
Tuesday 15 November 2016

Pop-up Fun from Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

I have been looking forward to today so much, I trained hard too, I rested my vocal cords, so I'm prepared for a marathon day of chatting and laughing.  Paul managed to switch swifts, so we can take our time and not rush back for him to start work.
So we will set off to WATFORD, not London at about 8.30 am, sadly Margaret is too poorly to join us, so I want to send huge hugs your way Margaret, you will be missed. Stay warm and snuggled up and get well soon please xxx

Now how amazing are Michele's Pop-Up Boxes,  you are definitely the 'Queen' of Pop-Up's on our Blog Michele, I love both of these but the Cute Penguin just has the edge for me, I can imagine them all wobbling their heads whenever you move the box!
I am thinking that we should do another tutorial for making these and get everyone to join in,  what do you think ?? I could do a quick video tutorial if that helps.  I would love to see what everyone comes up with and we will all learn something new!
Thank you so much for sharing your boxes Michele xxx

Well I must dash, I have a lot to do to prepare for the day,  I am sure we will all let you know about the day later.
I wish you were all joining us, I really do x

I want to send huge, huge hugs to our very dear Lynda, you have horrible tests to endure today preparing for next week, I hope they give you a big room, because we will all be there with you sweetheart xxx

have a lovely day ladies,
love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Yesterday was busy at work. I called at my Dads on the way home then hubby was on a conference call when I got home. His phone didn't stop ringing for ages. Not sure where the evening went but it was suddenly time for bed!

    Calling at a friends to drop off a bottle of done as a thank you gift then my crazy friend is coming round to buy some Christmas cards from me.

    I'm thinking I'll do the Attic Sale/Xmas bazaar on the 3rd December as I'd made so much for the Christmas Fair and I doubt my colleagues would buy it all.

    I hope everyone meeting up in Watford has a really lovely day-I'll be thinking about you all.


    1. Hi Michele
      your two pop up boxes are really lovely they will defiantly sell
      But you probably won't get the price they deserve it's a shame.
      Your lucky your crazy friend buys your cardsπŸ€‘
      Hope work goes smoothly Hug's xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE - I love both your pop ups. They are always so beautiful. Those penguins are so cute. Hope your Friend buys quite a few of your cards.

    MARGARET - please take care of yourself and get better quickly.
    LYNDA- I'll be with you today to hold your hand.

    To all of you meeting up today I know you'll have a good day and I'll be with you in spirit. Take care travelling.

    Not sure what today will bring but I know it's a 'stay at home' day as it's raining and very windy. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet first two appointments went ok Diabetic clinic first at 8am she was very pleased with me so gold star.Next was πŸ’‰Test that was with the Dracula nurse she was a bit rough Last appointment is at 4 pm for lung function.
      BIG HUG'S πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xx

  3. Woo hoo! Today's the day we meet up again I cannot wait! So sad that MARGARET and the rest of you cannot come - take care MARGARET
    Hope the tests go ok LYNDA
    Your pop up cards are always amazing MICHELE A challenge and a video tutorial would be great
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Hope your having a good chat & plenty of laughter with everyone.
      First two tests went ok Diabetic clinic went well she was pleased with me then πŸ’‰Test the last one is at 4pm for lung function test.
      Hug's Lynda πŸ€— Xx

  4. Good Morning ladies.
    Michele . Your pop up boxes are always so lovely. The penguins are so cute. Hope you manage to sell a lot.

    You're probably all on your way now for your meet up. Glad you've been in training Sandra. You'll certainly need good vocal chords for all the chatting you'll all be doing today. Have a lovely time.
    Margaret so sorry you're not feeling too good at the moment. Hope you'll soon be feeling better.
    Lynda hope everything goes well for you today.

    The bar that I do Tai Chi and bingo in today is closed for two weeks so after the windows cleaner has been in about half an hour I'm having a day of crafting. I'm feeling really achy today as I normally do when the weather alters so sitting down is definitely what I need.
    Looking forward to reading later how your day has one.
    Love to everyone.

    1. Thank you Val
      First two appointments went ok next one is 4pm for lung function test.
      Have a lovely day crafting sorry your aching today take care & rest
      Sending πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— love Lynda xx

  5. Hello Freinds, damp and drizzling this morning, just come back from our daily walk to get the paper.

    Michele your pop up cards are amazing, going to try and make one for Oscars birthday, he will be six, so he'll love it. Yes please video would be great.

    Well I'm sure you are all on your way now, hope you have a wonderful time together, would love to meet you all some time in the future.

    Lynda, bigs for you today, hope it all goes according plan.
    Margaret so sorry you are not well, speedy recovery hugs on their way.

    Well must go and do something, must admit my side which I fell on is very sore today, probably from doing the bathrooms yesterday.
    Hugs to all have a great day.Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian
      Thank you first two appointments went well Diabetic nurse was pleased with me so gold star. Then the Dracula nurse took 3 files to day
      Last appointment is at 4pm for lung function.
      Sorry your feeling sore today take it easy & rest
      πŸ€—πŸ€—love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I am not joining you all today but I know what a lovely day you will have. Thank you for the hugs they really help. Look forward to hearing all about
    Michele your pop up cards are great especially the penquin one. Hope you do well at the craft
    Maria thank you for your hugs sorry not to collect it in
    Lynda thinking of you today hugs on
    Karen I will post the cut outs to you sorry not to see
    Val take care enjoy crafting
    I feel the need to get some fresh air so will try Petanque this morning hope ut will clear my head.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret
      So sorry your not feeling well & couldn't go & meat up with the girls.
      Hope you feel better soon take care keep warm & rest.
      πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele I LOVE your pop up cards.They are both gorgeous. These will definitely be bestselles. But difficult to price, everyone seems to expect something for nothing.

    I am so looking forward to our meet up today, have just got on my train to Watford Junction. Should be there in just over an hour.MARGARET I am so sorry you will not be joining us. Hope you can get to Petanque. And you will be feeling better soon.xx

    LYNDA thinking of you, hope all goes well for you today.xx

    Will pop in later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda
      Hope your having a great time chatting & with lots of laughter with all the girls.
      Give everyone a πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—from me.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Well I can imagine you're all having a fabulous meet up with lots of chatting and laughter :-)
    Margaret, sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you get well soon x
    Lynda, hope the tests are going well, thinking of you x
    Michele, your pop up box cards are fantastic :-)
    Hope everyone having a lovely day and keeping well. Sending hugs xxx

  9. Hope you all had a lovely meet up ladies and have arrived home safely. Hope you took some photos.
    Lynda so hope your 4 pm test went well.
    Margaret hope your feeling a lot better this evening.
    Lillian hope you've had an easy day to let your side heal properly.

    Have a good evening.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you appointments all done & went well got a lovely bruise
      FromπŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰from Dracula's daughter HAHA.Hope your aches are feeling better Hug's πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— coming You way xxLyndaxx

  10. Hello Everyone
    I am back on the train homeward bound. Caught the train with seconds to spare (only one an hour) Had a really lovely day with Sandra,Sue,Pat,Karen,Maria and Paul. We could have talked until the cow's came home. It has been a lovely relaxing day. Should be at my local station in about 10mins so will be home soon.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Everyone.
    Michele- you are our queen of pop up boxes. Love the penguin one, they are so cute but also the other one is nice. Hope your day was fine and you had a good time with your friend.
    Lynda- hope your 4pm appointment went well. Did you have enough blood left to give Dracula ? hugs
    Margaret- hope you are ok and got out today for some fresh air. You have a lovely daughter and so much fun :-)
    Lilian- sorry to see your side hurting so much but you should probably not done the cleaning. Please look after yourself.
    Hope you all otherwise have had a nice day.
    I got to the hotel 10.30 am and met the others for a great day. Got back again just gone 6pm and felt happy but got suddenly so tired hihi old age. had a cup a tea and just been sitting here thinking when and where we meet next time and hopefully more of you will be able to join us. Sleep well and I see you tomorrow, warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria glad you had a lovely day meeting up with everyone you had a long day. Have a good sleep & see you tomorrow warm Hug's
      πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xx
