your break you deserve it.

  3. Morning Everyone from another white frosty morning here.

    MICHELE- your purchases look good buys and would love to see what you do with them. Make the most of your days off as Tuesday will come around very quickly.

    The artwork for both birthday cards is from 'Craftuprint' and once again I've had it for years. The Teddy card should have four teddies lined up but I decided on just two this time around.
    The little girls are on 'stalks' (two cut out and glued together so you can see them from either side)and slotted into the top of a triangular box bottom.
    They are so easy to do and always look good.

    Not sure what's on the agenda for today but I know I'll be busy as usual.
    To all dear friends under the weather I hope you're all beginning to feel a little better. If going out take care -no slipping and sliding - and wrap up warm.
    Hugs should be reaching you right now.

    Thank you for your address Pat - I seem to have lost a page of my list since I wrote Christmas cards so I'll probably be asking for others unless it turns up. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. What gorgeous cards ☺ so cute and perfect for little Gracie Leigh's 1st birthday(where did her 1st year go, it feels like only yesterday that we were all waiting to hear that she had arrived safely!) I love both cards and have some ideas popping up after reading that your second card is actually a box/card. Thank you for sharing. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet, just love you cards. The teddies are so cute and ideal for a first birthday.
      I've used Craftsuprint quite a lot in the past and the good thing is they stay in your computer for using any time and don't clutter up the craft room.
      Enjoy your day whatever on the cards. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Janet
      Love both of these cards you've made. I also liked the others cards you made with images from Craftsuprint.
      I lost both my lists of addresses awhile ago. I had to ask Sandra to send me a new one, then my others turned up, but then that's me I can never remember where I put things down. That could be a New Years resolution, put things away. But I know I'll never keep it.

  4. Hi Sandra and all, I have commented on the way down.
    Hope everyone is OK and Lynda you managed to get a doctor's appointment to get yourself sorted out.
    Meeting my friend for or usual Thursday coffee at 11.30 and not much planned after that so I'll carry on in m craft room.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. Sandra, now stop that stressing about not getting to make a card to share over the Christmas period, you have still taken time EVERYDAY to post on here whilst being just as busy as the rest of us and spending time with the family which is just as it should be. I know that we are all so grateful for all that you do on this wonderful blog so no more worrying please, my lovely.
    It is one of those wonderful days here. Enjoy Paul's last day before he is back to work x
    Lynda, I hope you have managed to get an appointment, you need to be seen or at least to talk to a doc over the phone as it is so soon after your op. Sending you healing hugs x
    It is a beautiful day here, like a lot of the country it seems, a beautiful blue sky with a hard frost which makes everything look so beautiful, especially the cobwebs on the bushes which are stunning, but please take extra care if you go out, we don't want any tumbles please. A quiet day for us then off to brother in law's this evening. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Good morning everyone from a frosty Somerset.

    It was quite foggy earlier on which has now cleared due to brilliant sunshine. I did plan on a short trip to the Range to stock up on cleaning products. This time of year they sell the larger boxes and bottles. I bought 3 x 2.5 litres bottles of Fairy liquid for £5 each last year and am still using the second bottle, third went to Giorgina.
    And 1 x 110 tablet box of Finish d/w tablets for £9. On the last 6 tabs now and that is after giving a bag full to Giorgina and Fiona.

    Grace's 1st birthday cards are so adorable Janet, I am sure they will become keepsakes for her. I kept all my children's first cards and presented them to them when older.
    Michele's dies are such a bargain, well done you for spotting them.

    My bargain was finding SW double pierced rectangles and ovals for £19 each on a FB Declutter site that I joined about 4 months ago. I also bought a collection of the most beautiful napkins I have seen from a lady who had been collecting them for years for £30. I haven't counted them yet but on Alexia's visit last week we sat and opened every bag to drool over them. Needless to say she went home with 20 which were duplicated, one happy granddaughter.
    Jamie came home earlier the same day Lilian was on the M5 and reported they were already clearing everyone off the M5 at 6.00am, due to abnormally heavy icing from Bristol right down to Exeter. It was so bad at Avonmouth bridge, travellers couldn't get up the incline. Just goes to show what happens when they don't grit the roads enough to save money.

    Nobody is stirring yet not even the proverbial little mouse so I shall have a more than a few moments to myself. Time to take the cards down I think and recycle the pictures for our playgroup. My decorations come down slowly (I like to see them still up for the New Year), one each day until the 12th day of Christmas, 6th January, then all gets packed up again in the loft. This year Jamie and I are getting larger storage boxes to keep all the smaller items together as I have so many bags of decs that it is time consuming to find and get them all down. More practical solutions were needed, hence larger & deeper boxes. Sorting out ones that are no longer in use should make room for others to take their place.

    Off for another cuppa then onwards and upwards.

    Love and hugs to al our poorly friends suffering from this blasted cold bug. I think I have finally turned the corner with mine thank goodness.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely bargains you found for the pierced rectangles abs Ovals. Emerald crafts in Lyndhurst apparently have 20% off all goods but didn't have the squares I wanted.
      Crikey the M5 was bad if they were clearing traffic off it.
      Karen and family are travelling to Warrington this evening, why Keith doesn't travel earlier in these weather conditions I fail to understand.
      I'm glad to hear your feeling better.

  7. Hello All, cold and grey here, not like yesterday which was beautiful.

    Janet love both of your cards.

    Michele great bargains, will pop over and have a look, as using PayPal I feel safe to order from China.

    Am in the middle of sorting my work/craft room, at the moment there is paper every where, trying to rationalise so am going to bin all or most of the small bits, well that's the idea.

    Lynda hope you are on the mend and you managed to see a doc yesterday.

    Maria sorry you didn't get much sleep, have a lazy day. Great admiration for you doing your 10,000 steps, the most I manage is about 7,500, we go for a walk most days, trouble is we where we like to walk is always covered with dog mess all over the pavements, why don't dog walkers clean up after their pets, sorry rant over.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      We always rant over bpdog mess, especially when it's around by the school. Which is probably people taking dogs with them when taking their children to school.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry i didn't get in yesterday, my sister came for the day and after lunch younger daughter and family also came, by the time they all left I was so tired, I sat down, picked up the iPad with the intention of leaving a message, but fell asleep!!!

    JANET your cards for Gracie-Leigh are beautiful. I love both of them, thank you for sharing them with us. xx

    MICHELE, What a bargain. I sure these dies will be well used.

    Sandra, I hope Paul's mum and dad have a safe and uneventful journey home. Enjoy the last day of Paul's leave, don't feel you have got to make a card for the blog, Time is so precious xx

    LYNDA, I hope you managed to get an appointment with your doctor. This cough/cold virus is a difficult on to shake off, and certainly a no no after your recent surgery. Please take care. xx

    I better make a move, as I am starting to nod off, I really must tidy my craft room, Like you Sandra I work better when the counters are clear. With that in mind I wish you all a good day and hope whatever every you are doing its enjoyable.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please do not worry about not making a card, you deserve a break as well, so stop worrying & enjoy time with Paul & the girls, we are not going
    Janet your cards are lovely I sure Gracie Leigh will love
    Michele well done on your bargain, I am sure they will be great. Enjoy your last few days of
    Lynda hope you managed to see Dr. today, sending
    Maria hope you enjoyed your
    A friend came for coffee this morning good to have a catch-up.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hi Sandra & all in the cafΓ© today
    Thank you all for your best wishes & extra Hug's. I managed to get a doctors appointment this morning & I have got a chest infection I think she thought I was a crazy woman ( not far off ) as I said I was worrying I would collapse my Stents scaffolding πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she did laugh, This coughing has really felt like
    my chest ribs & back are breaking Doctor gave me some antibiotics & said to use my angina spray if chest feels tight. Now don't all laugh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚at once I had to buy some TENNA LADIES as I'm coughing so hard I πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ 😒 I can hear you all. I also asked her to Chang my Metformin Diabetic tablets as they were giving me so much πŸ’¨πŸ’¨it was embarrassing.
    JANET I love your two cards they are both gorgeous but I love the teddy one.
    MICHELE great craft buys I have ordered from China with EBay without out any trouble apart from long time for delivery.
    MARIA sorry you haven't had any sleep hope you get a better night's sleep tonight like Sandra I didn't go off till 3.30 in my chair. Hug's on there way.πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    SANDRA hope you have filled your Ikea trolley & are pleased with it?
    Have a nice evening have to I'm haveing a coughing fit
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm so glad you managed to see a Dr. I didn't laugh one bit when you said you had to buy Tena Ladies. I'd be worried about my scaffolding around my stent if I was coughing that much.
      Pete had his bloods done ready for his appointment on Tuesday and was informed by the nurse he at long last has a Dr. We've only been without one since June, couldn't tell him if she was my Dr as well. Doesn't bode well for appointments when the Deer Park Surgery closes in March making 4300 patients doctor less.

    2. Thank you Pat yes I was a bit concerned about my Stent as everything feels bruised coughing so much.Thats terrible that your Dr surgerys closes & so many patients without a doctor. We were lucky when our surgery shut the smaller surgery just in the next road moved to our one but they didn't take any of the old doctors nurses so a lot out of work.
      Hope Pete gets on ok on Tuesday sending you both some
      (((((Hug's ))))))xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Hope you've had a relaxing day today. Doreen stayed with us last night and we took her home after tea before the fog and frost set in.
    Janet I love your cards.
    Michele I wonder how long your goodies from China will take. After seeing you boxes one I decided to by the Happy Birthday shadow box.
    I posted a Christmas card to Australia on the 7th and it was delivered today. My SIL in Australia posted one to us on the 12th and we're still waiting for it to arrive. However, a card posted with it, arrived at the other side Of Witney last week. Doesn't make sense does it.
    Take care all of those that have colds.
