
Saturday 19 November 2016

Karen's Reindeer & Celebrating An A* Artist

Karen's Reindeer
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

First up today I am so exciting to share with you Karen's Incredibly Cute Reindeer, 
Karen crocheted the reindeer following a Kerry Lord pattern that she bought at John Lewis. I think that he is the cutest reindeer ever, just look at his expression, Karen your crochet skills are amazing, I look forward to seeing your next project, mind you it will a while choosing all of the different options of head, body, legs from the amazing Edward's Menagerie, also by Kerry Lord.  Thank you so much for sharing your Reindeer with us xxxx

Now I feel a little indulgent with the next feature, I want to share with you some of Sophie's A level Artwork, we are so proud of what both our girls have acheived ,
we had huge smiles on our faces as our girls received their Awards last night, we have been to every single award night at their school from when Matt started back in 2004.  Anyway, I digress here is some of Sophie's amazing artwork...........

Drawings showing Muscle Definition, you may all recognise
Paul from the photos (hahaha)
Artist Style: Michaelangelo

 Guy Denning is the Artist this work is based on, he experiments
with charcoal, oil paints and chalk on different surfaces as Sophie has done
here using Cardboard.

Casey Baugh is the Artist these pieces are based on,
his style is described as "A narrative impressionistic realism"
he specialises in Oil paintings and charcoal.
Sophie's main piece was created by rubbing charcoal into
 cartridge paper, then using it to add definition around facial features.
The bottom right photo is of a huge A2 piece Sophie did in same style.

Soph's Grandad

artist pieces

Marc Powell is the artist Soph is studying for these pieces,
Powell reuses Old Envelopes as canvases to produce incredible
drawings, his drawings are mostly in Biro Pen, (which is Soph's favourite too)
his work usually incorporates original stamps, preserving a bit of history!
Soph has used a birthday card envelope and a music sheet as canvases for her Biro 
drawings of her Grandad (Paul's Dad).

Sophie's latest review, that arrived yesterday shows that she is currently working at a 'A' grade for A level, not bad for the first term!  We are so proud of your work Soph xx

I am just working on a couple more projects for your used dryer sheets, hilariously this meant that I went to the girls Award Evening with red stained hands!  Video's coming soon!

I hope you have all enjoyed your challenge this week, I look forward to sharing your cards tomorrow.

Have a lovely weekend,

love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your reindeer is gorgeous, so cute.

    Sophie-your artwork is amazing, so lifelike.

    The weather isn't anything like the forecast so hubby has gone off to play golf leaving me free to go craft shopping! I'm going to the craft shop in Lady Green garden centre then on to Hobbycraft in Aintree (only 25-30 minutes drive from my house). I'm hoping to find some Christmas gifts in Hobbycraft for my colleagues & something for my crazy friend. After that I need to get back to making Christmas cards but I seem to have lost my oomph.


  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN- I love your Reindeer - He's so cute and I know just how much work goes into these wonderful creations.

    SANDRAA/SOPHIE - your artwork is just incredible. Everything exactly as it should be and your use of materials is far reaching and just shows that we can use any materials.
    SANDRA- you are truly blessed with two wonderful Daughters.

    I'm off to Meadowhall this morning. We are meeting up with Jim's Niece and her two children. This is the first time we have seen them since the middle of August so they will be super hyper!!

    Everything is up and running just waiting for Friends to pop in for a chat and a cuppa. I'll put some fresh cream scones behind the counter later. Have a good day everyone whatever you all decide to do. Hugs have been despatched. xxxx

  3. OMG To share a slot with the amazing art of SOPHIE I am not worthy What a talent No wonder you were beaming last night over your two beautiful girls
    I'm hoping to do the CC card later It's finished in my head and looks beautiful BUT the idea is still in my head!
    Don't think I'm sickening for anything but all I want to do is just sit and slob
    Have a great w/end everyone xx

    1. Good luck with cc I got it too in my head, not sure it will come out tho. slob as much as you want my dear friend just remember You the one cleaning it up ! awwww hihi xx

    2. Hi Karen
      That's what I've been doing today lobbing while watching the snooker. Petes been out in the garden. Mind you he has his own built in heating system. Hope the design for a card makes it out of your head.

    3. Should be slobbing. One day I'll re read what I've written before I press publish.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Karen, your little reindeer is so cute, love him :-)
    Sandra, no wonder you and Paul are so proud of both your Daughters achievements! Sophie's artwork is absolutely fantastic. The drawings are so lifelike. Well done Sophie, you are very talented :-)
    Well, still no crafting for me! I did have yesterday off - as working tomorrow - but that was spent doing housework and catching up with a friend! Not sure what's on the cards for today other than more washing, so we shall see. Have been in my job for 3 weeks now and am still absolutely loving it :-) So much so, that I'm actually thinking of going full time as they're still advertising for more staff. I'm doing 25 hours a week at the moment, and the full time hours are 35, so definitely worth me giving it some thought.
    I hope everyone is keeping well and anyone going through tough times is managing to get through them (I'm sorry I'm so rubbish at keeping upto date with everyone's news and everything that's going on) Just know that I am thinking of you all xx
    Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you may be doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I'm so pleased that your still enjoying your work. Sounds like a plan to perhaps work 35hrs instead of 25 as long as it's not to demanding.

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Karen -I love the sweet little reindeer ! You are so good at crocheting and looking forward to see more one day.
    Congrats to both girls for their Awards Sandra and Paul, your evening must have been something special. Sophies Artwork is just Amazing and thank you Sandra for sharing it with us. Hugs to both girls.
    As you know we had a few nights in Colchester and it was lovely but the wi-fi in the Hotel was absolutely awful once again so in the future I want take the lappi with me. However the Card that Pat had made is lovely and the one from our Lynda, wow I love it !
    Brenda- so sorry to see you got a cold. Take care, plenty of fluids and keep warm. many well wishes hugs for you.
    Margaret -hope you are better, well wishes hugs for you too. Hope you daughters camp goes alright, it's cold out there. Michele- have a great day shopping and the same to Janet, how lovely to see the niece and the kids again after all the months, have a good day. I hope you all have a nice day, wrap up warm if going out.
    I'm going for a workshop today with Julia so I hope they put the heating on in the old hall, it can be freezing at times. Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Karen your reindeer is gorgeous, I love the expression on his face, look forward to seeing
    Sandra what can I say Sophie has soo much talent. I have seen the one of Grandad in the flesh so to speak, it almost jumps of the paper it is brilliant. I bet your hands would have been red anyway with all the clapping last night well done to both
    Michele enjoy your day craft
    Janet enjoy seeing the children hope they do not tire you
    Hope you all have a good day sending hugs to all love

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Oh Karen, what a cute little reindeer. So we'll made. He looks made for cuddles.

    Sandra I'm blown away by Sophies wonderful drawings. So lifelike. What an amazing talent she has. I bet you and Paul were so proud of your two girls last night.

    Craft class was lovely yesterday. Wendy helped with the glueing of the pop up box. Easy to make when you know how. Next week we're taking all the things needed to use pixie powders. Although I have some I've only dabbled with them and not used them seriously so it will be good to see them being demoed.

    Margaret and Brenda. Hope those nasty clothes have cleared up now.

    Hope everyone else is well and enjoy your weekend whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Margaret and Brenda. I'm not being rude about your clothes honest. I meant colds. Ha ha. How do you get rid of predictive text?

    1. Gave me a giggle, thank you yes seems to have

    2. Gave me a giggle as well. It's to cold to get rid of our clothes.

  10. Hello All, very cold here , thick ice on the car this morning.

    Karen your reindeer is lovely, would love to make one , but crochet hurts my hands now, can still do a little knitting.

    Sandra Shophies art work is FABULOUS, love the pieces don on the music paper, really stunning.

    Well just come back from Asda, really Christmas in full swing now, they have chocolate oranges ( Terry's) for 50p, which is a great price, didn't get any as would probably eat before Christmas.

    Have a great day, keep warm especially those not well ,hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra
    How cute is your reindeer Karen. I've always wanted to learn how to crochet as I'd seen tops that I'd liked. I always used to knit but it's cheaper now to buy a cardigan of jumper.
    How incredible is Sophie's art work. Congratulations to both girls on their achievements.
    Cold here today. Petes not to impressed as I've got the heating. Alright for those that have their own built in heating system, like he has. Stay safe up North as I've seen snowy scenes on Facebook.

  12. Hello Sandra & everyone
    WOW Sandra Sophie's drawings are STUNNING So life like I love the one of her grandad they are all incredible. You &Paul must have been so proud of your two girls last night watching them collecting their awards. Well done Sophie & Lucy two big Hug's 🤗🤗xx
    Karen I love your crochet Raindear he is sooo cute wish I could crochet 🤗Xx
    Michele ihope you got some nice craft shopping & you get your challenge card done.xx
    Val glad you enjoyed your craft club your lucky haveing one. Have a good evening & good day tomorrow 🤗🤗🤗xxx
    Maria hope you enjoyed your work shop with Julia,Hope it was warm for you. Have a good evening & day tomorrow 🤗🤗🤗 myfriend xxxx
    Sue hope the scouts jumble sale went ok & you made loads of 💰Money. Margaret & Brends hope your feeling better Sending you both Hug's 🤗🤗
    Janet hope you enjoyed this afternoon with the children, hope you wasn't to tired after. Sending you some 🤗🤗🤗Hug's my friend Xx
    Haven't done much made another C C a stamped one with my faux Misti.i must go & Email it to Sandra.
    See yo later. Love Lynda xx
