
Tuesday 20 December 2016

More of Michele's Beautiful box cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I have some more of Michele's fantastic boxes to share with you all today,  it's hard to pick a favourite!
I love the Christmas Rose Box, mainly because it's unusual, you really don't see many cards with them on, it's usually all Poinsettia's. The Christmas Tree Box with the stars is a fabulous too, I love how everything coordinates so perfectly.
My second favourite is the Holly one, I love the colours of the card, the reds fading to pink, and that lovely fresh touch of green.  What better treat to open on a dreary December day, as it slips out of its envelope and 'POPS' open revealing all its splendour, I am thinking it might be fun to add some confetti into the closed box as you slip it into the envelope, it would either make someone smile if they will be cursing you as they get the vacuum out!! 
Thanks Michele for sharing your gorgeous cards with us, I also love the photo of your Christmas tree, I will wait to see if we get a few more and show them together.

Our tree survived its first encounter with the puppies, Sprockets super whippy tail did knock a couple of bits off but nothing breakable thankfully, Harley had a sniff and left well alone, he is a few weeks older than Sprocket (Dalmatian puppy),  I didn't realise how much more 'mature' he'd become until we were looking after them yesterday.   Paul looked after them all day but was on nights, so Sophie, Lucy and I were on duty in the evening, wow, one puppy is so much easier than two!!  
They had been so good all day, Paul took them on a good 2 to 3 mile walk in the afternoon, so they were both happy to get in the crate to go to sleep, the girls room them out at about 6.30, before we gave them their dinner,  but Harley refused to go back in his crate, (it's huge and has been his home since he was tiny), he just laid, spread eagle on the floor, like the children did as toddlers, when they didn't want to get in the pushchair or car seat, ours used to go stiff, so you couldn't fasten them in!
So we decided to leave Harley laying on the bedroom floor, we checked a couple of times and all was well, they were both sleeping off their tea.  So I went in my craft room to make the gift card holder, after about 45 minutes I thought I would go and check on them again, as I approached the door I heard rustling, so my heart sank, I opened the door very slowly, not wanting to look, you can imagine the mixture of panic and hilarity as I my eyes fell upon a large Border Collie, sat there with his "look sad and she won't tell me off eyes" a huge pile of shredding cardboard at his feet mixed with shiny plastic packets and a Tampax swinging from his mouth, he had gotten in to their shopping bag and found the tampon box intriguing, I was amazed at how many he had opened, those things are fiddly!!  I just couldn't tell him off, i called the girls to come and see what he had done, they thought it was hilarious, it took us a good half hour to collect all the bits off the floor, needless to say Matt didn't find it nearly as amusing As we did, Jodie did though. 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    I have to confess-the pop up cards were all made from a kit, a freebie with a magazine. They all sold at the Christmas Fair-in fact, I haven't got many cards left in my Xmas crate now.

    Sandra-that is such a funny tale about the puppy destroying the box of tampons!

    My crazy friend is calling this evening to exchange Christmas presents-I offered to call at here's but said it would be on my way home rather than later in the evening which is our usual arrangement. I'm feeling so tired at the moment so I'm glad she offered to come here.
    The Hospital Pharmacy is open every day of the year except Christmas Day, there's a couple of staff oncsll tjen. We don't open at the weekends or bank holidays as the Day Unit doesn't open then and thats where most of work comes from. So on any Friday or Bank Holiday weekend we have to make at least 3 days (5 days this coming weekend) IV feeds for any adults or babies needing Parenteral Nutrition from us. I am on a rota for Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays to work in the dispensary but am very lucky that someone usually wants to work weekends. My Bank Holiday is Good Friday (9am-3pm).

    Best get ready for another busy day folks.


    1. Don't work too hard The pop-up cards are gorgeous

    2. Hi Michele lovely box cards. All so pretty. I got te same mag but have saved making them up until next year so lovely to see them complete,Hope the week goes by quickly for you. Xx

    3. Hi Michele
      By a kit do you mean a Die or just a kit similar to decoupage you'd get in magazine. I bet it's not a current one anyway. Love them anyway and I hope you don't have to work to hard.

    4. Michele your pop up boxes are really lovely no wonder they all the went from your stall. Roll on Friday so you can have a well earned

  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE - kits or not you are definitely the 'Queen' of pop up boxes. These are so beautiful that I can see you wouldn't want to put them away.

    Aren't puppies wonderful lol. They definitely keep you on your toes but give so much happiness.

    My Drs visit went well. I just have to go back to the hospital for another chest Xray when I return from France at the beginning of Feb to make sure that my left lung is clear. It appears that I've had a touch of pneumonia. So it's my flu injection on Thursday and Shingles injection a week on Thursday and then that is definitely IT for 2016.

    It's my last K&N this afternoon and instead of crafting we're having a tea party so it will be lots of chatting/nattering.

    Everything is up and running in the Café for today so you can pop in and enjoy yourselves. Hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet I bet you'll be glad when this year is over health wise. Here's to 2017 and a healthy year. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Here's hoping you have a trouble free health wise 2017. You've had your share for 2016 haven't you.

    3. Janet pleased your tests were clear & you can look forward to France & a healthy New

  3. Like JANET has said kit or no kit they are stunning
    Glad your appointment went well too JANET
    The story about the puppies was so funny If that had been my dog, he would have had the biggest "smile" on his face saying "what a clever boy am I"
    I am going to spend today finishing my Chrissmassy bits and then that's it my craft room is "closed" until the new year but just remembered I need to make a birthday card and I want to play anyway

    1. Karen hope you managed your tidy up but then you may have got distracted!.xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and all who call in today,

    Michele these cards are gorgeous, I'm not surprised you have sold them all. Hope today goes well at work. LOL

    Sandra love the puppy story, poor Matt was probably more embarrassed, that's why he was not amused. Also as the pups trainer it is not acceptable behaviour. Me I would have split my sides laughing.

    We are off to my hairdresser friends this morning, her husband is still in hospital, not sure how long it will be before he comes home. Last time he was in for almost three months.

    SONIA CONGRATULATIONS on being a winner on SW blog. An early Christmas gift xx

    Wishing you all a good day, hopefully I will pop in later.

    Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    What a cute puppy story Sandra. Little devils get into everything don't they. If I could draw it would make a wonderful cartoon with a tampon hanging out of a puppy's mouth.
    Congratulation's Sonia on winning a prize on Sues blog.
    Well the storm has finally passed over after 3 full days of rain. Our usual dry river bed Rio Segura flooded and burst it's banks causing all sorts of problems. The two roads into Algorfa were closed and the schools closed yesterday. Sadly one man died when his car was swept away but that was for the up the coast where it was even worse. We've got away lightly fortunately. The new roof over the utility room leaked like a sieve and we had to cover the fridge freezer and washing machine with tarpaulin. I kept the milk in a cool box so I wouldn't have to face going in there every time I wanted a coffee.. I've been out there mopping this morning and fortunately the plugs and wires seem dry but there's a horrible damp feeling in the house. Taking Gracie force long awaited walk this morning I've seen a9riel's down and walls demolished so as I said our house was lucky.

    Off to see the doctor at 1pm re my leg. Lynn picked up the drops that the Asthma Doctor prescribed and the price on them was 166 euros for the two months supply. Fortunately I only had to pay 12 euros towards them.

    Well folks hope everyone is winning the battle of getting ready for the holiday but it will all be worth it when it finally arrives.

    Love to all especially those not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val I am sorry you have had problems with your roof, hope it dries out soon not the sort of thing you need at Christmas or any when come to

  6. Morning ladies,

    Such pretty exploding boxes Michele, no wonder they sold so quickly.

    Puppies and tampons? well, I laughed so much my poor ribs hurt which ended with a coughing fit. I have such a terrible cold that everything seems to be magnified.

    Sewing this morning to do 2 slouch bags for crafting, shopping etc. for Tiegan & Alexia. No interruptions today to slow me down.

    Congratulations Sonia on your blog win. Enjoy your prize my dear.
    Love & hugs to all feeling not so god today, I hope your day finds you with some improvement.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      This coughing bug and a cold bug seems to be doing the rounds. Luckily I haven't surcummed yet thank goodness. I hope your feeling better soon.

    2. Cheryl sorry to hear you are suffering from this dreaded cough & cold, it really takes it out of you, hope you soon feel

  7. Hello All, cold and wet here.
    Michele love your boxes, must try them next year.
    Great shaggy dog story Sandra,
    Congratulations Sonia on your Sue Wilson win, nice to see a name we know.
    That's all for now,lots to do and not enough hours.
    Have a good day all hugs

    1. Lilian I know exactly what you mean about not enough hours I feel exactly the

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe today.
    Oh Sandra, you made me laugh out loud and thankfully I had a Tena on Lol
    Michele- your pop up cards are beautiful, I love them all. Like Janet said, you are our pop up queen :-)
    Janet- good you getting better but still take care and you and Jim have something nice to look forward to.
    Lynda- hope you feeling better ? sending you some healing hugs and some for Cheryl too, see you not to well either.
    Sonia won on SW blog ?! well done and congrats Sonia, do tell us what you got.
    Thank you Sandra, Brenda and Lilian for your cards, I Love them ! have given me some ideas to use for next years cards. Thanks Margaret for spending my money hihi have just bought some dies from Apple Blossom and some stamps. Had a nice walk this morning but after shower etc. I'm feeling very cold so will have a hot chocolate and go under a blanket and watch a program with OH before making the task in making a gift card, fingers crossed
    Sending many warm hugs to you all and hope that you have a nice day ,Maria Xxxx

    1. Maria now how can you blame me for you buying Apple Blossom dies & stamps? Hope you find them as easy to use as I

  9. Hi Sandra
    Love Your boxes Michelle they are gorgeous. Love the shapes you've done them in. We'll definitely have to have a tutorial of these shaped ones as well.
    Laughed at how Harvey got into the shopping. I'd have laughed at Harvey as well. He might be better behaved if he lived as a family pet even though Matt wants him to work. He ought to be training him well before now, well so the man who trains them says on Countryfile anyway. Looking forward to our lunch tomorrow.

    1. Pat I agree about tutorial for boxes, I haven't tried one yet. Enjoy your

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Michele your box cards are gorgeous love them.
    Maria thank you feeling better today Migraine just lingering now. Glad you got some new apple blossom Dies must check them out.
    Oh Sandra what a naughty puppy 🐶Harvey was chewing all the tampons your story did make me laugh & cheered 😂 me up thank you.
    Sandra Sue & Pat have a lovely meal tomorrow.
    Janet glad your hospital went well think we make a right pair with
    hospital doctors blood & 💉 tests so hope we both have a better 2017.
    Cheryl you take care too 🤗🤗
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda so sorry you have had a migraine they really knock you about, Pop used to suffer from them & Sue still does so know how you

    2. Hi Lynda
      I'm sorry to hear you've having a migraine. Hope your feeling better soon.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I should have loved to see Harvey, did you take a photo? They always know when they have done wrong great fun though. I am glad your tree survived
