
Friday 25 November 2016

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,
 How many of you have been busy doing your "Black Friday" bargain hunting???
I'm a bit sick of hearing it to be honest, I'm sure its only started to be popular this past couple of years, I have images of sad people fighting for things in shops that aren't actually that much of a deal!! Certainly not a day to go shopping! 
We have the girls home today, they have an extra day off as their Headmistress miscalculated the number of teaching days, so staff need an extra day off!!!
Now image the response I would have got if I'd have told them I was taking them out of school for a day for a day out!  
Not that i mind, they are good company and we always manage to have a giggle over something or other, usually something silly!

Now today's card is based on this weeks sketch (upside down), I die cut the snowflake into the centre of a piece of Centura Pearl card, I Then embossed around that with Sue Wilson's Snowflake Frame Embossing Folder, I inked up a sponge with Summer Sky Colour Cloud and brushed it around the outside of my card, I then placed a piece of Acetate over the aperture, wiped it with an anstatic bag, carefully placed foam tape around the acetate, I then added a little scoop of Iced snow, added some Cosmic Shimmer glue to the foam tape, followed by another piece of acetate, this totally encapsulates the iced snow. I Then added a piece of decorative "Let it Snow" paper over the acetate and added more foam tape around the edge of the whole card and placed onto a base of white card, coloured with Summer Sky Colour Cloud, I added a matching Ribbon, Bow, topped with a snowflake.  To finish I added some litter AB sparkles and some blue tinted snowflakes.
I hope you like this fun card.

I will feature your craft purchases tomorrow, as our mixed crafts have all been shown, we will resume once we have some more to share.

Enjoy your day ladies, don't be spending too much in the sales! 

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Good Morning everyone.

    Oh Sandra, what a beautiful card. Just love the embossing folder and the way you've encapsulated the snow behind the star. The little snowflakes and pretty bow finish it off perfectly. A lot of time and work I imagine but so worth it.

    I was up earlier than usual today as I couldn't sleep. Must be excited cos I'm going to UK tomorrow. I'm like this on Christmas Eve as well. Still haven't quite grown up ha ha.

    We're playing with Pixie Powders at Craft Club today . That should be nice and messy. Looking forward to it.

    Tomorrow is another early start as I'm helping Wendy on her Christmas Fayre stall then rushing home to leave at 4pm for the Airport so I might be missing for a few days depending on the internet reception in the Travel Lodge. Then it's shop, shop, shop with Sunday lunch with my son thrown in as an added bonus. I've got my thick coat out as I think I might need it.

    Have a good day everyone.

    LYNDA Hope things are progressing nicely with you.
    Love Valxxx

    1. You will definitely need your thick coat and gloves Ejoy Ceaft club Safe journey tomorrow

    2. Morning Val
      It's 08.16 here and I'm already to go back to bed after reading your post. Slow down or you'll meet yourself coming back lol. Have a good day crafting and an enjoyable journey this evening. You definitely need that big coat along with willies and thick socks lol. xxxx

    3. Oh Janet you did make me laugh. I don't think I need or want any Willies at my age ha ha. X

    4. Oh Janet, what have you been up to this morning ? hihi
      Val - have a fun day with the pixie powders, remember to squeeze hard not hihi Have also a great time over in the UK. What part are you going to this time ? Hope the weather stays nice and dry for you while you are here. It's a lovely day with sunshine in Bucks. today. Say Hi to Wendy when you see her tomorrow, hugs xx

    5. Hi Val you will definitely need your thick coat tomorrow. Enjoy your craft day and helping Wendy with her craft fairs.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another lovely card. I think I'll be making lots more Christmas class the box I took into work looked quite empty last night-I'll check it properly when I bring it home tonight.
    The Careers evening was very busy-we had a whole room to set up our display and it proved very popular. We left about 8.45 then I dropped a colleague off in Southport so I got home at 9.30pm. I was shattered-I had a shower then just read for a short while. Work had been really busy with quite a few problems so let's hope today is a nicer day. At least I then have 5 days off...!! The Joiner has confirmed he'll start on Monday, we have the heating engineer out to service the boiler & gas fire at 8.15 on Monday and I have a friend calling in on Monday morning then another one in the afternoon! I think I'd better concentrate on card making after that.


    1. Morning Michele
      Hoping you have a reasonable day at work and a well deserved 5 days off next week.
      Good luck with the Joiner etc and hopefully you can get a few days R&R xxxx

    2. Sound like you going to be busy next week too but with some nice times thrown in. Hope the work was ok today. Take care, hugs xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your 5 days off are going to be busy. Better busy at home than work though.

  3. Morning ladies,

    A beautiful card Sandra, so calming and peaceful. A work of art.
    Pleased to report my new boiler is fantastic, so quiet compared to the old Alpha and our home is now warm again.

    Did not enjoy the rain on Monday as I drove Brian back to Gloucs. So much road spray on the M5 and miles upon miles of roadwork's made a usually enjoyable trip into a nightmare fairground ride. The spray was so bad at times, it was almost like fog. And how the idjits in the third lane could see as they drove at speed confounds me. Good job there were variable speed limits in places, not that they took any notice of that at all. Oh no, not they. My shoulders are still tensed up from the driving.
    Arrived home to find our brook was overflowing. Luckily I am further down the road and on slightly higher ground so did not get any water damage. The level has now gone below the plumbline.
    Been busy making items of sale for a Christmas Fayre this Saturday at our URC church, My friend Jacque came round with a large assortment of fabric, socks, felt and ribbons to help. We had a very enjoyable and productive two days together. My dining room table has still not recovered lol. And it's all piled up ready for today's crafting then sorting into boxes for transportation tomorrow.

    Off to town early this morning to get away from the crowds and the school run for a couple of items that I should have remembered on Wednesday. My inbox must be fuller than average.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl
      I've received your email thank you.
      Between you and Val you have both tired me out this morning and I haven't started any housework yet!! Good luck with the Christmas Fayre tomorrow and I just know that your stand will be empty in no time at all. xxxx

    2. Good Morning Cheryl,
      Please photograph your Christmas Fayre goodies, I love to see what amazing ideas you came up with this year, good luck for tomorrow xxxx

    3. Hope you pain in the shoulders get better over the day. There is a lot of idjets on the road and they driving way to fast when it's bad weather. Always worried when Son is out. Have a good day tomorrow, love to see what you got this year at the stall. hugs xx

    4. Good afternoon Cheryl. Sounds like you had a horrendous time driving Brian back home. I didn't envy you one bit. Lovely that your new boiler is working well. Makes me wonder why people drive like idiots in wet weather.

  4. Lovely card SANDRA I haven't done a shaker card that has a pattern behind it so I back my shaker card with a piece of the matching card before I construct it Acetate is a good tip or packaging from our dies that we buy
    I will try and remember to send photos of my recent buys - from birthday money I received

    1. Hi Karen- hope you had a good time at the dance and lots of cuddles with Oscar, the little charmer :-)
      Have a nice weekend, hugs xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    Another dull and dreary start weatherwise to the day.
    I for one will not be doing any Black Friday shopping either in shops or on line. I feel that it's just another way of getting people to spend their hard earned money recklessly.

    Sorry 'Soap Box' back in the corner.

    SANDRA- I love your card.That EF is just beautiful and your colour choice just makes it shine.
    Have a good day with the girls whatever you get up to.

    Off now to do some housework. I did manage to put my Seasonal Dies etc away yesterday and I have my fingers crossed that I don't have to get them out again until next Autumn.
    I have my CC to send off to Sandra too.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs should be arriving very shortly.
    The CAFE is open for business so come on in. xxxx

    1. You are brave putting the dies away already :-) I always forget someone even with my list so mine will stay out a bit longer. Take care doing the housework and enjoy your day. Hugs xx

    2. Crikey Janet Christmas cards finished already. I'm still pattering about doing mine. Plenty of cutting out but no putting together. You should see my dining table. I did clear my table in my craft room but have covered it in boxes now.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is beautiful as always, doesn't matter what you do it is always lovely you certainly have the flair, thank you for showing us & explaining how you do them. Enjoy having the girls
    Val sounds as if you are going to be really busy, enjoy your shopping trip & lunch with
    Cheryl good luck with the fayre tomorrow, I am sure you will sell
    Lynda I hope your wrist has recovered from yesterday, you will not do that again will you!! I know it is soo frustrating seeing thigs that need doing but please be patient. Hugs on
    Washing just finished so must take it out so will send healing hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies in the coffee shop,

    Sandra your card is beautiful, thank you for the additional inspiration. xxx

    Cheryl hope the fayre goes well tomorrow, and all of your hard work and planning is well rewarded. Good Luck.

    It's a beautifully sunny day here, a little cold outside, I can cope with the cold as long as the sun is shining. It's the damp wet cold days I hate.

    We have plumbers in today putting an additional radiator in the hall also one in the kitchen. So we should be snug and warm this winter. One of the men has his dog in the van, I asked would he like him to have a run around the garden? the dog is only two years old, He is very friendly and absolutely gorgeous, it's a German Shepherd and about the size of a pony.

    Think it's time I offered to put the kettle on again. Hope everyone is having a good day. Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda- a German shepherd running around in your garden, hope you got any plants left they can be a bit boy-stress hihi. You will be toasty and warm with the extra radiators, that's good because they saying it can be a cold winter ahead. warm hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Hope your plants stood up to having a dog running around. Hope Maria's wrong about having a bad winter. At least you'll keep warm by having extra radiators fitted.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love the colour cloud look must give mine ago before I buy some more. Might try my pearl moon onto some navy card to see what it comes out like. Hope your having a nice day with your girls.

  9. Hi Sandra and anyone in the cafe today. If you standing outside in the cold looking through the windows, do come in and say Hi. Love to see your cards and other crafts you are making !
    Gorgeous card Sandra, I must be braver and make a shaker card soon. With the Acetate , do you need some special Glue or will the C.Shimmer work ?
    Black Friday ?? Went into town for some window shopping ,breakfast and looking for something for a very spoiled 6 year old ! Came home empty handed except for the dinner tonight. Funny enough it was very calm in the shops and not direct any bargains what I could see so wasn't too bad but sure it will be more people over the next week.
    Lynda- I hope you not over do things and you let yourself heal properly first. I like the idea that Terry will be on duty for the next 6 weeks, right over Christmas hihi
    sending you some warm hugs x
    Sonia- hope you feeling better and have got some time for yourself in between. Have you decided to go for more hours yet or ? Will see if you posted any cards on your blog later.hugs x
    Anne- hope you are ok and wonder how the little furball think of any snow. Keep his little coat on so he doesn't disappear :-) take care ,hugs x
    Sue- you might not see this but I hope you have some lovely days away and have lots to tell us when you are back. You know I'm the nosy one tihi hugs x
    Sandra- hope you have a nice day with the girls at home. Did you manage to meet up with Pat this week ? If so , hope you had a good time together.
    Have inserts to make and to put in so I leave you for now, might see you later. No use to comment tho at 1am or 3am because no-ones around to talk to :-) Have a good day everyone, love and warm hugs to all. Maria xxxx

    1. CS glue works a treat Use enough but not too much because acetate isn't porous and glue will sit on the surface and ooze out if you're not careful Takes slightly longer to dry (but not much) Hope you see this

    2. Hi Maria. Been busy at work, doing extra hours to cover other staff members on holiday and sickness. They've agreed to pay me overtime, so at the moment I am going to stick with the hours I'm on and just offer to do extra when needed. I'm still loving it :-)
      Sorry, my blog hasn't been updated for well over a month now :-( Just can't seem to find the time to do it. However, I did make a card last night for Sandra's challenge, so will get that photographed and sent in.
      Hope you're keeping well. Hugs xxx

    3. Thanks Karen, will try it out soon-ish.
      Sonia- good to see you,you making such wonderful cards but if you not feeling it then get some bought ones, use the front as a topper and hey presto you have made a card :-) take care xx

  10. Hello All , sorry to be late, it's been quite a day, at least it's been dry.
    Went to go out in my car this morning , absolutely flat, could even unlock the door, I've only had it for 2weeks, got the mechanic out tried to tell me I must have left something on, but I'm sure I never, he's put a new battery in, apparently the Jazz have very small batteries.

    Sandra lovely card, love a shaker.
    Cheryl hope the craft fair goes well.
    Val enjoy your weekend.
    Lynda hope you're doing OK and not doing too much.

    O/H away tonight and not home until late tomorrow, so hope to do a few more Christmas cards, am way behind this year.

    Have a good evening hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today and all of the other cards displayed over the last few days :-)
    Sorry I've not been in for a while! I just don't know where the time goes. I'm really started to panic now as can't quite believe that this time next month will be Christmas Day!! Definitely all going to be last minute for me this year.
    Lynda, I'm glad to hear you were home quickly from hospital. I hope you're taking it easy xx
    Am hoping everyone is keeping well and you all have a lovely weekend whatever you may be doing. Sending hugs xxx

  12. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Not sure where today went, I had doctors appointment this morning for a tablet review & ending up with another two tablets so it's shake rattle & roll 😳HaHa.
    Then went Tesco shopping by time Terry put shopping away it was lunch time which he also made I was feeling a little guilty did offer to help but he said go & put your feet up.Margaret popped round this afternoon for a few hours.
    Then Terry cooked dinner Had call from Darren & Lisa &I now it's 10.30pm & now writing this.gosh I'm worn out HaHa.
    Cheryl hope you have a good day tomorrow & i'm sure your lovely goods will fly off your table hope the weather is kind for you.
    Sonia glad your still liking your new job take care.
    Sandra hope you had nice day with your girls. Did you get your IPad sorted yesterday.
    Lilian I'm ok thank you. I'm glad yo got your car is sorted.
    Maria as you see above I'm not doing much HaHa.
    Margaret yes I'm being good now thank you.xx
    Sandra I'm missing not being able to do this weeks challenge card sorry. Look forward to seeing everyone's cards.
    Well I'm off to bed now good night everyone.
    Love Lynda xx
