
Sunday 18 December 2016

Christmas Cards

 Brenda's Christmas card

 Ciara's Christmas Card

Cheryl's Christmas card

 Janet's Christmas card

Karen's Christmas card

 Lilian's Christmas card

Lynda's Christmas  card

Maria's Christmas card

Margaret's Christmas card

Michele's Christmas card

Pat's Christmas card

Sonia's Christmas cards

Sue's Christmas card

Val's Christmas card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I decided that you should all have a week off from making challenge cards this week, although one or two of you did miss it.  So instead of having your challenge cards to show this week I have the pleasure of sharing some of  your amazing Christmas cards, some you have seen before others you haven't.  

Just like every challenge card line up, these cards are all just fabulous!

We are lucky enough to have a card from Ciara this week too, this is the card that Ciara made for her teacher, it's a fantastic card Ciara, I love the sparkly night sky you've created with Santa and his reindeers flying across it, I bet your teacher loved your card Ciara xxx

Brenda, oh my I love the combination of the Kraft card with the teal coloured glitter card, it works so well, it really does pay to experiment, the combination of dies you have used works perfectly too, this will brighten somebody's mantelpiece for sure, thank you for sharing xxx

Cheryl, your card looks 3D, it looks like the Snowflakes are floating, it looks like it could be a pretty acetate over the top of that pretty blue background, I am sure you will let us know when you pop in later, thanks for sharing xxx

Janet, such a cute Christmas card, that cute scarecrow style snowman is adorable and I love those gorgeous little birds creating the border around your card, thank you xxx

Margaret, such a pretty scene on this Christmas card, those cute robins sitting on that beautifully coloured wreath, you have created the perfect background for the topper too with those lovely scalloped circles, I hope you have enjoyed your first Christmas of making all of your Christmas cards, it's exhausting but so worth it, thank you xxx

Karen, I don't remember ever sharing this fantastic Wreath card that you have made, you have added such depth and dimension to the wreath by cutting the foliage in different shades, it has created such a realistic look too, I also think that the Poinsettia works so well as the decorative element, a fantastic card, thank you xxx

Val your card for Lynn & Paul is so beautiful, I love that little cat hiding under the umbrella, such a pretty image, I bet they loved it, so lovely to have that personal sentiment too xxx

Maria's card is the one that I received, it was my first Christmas card and I loved it, so cute, perfectly executed Decoupage of this adorable House Mouse scene,  just love all of the House Mouse images,cute and fun.  Thank you Maria, for such a lovely card xxx

Michele, this has to be one of your best 'pop-up' boxes, the papers you have used are stunning, you have embellished it perfectly too. Xxx

Lilian, your Serif Christmas card is amazing. one of the many things about my blog is seeing how you lovely friends inspire each other, you seeing Karen's Serif card the other day inspired you to sit and create this fabulous card, I look forward to seeing more of your Serif cards xxx

Pat, I love this card, I don't remember seeing it, that bauble is stunning, the colour theme of your card is stunning too xxx

Lynda, I love this card that you have made using Sue Wilson's latest Angel die and that fantastic background, you have made some truly fabulous Christmas cards this year Lynda, thank you for allowing me to share them xxx

Sonia, two fantastic cards from you, I had to include you in the list, I hope you don't mind, my Christmas card was amazing thank you, I hope you get your crafty mojo back soon , I think we all miss our weekly dose of Sonia's inspiration! Xxx

Sue, I loved what you did with the hexagon die, I remember sitting planning this with you, I was amazed at how it finally turned out. Thank you for sharing xxx

Ladies, week after week you amaze me, thank you all !!

Love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a FANTASTIC AND WONDERFUL start to the day - the CAFE really is now ready for the festive season!!!
    All cards are beautiful and truly in the spirit of Christmas.

    I have to thank you all for your beautiful cards which have been arriving on a daily basis. They are all on display in the living room where they can be easily seen.

    CHERYL- what wonderful news you gave us yesterday. I cannot imagine a better Christmas gift.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday the day just flew by. Shopping in the morning was just horrendous with crowds and crowds of people everywhere we needed to go. This morning we have to pop into the Range as I'm looking for some kitchen cushions and just could not find any yesterday so fingers/toes/eyes and anything else that can be crossed is needed.

    Have a good Sunday everyone. Hugs are on their way to help keep you snug and warm. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you not overdid it yesterday with shopping ,can you believe how many people there are and the queues are so long. Any cushions found ? not so easy to find if you kept does beautiful eyes shut for long tihi hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Not to sure how your managed to walk around the Range with everything crossed. I hope you managed to get your kitchen cushions though.

  2. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Beautiful Christmas cards everyone. Such lovely ideas. WOW a week today is Christmas Day so these will be the last Christmas CC for this year probably.
    CIARA I bet your teacher is delighted with her beautiful card.

    Well as well as thunder, lightening and torrential rain we now have gale force winds. The grill blew off the upstairs patio door during the night and the landing is flooded as I discovered when I walked bare foot to the bathroom at 5 this morning. Grace is finally using a paper in the living room to wee on after a few pools were discovered elsewhere.I think our Community TV mast has been hit as we have no tele . I'm surprised the internet is working. If it carries on like this ladies I'll be asking for food parcels ha ha.
    Anyway before the internet does go down I'm going to send this.
    Love to everyone. Valxxx

    1. oh Val, I wish the wind have gone down a bit. It's to warm to be December so it feels a bit wrong for Christmas yet but the diary tells us so. Do you ever been to the midnight mass in Spain ? hugs xx

    2. Hi Val
      Seems as if our weather is travelling over to you. I bet it was a shock to find that mess so early in the morning. No wonder Gracie is apt to leave a few puddles if that's the sort of weather your having. I hope your weather improves soon.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a wonderful collection of Christmas cards. I'm seeing so many nice cards that I want to start making more!!

    We had a nice meal last night-Dad left early , as usual. My brother & sister in law stayed for a couple of drinks so we had time to chat. My sister in laws Dad is quite ill-he was rushed into hospital 8 weeks ago (in Edinburgh) and has only just been transferred to Glasgow. He's going to be in hospital for at least another 6 weeks-he had another heart attack (and possibly a stroke). He is such a lovely man-I hope he recovers soon.


    1. Hi Michele, sorry to hear your SIL's dad is so ill. Wish his recovery goes well. Hope you have a nice Sunday. hugs xx

    2. Hi Michele,

      Sending warm healing thoughts to you and your SIl's family. I hope all goes well. xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm sorry to hear that your SIL,s father is ill n hospital. Looks like it's going to be a long journey before he recovers. Love your fancy box Christmas card.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Thank you all for your lovely words on my news.
    After all the excitement of Tiegan coming to live here, we had a fantastic Xmas shopping morning together with Jamie in Taunton. Nearly all her personal family presents were bought and a few extras to her from me. Doting nanny succumbed again.
    Robin had told her not to argue with me over her school shoes. Her other school allowed them to wear 'dolly' shoes but the school rules at Haygrove, the one she will be attending in Bridgwater, has a stricter policy and despite her pleas, my foot was firmly down for a sensible pair of leather Clarks shoes, I always bought them for my children no matter how hard up I was, their footwear was of paramount importance to me. Luckily she loved the ones she picked out and tried on. Success!

    Well goodness gracious me, what a cornucopia of gorgeous Christmas cards. You have excelled yourselves girls and even if pushed, I cannot pick a favourite, they are all No.1 in my book.

    A lovely long lie-in this morning has refreshed me and I feel so relaxed now after the events of Thursday. Jamie, travelling home on the M5 in the wee hours of that morning, pulled into the nearside lane after overtaking a car and lorry and must have dozed off for a couple of seconds, because the next he knew was a horrendous crash and the airbag going off into his face. He had noticed another lorry about a 1/4 mile in front and though ok I'm not going to rush to pass it then bump!!!
    Luckily he did not suffer any damage to himself just a few bruises where the seat belt cut across his and a bruised nose from the airbag. His car however has been declared unroadworthy. Another expense he did not imagine this side of Christmas. Thanks to God, he is still with us and that is all we care about.

    He has cooked me breakfast this morning so I am off now for a bacon butty. Will pop in later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank goodness Jamie is ok, & how nice of him to cook your

    2. oh dear, glad he is not injured any worse and he after that managed to cook you breakfast this morning. Lucky Tiegan to have such a generous Nanna, glad she found some shoes she happy to wear. hugs xx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad to hear Jamie's injuries weren't to bad, but what an awful thing to happen. How nice that he managed to cook you breakfast.

  5. Woo! What a lovely array of cards and to see a Serif one Lilian is brilliant! I do rely on Serif a lot for my card making Now I am the lucky owner of a ScanNCut I can direct scan/cut embellishments etc
    I am struggling to still finish my cards. I have run out of 5x7 card blanks, so a trip to Hobbycraft tomorrow to stock up
    What a talent your younger sister has SANDRA - love her brand name.
    Your pillow box made me smile SANDRA because that was what I was "fighting" with yesterday afternoon. I used a template in My Craft Studio and have to say it was a pain trying to score the curves. I needed a box of some description to put a necklace in . I managed to match it with the Christmas card but is very plain I was beginning to lose the will to live by the time I finished it! I will try and photo it and send to you. The infamous clock is nearly finished - Hooray! Just waiting for OH to tighten the housing and then I can add the "hands" - Phew!
    I'm glad to see that JAMIE is OK CHERYL What a worry Off out dancing this afternoon Now I am going to write the cards that need posting

    1. Can't wait to see your clock Karen. Beautiful wreath card you have made. What have you put on the poinsettia, it look very shiny ? Have fun dancing ,hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Can't wait to see your clock Karen
      I also had to go out and buy more card blanks. Knowing me I'll probably find I already had some if and when I get to tidy up my craft room.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your beautiful card I received yesterday. I have enjoyed my first year of card making, still did not make as many as I could have done, but I do have alot cut out ready to assemble, so maybe next year will manage it. The cards today are all lovely, the robin stamp is one I will use alot, it was freebie with
    Still not put decorations up or tree done at least the boxes are down now so with luck this afternoon, if I am lucky.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, those Robins have been used a lot this Christmas for me too and the EF is so nice to them. Have you made any cards with the Fox ? Take care, hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. So many wonderful Christmas cards to enjoy today. Thank you for the time you have spent so that we can see them all Sandra x
    Sorry but another flying visit, our house is upside down today while we have a sort out in the lounge so that we can get the tree up! I will make time to.orrow to catch up with what is going on with you all. Sending g love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe', this is truly a day for some lovely Christmas cards on a grey day to make it shine and put a smile on my face.
    So happy to see Ciara have joined us and her card is Fabulous, well done.
    Love the box Michele, so pretty. Lilian, cosy cottage. Brenda, nice card and fab.colour. Lynda, the lovely angel (think it is sue's best one yet) and fantastic background, Sonia's colour coded cards ( always wonderful) Cheryl's, beautiful frosty card and Sue's sweet cleaver tree. Pat, love your card with the lovely bauble and colour is lush. Did you use the EF over both the cards ? Janet, a lovely snowman. Can't choose a favourite because they all are !
    Had a little outing with OH this morning before he went down to Tottenham for football so he be late home. Son working away in his room and I have been really lazy today and had some cake (coffee and walnut) as it's Sunday :-) Hope you all have a nice evening, love and many hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes, I used the EF (had to think for a minute what that was would you believe ) then had to match them up. The poinsettia is a Sue Wilson one, as is the bauble Die and the stamp.

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning array of Christmas cads on display. Lovely to see the card that Caira made for her teacher. All together a lovely collection.

  10. Meant to say Sandra I'm in awe of your sisters talent. Loved the labels that were made as well. A very talented family.

  11. Hello Sandra and all,

    Where has the day gone? I have been busy all day, but apart from sorting out my sisters accounts, making some boxes for gifts, Oh and sorting out meals, I don't seem to have achieved anything.

    What a fantastic selection of Christmas cards, ladies I love them all. Ciara was pleased with hers. She really enjoys making cards but now has homework every day, so time is limited.

    CHERYL, I'm so pleased Jamie is alright, Shame about his car. But he is going to be fine and that is much more important. LOL xx

    I will say goodnight to you all and try to get back tomorrow before such a late hour.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi All, sorry to be late,I've been chasing my tail all trying to catch up, have have my late sisters daughter comming tomorrow with her family, first time I've seen them since the funeral also dentist in the morning for a check up.

    The cards are all absolutely fab, love them all., just finished mine today, going to put a reminder in my diary to start cards in September next year!!!!!!

    Good night all, sleep tight ,I'll see you in the morning, hugs Lilian

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