
Thursday 24 November 2016

Lilian & Pat's missing challenge Cards

Lilian's Lovely Christmas Tree card

Pat's first Christmas tree card

Pat's 'Groovi Plate' Christmas Tree

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

After experiencing another melt down by my tablet and having to reboot/reload everything I came across some of the photos that I had somehow missed on Sunday, I will always make sure that every card you make gets displayed!

Lilian's lovely, snowy covered tree card is first up today, I think the tree is the " lovely as a tree" stamp set from Stamping Up, there is an Old Oak tree, a Christmas/pine tree and a row of trees together in the set, this Christmas tree is my favourite and the reason I bought the set, Sue and I scoured the internet last year for a proper "Christmas" looking pine tree, this set had the perfect one! 
Now I'm not sure how Lilian has achieved the snowy look on the tree, it looks like she may have stamped the tree in green, then placed a piece of vellum over, stamp tree again in perfect medium, then added white embossing powder and heated, the lovely "Snowflake Merry Christmas" is a Crafter's Companion Die, it is lovely, I love the font and the layout.
A perfect Winter Tree Christmas card Lilian, thank you for taking part and sorry I missed adding it on Sunday xxxx

Pat's cards up next, the first card to me looks like a 'designer' style card, very expensive looking, Pat has used the 'Woodward Clear Magic' stamp called "Forest", a trio of stamps that come with two sentiments 'Winter Wishes ' and " Seasons Greetings' and a couple of snowflakes : 
I saw it yesterday for just £5.99 online. 
Pat has used all three tree stamps in ascending order, stamped in clear ink and sprinkled with white embossing powder and heated, Pat used the 'Winter Wishes' sentiment, I love the part that Pat did next, using some left over bits of that lovely purple card to create 3 tree shape pieces to which Pat added some decoration, this created a matching tag to add to the side of the card with matching ribbon, this is the part that gives the card that 'designer' touch, I love this card Pat, it really stands out from the crowd, you creative genius you!! xxx
Pat's second image is the start of another card, this time using Vellum and the 'Groovi' System by Clarity Stamps. 
This is the plate, it is simply called 'Christmas Tree' plate.
Pat has used this plate to emboss the image onto some white Vellum/ parchment, adding touches of blue colour pencil to the Ribbon sections of the tree, the little hints of colour add dimension to the image as well as colour.  Pat has then added the sentiment beside the tree.  I look forward to seeing this mounted up onto a card Pat, you have really mastered the "Groovi" system now Pat, I wonder how many of you ladies have this system too, I know Sue has and Brenda too, be good to see some more cards made with it.  Thank you Pat for sending me your cards to share xxxx

If any of you have any craft purchases that they made recently, can you send me a photo please?  I have one from Michele, a few more would be great too .

Have a lovely day ladies, whatever you are up to, I think we will be contacting the Shop we purchased my tablet from, as it was had "Android has stopped working" message come up twice now, it then goes on to close down and wipe contents of all files and all apps ! Even those I thought I had safely saved to SD card, its so frustrating, the Warranty expires next month, so I think we need to act now, wish me luck!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous Christmas cards-love them all.

    Sandra-good luck sorting out your computer. I ordered a new phone charger from eBay but my phone keeps coming up with comments that suggests it doesn't like it! It was cold a a genuine Apple device so I guess that will teach me. I'd better try Tesco or Currys as I can't get to the nearest Apple shop.


    1. Hi Michele
      Hope you manage to get a new charger for your phone. I always worry when I order from EBay.

  2. These "tree" cards are beautiful I have a couple of purchases I need to photo Seeing little Oscar after work but hopefully (if I remember my head is a real sieve at the mo) I will send you some
    I hope you're feeling better each day LYNDA

  3. Good Morning Everyone for the second time this morning.

    SANDRA- it seems to be 'Gremlin' time with 'Tablets and Laptops'. Good luck today trying to get your 'Tablet' sorted.

    LILIAN- I love your 'Frosty' tree and your sentiment.
    PAT- Your stamped trees are so clean and crisp. I love them.

    At last I think I've come to the end of making my Seasonal Cards! So hopefully today I can make a start on tidying up my dies etc. You can guarantee that when I've put them all away I will find I've missed someone on the list lol.

    It's a very wet and dull start to the day here. So miserable. Anyway the CAFE is Open and inviting so come on in and sit a while with a lovely cuppa and have a chat. Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      What! Finished your cards already. Hope your weather improves soon.

  4. Hi Sandra and all.

    Lovely cards today Lillian and Pat. So glad we had a chance to see them.

    Hope you get your tablet sorted before the warranty runs out. These things are great when they work but WOW what a pain when they go wrong.

    Lynda hope your feeling more comfortable today.

    A bit of ironing to do, a phone call to my friend in UK to see how her tests results went yesterday and then meating a friend for a coffee. The sun is shining again today although it was a bit fresh when I walked Gracie early on. Later on mst get my case out ready for the weekend. Not that I'm packing much. Just some underclothes and PJ's, a few smellies and that's it. Hope to show some hot of of what I've bought next week Sandra.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Hope you all alright and your day will be good whatever you are up too.
    Lynda , know you want to do things but promise to take it easy. hugs
    Lovely cards from Lilian and Pat, do love trees and to see some that actually look like some is a bonus. Well done doing the Groovi one Pat.
    Housework done and dusted and just had my mug of tea so can now go back to cards. The kitchen looks more like a card factory then anything so it will be nice in some ways when the x-mas ones are done, if you know what I mean. Take care all and keep warm, love and hugs ,Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria
      I've done loads of cutting out but it's the putting together I have a problem with.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you get your tablet sorted, as Karen said they are great when working but not when they don'
    Lilian & Pat love your cards as Maria said hreat to see proper
    Lynda hope each day finds you stronger, take care hugs on
    Just put shopping away now have to get ready for embroidery.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra, and friends, from a beautiful SUNNY Cornwall, sheets and duvet cover on the line blowing nicely, do hate drying my super King cover on the dryer, so great to put it on the line.

    Pat love your cards, have not tried the Groovi system , as I'm not sure my hands would cope with the tools, love thr look of parchment.

    My card is the tree stamp as Sandra said, but I just stamped it in white then cut with some dies I found on an American site, that go with the trees , added a dash of ink.

    Have to tell you I have one a prize on Christeen web site, my ticket from the charity kit matched ,so apparently I get a goody bag.

    Must go lunch is ready, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I love your Christmas tree thanks for the info on how it was put together. Congratulations on winning a goody bag from Christine.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Wow, you actually managed to find the stamp I'd used on my card. I've had it a couple of years as well.
    I love Lilian's tree and how she's made it snowy. I look forward to hearing how it was made.
    Had a lovely day crafting yesterday at Sandra's. I had some new stamps delivered while I was there.
    Hope Lynda is taking it easy at home. Hope the weather isn't to awful today after all the rain we've had.

  9. Hi Brenda
    Meant to say I loved your card yesterday. I bought 1 die'sire create a card Die, then totally confused Sandra by saying the other one I bought was by them as well. Sandra spent 30 mins looking for it, then I realised it was by Amy designs. I'd be dangerous if I had a brain.

    1. Pat, welcome to the club (the no brainer club!!!) xx

    2. Let me join you, it's worse then a sieve these days. Scary that ! tihi xx


  10. Hello again Sandra & everyone again meaning my comment from this morning has been snatched not sure by who!!!
    Anyway Lilian your card is gorgeous love it.
    Pat I love your trees stamp it's beautiful I'm going to look for the stamp. Wow your Groovi tree is amazing you have definitely got the hang of it well done Pat.
    Terry took Bambie for a walk this morning & I was naughty done some printing out inserts but after about half an hour my wrist was really aching as they put the Stent in main artery of right hand still aching now & up my will keep this short as typing with same hand.
    Margaret thank you so much for your lovely card I received this morning🤗🤗xx
    Sandra hope you got your IPad sorted. Thank you for all your many Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I will not make a lot of noise as I'm sure some of you are already in bed, just sitting here having a nightcap. Have had a very busy day, had to finish of Grandsons birthday card and post it - he is 21 tomorrow. Granddaughter Tierney is 18 today. So after her swimming lesson Ciara and I made a birthday cake (well decorated it) which was very well received by big sister. Which really surprised me as Ciara decided we would make a Barbie style cake.

    Pat I love your cards , you are really doing well with your Groovi plates. Love the stamps you have used for your tree card. Xx

    Well dear friends I am going to wish you all a good night, sleep well.
    Love Brenda xxx
