
Wednesday 23 November 2016

A Wintery Scene card from Brenda x

Good Morning Ladies,

First up today I want to say how happy I was to find out that Lynda was such a great patient that they let her go home early! So much better to spend the night in your own bed, I think you recover better at home where you are relaxed.  I reckon you'll be chasing Terry around my next weekend!  Please be a good girl and RELAX, is Terry a good cook???  I am genuinely so happy that all went smoothly me lovely . xxx

Lilian, you have been in our thoughts during this terrible weather, I am relieved to know that you are safe and well. Sadly it has become almost 'Normal' to hear about such adverse weather, it breaks my heart to see people going through such upheaval, friends of ours had to live in a Mobile Home for over a year after their home was devastated during floods, they moved back in in July, only to be flooded again on Christmas Day and the same the following year, heartbreaking, the cost of their house insurance is so ridiculous its not worth them bothering.
Let's hope we have seen the worst of it this Winter. So glad you are safe Lilian xxx

Janet I hope you have taken lots of Photos Of Gracie-Leigh's First year Book, knowing you it will be absolutely gorgeous, I would love a peek xxx

Michele, I hope you have a much better day in work today, what a muddle it sounds, so frustrating for yoh , hugs on route, hope the weather has improved. xxx

Now onto Brenda's stunning  Christmas Card,  wow, Brenda, I love the white on white look, with the added touch of Sparkle from the Iced Snow, The main Christmas die is Crafter's Companion Create-a-card Die 'Christmas Cheer', I love it, it looks a very versatile die. The sentiment is also Crafter's Companion Create-a-card metal die "Merry Christmas".
A absolutely gorgeous card Brenda, thank you so much for allowing me to share it xxx

Let's all hope and pray that we have seen the worst of this terrible weather, stay safe my lovelies xxx

Pat, see you at about 11:30, looking forward to it xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-gorgeous card, really lovely.

    Lynda-glad to hear you're home and I hope you have a quick recovery and are soon back to "normal "!!

    Yesterday-weather was horrendous again, work was slightly better. The new part-time dispensary manager was only working 1 day with us which was yesterday so let hope there's not too many problems the rest of the week.
    Tesco shopping tonight as I'm going to a School Careers event tomorrow after work. We've attended this for a few years, last year was my first one on the stand and it was so busy. It's 6-9pm so I'll have to leave work about 4pm to help set up the stand etc then it will be about 10pm when I get home.


    1. Michele, Is that the last you will see of the dispensary manager? Sounds like a doddle of a job. Good luck with the careers evening tomorrow, I hope you get lots of interest. xx

    2. Hi Michele not feeling little better today but not sure if I will ever be normal 🤓Haha. Good luck with the careers evening tomorrow.xx

  2. Hello All, it's stopped raining!!!! We are very lucky here as we live on a hill, so no flooding problems, I dread to think what will happen when the next lot of rain comes as the rivers are running very high now.

    Brenda your card is stunning , love the white on white look.

    Lynda hope you are feeling better at home, as Sandra said nothing like your own bed, hugs comming your way.

    Michele what a week you are having, hope today is better, and the careers event goes well.

    Extra hugs to those not well, there seems to be a lot of bugs doing the round at the moment.
    Will pop in later, hugs for all, Love Lilian

    1. Lillian I hope that is the last of the heavy rain you will see for some time to come. Stay safe. xx

    2. Thanks Lilian
      I'm glad to be home better tha hospital. Hope you have had the last of the ☔️ fingers crossed take care.xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well it's not raining though the ground is wet so perhaps we might just have a dry day.

    BRENDA- I love love love your card and white on white just shows the die to perfection.

    I too bought this die you used in the centre of your card along with the Wreath Die but they are still in their packets! Naughty I know but after buying them I decided to use some dies I bought last year.

    LYNDA- Great news to hear that you're at home. Now you must take it steady and relax. Hugs should be arriving just about now.

    LILIAN- So pleased that you are OK and not having to cope with any flooding. My heart goes out to all those who have lost everything.

    I went to K&N yesterday as the rain had slowed down and I didn't get soaked. We were low on numbers (members on late holidays) but had a good time. As we meet on a fortnightly basis I cannot believe that we only have two more meetings before the end of the year. Where has this year gone!!

    Hugs are on their way to you all. Take Care and have a good day. The Café is OPEN so pop in we do not bite lol. xxxx

    1. Hello Val, i'm sure Gracie was delighted when the weather eased off enough for her to go for a walk. I can almost feel her relief over here in the UK. Ha ha
      Well done for winning at crib. xx

    2. Hello Janet, I'm sure when you get to take your die out of the packaging you will really enjoy using it it just does all the work for you. I did buy three others, I thought they would be great for quick cards, The one with happy birthday in the middle I've used for our grandaughters birthday tomorrow. I must take a picture of it before I give it to her afternoon. xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Yes I'm resting but itching to get in craft room. But I'm not too lift any heavy things so die cutting is out of the question as the ebosser plates are Heavy. So I'm being a good girl ( old girl ) Thank you my friend xx🤗

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Brenda. Such a pretty card. I just love white on white and the dies you've used are so lovely. I still can't get pictures on my tablet but Paul fiddled with the home computer last night and I've looked aat your card on there.

    Lynda hope you've woken up this morning feeling well. Take it easy and enjoy being waited on.

    Lil an, glad the terrible weather hasn't affected you personally. Thank goodness you live on high ground but oh so sad for people not so lucky.

    Michele, what a busy life you lead. Hope the Careers Event goes well and you get lots of interest. Hope there's no problems today and you have an easier day.

    We have very heavy rain here today so no walk for Gracie. I've put papers down in the outside covered porch for her to have a wee but she won't even go out the door I think it's a leg crossing day again.

    I bit of tidying up then I go to the docs for the result of yesterday's xray. Then it's off to crib. I think we'll be inside today.
    Hope all the coughs and colds are clearing up

    1. Sorry Val I left you a message, it's gone under Janet's name, I must be loosing it. Ha ha xx

    2. Hi Val
      Yes much better waking up in my own bed & being home.
      I'm resting but wanting to get in my craft room but not yet 😢
      Bambie has her legs crossed like Gracie she gave me a look saying if you think I'm going out there think again 🐶.haha.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and anyone visiting the cafe' today,stay a little while and say Hi. as Janet say, we do not bite :-)
    Lovely card Brenda, so nice the white on white with all the glitter. Hope you have a good day and your cold is better. take care x
    Michele- have a calm day at work, if possible. Take care.
    Hi Lynda- glad everything went well and you were such a good patient that they let you go home after. Just take it easy, for at least a fortnight. Bless him Terry, he doesn't know what coming hihi A huge Thank You for the parcel ! it was delivered safely ,Many hugs !!
    The weather is better here so I hope you have the same Lilian and anyone else who have suffered with the rain and wind the last few days will have some better days.
    Out for my walk, have not done it for a week nearly so hoping to keep up with hubby. Will be back later. Love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria
      Much nicer being home came out with a letter saying what I'm not aloud to do for at least two weeks but I told Terry six weeks Haha
      Glad you got your parcel ok. Hope you had nice walk this morning & it stayed dry. Lots of 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗xx

  6. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends,

    What a surprise I had when I opened the blog today. Sandra, Thank you for showing this card. It is one of those cards you look at and think it needs something else. I'm still not sure and thinking about it! But I do love white on white, for me it just works.

    Lynda hope Terry is looking after you, I'm sure he will be doing a great job. Love and Hugs to you both xx 😘

    Thank you for all of your good wishes, I think/ hope my cough and cold is starting to ease up. Today is the first time in a week I haven't started the day coughing for England. And only got up once in the night, so that's an improvement.

    Lilian pleased you are safe. My heart goes out to those poor families that have been affected by the flooding.

    Sandra and Pat enjoy your meet up xx,Sue hope you are enjoying your family time xx, everyone else, have a good day whatever you are doing,
    Love and Hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes Terry is doing ok other wise I will hit him with my stick haha.
      Brenda your card is stunning I also love white on white cards.
      I hope your feeling better now take care love Lynda xx

  7. Hi everyone.

    Yeh the pictures have returned to my tablet again.

    The rain here eased off at lunchtime and I was able to take Gracie out for a walk at 4ish when I got back from crib which I won 3-1 today. Well the rain has just started again. Like stair rods it is, Lovely chicken curry for tea which is very comforting.
    Saw my doctor for the results of yesterday's xray. I have a curve in my spine which is causing pressure and therefore pain He's given me tablets for a month and then I have to go back to see him. I just hate taking pain killers so I'll see if I can carry on without them.

    Hope your weather is improving over there.

    Sandra and Pat. Hope you had a lovely afternoon together.
    Love Valxxx

  8. Evening All Such a pretty card BRENDA I love white on white cards
    I'm so glad you're home LYNDA I expect TERRY is doing a grand job
    Good luck with the Career Event MICHELE
    so pleased to hear you're safe LILIAN I hope the worst of the weather is over
    Take care everyone I need to make a couple of cards this evening All die cut stuff so I should be able to see well enough under artificial light to be able to cut out at least

  9. Thanks Karen
    Yes good to be home I'm being good but itching to get crafting.
    Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra thank you for your lovely comment this morning.
    Hope you had a lovely day with Pat crafting wish I could but not this week
    Sorry I won't be able to do CC this week. Getting a bit bored now just sitting down all day. I have to go out Friday to doctors for my tablet review which was made a couple of weeks ago. So will be good to get some fresh air.
    Well my home help has just bought my dinner in so going to eat it now I have left comments on way down.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you & Pat have had a good day, sorry I am late first chance I have had to
    Brenda your card is lovely I love all white cards, thank you for showing us. Hope you are feeling better it does take a
    Lynda so pleased you are being good it will be worth it in the long run, hope you don't get too bored, hugs on the
    Val well done on winning at crib, hope rain has stopped for Gracie's sake!xxx
    Janet glad you were able to get to K & N, I agree where has this year gone?xxx
    Michele hope today was not too bad & good luck for tomorrow
    Karen hope you get your cards made
    Lilian glad you are safe take
    Maria hope you managed your walk ok, has the injection helped you?xxx
    Pat hope you had good day xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
