
Monday 21 November 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I thought I would return to the 'old style' sketches this week, I believe it makes it a little easier for anyone who's 'mojo' has taken a vacation, as you have a plan to work to.  You can of course do anything you like, the only rule is that the layout is similar, you can turn it anyway round you like, it can be Christmas, birthday, anything you please.
I still have a ton of Christmas cards to make so that's what I chose to make, I used the Aurelie Christmas Background die I purchased from Amazon, for the background, I edged the card with a metallic gold pen, I used Sue Wilson's Christmas Rose die and stamps for the focal element of my card, die cutting them in white and them stamping with Perfect Medium and adding glitter gold embossing powder and heating. I arranged them with their matching foliage.
I then cut a piece of card and embossed it with the gold sparkle embossing powder, I then added the Spellbinders Merry Christmas sentiment.

My other idea for this sketch is a 'shaker ' card, so I may make that today, if as usual I don't get distracted with something else.

Isn't it a shame we aren't all meeting up again this week, I still get to meet up with Pat and Sue though, best part of the week xx

Lynda, its a big day for you this week, we are all here for you, we will all be virtually holding your hands, hey, can you imagine the noise if we were all actually in there with you??? Please make sure you do as you are told and take it easy. We love you lots xxxx
Lilian & Roger, Belated 51st Wedding Anniversary, I hope you had a lovely day xxx

Anne, I hope you are well, I have missed you this week xxxx

Have a lovely day ladies, 
Sending love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a great sketch. I was looking for an idea to make cards for colleagues so this might just be the one-clean and simple so I can make quite a few of them fairly quickly.

    Yesterday turned out to be a sunny but cold day (after me saying Saturday was nice it never stopped sleeting & we had loads of hailstones). I managed to get out and clear most of the leaves up in the back garden but decided the front garden could wait until next weekend. Once I'd done all the housework I managed to get some cards made-two very similar ones. Will use one for hubby's birthday unless I get any more inspiration and make another card.

    Today-I have a "management " day, I need to spend some time with our 2nd year student looking at her NVQ then I'll probably end up sorting out the next two week rotas for the dispensary as I'm off work 3 days next week while we have work done in the loft.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love this week's CC that you have made, a simple but elegant beautiful card, and the stamping is perfect and lined up on the die cuts perfectly. (I know how much you will have enjoyed using the stamps, instead of getting frustrated when they didn't line up, smudged etc.😁) I will have to borrow the gorgeous Christmas rose die and stamp and also that lovely EF, please.
    I hope you get to craft today my lovely. I'm sad that I won't get to meet you and Pat this week but am looking forward to having a few days away with Chris, Gem, eldest son, his partner and little Chris. I have packed waterproofs and walking boots, that's for sure!
    Lynda, I know you will be at the hospital about now but still wanted to say that I am there holding your hand and will be thinking of you, I bet you will feel much better very quickly, then Terry won't be able to keep up with you. Sending big hugs dear friend xx
    Lilian, I'm sorry it is a day late but many congratulations for yesterday on reaching your 51st anniversary. I hope the gales have missed you again. X
    Brenda, I hope that the cough clears up quickly, as you say these bugs just have to rub their course but please look after yourself as it is taking it out of you, I can imagine your surprise when you saw how late it wS when you woke up yesterday, you must have needed the rest though. Sending you healing hugs x
    Oh dear, I have just realised what the time is, must get up and finish the last few bits of packing! I will try and pop in but mobile reception is a bit hit and miss where we are going.
    I hope you all stay safe and away from this storm. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Brenda and all need, sorry if I have missed anybody. Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Interesting sketch this week. Will have to see what pops up when I give it a go.

    LYNDA- lots of gentle hugs winging their way for you. You will definitely feel much better in a few days. Will be with you in spirit Dear Friend.

    SUE-have a really good time and I hope that the weather is kind to you all.

    Once again it's wet, windy and cold but at least we seem to have avoided the horrible weather the South West have had. Have got to get a move on this morning finishing off some Seasonal Cards (the outsides are finished it's the inserts which need to be done).

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you all to pop in and hugs are on their way. xxxx

  4. This has got the mind whirring I will try and do CC but lots on this week Will depend on Husband's shift pattern too
    Hope today goes well LYNDA As SANDRA has said we're all holding your hand
    I will miss meeting up this week too
    Big hugs to all with an extra squeeze for those that need it

  5. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday, Mr Blogger was having an off day. Loved all your cards yesterday ladies and so many different ideas.

    Lynda thinking of you today. Wishing you well and up and about in no time at all.

    Lillian Happy belated Anniversary for yesterday. Hope you had a lovely day and celebrated in style.

    SUE, how did the Jumble Sale go. Did you make lots of money? Have a lovely few days away with your family and keep warm and dry.

    Michele. Hope work isn't too horrendous today and good to have a few days off next week to look forward to.Also hope your 'home' problems sorted themselves out over the weekend.

    Margaret and Brenda, hope those nasty coughs and colds are disappearing and you'll soon be fit and well.

    Sandra. Love the clean look of this week's cc . Love the cc sample you've made.
    I will have a go later as a busy week this week and off to UK on Saturday for a few days. Yes Maria I think I will have to pack my thermal underwear!

    The weather in some parts of the UK looks really horrible. Keep safe everyone.

    Right just a bit of tidying up and then Craft room here I come.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Crikey Val your coming to the freezing cold. Could you bring some warmer weather along as well as your thermals.

  6. Hi Sandra and all this morning.
    Nice CAS Challenge card for this week, hope to make something later but first physio and food shopping.
    Lynda- everything crossed for you, hope you not too sore afterwards.
    Brenda- take care and hope your cold goes away soon and Margarets too.
    Michele- have a nice day as possible at work.
    Janet- sending you and anyone else who need some, warm hugs and take care if going out.
    Anne, Cheryl and littlelamb- hope you alright ?
    Have a nice day all, Maria xxx

  7. Hello all, well we are still here, although after this mornings rain I thankful we live on a hill.

    Sandra, love your card and the challenge, you have reminded me that I have a Christmas rose stamp, will did it out and have a go.

    Lynda, hope alls going well with you, as I know little about your op, will wish you a speedy recovery, and that you will soon be home.

    Hope all of those who are not too good, a speedy recovery.
    Have a good day, stay safe if you have the terrible weather we have, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Our road was running like a river last night. However, the road running down the bottom of our road floods but luckily as it's running down from us the water doesn't come up as far as us. If that makes sense.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card Sandra, and the sketch too. Will try to take part this week :-)
    Lynda, thinking of you. Hope all going well xx
    Sue, have a lovely time away, I hope the weather is kind to you :-)
    Hope everyone having a good day whatever you may be doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

  9. Good Afternoon Sandra and all,
    What a lovely clean looking card you have created to help everyone's mojo get working. If anything these ideas often get me rummaging through my various craft boxes, only to discover things that have been 'out of sight' for some time!!!

    Lynda hope all has gone well for you today, you have been and still are in my thoughts and prayers. xx

    Sue enjoy your time away with the family. xx

    We have really had a mixture of weather today, this morning woke up to heavy rain, for a while this afternoon we had lovely sunshine, now it's going dull again. One days like this I wish I could hibernate like the tortoise, he is slowly burying himself in his little house for the winter months.

    Time to put the kettle on, anyone fancy a coup of tea?

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, Love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Is there room for a little one where your going to hibernate. I also don't like this awful weather. Hope your colds getting better.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sorry I am late today, I took friend to have an appointment at hospital, then we went out to lunch by the time I got home it was gone 4pm.
    Sandra the cc looks good I have a card I made earlier which fits the bill, thank
    Lynda have been thinking of you hope it's all gone well & you aren't suffering too much, sending healing
    Lilian pleased you are safe, there is advantage in living up a hill, take
    Hope the rest of you are warm & dry, sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hi Sandra
    A bit late today but I love this weeks challenge card. Love the Christmas rose you've used. Lynda I assume has had her op by now and if recovering well.
    Enjoy your time away Sue but I don't think the weather is going to be very kind to you this week.

  12. Belated 51st Anniversary wishes to you and Roger. Not to sure what's happening but I haven't had to sign in the last few days. It's wonderful I just hope it lasts.
