
Monday 26 December 2016

Happy Boxing Day

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

It doesn't feel like a Monday really, we have a much more relaxed day in our house today, hopefully it will be mainly Board Games and an all day buffet, laid out for everyone to help themselves to, in some ways I enjoy today's food  more than Christmas Lunch, turkey always tastes nicer cold to me, we have the big ham that I boiled and baked on Christmas Eve, which always goes down a treat, what are your Boxing day plans/ traditions?

So lovely to here one or two of you had a lovely day, ours was just about perfect, we ended up playing board games until about 11.30pm, at that point we were all flagging so called it a night.
Girls asked if we could do it all again tomorrow, which says it all I think.

Paul's parents are coming over to stay tomorrow for a couple of nights, they do every year, by stopping with us it breaks up their journey from Birmingham to Brixham, it's always lovely to see them, we will be back to having a roast tomorrow, roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, yum!  My mum always has a roast on Boxing day, that was one tradition we didn't keep going!   The other tradition I guess is that we usually have another 'Christmas' style celebration dinner on New Years day, Paul is working this year from 30th Dec to 2nd Jan, so we may well do something different this year, not that I mind, at least he had Christmas at home.

Have a lovely peaceful day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies and a Happy Boxing Day to you all.

    Lovely to hear you day was good yesterday Sandra and hope everyone else had a wonderful time. Ours was lovely. Very quiet as both Lynn and Paul came down with this nasty cough and cold bug so we're in bed after lunch for a few hours.
    We had an earth tremor yesterday that although beef was pretty unnerving.
    My brand new next door neighbour decided to move in his villa at 3am this morning. I couldn't stand all the banging and scraping by 5am so went out and had heated words. How selfish. Not a good way to start out with new people but I saw red.
    Anyway, hoping for a nice calm day today. Another Christmas dinner of Roast Beef today with friends. Yum.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Love Valxxx
    How sad about George Michael. Oh so young. X

    1. Hi Val, Good for you complaining. I hope your new neighbour has the good manners to apologise and then maybe he can then be a good neighbour. Hope Lynn and Paul feel better soon xx

    2. Hi Val. I do hope you have managed to have a much more peaceful day than you had during he night. How rude to move into anywhere at that time of night, but especially last night! Like Brenda I hope the new thoughtless neighbour apologizes and becomes a nice neighbour. I hope both Lynn and Paul are feeling better than they did yesterday and that you have had a nice Boxing day x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely to hear about your Christmas Day Sandra. We usually have a second Christmas Day on Boxing Day -this year it's for my in laws. We're having steak with potato& veggies. Melon & Parma ham to start and a merengue gateau later.
    Dad stayed until around 5pm-think he only left because I disagreed with something he said. At least he thanked Phil for cooking the lunch-he doesn't usually remember!

    I got 3 Shadow Bix die sets off my brother & sister in law-think I'll be going online soon & treating myself to the rest of the set.

    Val- I don't blame you for speaking to your new neighbour. How totally thoughtless of him moving things in the early hours-especially at Christmas. Hopefully he'll realise he was out of order & you can forget this incident.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you have enjoyed your steak lunch, it sounds lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing what lovely creations you come up with using your new shadow box dies ☺ x

  3. Hello All, good Boxing Day to you.
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday, our was quiet, with a lovely long walk in the afternoon.
    Today we are off to see the grandchildren, with their presents, so a lot of excitement going on yesterday.
    Hope everyone has a good relaxing Boxing Day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I'm glad that you managed to get a nice Christmas Day walk. No doubt today will have been slightly noisier than yesterday as your grandchildren will be exited. I M sure you will be having a lovely time with them and the rest of the family x

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone, Happy Boxing Day.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time yesterday with all the family. I hope everyone else had a lovely day too enjoying the festivities.
    Work was lovely. Although fairly quiet, it was a lovely atmosphere. Just being there to help some of our residents with getting ready and all dressed up to spend the day with their families makes it all so worthwhile :-)
    We spent the afternoon with Marks family, and had a lovely time.
    Today will be spent relaxing, with Mark and I opening our presents and the boys opening the rest of theirs. Am also doing an all day Buffett so we can just help ourselves. Just waiting for Mark and the boys to wake up and then I can crack open the Bucks Fizz!
    Val, I don't blame you for having words with your new neighbour. How totally inconsiderate of him! Hope he's quieter today.
    Have a great day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I'm sure the residents were pleased to see you yesterday, and their families appreciated you working on Christmas morning, I know we always did for both my Grandma and my MIL when they were in care. It's good to hear you the rest of the day I hope you have enjoyed today relaxing with hubby and boys x

  5. Morning I had a fabulous Christmas Day with my SIL, her husband, MIL, daughter, her partner and OSCAR He may not have known what what going on but he was a real star and entertained us hugely We didn't watch any tele We had a superb lunch Thank you SIL and chatted, laughed and laughed some more We played board games too
    Our Christmas Day tradition is to visit the zoo and lay a wreath but we're also invited to have a lovely cooked breakfast with the staff We shed a few tears enjoying the antics of the young members of staff!
    Today I am home alone BUT I'm looking forward to it I had a few crafty goodies as presents including some parchment So I am going to enjoy unlocking my embossing kit for ScanNCut and catch up on all of the C&C shows about the SNC You day sounded amazing SANDRA and more fun today by the sound of it

    1. Hi Karen. Your Christmas Day sounds a bit like ours with the little ones not knowing what is going on but loving it all anyway. Little Chris did the usual of opening g the first present then not wanting to open any more because they are busy playing with the first toy, his Mum and Dad made us laugh at their impatience at wanting to see what else he had ☺ What a lovely bitter sweet tradition for you to spend breakfast time at the zoo with the staff. I hope you have had a lovely time today playing with your new craft goodies and your Scan and Cut x

  6. I love hearing about your Christmas day ladies, Val how ignorant to move in at such an hour, clearly totally thoughtless people, I hope you manage to clear the air though as there is nothing worse than having nasty neighbours!
    If you ladies get chance I would love photos of your crafty gifts to share with everyone.
    Michele how lucky getting were you getting those shadow box dies, it would be rude not to have the complete set!
    We are having a totally lazy morning, Sophie and Lucy have just made homemade waffles for everyone, yum!
    Paul and the girls had a Ninja Coffee Bar machine for Christmas, we then got them a gift box thAt we filled with all of the chocolate sauces and caramel syrups , orios etc that you can use to make different recipe coffees, they can now make all of the Barista style coffees that these expensive coffee bars make, I can see my kitchen looking like a war zone later!
    Have a lovely day ladies!
    Love and hugs

    1. Oh Sandra those coffee gifts sound delicious. My month's watering just thinking of them. I've eaten far too many Cadbury Chocs- think I'm going to have a lie down.
      Enjoy your day xxx

  7. Afternoon everyone. Your day sound lovely Sandra. So nice to celebrate with the children and family if possible. We had such a fun day yesterday and like Karen's we had Louis Keeping us in stitches and Molly ,who is 6 and was a real angel. Got back at 11pm and then watch a film together, also with son who felt a bit better. They went to bed at 1am while I stayed here to 4am this morning. Managed to sleep to nine when I dragged OH out of bed for an hours walk so have now got the D vitamins for the day. Sitting here now for Brunch with our starters leftovers and then we will Chill, chill and more chill hihi.
    Have a great Boxing day everyone and hope your neighbour is very sorry to wake you like that moving in at hour silly Val. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Your Christmas Day sounds perfect Sandra. Hope today will be the same. Your children will have some lovely memories to pass on to their children when the time comes.
    We had a lovely day, starting with church then returning to daughters house, after a Christmas snack and coffee (something stronger if you wanted) we had the traditional Christmas present opening. Which is always great fun, but it's the silly gifts that everyone loves. Then it was all hands on deck getting the dinner to the table. The meal was perfect. Then later we had various games, which are always fun. Much later everyone collapsed in the lounge, perfect finish to a lovely day. Younger daughter and family left after brunch today. Thay have SIL's family coming for a Boxing Day meal. (25 of them at the last count!!!)

    We are about to get the games out again. LOVE IT.

    Hope you are all having a good day.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra it sounds as if you are having a lovely Christmas with your family so pleased you have them all with
    We had quiet day just the 3 of us with too much to eat as usual mind it was just what we needed after the cough & colds we have all had. Today we have been to Crematorium to take flowers as it is would have been my Dad's birthday. We will have bubble & squeak for tea, haven't had it for ages.
    Time to relax now.
    Val sorry about your inconsiderate neighbour what a time to move. Hope you can sort it
    Hope you all continue to all enjoy Christmas.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you had a lovely day with the family yesterday. We also played board games yesterday. Played tri-ominos with the family last night. Lovely day with family and the two eldest girls boyfriends. Stephen, Keith's brother turned up for dinner today from Warrington. Turned up at his other brothers for dinner yesterday after saying he'd have Christmas Day on his own. Mind you that's an Anderson thing.
    My word Val what an unearthly time to move into a new home. No wonder you had words.
    I hope everyone with colds are keeping warm. Hugs to all.

  11. Hi Sandra & Everyone
    So pleased you had a lovely Christmas Day &I also today sounds like you had fun.
    we had a lovely Christmas day although I have this cough & cold that's going round the cough is wearing me out,felt worse today.
    Christmas Day was lovely though we went out for dinner at a pub / restaurant & Wow the dinner was amazing. The restaurant is owned by Joseph's jujitsu instructor he came &I asked if all ok & Lisa said it was lovely & we will definitely come again next year so he said they were almost full already so Lisa booked it again. So have something to look forward too. We had fun when we got back Joseph had lots of fun games Pie in the face & Speak out that was the funniest 😂.We left Lisa's T 10.30 am as they were going to her SIL for a couple of day's.
    So we popped in to see Terry's friend & ended up staying for lunch.
    Val what on Earth was your new neighbour thinking moving in at that unearthly hour good for you telling him how inconsiderate he was. 👍
    Pleased you all had a good Christmas.
    I think I'm ready for my bed now just hope I can get some sleep OH is already 😴💤💤💤💤 so better try & wake him up & get to bed.
    Love & 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗s for you all.
