
Sunday 20 November 2016

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Trees & Wreaths were the theme for this weeks Challenge cards, you really have embraced this challenge, I have seen some gorgeous cards.  So without further delay here they are.....................

Janet has covered both parts of the challenge making both tree and wreath cards, the first two cards both have beautiful scenes, two wonderful snowy door scenes, the first is just such a pretty decoupage style card.
I love the third card too with Sue's Word Tree with the Music sheet background, it really works Janet, I love the gorgeous bow you have finished the tree with too.
The last card is just a stunning wreath, that foliage looks amazing, I never found the 'Joy' die an easy one to work with but you have given me a great idea Janet, which is exactly what this challenge is all about, thank you so much for four fantastic cards Janet, you are back with a bang! xxxx

Karen's card is an amazing Wreath card, it is a Kraft Card base, the foliage was made using Sue Wilson Maiden Hair Fern die to cut different shades of green card, Sue Wilson Poinsettia die and Tattered Lace Pearl Flourish. Tonic Nuvo drops in White and Gold add the finishing touches to Karens Wonderful Wreath, thank you so much Karen for taking part xxxx

Lilian, two fabulous cards from you this week, oh I love that Wreath Lilian, so delicate, perfectly framed by the Creative Expressions Poinsettia Frame Embossing Folder.  The delicate finish of the little red gemstones is just perfect. Thank you so much xxxx

Lynda, two fabulous Tree cards, the first looks like a combination of Inkyliscious stamps, used together to create a pretty scene, I love the Sun, setting behind the clouds and the reflection of the trees in the water. Incredible stamping skills Lynda.
The second card Lynda used a Willow Tress mask and put some Dark Green paste through, she then did the Tumble dryer sheet technique, which adds softness and sparkle to the card, some pretty silver twine and two poinsettias finish the card perfectly.  Thank you so much for taking part, I know your mind must be in other places right now xxxx

Margaret, two terrific tree cards from you this week, the first card has three fab trees, that have such a lot of texture embossed into them, with a touch of added sparkle, I love the 'Season's Greetings' sentiment you have used too.
The second card has such a pretty Christmas tree stamp, the tree has been beautifully decorated with red gem stones and topped with a super star, thank you so much Margaret for taking part this week, I know you have been feeling poorly, I really do appreciate you taking part xxxx

Michele, A Trio of Trees from you this week, all fabulous and all very different, The first quartet of cards are fab, with silver star embossed card in the backround, blue pearl card toppers with silver trees, great for Christmas cards or  Christmat thank you cards, 
The second card has a pretty lilac pearl card Grand Spellbinders Circle topped with Sue Wilson's first Tree die cut, decorated with tiny pearls, such a fantastic card.
The third card Michele has made using the 'Lacé', a combination of cutting and folding the card to form a pattern, it is a very effective technique as you can see by Michele's fantastic Tree. Thank you so much for taking part Michele xxxx

Sonia, Omg, I love this tree stamp, and that sweet, sweet sentiment, the Tree has been beautitfully framed by a matt of red card and Sue Wilson's "Delicate Frame'' from the Italian Collection, more matching matt and layering and the addition of that beautiful sentiment finish Sonia's card. Stunning Sonia, could you please let me know what the stamp is you used?  Thank you so much for taking part I know you have been super busy in your new job, I am so happy you are enjoying it xxxx

Val, Such a peaceful scene that you have created on this card, the snowy mountains with the trees in the foreground, the birds soaring over head and the proud stag stood taking everything in.  A very thought provoking card, peaceful, great for 'thinking of you' or 'man' cards.  Thank you so much for taking part Val xxxx

Wow ladies, what an amazing range of cards, my poor fingers are aching, but it is well worth a little stiffness in the fingers to see such an incredible display of cards.

It's you amazing ladies that make every second I put into this blog worth while, I wake each morning wanting to check in to see who's been in and how they are doing. I have done the same thing each morning since starting my daily blog, which thankfully changed my life, so thank you all once again, it really does mean the world xxxx

Have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing collection of Christmas cards-also different but so lovely.

    I have to confess-mine we're all made & sitting in my Sale box. I don't feel like I want to make any cards at the moment-which is a shame as
    it's hubby's birthday soon so I really need some inspiration for his card.

    Work has been worse than ever as the dispensary manager is now off sick so now me & two colleagues are "expected " to sort out the rota's and check everything is running OK. I have a few issues going on st home right now which is leaving me with very little free time hence the ready made cards.

    Housework today then we need to check the Christmas tree we bought (and exchanged) isn't faulty like the first one! Hubby is off up to Carlisle tonight as they're testing the Flood Defence systems.


    1. Hi Michele. All of your cards are beautiful. The first ones are using the little die that I have, it is so pretty and I love the spotty paper you have used. I hope you don't mind if I "borrow" that idea. I wouldn't have thought to use lilac on Christmas cards but your second card is lovely, it works a treat. And your third card is another beauty, it would be great for the men, did you cut it by hand or do you have a die? Thank you for sharing and giving me lots of inspiration. I do hope that you manage to get your home problems sorted, and also your work ones too. Will there be a temporary dispensary manager taken on? It's not right that the three of you have to cover that job too! Fingers crossed that your tree is fine when you check it. Will it be going up on the 1st? Sending you some big supportive hugs to help you get through. Take care x

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    4. Just wanted to echo what Mrs B has said Take care xx

    5. Hi Karen
      Wow love your cards especially the woven one as I hadn't seen one like this before. I hope work isn't to traumatic this week. But fancy being left to sort everything out on top of your normal work. Hope home gets sorted out soon as well. Extra special hugs coming your way.

    6. Hi Michele, I hope all gets easier for you as the week goes and you get some help at work. Not fair for you to have all this stress. Take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic selection of Cards this week. Everyone so very different but all so so beautiful. I'm really envious of you very talented stampers.

    We had a good but tiring morning yesterday and I even managed to get one or two Christmas Books for my GGCC.

    We have a very windy and very very wet start here so not sure what is on the Agenda for the day. I do know that the Café is open, Warm, Cosy and ready for you to pop in for a while. The Menu for today is a traditional Roast Pork Dinner.

    CHERYL- I hope you're heating problems are well and truly sorted and MICHELE don't do too much housework as you know it's not good for you. hehehe

    Hugs for you all especially Dear Friends not quite feeling 100%. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I love your cards today, the wreath one must have taken ages to do. Thanks for opening up today and I'll enjoy the pork lunch. I hope the weather improves for you today.

    2. Hi Janet, you roll tihi it's lovely to see you back and showing us all your gorgeous cards again. See you for dinner, don't feel like cooking today. hugs xx

  3. Hi Janet. It is so good to see all of your gorgeous CC's, it is a sure sigh that you are feeling much better😁
    I can't chose a favourite as everyone is beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I have some music papers and seeing your third card has inspired me to get them out and use them.
    Roast pork for lunch....yum yum...count me in please 😁 Whatever you end up doing, take care x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Right, I am having awful problems with commenting today, it keeps jumping back to previous day's, vanishing, duplicating, and I don't know what so I'm going to quickly say that all of your CV's are beautiful, thank you for my Sunday inspiration everyone.
    Sandra, Sophie's artwork is breath taking, I love looking at her work, and I still am amazed at just how she manages to bring whatever she is drawing to life on any material and with only a simple black Biro! I'm glad that both Sophie and Lucy were given the recognition of their hard work and talent on Friday, I had to agree with Mum's comment about your hands being red any way from all of the clapping. I can't wait to see what you were up to my lovely. Have a good day xx

    I'm pushing my luck with this comment so will send my love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you are ok and the comments have calmed down by now :-) Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love all today's tree cards. I think I might have the stamp that Sonia used. I assume that mine didn't make it in time last night.
    Extra special hugs for Lynda to take with her tomorrow. Hopefully you'll begin to feel better once the procedure has been done and you've had time to get over it.

  6. OMG I didn't have to sign in this morning not even once let alone twice.

    1. Hope you and Pete have a nice Sunday together and you perhaps make some cards, hugs xx

  7. What a beautiful array of cards This blog is the first one I visit every Sunday because I love to see what everyone's done and the inspiration it provides
    We're out dancing this afternoon but it's more a catch up with friends (and a little bit of baby sitting Oscar whilst future son-in-law has a quick boogie Daughter is away celebrating a 30th with her girlies)
    Enjoy your Sunday ladies and take care xx

  8. Hi Karen
    Lovely wreath card today and it must have taken you ages to cut all this out as well. How lovely that you can go dancing and enjoy time with Oscar.

    1. Hi Karen, have a fab day dancing and looking after you smiling grandson, he is such a cutie (lots of cuddles) xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of cards again, so many different designs. Look forward to tomorrow's
    Janet what is the name of the window/door die?,I love it. I bet the children were pleased to see you after all this time. Take it easy
    Michele sorry you have problems at work & home, sending you special
    Karen enjoy Oscar this afternoon & maybe a little
    Sue hope you don't feel too tired take care love xxx
    Wet & miserable here although sounds as if the south & south east are suffering, Lynda hope you are safe & will be with you tomorrow in spirit, how long will you be in or is it day surgery? Sending big healing
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, hope your cold is a lot better so you have had a nice weekend. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today, Please may I have a Hot Chocolate and some crumpets. Do need something warming as the weather is absolutely crazy outside and I'm feeling quite cold.
    Love all the CC's ! As usual you have all made a fantastic job with trees and wreath cards. I missed sending mine in apparently and I had it made since Tuesday evening hihi
    Brenda- I hope you havent gotten worse with the cold and manage to have a nice Sunday.
    Lynda- we are with you tomorrow from morning to night and try not to worry too much, your cards are lovely many hugs.
    Lilian- hope your hands not too sore. Did you get your machine fixed ? Hope you cooping with the winds down South.
    Sonia- so happy you enjoying your work, never know do you when you take the step for a change. More hours sound good as long you not taking on too much, take care
    Cheryl- love to hear you got some heating back at home. Hope you are well ? hugs
    Val- have a nice day, you planning another trip to the UK soon ? if you do ,bring lots of jumpers and long trousers.
    I had a fun time at the work shop , paint and glitter on the cards and loads on me hihi Hope to remember what we did so I can make some more.
    Going to call my sister later, do feel sorry for me someone tihi she can talk and talk and talk ( dogs)
    Have a good day all, love and warm hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria, I still have a dreadful cough, but think the Honey and Lemon + the odd Paracetamol is helping, these germs just have to run there course...........Just wish they would run away from me. xx

  11. Hello All, sorry to be late, been out side clearing up after lasts nights gales , luckily no damages, just everything blown about, and millions of leaves down.

    Cards are all absolutely fabulous, love them all mine are both the same card!!!!

    It's our 51st wedding anniversary today, hard to believe all those years have flown by.

    Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow Lynda, we will all be there holding your hand.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Happy Anniversary - enjoy your evening :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Lillian and Roger, congratulations on you 51st wedding anniversary.
      ❤️ xx

    3. Lilian & Roger a very happy anniversary to you

    4. Hope you both had a wonderful Anniversary ! xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A lovely selection of cards again today :-) Everyone has been busy! Mine was one I'd made earlier in the year, so thought I'd share it with you all. The tree stamp is from Penny Black, and I believe is called Fantasy Tree. I've had it a few years so don't know if it's still available.
    Hoping no one has suffered any damage from storm Angus. Think we were quite lucky here and didn't get it as bad as was forecast, although there was a little flooding in places along the road to work this morning we didn't get the gales.
    Lynda, will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending hugs x
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and all,

    Sorry I haven't been in for a couple of days, I haven't felt at my best also have been helping our daughter, with preparations for Callum's confirmation which was yesterday. I was so tired when we got home yesterday evening, and slept in until almost 11.00 am which is unknown, my battery's must have needed recharging!!! and have spent the day resting.

    I'm sure you and Paul were bursting with pride seeing Lucy and Sophie receive prizes for their work. Well done Sophie, your art is amazing, thank you for allowing Mum to show some of it on her blog. Lucy congratulations on your award, I think ICT is an area that certainly offers lots of opportunities, good luck with your exams.

    KAREN, your Reindeer is gorgeous. I can see a certain little man who will enjoy playing with him. xx

    Today's cards are all really gorgeous, such a verity of designs, each on a masterpiece in it's own right. I'm sure lots of visitors look in on Sunday just for
    the inspiration. Sandra sorry I didn't get around to sending you another card for the CC. I really hadn't anticipated how life would get in the way. My card will get its day and be used as a Christmas card.

    LYNDA Sending special ((((((Hugs)))))) for tomorrow. Terry might have to be careful, you might just become the bionic woman after the opp. Just wanted to say, I will be thinking of you. xx 😘 👍

    Have to move myself as dinner is almost ready, hope you have all had a good day. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  14. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Some gorgeous cards today the are all different again Michele love all your cards the third one is my favourite love how you have made it iove how you have made it into. Tree shape so cleverxx
    Janet I love all your gorgeous cards you have been busy I love your wreath so pretty.Xx
    Margaret your two cards are also beautiful
    Lillian I love your cards too very pretty
    Val wonderful card from you too.xx
    Wow Karen your wreath is gorgeous xx
    Sonia I love the tree stamp you have used so clean & prettyxx
    Well done your all so talented.
    I would like to thank you all so much for your best wishes & Hug's I really appreciate them. I'm all packed alarm set for 5am as we have to be at Ashford William Harvey hospital by 8am it's a1&1/2 to 2 hour run so have to leave at 6am. I have to stay over night hopefully but maybe two nights. Will try & get in to the cafe at some point on my phone after operation all finished. Haven't done much today just got all the ironing out the way as I can't do much when I get home no heavy lifting or hoovering. So I'm not sure I will get CC done this week will see.I hope all who had colds/flu are now feeling better. keep warm it's freezing out a bitter cold wind. The rain & wind last night was shocking.
    Going to have some dinner now. So I will try & get back but later but if not will get in as soon a I can next week Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Really had bad time getting on blog today but really hope this works as want to say good luck for tomorrow Lynda. Hope everything goes well lots of hugs Valxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Just popped in again to send my good wishes to Lynda for tomorrow. We're all with you in spirit because we all can't be with you in person. An unearthly time to be up in the morning. I hope it's not frosty in the morning.

    3. Thank you Pat & Val didn't sleep well last night
      It heavy rain this morning. See you all soon love Lynda xx
