
Monday 14 November 2016

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Your Challenge this week, should you wish to accept it, is to make a card that features either :
It doesn't have to be a Christmas card, you could make any card with trees (mostly for Val who must be sick of Christmas card making).  Trees are good for 'male' cards, 'thank you' and 'thinking of you' as well as Christmas.  The same with a wreath, it could be flowers, foliage, baubles, absolutely anything.
I am trying to come up with ideas to suit everyone, also trying to be as versatile as I can, I hope you enjoy the challenge as much as the last two.
My first card uses a Hero Arts tree stencil, through which I sponged some Indigo blue, flake and glitter glue, followed by "Chocolate Box " Gilding Flake, I matted onto another piece of Kraft card edged with Gilding Flakes and then onto Pierced Kraft card, I finished it with some Dark Bronze and Gold pearls.
the second card was the one I featured on saturday on my YouTube video.

an exciting week this week, getting to meet some lovely ladies in London tomorrow,
which also reminds me I have had a fab idea for our Retreat/get together next year.
I will be emailing you all to see what you think. Rather than discussing on here.

I hope this week brings happiness and good health to all of you.

love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love both your cards. I seem to have lost my oomph re card making the last couple of weeks. Maybe I just need to have a play in my craft room.
    Yesterday we bought a new Christmas tree & lights then hubby had to do some work so I spent most of the day doing housework, cooking tea then phoned my Dad. I honestly don't know where the day went!
    I'm hoping this week isn't too crazy at work as I'm already feeling tired.


  2. These are lovely Sandra, Val and I are going to try your Tumble drier sheet technique in afew weeks, I dont have a tumble drier but have the sheets and Val has the drier but not the sheets xxx

  3. Great idea SANDRA My mind is already racing with ideas But these are the ones that never seem to turn out like the ones in my head and end up as Happy Accidents
    Looking forward to seein you and the others tomorrow in WATFORD (I hope!) not London...

    1. Not sure where she's going but I see you in Watford Karen hihihi xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Well I know Paul is off to Watford tomorrow so I'll go with him rather than Sandra. It's usually me who hasn't got a clue where I'm going or on what day.

  4. PS I need to dry some clothes in tumble dryer to try your technique AND I love your gilded tree is gorgeous

  5. Morning Everyone from a very wet wet and horrible start to the day here in Sheffield

    I love your Challenge for this week SANDRA so hopefully I'll manage one or two.

    We had a lovely day yesterday with a good lunch in Bakewell (very very busy and far too many people in Bakewell)and then a wonderful visit with Christina and Robert. We had rain all the way back home which made driving down the dark lanes difficult. These days we do not like night driving at all.

    No Mr Tesco this morning as I cannot purchase any freezer food because on Friday my freezer decided to 'turn up its toes' so am waiting for a new one to be delivered. It must have been the week for my white goods to leave me as earlier in the week my Halogen went down as well so had to buy one of those too.

    Hoping to get to my craft table this morning and get some Seasonal Cards made. I've also got to make a start on Gracie-Leigh's First Year Book too as it's needed for Jan. 1st. I'm so behind with things this year.

    The CAFE is open for business with Bacon butties on the menu this morning. Hugs to you all and CHERYL I've everything crossed that Mr Plumber has turned up this morning so you will be warm by the end of the day.

    1. Oh Janet isn't it annoying when our electrical goods break down but two in one week - so annoying and expensive.
      Enjoy your crafting. Your book for Gracie Leighton sounds really interesting. Would love to see photos when it's finished.
      Enjoy your day.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Well as I had an unplanned visit this afternoon, Pete went to buy a new freeview hard drive recorder as ours has been playing up for awhile. Well I watched him get something out of the boot, it looked nothing like a recorder. He had to order that from Argos, pick up in the morning. But decided to buy an Actifry from Robert Dyas which is next door to Argos. Pete actually making a decision on his own, heaven forbid what on earth will happen next. I was gobsmacked. He never even orders his food when we're out without asking first. What are you having.

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Nice card and CC for this week Sandra so if time, I will give it a go.
    Michele- hope you not coming down with anything and your day is not so bad after all, take care.
    Nice to see you in the cafe' Wendy, have a nice day in 'sunny' Spain.
    I hope you all have a good day and it is a bit brighter where you live.
    Was meant to have a nice walk to Ikea this morning but it is not a nice day like yesterday at all so we probably will take the car.
    Happy crafting and many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Your challenge this week is another lovely one. I love the gorgeous colour of the gilding flakes and the beautiful tree. I have a die that is very similar but it is only about 3" tall, maybe I will make a little card for a change?
    I just know that next Sunday the display boards will be full of wonderful cards for us all to enjoy 😁
    Only one sleep now until we have our mini meet up. Roll on next year for the retreat idea that you have my lovely 😁
    I have lots of silly little jobs to do today, but hope to have a play later.
    Mum, I hope you are feeling better and taking it easy. Love you xx
    Lynda, I hope your tests go well this week dear friend, and don't forget I will be holding the opposite hand to the Maria when you have your stent put in. X
    I hope everyone has a good day.
    Michele fingers crossed for a better week for you x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely challenge Sandra and lovely cards. I do still have some Christmas cards to do for neighbours and other people over here but thanks for your consideration.
    I didn't make any cards last week as I had a week off but I'm rearing to go today. Just some ironing to do then an afternoon crafting.

    For those going to Watford tomorrow, have a safe journey and a wonderful chatty time. Don't forget the photos.

    Lynda do so hope everything goes well for you this week. You have no hands left to hold so mine will be on your shoulder instead ha ha.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a Lovely card you have made to illustrate this weeks challenge. I love trees and have a few tree stamps and dies. I even have a card I made last week that will fir the brief (wonders never cease) yippee. But to be fair I will endeavour to make one specially for the challenge.

    I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Mind you at 3am this morning I was awake, my throat felt as if had been cut it was so sore, I got up and made a strong honey and lemon drink even took a paracetamol, I have continued with the honey and lemon, and at the moment don't feel to bad. I keep saying to myself- I am going to Watford, I am going to Watford, YES I AM. !!!!

    Take care everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & friends
    Sandra your card is GORGEOUS I love those guiding flaks such a rich colour
    I think this Challenge will be a good one will have a play later.
    I also wish you all a brilliant meet up tomorrow as I have my first Diabetic appointment at 7.45am not sure I will be able to comment before I leave.
    Hope the weather is good for all you travelling.
    I will be with you in spirit 😂 Maria & Sue thank you for holding my hands next Tuesday & Val holding my shoulders your so kind.🤗🤗xx
    Just got to pop out to £ shop need some freezer bags pop in again later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lovely Lynda
      Good Luck for tomorrow morning and I'll be there with Maria & Sue next Tuesday when you have your Stent put in. Lots of hugs just for you. xxxx

    2. Hi Janet thank you for all your good wishes my friend.
      We had a good chuckle on reading the booklet that came with the letter. It said after they have fitted the Stent they will have to put scaffolding round to support it Terry said bl...y hell how will they get all that scaffolding & poles up there 🏗 🔩🛠HAHA
      Glad your feeling better now Janet did you ever find out what your tummy problem was hope it's all sorted now must have been a worrying time for you my lovely.
      Love Lynda xxx

    3. Hello Lynda Thinking of you, hope all goes well.
      Love and Big Hugs, xxx

    4. Lynda hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow, and I think we will all be with you next Tuesday, afraid I don't know much about having a stent put in.

    5. Hi Lynda
      Good luck for tomorrow and it looks like we'll be carrying you in to have your stent fitted as I'll be carrying your legs as that's all that's left to hold. Take care my friend. We'll be thinking of you and missing your lovely smiley face.

    6. Lynda- will be thinking of you tomorrow and have a weak tea when I do :-)
      Oh Pat - they just showed the Actifry on tv, looks like a good buy but not asking yo first hmmmmm.....

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your cards Sandra and a great challenge for the week. I may just be able to take part, as I'm starting to feel a pull back to the crafting table (and a great need to get some cards made!)
    Wishing you all a lovely day tomorrow when you meet up - enjoy yourselves :-)
    Brenda, I hope you're sore throat hasn't developed into something worse and you're able to go x
    Lynda, good luck with all your appointments - sorry I have lost track of things, but I am thinking of you x
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia for you kind message
      Hope your still enjoying your new job
      🤗Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Thank you :-) Yes, I am loving it! Take care, hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia
      I'm pleased to hear your still enjoying your new job.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love your cards today. I haven't done any trees so watch this space. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

  13. Hi Pat have a lovely time tomorrow with all the.ladies i will be a 🐜 fly on the wall 😆
    🤗 Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      If your flying you could spread your wings and fly up to Watford.

  14. Just seen Littlelamb has won two cards - one on Julia's and one on John's Congrats

  15. Evening Ladies

    I need your help-the organiser from the Methodist church who has the Attic Sales has emailed me to ask if I want a free table on 3rd December at their Xmas Bazaar....!!! Now-bearing in mind, they're not very organised or well advertised and I'm meant to be meeting my friend at Dobbies. I really don't know if it's worth the effort to go for 3-4 hours but then again, it's a chance to actually sell some cards...!!

    I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this Ladies.


    1. Hi Michele, it sound good but would you still have to get the Public Liability Licence or what it was called first to have a table here ? If you going ahead, don't sell yourself to cheap because your cards are lovely and have taken some time to put together. Personally I don't know if it worth it I'm afraid. Sorry can't help you better xx

    2. Hi Michelle
      I'd rather go to Dobbies if I were you. If it's not very well advertised it might not be very well attended.

  16. Hello All, bit late today, had to do my own cleaning this week, as cleaner is away on holiday, gosh what a struggle, still having trouble with my side after my fall.

    Sandra lovely card, love the look of gilding flakes but am absolutely hopeless using them, love trees.

    Michele don't know much about selling cards, as I've never really sold them, as you probably have a stock maybe worth it. Do you know wether it's a good place to sell, or do they want everything for 50p, which is what happened to a friend of mine.sorry not much help.

    Well going to get some dinner, hugs Lilian

    PS. Have a wonderful meet up tomorrow, I'll be with you in spirit.

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your side improves soon.

    2. Lilian- hope your side feel better soon, try to take it easy until you are less sore, gentle hugs xx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I have not managed to get in before, I have had one those days, mothing has gone to plan. My cold is still hanging about so sorry but will not be joining you in Watford, hope you all have a lovely time will be thinking of
    Sandra your card is lovely will look forward to this
    Lynda hope all goes well for your check tomorrow, hugs on
    Brenda hope your throat has responded to the honey & lemon & you make it to Watford, hugs on
    Time I was in bed so will say good night.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret

    1. Hi Margaret , I were just thinking of you and Brenda. Hope she is ok for tomorrow but so sad to see you not well enough to join us, you will be very much missed. Sending you some warm hugs and wish you better xx

    2. Off to try to get some sleep now so wishing you all a good night and try to be good tomorrow. Hope to see you when back home, warm hugs to everyone xx
