
Sunday 1 January 2017


This message is for each and every one of you amazingly talented ladies that I feel blessed to be able to call my Very Dear Friends.

I will keep today's post short and sweet, 
I look forward to sharing another year of Card making and mixed crafts
With all of you, hopefully we can try new techniques together.
I am hoping to do video tutorials on new different card styles and then set that as the 
Challenge for the following week, let me know your thoughts.

As I always say I am open to trying new things, so please let me know
If there is anything you would like me to feature.

I wish you all the very Happiest New Year

Lots of Love and Hugs,


PS.  We WILL be meeting up this year, I am looking as you read this !


  1. Good 1st January 2017 Morning

    I hope you all had a good night and are now ready for the coming year.

    CHAOS will reign in this house today. We have Gracie-Leigh's birthday party this afternoon but before that I have to finish packing the overnight bag; listening to 'surely we don't need to take this' and cook lunch.
    We're off at 06.00 in the morning so I'll be absent for a couple of days.
    I'll be in Marigny when I next see you all.

    Huge Hugs to you all to start your day xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope Gracie Leigh had a lovely birthday party. I bet your looking forward to your break in Marigny, have a safe journey and a Happy New Year to you both.

    2. Hi Janet
      Hope Gracie Leigh had a lovely birthday 🎉
      WishYou & Jim have a lovely break in Marigny I bet you can't wait. Have a safe journey &I wish you both a very Happy New Year.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy New Year to everyone !!!!!!!!! We managed to stay awake until just after midnight so we retired to bed...then the fireworks started. I must have nodded off despite the noise though.

    We have a wet start to the day not that it really matters-I plan to spend a bit more time in my craft room finishing two cards then we're off out to my in-laws for Sunday lunch then I'll need to phone my Dad tonight. I'm putting off doing the ironing until tomorrow-I'm pretending I'm on holiday so no chores-ha ha. Washing, cooking & cleaning don't count!!

    Sandra-I just want to say a HUGE Thank You for everything that you do for the blog. I truly appreciate all your hard work and I feel like I have made many good friends, who I might be able to meet this year.


    1. Hi Michele
      Well I was going to bed before 12.00oclock, however, a young man we used to having staying with us, face timed us at 11.45. He lives in Russia now so it was getting on for 3 am his end. A late night for me at least. Not so for Pete

  3. Happy New Year to you and yours, xxxx

  4. Happy New Year Everyone.
    Sandra love everything you do, I know they take so much of your time, but I love your challenges, they spur me into making a card even when I really have no ideas of my own.
    Have a wonderful New Year's Day, Janet wishing a safe journey tomorrow, I'm sure you must longing to get back to your other "home". Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Happy New Year to each and every one of you.
    Sandra, I enjoy every day on your blog. Great to have got to know you and all the lovely ladies on your blog gathering. I so enjoy the challenges and the inspiration it gives me.. So here's to another good 12 months.
    Janet have a safe journey tomorrow and enjoy the party this afternoon.
    Hope those not feeling too good especially Lynda and Sue have woken up feeling so uh better today. I apologise if you're not feeling so we and I've missed you out.
    My new year's resolution is not to worry about what happening in the world It's going to happen whether I worry about it or not isn't it? Let's see how long that lasts ha ha.
    Having a roast lunch today then eating all the naughty things left in the cupboard ready for the healthy eating again tomorrow. Only 12 days to my holiday, so I'm on a count down.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Happy New year Sandra,

    Looking forward to the meet up with joy.

    Off this morning to help with our village New Year's Day football match raffle and auction.

    Love & hugs to everyone for this coming year. I wish for you all to have plenty of love, laughter and good health.

    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Hope the football match was ok, as I'm not to sure if you have are horrible weather down in Somerset. Hopefully you made lots of money on the raffle.

  7. Happy New Year Sandra and everyone - wishing you all a wonderful 2017 :-)
    Thank you Sandra, for your wonderful blog. Although my crafting mojo has been a little temperamental these last few months, I always find a wealth of inspiration from you and everyone else. Am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us this new year :-)
    Have quite a few January birthdays, and I'm determined that they will all receive hand made cards!
    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I look forward to your tutorials & challenges, they help me enormously. xxx
    Wishing all my lovely friends a healthy happy new year & look forward to meeting more of
    Brenda, Lynda & Sue hope you are feeling better today, sending healing
    Janet enjoy the party today & hope you have a safe & trouble free journey to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Happy new year Sandra and everyone.
    Thank you for everything you done for me/us over the last year and here to many, many more. Looking forward to our meet up's :-)
    Janet- lot of cuddles to Gracie-Leigh, have a nice party.
    Drive carefully.
    Wishing Sue, Brenda and Lynda a much better day.
    Celebrating sister-in-laws Birthday with a big lunch and then cake, cheese and biscuits at her older daughters house so back to good eating first tomorrow, bummer ! hihi Just having a cup of tea while waiting for the shower to be free. have a nice day everyone ! Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Shame you have to start again being good with what you eat. Hope you finish up all the goodies first.

  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and again thank you for this blog SANDRA
    Enjoy the party JANET and a safe trip to Marigney
    LINDA SUE and BRENDA - take care
    Here's to more meet ups with more people More challenges and more of your beautiful work on show x

  11. Hi Sandra
    Just a tad later today. I'm not sure where these days are disappearing to.
    Ozgur face timed us last night around 11.45. I was going to bed but stayed up to wish him a Happy New Year. It was nearly 3 am in Russia where the lives. Tanya and Darin his son whose 4 were still up as well. He was taking his SIL to the airport as she was off to Sochi on holiday, skiing apparently. Anyway about 12.30 he was taking his iPad into the living room so we could say hullo to them, and found out he had visitors. Blow visitors arriving about 3 ish in the morning.
    Can I wish everyone on the bog a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hopefully we'll be meeting up again this year.
    Hugs to all who have been feeling poorly these last few weeks.
    Thank you Sandra for all the hard work you put into your blog, it's very much appreciated. Love you loads.

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Thank you Sandra for all your inspiration & challenges over the last year you are a diamond you never let us down even when your suffering. I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR looking forward to new challenges for 2017.
    Still never got to sleep last night coughing I finely dosed off about 4ish again. I'm still staying in my recliner chair. Not a good start we were going to Darren's for a roast dinner but neither of us were up to going especially Terry driving for over a hour. He just phoned me & said tomorrow they are going to Sam's friend in Margate so going to pop in with three days dinners for us so Terry doesn't have to worry.Sam cooked them for us she is very kind. They said will just stay for a cupper. Now Terry has got the cold but not coughing ( yet ) so hope mine goes soon. I have a lot of appointments coming up first one is on the 5th so not much change from last year HaHa.
    Happy New Yea to all you lovely friends for your kindness & the many Hug's you have sent me I appreciate every one of them. Sue I'm sending you some healing Hug's &I hope your better soon &a that goes for Brender too.
    Love to everyone Lynda xxx

    1. Hope you alright in your recliner chair and not coughing too much, mind those ribs. Time for me to hit the sack I think, just wish the snoring upstairs would stop. Take care friend xx
