
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Angela's Christmas Tree

Val with her Christmas Gifts

Good Morning Ladies,

Well, that was Christmas over for another year, such a long build up, then over in a flash!  
I did find myself looking at a couple of craft sales today but only because they emailed me!
Paul's parents arriving today, I love having them come to stay, but I find it really hard to relax, my mind is always thinking about their needs, like do they need more tea or a something to eat, I think it stems from my anxiety too, I have to keep sneaking off to our bedroom to compose myself! (I'm a daft bat, I know)!

It sounded like you have all had a fantastic Christmas, it's so lovely hearing what you were all up to. 

Angela sent me a photo of her new Christmas Tree decorations at she shared with us on Saturday, it looks stunning Ang, that thank you for sharing xxx

Val also sent me a photo, this time it was of her Christmas gifts, the first being a full size Bodyform, Val had tried to purchase one before but the postage was horrendous, Lynn knew a friend that was coming over so asked her bring it with her, it's fantastic Val, I am sure you will get a lot of use out of.  
Val also received the Fur Gilet from Lynn, a wonderful gift that you will enjoy in while the weather is cooler.
Thanks Val for sharing your gifts.

I hope that the festivities continue for all of you,
Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely tree Angela.

    Val-great photo & how thoughtful of your daughter. I'm guessing the "body" part detaches from the stand? If not, that would entertain everyone at customs.

    We plans to have a walk today, the weather is much calmer here. Then I need to use the computer-I got an Amazon voucher off my in laws which was totally unexpected as I'd got the paste & stencils at the craft show earlier in the year.


  2. Morning Everyone
    I don't know where my comment went from yesterday but I tried twice with the second time a success or so I thought! Ah well it's probably flying around in outer space by

    Anyway fingers crossed that all will be well today.
    Lovely pictures today.
    VAL- I hope your new neighbour is going to settle down and have some consideration for others. Who on earth would move into a new home in the middle of the night - I wonder what he may have to hide hehehe

    We had a lovely quiet Christmas day and Boxing day - just as we like it to be and so today everything is back to normal - well you know normal for this house.

    I have to make Gracie-Leigh's birthday card for Sunday and put the finishing touches to her First Year Album and then wrap her present.
    We then have to make a start on getting ready to go to Marigny on the 2nd Jan. It seems years since we went - It's definitely the longest we have been away.

    I hope all Dear Friends suffering from coughs and colds are beginning to feel better. The CAFE is open and just waiting for customers. Hugs have been despatched to you all with just a few extras for good luck. xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Zoom.......That's what the last two days have done in our house too Sandra. I won't say just relax as it's not that simple is it but try not to get too stressed my lovely, sending you big supportive hugs x
    I didn't get to finish my comments yesterday, I think I managed to leave three or four over the space of an hour with interruptions in between then after eating Chris and I both fell asleep on the sofa!
    I do hope you have all had a lovely time over Christmas and Boxing day, from the comments I saw yesterday it seems that all you all did ☺
    Angela, your decorations look lovely on your tree, you must get a great feeling of satisfaction each time you look at them. Maybe you could think of selling some next year? Thank you for sharing x
    Val, what great presents, Im sure you will get lots of use out of your bodyform and your gilet. I assume that the rear end of the dog in the photo is our lovely Gracie ☺ x
    I better get on as breakfast is just about ready so will send you all love and hugs with extras for all in need, especially our lovely Lynda, I'm sorry to see you have the awful cough that is doing the rounds all over the country, you poor thing. May next year be a much better one for you. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    Oh dear Sandra please don't stress I'm sure Paul's parents will be happy what ever you do and whatever you offer them, just tell them the kitchen is open to all and if they want to, they are welcome to make tea/coffee whenever they fancy. They sound lovely and am sure will be more than happy to fall in with the family. Please try and relax and enjoy. LOL

    Angela your tree looks lovely. Val, what a great gift, I'm sure you are going to get a lot of use with your Bodyform.
    Sandra, I asked John (oops Father Christmas) to get me Reston trolley. I actually got a picture in an envelope under daughters Christmas tree. The trolley is at home under our tree. We will be going home later today. So tomorrow it may just be put together.

    Will try to pop in later, have a good day everyone.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Predictive text is at it again Rastog trolley xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies. Happy Tuesday after Christmas or whatever it's called.

    Angela, your tree looks beautiful. I bet it's so lovely when it shines in te dark.

    Sandra , you sound a lot like me having people to stay. I just want to make sure they're well looked after so really do over compensate. It's lovely to be like that but do be sure you don't do too much and just try to enjoy the occasion.
    Thank you for showing "Doris" this morning I took her up to keep in my bedroom last night and got such a fright when I woke up in te wee hours and saw her shape. I think I may keep her in my craft room.
    Sue , I hadn't realised until you said that Gracie had got in on the photo.

    I've just got back from Lynn's shop. I went down to sort out the card stands. All Christmas done away with and the general cards back in their normal place. Oh my what a lot of gaps. It will keep me busy for a while.

    It's been lovely, ladies, reading what you've all been up to over Christmas. Everyone sounds as though they had a really good time with friends and family which is really what it's all about. What do you all do on New Years Eve. I'm not keen on it actually and am usually in bed before midnight, but do you have parties to go to or some special family thing you do?

    I haven't heard a peep from our ext do neighbors site the "words". Keep hoping to see him or them so I can make piece. I hope they haven't moved out already ha ha.

    Hope you have a lovely rest of the day everyone and Lynda do hope that nasty cough is improving.

    Love Valxxx


  6. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra try not to stress to much I'm sure Paul's parents will help themselves if more extra drinks are needed.
    I can't believe I have this cough & cold that Santa left me for Christmas 🎄 I just feel drained but still had a good time. I hope if anyone had it too I wish you better. I have just had a nice shower & put clean PJs on. It dose look lovely out sunny but cold but I'm staying in today & chilling out. Angela your tree looks amazing.Val I love your bodyform hope you get lots of use out of it.
    I wish you all a lovely day & Brenda hope you get your trolley put together.
    Love to everyone Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda, Please take care, your 'gift' from Santa needs to be told to 'go away' I suggest strong Honey and lemon drinks and Paracetamol.
      Hope you feel better soon LOL xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I know exactly what you mean about having visitors, you worry before they come & really don't relax at all while they are with you, we are stupid. Hope you do get to enjoy
    Having a quiet day today Mark on his way home, just done washing & sorted fridge out, after some lunch will sit & do some cross stitch.
    Sorry to hear you have this dreaded cough Lynda keep warm, healing hugs on
    Angela your tree looks lovely.xx
    Val what a useful present & the waist coat will be handy for walking
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra
    I'm sure if Paul's parents want a drink they could either help themselves or ask. So try not to stress. Just tell them to either help themselves or ask. Easy I know to say but they are damily after all.
    Love your new friend Val. Lucky that you knew someone who was coming over and they could bring it with them. Wonder if they had to pay for a seat.
    Love your tree Ang as well. I am treeless. Pete asked if I wanted it put up on Christmas Eve but I said no. Didn't want to stress about a tree.

  9. Hello All, hope you all had a lovely Christmas, we are home again , traffic was terrible, apparently the M5 was shut due to ice, so we were in a que all the way home, took almost 7hrs.

    Lovely tree Angela, Val love your dress form, they are so useful.

    Had some new water colours and a few other bits of craft , also a hobby craft voucher, thought I might get one of the small die cutters to keep out on my table, has anyone got any of the different ones?

    Better go and unpack and sort out all the bits and pieces.

    Very sorry Lynda that you have this dreadful cough that is doing the rounds, keep warm, plenty of honey and lemon.

    We are having a few days just relaxing, we go to my brothers for new year eve, as its my brothers birthday, will be a bit sad without my older sister.

    Love and hugs Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and all who are in the cafe'or are just looking in. Do stay and say Hello, we love to meet you !
    Hope your day have gone without any problems Sandra and I'm sure if they wanted something to drink or eat that they asked or helped themselves. Try to have some nice days with your in-laws. Sending you supporting hugs.
    Lynda- you poor thing to be suffering again with a cold, really hope you soon feeling better. You and Terry, take care.
    Thank you for sharing your tree and beautiful baubles with us Angela.
    Val- like your new friend "Doris" hope you two will get along for many years to come. Gorgeous Gilet, looks very cosy to snuggle up in or to wear when it's get a bit colder. Have fun making the new cards.
    Have not done much at all today other than had a nice walk at lunch time and then went to see my friend for some drinks and nibbles, at this rate I will soon be needing bigger knickers hihi. I'm the old school so transferring dates and addresses into my new diary, takes a bit of time but I have plenty of that right now. Tomorrow I will start cutting things out for some upcoming Birthdays, yes here we go again hihi
    Have a good evening all, many warm hugs, Maria Xxxx
