
Wednesday 16 November 2016

A Beautiful Card By Brenda

Good Morning Ladies,

We had such a lovely meet up yesterday, we are all such good friends it just feels so natural when we get together, like we have been friends for many years!
We talked a lot about crafting,  the Faux Misti mainly and its many uses.  We also saw Grandchildren photos, both Oscar and Christopher are just adorable, listening to Oscar Chuckle at his Special toy is simply heartwarming, it would put a smile on anyones face.
Eating Lunch

Three Wise Monkeys
aka : Maria, Pat & Karen

Janet, I have a 'Faux Misti' frame here for you to try,  both Sue and I were ecstatic when we got ours, it meant we could actually get out our stamps and have a go with them, both of us getting great results.  I know you don't stamp much either, this tool could change your crafting, let me know if you would like one xxx

Now on to today's Stunning Card, Brenda made this card for the lady that cuts her hair, it is so beautiful, I love background you have created Brenda, so many beautiful shades of Blue, how did you create it please?
The die you have used is simply gorgeous, I love how intricate it is, so much detail but not OTT, it looks perfect left white against the stunning blue background, I am sure it would look equally as beautiful coloured with pearls in the flower centres.
Hopefully you can tell us how you created it when you call in later, thank you son much for allowing me to share your card Brenda xxx

A quiet day for me today after a fun day yesterday, whatever you are doing enjoy your day xxx

Lynda, glad to hear that your first two tests went well, hope last one was successful too, we were thinking of you xxxx

I want to send huge hugs to everyone,
love too,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-your card is stunning, really lovely.

    Ladies-I'm glad you had a great time at your meet up. Such a shame everyone couldn't co e along-maybe next time.

    My crazy friend stayed for ages-two and a half hours. Bought quite a few cards-£34 but insisted on giving me £40!!! I've been asked to take my Christmas cards into work today -Dave's widow (Rachael) want to look through them. She was looking forward to seeing them on Saturday at the Fair. I can see I'll be making more Christmas cards before the Xmas Attic Sale on the 3rd!!

    Busy day today starting with a meeting-should be interesting as the agenda is quite long!!


    1. That's wonderful Michele and hope you sell some more at work. Your cards are lovely, they will sell well but I guess you will be busy making more cards so hope your got the mojo back, take care xx

    2. That's great news Michele. I bet your crazy friend was spoilt for choice. I bet they fly in work today and you'll end up having to make a lot more.
      Have a good quiet day at

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm glad someone at work might buy a few cards. Once you've taken them in perhaps some other might have a look as well. Hope your meeting isn't to traumatic.

    4. Hi Michele, I'm sure your cards will sell really well, you will have to make loads more if you are still going to the Christmas Fair.
      Hope your meeting wasn't to long. xx

  2. Morning Sandra, ladies and to all who are visiting this wonderful blog do come in and have a coffee/tea or a lovely hot chocolate and join our journey of crafting.
    To open the lappie today and see this Gorgeous card this morning made by our Brenda, I love it. It's background and the die you have used is Wonderful and I love to know what die it is ? I have my SIL 70th coming up and this would be perfect.
    Thanks again guys for a great day yesterday, not so sure about the wise monkey bit tho hihi Nearly missed my stop going home on the train as it was pitch black outside, no call outs and no station informations and all I could see was my own reflection, didn't look to good. Luckily someone else was going off at the same station so he told me when otherwise I might be in Birmingham! Going to Colchester later for a couple of nights to see my step-son witch will be nice, however it will be first on Sunday afternoon before I can play with my faux misti. Oh I can't wait.
    I hope our Margaret and Lilian and anyone else who are poorly will soon get better, sending you some gentle hugs and I hope our Lynda and Janet are alright and will have a good day. Have a nice day everyone. Warm hugs in bunches Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, It sounds as though you all had a lovely time yesterday. Thank goodness you asked someone where you were. Heaven knows where you'd have ended up.
      Have a good few days in Colchester. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I wonder where you would have ended up if you'd missed your stop?. Have a lovely time in Colchester. I'm not to sure about the monkeys comment either. Not to sure I could claim the wise but either. But we did have a lovely time didn't we.

    3. Hello Maria, The Die is from Crafters Companion, Create-a-Card, Diesire range.
      I would be more than happy to cut it out for you, in whatever colour you choose I could even cut 70th for you. I should have added a few gem, it would give it an extra bling. xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- Your card is just beautiful and your choice of colours make everything just pop. Is this die a Crafters Companion one by any chance?

    MICHELE- So pleased you're 'Crazy Friend' bought some of your cards and I'm sure that the rest of them will go at work today. I can just see you having to make lots more for the Attic Sale.

    I can see you all had a wonderful day yesterday and can just imagine all the chatter and laughter. I would love to have a 'Misty' Please SANDRA. they sound really interesting and I'm always up for anything that makes stamping a success.

    Thank you for opening up this morning MARIA. I've just poured a cup of coffee and am heading for the far corner to drink it so I don't put anyone off looking through the door lol.

    I had a slow day yesterday as I just couldn't find any energy but today's another day and I have one or two things to catch up on.

    LYNDA- I'm so pleased you were OK yesterday and that you don't have any after effects today. I think REST may be the order of the day don't you.

    Hugs are on their way to you all. I hope they all arrive safe as it's blowing a gale here lol. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet I'm sure you don't have to sit in the corner and hide hihi if someone do look through the door and see how friendly we are I hope they will come and have a chat. Just walk over the threshold and come in, you are all welcome. Janet have a nice day and take care if going out so you don't fly away :-) xx

    2. Please don't sit in the corner Janet. I won't know where I am if I come in and you're not there.
      Hope your energy level has risen today but take it easy. It's not too long since you had your nasty op so don't do too much.
      Take carexxx

    3. Hello Janet, were your ears burning yesterday? We were all saying how lovely it would be to meet up with you, you really are such a special lady and contribute so much to the blog.
      Yes this Die is from Crafters Companion, Desire range. It cuts beautifully and does all the work for you. xx

  4. It was a brilliant day Thank you MARIA for finding this venue Like BRENDA my bus is only one an hour and all was fine It was on time, able to get a seat BUT the traffic! I was on bus at 4.25 and got home at 7pm but it was worth it Thank you for the Faux Misti SANDRA I shall enjoy having a go
    Reminding myself of the scruffy Herbert on Saturday Did any of you see Gareth Southgate last night (the temp England football manager) He was all suited and booted and it was only a flippin' football match!
    I'm sur there lot's more I wanted to say Juat hope your last test yesterday was ok LYNDA and JANET that all things are improving
    It was a real shame you weren't able to come MARGARET and hope you'll be fighting fit soon xxx
    Off to work now xxx

    1. Hi Karen great you had a lovely time yesterday. You look as though you're really enjoying yourself on the photos.
      Hope work is ok today. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      As you said a great day yesterday, hope work is ok after a day off yesterday. Shame you had such a long journey home though,

    3. Hi Karen, What a journey you had home, but as you said once you were on the bus you hadn't got any changes.
      Loved the video of Oscar, he has such an infectious giggle. I can see he melts you heart away. But then he is such a special gift. xx

  5. PPS So glad you were able to sell some of your bits to your crazy friend She obviously values how much time and effort you put in Now where's that half a brain I need it for work Doh!

    1. Hope you be ok at work today, you sound a bit dizzy my friend hihi xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you had a lovely meet up I was thinking about you all. I felt better for being out in fresh air & I think the cold is on it's way out, thank you all for your good wishes. Hope you have a quiet day today, take
    Karen what a journey home you
    Maria I am glad you didn't finish up in Birmingham!!xxx
    Brenda your card today is beautiful, love those colours together, thank you for showing
    Lynda hope you are not too sore today, take
    Janet good to see you stronger & doing more, it's been a long road for
    Val hope your back is
    Lilian go easy with your side the bruising will take a while to
    Sonia good to see you popping
    Michele pleased your friend bought alot of cards & hope you sell more
    Cheryl hope you are warm at
    Sue hope you are not too tired today take it
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, glad you're feeling better this morning. The fresh air obviously did you good, It's a shame you couldn't meet up with the others but I'm sure there will be plenty more meet ups. Have a lovely day xxx

    2. Hello Margaret, you were really missed yesterday.
      Glad you managed to get out. xx

  7. Hi everyone,

    Brenda what a beautiful card you've made. Love the colour and the die you've used especially the lovely gate at the bottom covered in pretty little flowers. Is it a Crafters Companion die?

    It sounds and loos as though you had a great meet up yesterday. Just love the photos and so nice to put faces to names. I bet you all had squeaky votes when you got home cos you'd talked so much.

    Lynda glad your 4pm went ok yesterday. I bet your bruise is all the colours of the rainbow today.

    Cheryl hope you new boiler was fixed yesterday and you're feeling warm and cosy today.

    Lovely day here and we'll be able to sit out playing crib today Yeh.

    Lynn has been up since the c rack of dawn having a baking day for the shop. She's already made the bread and butter puddings and the sausage rolls are now cooking. I wish we had 'smelly blog' cos the smell is making my mouth
    water. I think I'll have to have one when they're cooked although the pastry plays havoc with my digestion.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    LILLIAN. Hope your side is feeling easier today
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx.

    1. That's supposed to be "looks" and "voices" x

    2. Hi Val.
      Yes it's a Crafters Companion, Diiesire Die, great for batch making!

  8. Good morning Sandra and all my lovely friends,

    Sandra, Thank you for showing this card I made for my friend. The Die is a Crafters Companion Create a Card Die, so the Die does all the work for you. The background was Pixie powders on acetate and covered with tissue paper that had previously been screwed up, then straighten out not to smoothly though. ( think SW has a tutorial on her blog) I made this card in a hurry, wish I had thought and to add a few pearls it would have added that extra bling.

    I'm going out to lunch with my teacher friends, better get a move on. Will come back this afternoon. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Stunning card today from Brenda. Love the background colours and the CC die :-)
    Glad you had a good time yesterday. Looks and sounds like you all enjoyed yourselves :-)
    Hope everyone having a good day today. Hugs to all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Brenda what a lovely card you gave to the lady who does your hair. Love the colours you've used as well.
    Had a lovely meet up yesterday. It's like we've all been friends for years, moved away from each other but can chat for England when we meet up.
    Lynda I understand your tests went well yesterday, just one more to go.

  11. Just in case any of you pop in later. The journey may have been a long one BUT I get on the bus close to the venue AND once I'm on the bus I I get dropped off close to my house. I don't have to change/worry if I'm going to make a connection etc etc The problem is not get lulled to sleep.
    I'm glad you got home OK MARIA. How lucky! I know exactly what you mean though - every station looks exactly the same in the dark and they whizz past any signs
    WISE MONKEYS! Hmmm! I'm not sure I'm wise but I'd like to think that we see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil!
    Off out dancing with daughter later AND I must think of an idea for a birthday card for a crafter, who does the lot and specialises in beautiful miniatures

    1. Hi Karen I hope you enjoyed your dance. Seems like you have your work cut out making a card for a crafter. But I'm sure your up to the challenge.

  12. Good Evening everyone, hope you have all had a good day and the voices are recovering from what looks to have been a lovely meet up, hope to join you one day.
    No work today as y industrial sewing has decided it doesn't want to do any more! Macanic comming on Friday to see if he can fix it,she is a very old lady.

    Brenda your card is fabulous, love the background colours.

    Going to see my friends for craft day tomorrow, going to do Christmas Cards, so I'd better go and sort out my stuff to take with me. Hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Lilian
    I assume you mean the machine is an old lady and not the mechanic. Sorry Lilian couldn't resist that. Yes, we did have a fantastic meet up and look forward to seeing you hopefully in the near future.

  14. Hi Sandra & lovely ladies
    My post earlier has gone to outer space
    .so pleased you all had a good day in Watford & you all behaved yourselves.
    Brenda your card is is Gorgeous love the colour's is that Pixie powders
    Powders in the background. Sorry short but tired
    Good night god bless Lynda Sandra & everyone thanks forc
