
Friday 18 November 2016

A Festive Treat From Pat

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

A very relaxed day for us today in comparison to yesterday, I probably made things worse by letting my anxiety get the better of me.  By the time the man arrived I was an anxious /nervous wreck.  It were just frustrated me that he wanted to look in every cupboard, I could almost see his eyes roll as he looked in my craft room!!
He was measuring room sizes, I did mention that all bungalows were the same room sizes, identical in fact! We have all our camping stuff stacked in the old airing cupboard, the immersion heater doesn't work, never has since we moved in, but he still insisted that Paul unload the whole lot so he could see the tank!!
The funny thing was that they hadn't explained to him that we have two bungalows knocked through, through what was a storage cupboard in the hallway, he wasn't happy that they expected him to do 2 bungalows when he was only paid to do one!!
I was relieved when he went I can tell you!

Now onto today's fabulous card, one of Pat's older Christmas cards I believe, I found it in my Christmas card file, while browsing yesterday.   I think it might be a card that Pat made at the Class she sometimes goes to on a Thursday, I love the colours and that pretty poinsettia Wreath, stamped inside the bauble, very creative Pat, I love the stitched detail around the leaves too.  The matting and layering finishes the card perfectly Pat, thank you for sharing xxxx

A quick frugal tip, if like me this time of year have many Amazon parcels arriving, keep the packaging, I die cut several tags out of some the other day, it looks identical to Kraft card, the envelope style cardboard packets actually have a perfect rectangle frame embossed into them!
The other thing I created was my own Antistatic bag, I have one but can't find it anywhere, with my renewed love of stamping I needed one urgently, so I round a piece of old fabric, die cut a large circle, popped a small mound of talc in the centre, gathered up and secured with a ribbon tied tightly around the top!
Or you could make a rectangle, glue together on 3 sides with Hot glue gun, add powder then close last side with hot glue too.  They both work a treat, cost very little and make your card smell lovely!

We are off to Sophie & Lucy's School tonight, it is their 'Charter Day' Celebration today and they have a full Service this morning, followed by an Awards Ceremony tonight, both my girls have received an award, Sophie has been Awarded the Prize for Art and Lucy received the Award for ICT, so we will be very proud parents tonight, with tingling hands from an hour of clapping!
such a lovely, positive way to end the week !

Have a lovely day ladies,
sending love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-lovely card.

    Not sure why I didn't comment yesterday. Work was truly hideous-two deliveries as soon as I got in which shouldn't happen as we don't open until 8.30 then the dispensary manager didn't show up so I (along with another colleague) ended up sorting out their plans for the day so when I finally got round to Aseptics my boss wasn't too happy. The day continued in the same theme (problematic) all day read-a senior pharmacist queried something silly with me so I snapped that she should know what was going on instead of totally relying on me as I'd been dealing with more important issues!!

    Goodness knows what will happen today. It sounds horrendous out-rain/sleet/hail out, pity I have to go out soon.


    1. Oh what a stressful day Michele. No wonder you snapped. Thank goodness it's Friday and you have the weekend off. Have a good

    2. Hi Michele. I'm not surprised you snapped at your colleague, your day sounded like it just went from bad to worse! I hope today is much better. Sending supportive hugs to help you through the next few hours. I hope you have a good weekend relaxing x

    3. I'm not surprised you snapped I had an IT guy explain to me that he needed to email a colleague explaining exactly what needed to be said in the email etc etc and could I send it "no" I said saying that he has access to the same global address book and wouldn't it sound better coming from the horses mouth so to speak Have a relaxing w/end

    4. What a stressful day you had yesterday Michele. I do hope that today isn't as bad. It's no wonder you got a bit cross. Having to sort out other people's work and your boss being cross about it as well wouldn't have helped.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a horrible start to the day here too with rain,wind and it's bitterly cold. Definitely a 'stay in' day though I have to go out this afternoon so finger crossed it might at least have stopped raining.

    PAT- A beautiful Bauble Card. Love your colours and flowers.

    SANDRA- At least you won't have the 'Gremlin' visiting today poking his nose into all your cupboards. I just know that you'll have a wonderfull night and congratulations to Sophie and Lucy on their Awards.

    MICHELE- Extra hugs for you today and I'm hoping that you have a much better day at work. Just keep reminding yourself that it's Friday and the week-end is nearly here.

    I didn't manage to get any crafting done yesterday and so as it's housework this morning probably none today.
    I have to send CC pics to Sandra too.

    The CAFE is open - Bacon Sandwiches this morning are waiting and the tea/coffee pots are hot.
    Hugs are on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Oh your weather sounds awful Janet. Don't work too hard. Hope its dry when you have to go out this afternoon. xxx

    2. Hi Janet. We had the awful wind and rain last night, it's quite and still today with some bits of blue sky so I'm sending it up to you as we speak. Don't go tiring yourself out with housework please x

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.

    What a lovely card Pat . I love the way you've fitted the poinsettias inside the bauble. Very pretty. Ooh and I have that very nice embossing folder.

    Thank goodness yesterday is over Sandra. He doesn't sound like a nice man which doesn't help. Hope that doesn't happen very often.

    It's Craft Club today and thanks to the template Michele kindly sent me I have made the shell of a pop up box and decorated that part. Wendy has kindly said she will help me glue the inside bits as I'm not so good with a glue gun and as it's an order for a great grandchild I don't want to end up in a sticky mess.

    Hope those of you who have colds and aches are a lot better today.
    Love to everyone.

    1. Hi Val. Have a lovely time at Craft Club. I bet the pop up box cards will look great, please can we see a picture? I am not good with hot glue guns either. I always manage to burn myself at least once every time I use one! I bought some little silicon finger covers, similar to thimbles, to see it they help me not burn myself. I haven't tried them yet, will let you know how I get on with them when I do. Have a good day x

    2. Thanks Sue those thimble thingies sound good. I usually end up with a burn or two and my fingers stuck together. Such a mess ha ha. Hope you get sorted for your Jumble Sale tomorrow and it's a big

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. Pat, what a lovely card, your poinsettias look so pretty sat in the bauble, thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you have a good weekend x

  5. I will try to finish my comment before hitting publish this time!
    Sandra, the "inspector" sounds like a real grump. It's not your fault that he wasn't given the correct details. How picky to make Paul empty all of the camping gear out of the old airing cupboard! At least you can forget about now and look forward to seeing Sophie and Lucy get their awards. I see sore hands, a very proud heart and lots of soggy tissues by the end of the evening, make sure you use waterproof mascara. Enjoy every minute my lovely.
    I haven't been in and looked at what everyone was up to yesterday, I have to go out soon and then getting things sorted for the Scout jumble sale tomorrow so I'm might not get to.e to look today but I hope you all have the same or better wether as us at the moment. Such a difference to the gales and rain last night! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Sandra. Sorry should have said have a wonderful time this evening. I bet there won't be two prouder parents than you and Paul tonight and rightly so. Well done to yourbgirls on getting their

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A lovely card from Pat today. The poinsettias are beautiful :-)
    Another fabulous card from Lynda yesterday too :-) Sorry I didn't manage to get in.
    Sandra, what a stressful day you had yesterday :-( I hope you're having a more relaxing day today before heading out this evening to the award ceremony. Well done to Sophie and Lucy, it's fantastic to hear that they have both received an award :-)
    Hope everyone is keeping well and having a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi All wet and windy also very very cold here.

    Pat super card, love poinsettias on cards as I can't keep the real things alive for more than a couple of weeks..

    Sorry you had such a picky chap yesterday Sandra, I'm sure you will have a great time to night , and be bursting with pride. Congratulations to Sophie and Lucy.

    Waiting for my sewing mechanic to come he's just rung to check where I live, only told him Wednesday !!!!

    Have a good day all, keep warm hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your mechanic managed to find you, and that he remembers he's coming to fix a sewing machine.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry the inspector was so rude yesterday, there was no need for him to take his anger at being given the wrong instructions out on you. Congratulations to Lucy & Sophie on their awards, you have every right to be proud they work soo
    Pat thank you for allowing us to see this lovely
    Michele hope you have a better day today, at least you have weekend to look forward to, hugs on
    Janet I hope the weather has improved for you, it is nice & sunny here but bitter
    Val enjoy craft club & don't get too stuck up!!xxx
    Sonia lovely to see you, hope you are still enjoying your new
    Sue don't work too hard sorting the jumble out hope you do as well as you normally do. Love you xxx
    Lynda hope your are not too sore after the blood tests & will be thinking of you on Monday & giving you virtual hugs, take care xxx
    Maria hope you are enjoying
    Karen I have posted your cut outs, you should have them
    Lilian hope you did not suffer too much with the bad weather
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Brenda hope you are not suffering too badly with your cold. Healing hugs on

  11. Have a fab evening SANDRA I echo everyone's comments on feeling proud and teary I love to hear heartwarming stories about how well (our) children do
    Glad yesterday is done and dusted too - what an idiot the inspector sounded
    Well 3rd eye test and one headache later they are trying yet another prescription Now going to have a pair of varifocals and one pair with "office" lenses... Never ever had trouble with specs before and have had glasses for over 50 years

    1. Hi Karen
      Must be an optician thing as Pete and his friend both had problems with their glasses. Like you they'd never had a problem before. Hope they get sorted out soon.

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Glad yesterday's over for you Sandra with that rude inspector nosing in all your cupboards invading your privacy.. How often dose that happen.
    Anyway you both have a lovely time tonight watching Sophie & Lucy get their awards. You & Paul must be soooo proud of them they have both worked so hard.
    Pat I love your card today it's beautiful the poinsettias are stunning thank you for sharing. Brenda hope your feeling better how's your sore throat today sending you πŸ€—πŸ€— xx Margaret glad your feeling better now keep warm it was bitter cold today sending you πŸ€—πŸ€—too. Janet hope you had better weather going out this afternoon & you wrapped up warm we have had bitter winds today.Sending you some πŸ€—πŸ€— too.xx Sue hope scouts jumble sale goes well & make lots of money πŸ’° you take care & don't get too worn out πŸ€—πŸ€— on there way. Sonia thank you for your kind comments on my card πŸ€—πŸ€—xx
    Karen hope you get your πŸ‘“ glasses sorted out soon what a nightmare it's been for youπŸ€—πŸ€— xx
    Maria hope your enjoying your break away πŸ€—πŸ€—for you too.xx
    Well haven't done much only Tesco shopping I do hate putting it all away.
    Yikes only three sleeps now before the scaffolding goes in πŸ˜‚ HaHa.
    Well must go &a dish up dinner will try & pop in later Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Had to think for a minute re scaffolding then the penny dropped and I had a laugh at myself. Hope everything goes off ok.

  13. Hi Sandra
    What a surprise to see one of my older Christmas cards. I still have this one in the box as I was going to make a few more but didn't.
    Sounds like your man who came to do your inspection got out of the wrong side of the bed. Well and truly grumpy. Good job Paul was at home as you wouldn't have been to do what needed to be done.
    I hope you have a lovely evening celebrating the awards both girls have won. Congratulations to them both.
