
Thursday 17 November 2016

Lovely card by Lynda

Good morning Ladies,
I am excited to share with you today this Stunning card made by Lynda for her daughter Lisa.
Lynda, such a gorgeous gift, its more than a card, like the card you made me its a work of art.  You add so much detail, like the pretty Bow on the fold over corner of the card, it finishes the look perfectly, the pretty paper you have used looks as though you have sewn it to the card, such a delicate finish to the edging, then I come to that spray of pretty roses with the Star Spray die cuts as foliage, entwined through the roses.
Lisa must have been so amazed when she opened her card Lynda, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us xxxx

We have had a busy day here today, Paul has been moving things around and tidying all of the places we don't usually use, because we are having our house inspected today, they need to go in all rooms and cupboards etc (don't ask why), because I don't know!  It is suppised to be see what "Band" or "Grade" our house is, the part I don't understand is that they are all exactly the same on our street, its to count electric sockets, state of bathroom/kitchen etc, we automatically fall into the lowest grade because our house is an uninsulated, non brick, prefabricated style house!
It just feels like a mass invasion of our privacy for a pointless reason, they say it takes two hours too!!
Goodness knows what he'll think when he goes in my craft room!! haha

Margaret I do hope you are feeling better, we so missed you on Tuesday xxx
Lilian, I hope you are starting to feel less discomfort in your side too, these things can take a while, hugs on route xxx

Sending Love and hugs to all,



  1. Good Morning Sandra , early today as off to my friends for a craft day, well more chatting I expect.

    Lynda what a wonderful card you have made for your daughter, I can imagine her delight when she opened it.

    Sandra what an upheaval for you, it would take me a week to move all the stuff away from sockets ,in my craft room, what happens if it's not what they think it should be? Can't believe they still let people live in un insulated houses, with all the fuss about being green and using less energy, I imagine it's costly to heat your home.

    Have a good day ladies, I'll pop in later for a cuppa and a split. Hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my card.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA- Oh what a gorgeous card. I love everything you have done to create a work of art. Your Autumn colours are so rich and beautiful.

    I'm so glad that no-one is coming to inspect our house Sandra. It would take them a lot longer than a couple of hours lol.

    I managed to start a few more Seasonal Cards yesterday - that is do a few die cuts and print two/three toppers for Children's card. Not sure whether I'll get any further today as Nicky (youngest Daughter)is visiting and the new Freezer is supposed to be delivered today though I haven't as yet received a message giving me the '4 hour window' for delivery.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day all ready and waiting for you all to pop in and share a cuppa and thoughts with everyone.
    HUGS have been despatched to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my card Lisa did love it. The photo has come out a bit dark I think it's my camera.
      Love Lynda 🤗 Xx

  3. Good Morning everyone.

    Oh Lynda what a lovely card. I knew it was your's before I saw your name you have such a distinctive style. Love the folder corner and the beautiful flower arrangement.

    Sandra, I would hate people poking through my house. What exactly are they trying to establish? Is this for the council tax? I'd love to see his face when he sees your Craft room. I felt like that when the new window cleaner came. Anyway hope it all goes well.

    Sadly lost at crib yesterday 3-2. Never mind can't win them all.

    Just off to put the slow cooker on, then a coffee with a friend, then booking the hotels and travel lodges in UK for our holiday in January. Then at 3 I'm having coffee with another friend so no crafting today. Mind you I have made my cc for this week. Will send it later #Sandra.

    Margaret and Lillian. Hope you're feeling a lot better today.
    Love to all.

    1. Thank you Val for your lovely comment it means a lot my daughter said my cards are gorgeous now than when I first started making them. Haha they would never have made the blog 😳
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm not sure what happened to my comment yesterday but as it's missing I will say again how much I loved seeing your two lovely pop up cards Michele. I'm glad that your crazy friend appreciates the cost in time and materials of your cards. I bet you will sell lots at work too, even though that means you will have to make more for the attic sale. I hope you have as good a day as possible x
    Brenda, your 70th birthday card is gorgeous, it is a beautiful keepsake for your hairdresser. It was so good to see you on Tuesday, I just wish we all lived closer together x
    Maria and Karen, it was lovely to spend some time together, thank goodness you didn't miss your stop Maria, wouldn't it be great if all journeys were as easy as yours Karen, part from the traffic making it a loooonnnggg journey on Tuesday evening. Little Oscar is such a cutie, that laugh is infectious, bless him x
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear you have got one of those ridiculous checks today. What do they think you will have done to all of the sockets etc. since the last one? I will be thinking of you, so intrusive to go in each cupboard etc. Thank you again for a lovely day on Tuesday and of course that includes Paul Xx
    Mum, I'm glad that you are starting to feel better, I hope the chilly wind we have here at the moment hasn't reached you whilst you play Petanque this morning. Love you xx
    Lynda, your card is gorgeous, so much to look at and enjoy, thank you for sharing it 😁 I'm glad all of the checks on Tuesday went well. Sending big hugs and thinking of you x
    Lilian, I hope your bruises aren't so sore today, please try and get some rest. I hope the mechanic manages to fix your sewing machine tomorrow x
    Wishing you all a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sue, Pleased you managed to post a comment today, we did miss you yesterday. xx It was lovely seeing you on Tuesday, Loved the video of Christopher trying to reach out and catch his shadow, these are such special memories, I'm sure you will want to save, moments like this are so spontaneous, you couldn't stage them if you tried. xx

    2. Hi Sue
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my card. The flowers have come out a bit dark. Lisa loved it said it was beautiful.
      Sue What does happen to our comments when they disappear. I loose so many.😡
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lynda what a beautiful card you made for Lisa. Love the autumnal colours. You really have a brilliant talent for design and card making.

    Oh Sandra I do not envy you today, having someone go through your home. I know it goes along with the service life. But still must feel invasive. Hope you haven't moved any of the sockets.!!!!! Thinking of you. LOL xx

    My sore throat has developed into a cold / flu virus. (Hope I haven't passed any germs onto the Watford ladies ... or Paul) I really should have stayed in yesterday, but as I was picking up two ladies, one has very bad legs and finds walking very difficult, the other one refuses to drive since her husband changed the car, to one with an electronic hand brake. I had/have similar issues but refused to let it beat me. And guess what? Yes. ... Yesterday I stalled the car on a steep hill!! Anyway we were all fine, and I didn't seem to upset any other drivers. Last night I started to reply to some of yesterday's comments, well my eyes were streaming etc, etc, I couldn't read my own messages, so gave up. I am dosed up with Honey, Lemon and Paracetamol today so will soldier on.

    Margaret, hope you continue to improve. xx
    Lynda, take thing steady, don't go overdoing things. xx
    Janet, Enjoy your day with your daughter. Hope the freezer arrives safely. It's one of those appliances that make you wonder how we managed before we had one!!! xx

    Hope you are all having a good day. Sandra and Paul hope the 'inspection' is over by now and you can relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

    Love and Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Sorry to see you have succumbed to this cold, I hope you feel better soon. I do feel better thank you, it does take it out of you though, please keep warm & stay indoors it's not nice out. Healing hugs on

    2. Hi Brenda, so sorry you have gone down with one of those nasty colds. Stay snuggled in doors with plenty of hot drinks. Sadly they have to run their course but hope you feel better as the day goes

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope your inspection is over by now, what a waste of resources. I do feel better thank
    Michele I hope you are ok it is unusual not to see you in or has your comment disappeared like so many. xxx
    Janet hope freezer has arrived, & enjoy your daughter's
    Lilian hope you miss the awful rain & wind we have had, although the sun is shining at
    Val hope you ge5 your h9tels sorted & enjoy your coffee with
    Lynda your card is stunning I bet Lisa was thrilled with it. I hope you keep free from all the colds etc before next week, take care xxx.

    I hope to finish my CC this afternoon, sending hugs to all who need them, love Margaret xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone in today
    Brenda & Margaret thank you both for your lovely comments on my card sorry for some reason I couldn't comment under your names xx
    Brenda sorry your feeling poorly keep warm 🤗🤗xx
    Sandra thank you for showing my card for Lisa today & for your lovely kind I said the picture has come out a bit dark on the flowers.
    Hope by now your inspection has finished. I'm so sorry for you such a invasion of privacy especially looking in cupboards extra sending you some 🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Well last 💉blood test today until I go in hospital on Monday so got a few days with out anymore tests Yaaay. I have made my challenge card so will send email later Sandra.
    Must do dinner now only got to defrost some spaghetti sauce out so easy dinner
    Love & 🤗Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Evening Ladies

    No idea why I didn't comment this morning.....losing the plot. Hope you weren't panicking.

    Lynda-you're card is gorgeous.

    Crazy day at work . Just home from Tesco shopping so now I need to eat, put shopping away then phone my Dad.


    1. Thank you Michele for your lovely comment.
      You do seem to have a stressful job are you able to switch off when you leave for home time.
