
Wednesday 28 December 2016

Christmas pics

Pat's Grandchildren's Decorations

Michele's Gifts

Good Morning Ladies,
I expect some of you are returning back to a normal schedule after a busy few days, like me you will be glad if the rest!  I absolutely love having all of my family home, including their partners etc, but my goodness you never stop, just get tidied up from one feast only to start thinking and preparing for the next, I wouldn't have it any other way though!
Today I'm hope to get into my craft room and start the clear up, everything is piled everywhere, probably from the rush to finish Christmas cards, it's a mess, I can't even see my desk!
I put my new Raskog Trolley together from Ikea, it is so well made and sturdy, I can push it very easily and for me the huge bonus is that it is strong enough for me to lean on for support, the shelves are really big and strong too, if you are thinking about getting one but are worried about quality, just get one they are fantastic!

Pat sent me this photo of the paper decorations that her Granddaughters made, the look like giant origami Snowflakes, I love how they have added the curled ribbon for extra detail too, Sophie made these lovely decorations with the help of Olivia, well done girls, you did an amazing job, thanks Pat for sharing xxx

Michele has sent me a photo of her Christmas presents, I love the idea of the colouring books and pencils, very therapeutic, I think the paper cutting book may be a tad more difficult, I think you made need to hone your scissor skills, rather you than me.  You are a very lucky lady Michele, that collection of Sue's Shadowbox dies is fantastic, I a very jealous!! I can't wait to see your cards! Thank you for sharing xxx

Well I'm back into the kitchen to think about today's meals, leftover buffet for lunch (theirs loads), roast beef and Yorkshire puddings for dinner, hoping that will make Becca come home for the day too, she popped in yesterday and we played board games, which was fun.

Lilian I was saddened to hear about your horrendous journey, you must have been pulling your hair out in frustration, main thing is your home safe now, have a lovely day relaxing xxx

Lynda, I hope your cold passes quickly, there is nothing more frustrating that than being unwell when everyone is celebrating, sending hugs xxx

Love and hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Pat,vI love the decorations, your granddaughters have obviously picked up the crafting bug from you ☺ x
    Michele, you were lucky weren't you. I love the beautiful paper cutting that is around, will you share how you get on please. I wouldn't have the patience or the skill needed with my fat little fingers ☺ x
    Sandra, I hope you get to play in your craft room layer on x
    Sending love and hugs with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you for the extra Hug's just what I needed Xxx

  2. Morning ladies

    Pat-the paper decorations are lovely. They would be great for party decorations.

    I hinted about wanting some Shadow Box dies(I have the Happy Birthday set) and this is what I got-am very happy with them, might have a go at cutting some out today.

    We went for a walk into the village yesterday morning then we walked to the beach after lunch-it was so busy on the beach. People flying kites, lots of horses being exercised. There was a lot of starfish washed up on the beach & lots of shells-it was just lovely to be out in the fresh air.

    Quick trip into Southport this morning then possibly a session in my craft room this afternoon.


    1. Hi Michele
      Love all your presents the shadow box Dies are good the paper cutting book looks interesting although I'm not brilliant at cutting out.
      Enjoy them & look forward to the end results.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Michele
      Loved all your presents. Karen would absolutely love to live where you are if she could ride her horses on the beach. She's always wanted to do that. The decorations do look stunning, large and small ones. They're all off to Warrington tomorrow. Might go and pinch a few and see if I can keep them.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a very hard ground frost this morning. Everything looks beautiful all covered in white but it's very very cold so I shall be staying in today.

    PAT - I love your decorations done by your Grandchildren. They will be up again next year and for years to come.

    SANDRA- I hope your in-laws arrived safe and sound and that you're having a good time with them.

    Well I finished GL's birthday cards yesterday so now have to make a start on the rest of January cards. Yes here we start again.

    LYNDA- Please take care of yourself and get some advice re that cough/cold. You don't want it growing into something nasty. Huge hugs.

    The CAFE is open just waiting for you all to pop in and sit a while - We are nearing the end of the mince pies and jam tarts but they are delicious.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you I tried to get a appointment at doctors today as cough is getting worse & have a terrible head ache & tight chest.
      They didn't have any appointment today have to ring tomorrow at 8 am
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm not to sure if they can be kept. Apparently there in six parts all sellotaped together. However, I might suggest they use my glue to stick them together they might be able to keep them then.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Pat, what lovely decorations. I bet they'll be treasured for years to come.

    Michele, love all your Christmas goodies. The dies are beautiful, in fact they're on my list. The Paper Cutting book looks so intricate. Looking forward to seeing what you make.

    A nice quiet day forv me with an afternoon in my craft room later. Just packed up the best dinner service and canteen of cutlery in their boxes and they're back under the stairs for another year. I don't know why I keep them really but haven't te heart to change the tradition and they do have a lot of sentimental value to

    Sandra, hope you're having a lovely time with your in laws and aren't too stressed.

    Lynda, do hope you're improving. A nice quiet day with lots of hot drinks is hopefully your plan today.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val I'm drinking lots of water & I'm sending this present back to Santa 🎅 I don't like it ☹️ Tried to get appointment at doctors but have to try again tomorrow.😖
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val. I have items that only come out on high days and holidays, financially they aren't worth anything but they are priceless to me so I completely understand why you keep them ☺ x

  5. Hello for the second time today
    PAT - please help me I seem to have lost your address somewhere between writing Christmas cards and now.
    PLEASE SEND IT TO ME via email. hugs xxxx

  6. Morning all. Sorry I have been missing for the past few days - Internet kept dropping out on my iPod and I've had a few unexpected guests which has been very nice.
    The photos today are lovely and to say I am jealous of MICHELE's dies would be an understatement!
    My crafty gifts were a bit bit boring but soooo essential. I received some parchment, another cutting mat - for embossing, a new Perfect Medium pad, black and silver embossing powder
    Just had a phone call from a friend who'd like 6 cards for January! not another excuse to not do housework - what a shame!
    Hopefully I emailed all of you that sent me beautifully made handmade cards but in case you haven't I thank you from the bottom of my heart.I loved them all
    Take carexx

  7. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Nice decorations Pat that your granddaughters have made, lovely to bring them out every Christmas.
    Michele- very nice prezzies, looking forward to see your cards made with it. Love to know how the paper cutting is like.
    Lilian- hope you can rest today after such a tiring trip back home.
    Lynda- wish you better, cuddles :-)
    Off out for a walk, we have a beautiful day with white frost and it's cold but so need to get some air before hopefully making a start on some cards. SIL will get a card I nearly finished after the last work shop. Send you a picture when done Sandra.
    Have a lovely day everyone and many warm hugs to all,Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria for your cuddles just what I needed.Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get time to do some crafting
    Pat your grandchildren's decorations are lovely.xx
    Michele your gifts look great hope to see cards made with them.xx
    Very cold & ground frost today hope to visit a coysin whose birthday is tomorrow then my regular chiropractor check up so must get on.
    Lynda keep warm & keep taking lemon & honey sending special
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret for your kind words I have been trying to get doctors appointment.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, we have beautiful day, lovely sunshine, a bit breezy, will dry the washing well
    Pat love the decorations.
    Michele love the craft things you have received, am wanting one of those shadow boxes.

    Sandra, hope your inlaws arrive safely and that you all have a lovely few days.

    Going to try and make some new year cards, and a card for my brothers birthday, which is New Year's Eve.
    Hope everyone has a good day, hugs to all Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well, I cooked for 14 today. My word what a Marathon Turkey, Beef, roasties and veggies, plus the obligatory Yorkshire puds, plus two massive trifles. Plus Olivia made a birthday cake as it was her mums birthday. Stuffed doesn't come close. I'll send photos of the dies I received for Christmas. I might get some more for my birthday, fingers crossed.

  11. Lynda I do hope you manage to get an appointment with the Dr tomorrow. You don't need a horrendous cough so soon after you op. Take care my friend.

    1. Thank you Pat yes that's what Terry said he phoned doctors this morning & has to ring again tomorrow morning at 8 am so fingers crossed. I loved your granddaughters decorations so pretty.
      Hope you & Pet had a good Christmas
      Lot's of love Lynda & Terry xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra thank you I do feel worse today trying to get appointments for doctors.
    My head feels like it's bursting. Along with chest & ribs. I will have to buy some incontinent pants 😂 Tomorrow HaHa..😡
    I hope your enjoying Paul's parents being down & not stressing now. & Your Christmas was good. & enjoyable for you all.
    I have commented on way down. Our Christmas dinner was excellent at the restaurant/ pub first class service. It was so good Lisa booked it for next year.
    So something to look forward to. Christmas Eve was also good Day
    Darren Sam Harry & Samantha came. & brought some presents for us all.
    Harry was so excited he was so funny.
    They brought us a pressure 12 in one cooker it's so good.look forward to using it.well will have to leave you now as another coughing fit coming on.
    Lot's of love & lots of Hug's.
    Lynda xxxx
    Lynda xx
