
Monday 19 December 2016

A Pretty Gift Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

As Sunday this week will be Christmas day I thought it a bit too big of an ask to have you all Checking in to view Challenge cards and to be perfectly honest my Christmas Eve is usually pretty busy so I would struggle to get the challenge card post done, it is the longest one of the week, I like to make sure I show my appreciation to each of you that takes part.  
So with that in mind I thought I would look at some 'gift giving' ideas, ways to pretty up the dull packaging that gift cards can be presented in.  
Today's gift card works well with Gift cards or cash, so I'll run you through how I made it.

I started with a piece of card that measures 11 inches x 4 1\2 Inches, I then scored the card at 4 1/4 and 8 1/2, this leaves a 2 1/2 inch flap. (Which will be the front of your card)

I decided to make the front flap of the card a wavy shape for interest, so I used a Spellbinder Curved Border die to cut the edge, I lined my decorative paper up too,  I simply half it in place with removable tape, cutting them together ensures that they will line up perfectly after cutting.

You will need to cut a small sliver of card off of the straight edge of your decorative paper,  you will then have a little white border on you curved edge when you stick the two pieces together as shown in the photo above.

Next we need to cut an opening in the bottom panel to make a pocket for the gift card, I used a Spellbinder die that was about the size needed to fit a card, you could use a craft knife or a paper trimmer. 

We now need to stick our decorative paper over the outside of this panel, to create the pocket, be careful were you put your adhesive, there needs to be enough room to slide your gift card in.  Now my decorative paper was quite thin so I added another panel of white card, then covered that with my decorative paper.

Here is the outside of that panel with the pocket, covered with paper. 

 You can see from this photo where the gift card slips into the pocket.

This is how the card looks when folded up, that bottom panel flips up to fit neatly under the flap, we now need to add something to hold it closed.

I created a flower using the same paper as the card is made with.

I then added the flower onto a die cut circle topper, I then added 
Foam pads to the bottom half of the circle only.

The flower is placed so that the top flap of the card just sits behind it.
The flower topper holds the card closed, I did add wet glue to those
Foam pads to make sure they stayed put.
I added a few pearls to decorate.

Then stamped a greeting!

All done!

I will be making a few of these as all of Paul's Nieces and Nephews have asked for a voucher, they can be decorated to suit anyone, you could even have a Potting shed image for a Garden centre voucher!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-this is a lovely idea for a gift card. Must remember this when I need to make one-perhaps I'll try making this when I'm off work over Christmas.

    Goodness-the weekend went quickly! I'm sure this week will go quickly as it's looking like it's got to be a very busy one.

    Val-hope the weather has improved & there wasn't too much damage to your villa.


    1. Thanks Michele. Only light rain at the moment but the storms are due back this afternoon.
      Hope you're not too hectic this week and looking forward to a good break over Christmas. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I bet your looking forward to your time off. Although I expect some of your colleagues will be working.

  2. Morning ladies,

    What a gorgeous idea for your gift cards Sandra, I'm sure your nephews and nieces will love them.

    Tidying up my craft table today to start sewing tote bags for Tiegan and Alexia as part of their Christmas presents.
    Then out delivering cards and pressies to friends.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love your gift card idea SANDRA- like Michele I shall be storing your instructions for when I'm in need.

    I'm hoping to get the rest of the parcels wrapped today (well I can dream can't I). I have my last visit to the Drs this afternoon re my chest infection that is of course if they have received the Xray/blood results from last week but first Mr Tesco is due very soon.

    The CAFE is open and glittering nicely tempting you all to come on in and sit a while. Hugs have been despatched to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too well. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope your Drs visit went well and you don't have any more problems.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the CafĂ© today. I love your pretty gift card holder, thank you for the great, clear and easy to follow tutorial. I hope you weren't doing it at silly o'clock though my lovely ☺ xx
    Cheryl, I'm so glad that Jamie escaped with minor injuries, that is the most important thing as although financially it's not good his car is just a lump of metal which can be easily replaced. On a happier note, I don't able you for getting some extra gifts for Tiegan☺ x
    Janet, I hope you manage to find some kitchen cushions, the Range is usually a great place for all sorts of things that are hard to find in other shops. Have you tried Dunelm, if you have one near you, they can be good too. Please ask Jim to take a snap of you walking around with everything crossed ☺. I hope your check up goes well later x
    Another busy day for us, we didn't get as much done as we hoped with the tree etc yesterday so that's what we are up to today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    What a lovely way to give a gift voucher Sandra, thank you for taking the time to explain it step. by step, your instructions are beautifully clear.

    Well I'm off to daughters soon SIL home until early afternoon, before he heads off into London with his Black Cab. John has a check up at The Marsden then he will join me at our daughters, I usually go with him, but he says he will be fine, and although we could take Ciara I would rather not.

    Hope you all are having a good day.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope Johns check up went well. It's always a worrying time when you have to have check ups. I always have to go with Pete as his brain just switches off as soon as we enter a hospital.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely gift card idea today Sandra. So wish I'd been in the right frame of mind to make some this year, as like you most of my family have requested gift cards or cash. In the end my Mum picked me up a load of gift card wallets from the card factory, and although cheap and they serve their purpose, I did think to myself I could've so easily made my own! Oh well, there's always next year.
    I would like to thank you all for all of your lovely cards I have received - it is so lovely to open up an envelope to find a beautiful hand made card inside :-)
    I have been busy with work, rushing around buying Christmas presents and just had my time taken up with everyday things! I had my works Christmas party on Saturday and a great time was had by all :-) I am working Christmas Day morning, and then after we are spending the rest of the day with Marks family. I have Boxing Day and Tuesday off and New Years weekend. Will seem strange working over Christmas, but am looking forward to it :-)
    I hope you're all keeping well, and doing some lovely things in the run up to the big day! I will try and pop in again later in the week.
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      My Grand daughter is working all over Christmas so she can have a few days off over New Year to travel with her boyfriend.
      She's not happy though as her boyfriend bought then tickets to a gig in March. So she asked the home is they could work the rota around those two days so she could have them off. They said no, she hadn't given them enough notice as she bends over backwards to fill in when there short staffed she's not happy. She's hoping she'll get a post working on the Dementia ward at our hospit before long.

    2. Hi Sonia, I worked at a hospital over Christmas many moons ago and it was really nice and not so bad as I thought it would be. Still remember having lunch with the patients while listening to some boys and girls from a school who came in to sing for us all. Take care xx

  7. What a fabulous idea I will definitely be trying this I hope to see my great nieces tomorrow and as we don't see them very often we're giving them cash for the first time this year and this will be perfect

    1. Hi Karen
      Four of my granddaughters want cash this year so they can buy clothes in the sales.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely idea but as I'm hopeless following even your easy instructions, I'll make some for next year. I assume your making a double layer where the gift card or money goes.

  9. Hi All, busy day again Dentist this morning, nothing done , but have to back to have existing filling "smoothed" I'm sure they have to find something else to do, check up and hygienist plus two tubes of my special toothpaste cost almost £95!

    Sandra love the gift card holder, great instructions, thank you for my lovely card which arrived today.

    My sisters daughter arrived to with one of her water colour paintings for me , as rememberance, very toutched, she was a very good painter and love her art sessions that she went to each week.

    Hope all the appointments went well and that those with colds are on the mend.
    Have a good rest of the evening, hugs Lilian

    1. ouch, what a price for the dentist. Hope you don't have to go for a while. Sweet of your Niece to bring you one of your sisters paintings. A nice memory.
      hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your gift card envelope is lovely, too late for me this year but will definitely have a go next
    Sorry I am late again, had a funeral to go to this morning, one of friend from Petanque, then Alan & I went shopping & so time went, still not put it Christmas tree up, must do it tomorrow. time is running out fast. I am sure you are all the same.
    Brenda hope John's check up went
    Val hope the weather improves soon for
    Sonia I am sure you will have fun working Christmas day,enjoy your time
    Lilian how lovely to have a painting by your sister very
    Karen thanks for your
    Janet hope you have finished wrapping your parcels, I haven't started
    Maria & Lynda hope you are both
    Sue did you get your tree done?Xxx
    Pat that's a shame the home will not let your grand daughter have time off when she has asked well in
    Cheryl you certainly do keep very
    Michele hope work is not too busy this
    Hope I haven't missed anyone.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday I woke up with a Migraine so stayed in bed for most of the day. I haven't been very good today just going to have a cupper then I'm off to bed my eyes are very sore too.
    Sandra your gift holder is great with easy instructions thank you.
    You all sound so busy hope you get some me time before Sunday.
    Sorry short &a sweet Terry has just given me my tea.
    I will wish you all good night
    Love Lynda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and anyone still around in the cafe'.
    Sorry being so late but this day have just run away for me and I haven't got much to show for it. Had a walk this morning ,very chilly. Went food shopping ,in three different shops in the end to get it all. Packed away all Christmas stuff because we need space in the kitchen for Christmas Eve when we have SIL and her hubby around for a late lunch, usually starts at 2pm and finishing at 9/10pm. Wednesday we are going down to Colchester for 1 night and then Thursday from there for a funeral in London.
    Great money or gift card holder, Will give that a go tomorrow as I need something for a young man so Thank you for the tutorial and a very big thank you for the amazing Christmas card that came this morning. They all have a special place in the launch for all to see.
    I hope colds and migraines are getting better so we all can have a nice Christmas, Lynda take care. Hugs to you all, Maria xxx
