
Tuesday 22 November 2016

A 'Particular' Card Commission

Good Morning Ladies,

The girls came home from School yesterday afternoon and asked me if I would make a card for their friend Jaz, but the request came with a long list of what I could use and couldn't, apparently "she isn't a 'girly girl", bit of a "Goth/Emo", so "nothing too pretty"!  So I sat and scratched my head for a bit, then An idea popped into my head, I used my Scan and Cut to cut the '17' into a piece of black card (not blue as it looks in photo).  
The girls then chose a Gold Pearlescent card to go behind the '17' aperture, I used this to die cut the rest of the embellishments for the front of the card. I used my Stampin Up Flourish Thinlets to die cut the flowers, I thought that they added a touch of prettiness without being too girly, I added pearls coloured with a gold metallic pen for the flower centres and corners. 
The insert was decorated with the same flowers, the Sentiment is from a Stamping Up set called "Curly Cute", it is sadly no longer available.  I even had to make an envelope to fit this 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 inch card. 

Lynda, I hope all went smoothly with your surgery, I hope you make a super speedy recovery too, sending you lots of love and hugs xxxx

I hope you all have much better weather today, it felt cold all day here.
Have fun, whatever you are up to,

love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card. I'm sure the girls friend loved it.

    We had horrendous weather here yesterday-Storm Angus seems to have made it to the North West. Work was horrible-spent nearly 5 hours on the dispensary rota which meant I didn't have much time to sit with our student, I did manage to mark some of her work.
    Today I'll be back doing my own job and the rest of the week. Despite it being busy, I'd much rather be doing what I should be. We have the new (part time) Dispensary Manager starting today-hurrah!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Hopefully the new dispensary manager will make your load a bit easier once they have a grasp of how your system works.

  2. Hello All, from a VERY wet and windy St Austell, been raining all night. Hope everyone is ok.

    Sandra great card, love the idea of using the negative cut out, how are you liking your S&C ? Must use mine more often.

    Lynda hope everything went well yesterday and that you are on the road to recovery.

    Have a good day all , keep warm, hugs Lilian

  3. Morning Everyone

    It is still raining buckets here and cold with it. It's K&N day for me but whether I go or not depends on the weather.

    SANDRA- a beautiful card and from reading the recipe not an easy one to come up with. I love your colour scheme and Sophie and Lucy's Friend should love it.

    LYNDA- I'm thinking of you this morning and hoping that you'.re comfortable. Huge Gentle Hugs are on their way.

    I managed to get a few inserts into cards yesterday and started to print photographs of Gracie-Leigh for her First Year Book.

    The heating is on in the Café and the Tea/Coffee pots are full and waiting for you all. Please take care if going out and remember to wrap up warm. hugs to you all with a few extras. xxxx

  4. A very clever card I love it SANDRA I can't wait for that ScanNcut to be on offer again - especially after gutting all of the Maidenhair Fern! I love that die set - it's on my wish list
    Hope all goes well today LYNDA and so glad you have a Dispensary Manager in place MICHELE
    So far we've been lucky with the weather - very wet but not too windy
    Off to work now - ooh the joy!

  5. Morning ladies.

    My tablet won't show any photos today Sandra so just been on the main computer to look at your card and it tells me I'm putting in the wrong password. Now I've had the same password for 15 years so what a pain. The description of your card sounds lovely Sandra and I'll hopefully see it later.

    What awful weather you're having in the UK at the moment ladies. Watching the flooding on Sky News. Those poor people. Do hope none of you are caught up in this. Stay safe everyone.

    Lynda. Hope you've woken up feeling comfortable this morning. The awful part is over and you can just concentrate on getting better now. Thinking of you.

    I'm off for my back xray this morning so off for a shower now.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I am sure Jazz will love her card thank you for showing
    Lynda hope you have had a good night & maybe home later, please take care sending gentle
    Michele pleased to see you can concentrate on your own job today. Keep safe in the
    Lilian pleased to see you in the SW has suffered again, take
    Val good luck with your XRay thinking of
    Karen pleased the weather has missed
    Sue hope you are not water logged!!xxx
    Brenda hope your cold is improving hugs on
    Janet take care if you do venture
    Sending hugs to all who need them, Cheryl hope you have escaped the floods & are love Margaret xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & lovely ladies
    Thank you all so much for all your very kind wishes & Hug's 🤗🤗
    I actually came home yesterday left hospital at 6.30 & home by 8. 30 both shattered. I had my operation at after arriving 8am we got to hospital at 7am so tried to find a parking space out side with no luck all resident parking so had to park in hospital at ridiculous prices. Any way operation went well they did it in my arm I was so pleased it took just over a hour. I was so surprised how many technicians in their all poking &sticking bits on me. So I didn't have to lay flat for 4 hours but still had to stay in bed for same time. Had a brace on my wrist with a pressure pad. So I was very happy. All went well The surgeon said I was a very good patient. I'm still not too do anything for over a week & must not put any pressure on wrist. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday we were up at 4 so after dinner we went to bed at 9.30pm Today I'm just going to have a PJ day By the way car park was £11.50 wouldn't mind so much if it went to the hospital but it doesn't.
    Sandra your card is great 👍 I bet Jaz will love it.Also the CC looks interesting not sure I will be able to make one for this week though 😢 But look forward seeing what you all come up with.Michele hope work is less stressful today.
    Janet be careful if you go K&N with this weather ☔️💨Enjoy doing Gracie Leigh's year book done.
    Karen have a good day at work.xx
    Val hope your X ray goes well
    Lilian take care in the horrible weather your getting 💨💦Hug's xx
    Sue hope your enjoying your break & weather isn't spoiling it take care Hug's 🤗
    Margaret have a nice day but take care if you go out.🤗🤗Xx
    Cheryl hope your safe with all the floods & you have heating now. Xx🤗
    Brenda hope your feeling better now take care & wrap up warm if going out 🤗🤗xx
    Well my little helper( Big helper 😀 ) has made me a cuppa bless him he is head cook & bottle washer for the next week may be two HaHa.
    Lots of Love & thank you all again for you support I really appreciate it your a lovely bunch of friends 😘😘xx Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, so glad everything went well and you're at home now. It sounds a long tiring day. You just take it easy for the next week or two and do what you're told. You sound as though you've got a good helper to look after you.
      What an exorbitant charge for parking in the hospital. They must be making a fortune and as you say if it went to the hospital you wouldn't feel quite so bad.
      Take care Lynda Love Valxxx

    2. Hello Lynda, so glad everything went well yesterday, take it easy, healing hugs on the way, they'll have to swim but I'm sure they'll get through. Lilian

    3. Hi Lynda,
      Great to see you in & pleased all went well. Just do as you are told I know Terry will be a great nurse, sending

    4. Hello Lynda, so pleased you were allowed home yesterday and could sleep in your own bed. Please take things slowly.... One day at a time.
      Love Brenda xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today but short notice for it. So good job you have a designer brain, unlike me. Wet here today. I've decided today that postmen and delivery men can't read road names. We had another letter yesterday for Schofield Gardens which is right up the top of our road, plus a large parcel today delivered by Yodel. Pete didn't notice until the driver had driven off. He caught him when he went down to his friends and asked him to pick it up in about 10 mins when I came home from school. He came back about 4.00. What idiot decided to adjoin Schofield Gdns to Schofield Ave I don't know. We've had fire bricks delivered here, sheds, green houses and anything else in between. I know our next door neighbours have the same problem as well. Soapbox in its corner.
    I see Margaret has said hi to Lynda so I'll go and see how she is.

  9. Hi Lynda
    Sorry blogger wouldn't let me put a comment under yours.
    I'm so pleased to hear that your op went well. But how awful to have to pay all that money on car parking. Our hospital was on the news today re parking. The queue goes right out of the hospital and down the hill. They recommend 1-2hrs to find a car parking space. The Churchill where Pete goes let's you get a ticket then you have to queue inside the car park.
    I expect your big helper will make a good job of looking after you. Just make sure you do as your told. Take care my friend.

  10. Hello Sadra and everyone In the coffee shop,

    Sandra, I'm sure your girls were delighted with the card you made for Jez. It really is spot on the brief you were given.

    I have had a very busy day today, started with an early appointment for my INR check, which went very well. Stayed in town and did a little shopping. Since then have had both daughters on the phone, each call lasting over an hour. It was time to make dinner. Where has my day gone? And what have I achieved.....not a lot!!! But hey Ho tomorrow is another day !!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
