
Wednesday 9 November 2016

Star of Wonder......

Good Morning Ladies,

Well yesterday certainly did not go as planned, I went to bed feeling really achy but put that down to tidying my craft room. Paul is on nights this week so I don't sleep too good anyway, but by 3am I was shivering so got up made a hot drink and and a hot water bottle.  I tossed and turned until Milo woke me at 5am whining because Paul wasn't in bed, (he sleeps on Paul's feet).  I didn't realise how rough I felt until Sophie asked me to get up French Braid her hair at 6am, I tried but just couldn't stand to do it or stop sneezing!  So needless to say I didn't get to spend the day with Sue and Pat, I went back to bed, dosed up with Night Nurse and another hot water bottle (and Paul) and slept until 11am.
I feel so frustrated because I don't usually get 'ill' as such, yes i get Water infections from time to time but not since taking Cranberry Tablets, but I have had one sore throat after another for about a month, felt achy like I was getting Tonsillitis but it never came to anything, just keeps reoccurring!
I managed to drag myself into my newly tidied craft room to create the card above,, I have had the " Star Of Wonder" stamp and Die set for a couple of weeks now but not got around to playing with it, so it was the first thing I went for yesterday.
I decided to go for a Burgundy and Gold theme, so I matted and layered some cream, Burgundy and Gold Glitter card to form my card base, I then die cut the large star and used the embossed lines on the die cut and lined them up on my score board and embossed them again to give the star dimension.  I then die cut one of the fancy centres in gold glitter card and adhered it to the star, I set that to one side and went back to my background, I took the 'starburst flourish' stamp from the set to make a flourish either side of my star, then added thee "Star of Wonder, Star of light" and then "Guide us to thy perfect light" stamped sentiments to the top and bottom corners.  (I would  not have attempted this without my Stamping tool) because I would have mucked it up!
I then added foam tape to the back of my Star and positioned it in the centre of the card.
I hope you like it.

This is my third stamp and die set from Stamping Up and I love them, they stamp so well and die cut perfectly, I am so tempted to take on being a Demonstrator for them, mainly as in want pretty much most of the catalogue, but its a huge commitment and I talk myself out of it every time I think I have decided. !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, I went to bed with a dose of night nurse, so who knows what today will bring, pesky germs, I have to say though, there has been quite a few of us suffering this Autumn, I think we need a good hard winter, to kill off these germs!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I live your card, such perfect stamping. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well & weren't able to meet up with Sue + Pat to craft. I hope you start to feel better soon.

    I had some good news-I'm getting my £30 table fee refunded! I'm pleased about that so now any cards I do manage to sell, I can make a donation to the Hospice (& research into Motor Neurone Disease).
    Made a mini Card in a Box for my crazy friend last night using all the goodies she collected from the baby shower-it looks quite nice. Tidied away most of the things I'd gathered together for Saturday last night. Arranged to call at my in-laws to drop off the 4 bags of craft stash from my crazy friend so there should be lots of space in my craft room by Sunday!!!


    1. Oops-that's meant to say "I love your card"!!!


    2. Hi Michel
      I'm pleased to hear your going to have your table money refunded. I wonder how many others pulled out. Motor nuerons disease. We had a neighbour who died of that disease a couple of years ago. Joe decided not to retire at 65 but stay on at work. Stopped working as a delivery driver as he couldn't lift his arms up very high at 66. He only lasted another 6 mths. So it's a well worth charity.

    3. Hi Michele. Its good to hear that you got your table money back. I wonder how many others have pulled out too? A call to the Citizens Advice Bureau to ask if they could clarify about the PLI for future sales might be a good idea. At least you would know for sure then. I had a look on line but it is very hard to work out if you would need it or not! At least you can enjoy seeing your in-laws on Saturday now and can still make a donation to the hospice. Take care x

  2. Good morning Ladies.
    Sorry to hear you are having such a horrible time Sandra and hope you get better soon, your card today is absolutely stunning ! I love everything about it, beautiful stamps and colours.
    Can't believe Trump is president of USA, it's a strange world at the moment.
    I enjoyed 9 holes of golf yesterday morning but it was bitterly cold, went to the dentist who put in a temporary filling in my tooth and have to go back on the 20th December for the proper filling, then last night had to go to an emergency meeting at the golf club so it was a busy day.
    Michelle , glad you got your money returned and you can now enjoy your Saturday.
    Don't know about going the walk this morning as the weather looks dismal, so will wait and see.
    Wishing you all a good day , love and hugs xoxo

    1. Oh my god Anne. I haven't heard the news yet as I haven't had the television on. Didn't go much on either of them but he's the worst of the two.

    2. Hi Anne. I'm glad you got your game of golf yesterday. You haven't mention snow so I assume it hasn't arrived in your area yet. I would love to see a picture of Tolly in his new coat 😀 Have a good day x

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh Sandra, so sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. I hope you had a better night and feeling better today x
    Love everything about your beautiful card, it's stunning. Stampin Up do have some lovely things - although I've never bought from them.
    Michele, glad you have been refunded for the table fee. I'm sure you'll have no problem selling your beautiful cards :-)
    Am hoping everyone is keeping well, and has a good day whatever you're doing. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I haven't any Stampin Up stamps or dies but love them. Most of my Pinterest card saves have been made using their stamps so.may have to treat myself, just can't decide which ones to get first! Have a good day x

  4. Morning Everyon
    from a white world here. Yes it's our first look a Winter White and it's snowing proper snow flakes. So you can guess where I will be spending my day lol.

    SANDRA- I LOVE LOVE LOVE your beautiful card. It's looks a gorgeous stamp and you couldn't have chosen a better colour.

    I hope that by this morning you're feeling a little better and if not PLEASE DO NOT PUSH yourself to make something for tomorrow. YOUR health is more important than a card.

    MICHELE- I'm so pleased that you have your stand money refunded and as you say you can make a donation.

    I had a lovely afternoon at K&N yesterday and the card to make was an easy one so lots of chatting and laughter. I have to say I was completely shattered by the time I got home but it was worth it.

    Hoping to get a couple of pictures sent off to Sandra today and with a bit of luck I just might get another Seasonal card done.
    HUGE HUGS to you all -CHERYL I hope you're getting closer to being warm in your house. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm so pleased you had a lovely time at K & N, it is tiring even sitting and chatting. Crikey snow already up your end. We've had hard frosts. But we had rain last night. We went over to Craig's last night to play cards, and the road back from Farringdon had lots of standing water in the road. I wonder why idiot drivers still drive like idiots when it's sheeting down with rain.

    2. Hi Janet,
      So wonderful you enjoyed your K&N.
      Boiler ordered, coming this weekend and Plumber arriving Monday. He has put me on top priority and is doing all his 'odd jobs' so he can concentrate on me next week. He did all my plumbing for the shower room and is a lovely guy. Trust him a lot, he's a hard worker and doesn't leave until he feels you are completely happy with his work. x

    3. Hi Janet. It is so good to hear that you are feeling up to getting back to your normal routine. I bet everyone at Knit and Natter were thrilled to see you back 😀 As you have snow a day of crafting in the warm sounds like the perfect idea. Have fun and take care x

  5. Hi to everyone.
    Sandra, so sorry you had such a bad day yesterday and couldn't meet up with Pat and Sue. Do hope you had a good night's sleep and are feeling tons better today.

    Just love your card and te stamp is really lovely as are the sayings.

    Michele really glad you got your stall money back. What are you going to do with all the cards you've made? Is there another Fair locally you can get a table at?

    Anne, like you I can't believe Trump got in either. I've been watching it on Sky News since 5am. Very unexpected.

    I'm glad to say the icy wind has disappeared. It's still not too warm but an improvement. JANET I bet looking out of your windows today looks lovely. Glad you had a good time at K&N yesterday. Laughter is a really good medicine.

    Cheryl I hope by now your new boiler is installed and you can keep warm.

    Off to crib later. Must have my breakfast and have a shower.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope you win at crib. I haven't played for years.

    2. Hi Val. I'm glad you haven't got that icy wind today. It's not too bad here either, just raining on and off. It was a shock that Trump won wasn't it, neither are good but he was the worst of the two. Let's see what happens now.
      I hope you managed to do a bit at your Tai Chi and that you were lucky at Bingo. Take care x

  6. Hi Sandra
    You really ought to go to the Dr with your reaccuring bad throats. You must take care of yourself. I must say I missed our meet up yesterday. But your health is more important than that.
    Love love love today's card. I must say your Stampin up sets are lovely, especially this one as I don't think I'd seen it. Hugs to all who might need them today, and Cheryl I do hope your new boiler is installed soon.

    1. Hi Pat. It is always so disappointing when we can't meet up isn't it. I am feeling a bit better but this rain never helps! Have a good day, whatever you are up to. Are you having to cook every day this week or will you be eating out like you did last week, you lucky thing 😀 Take care xx

    2. Hi Sue
      No it's cooking for me this week. Took a leaf out of Marias book and made a shepherds pie. Veggies from the garden.

  7. Morning Sandra and all in here today.
    Love your card, love the colours together and that star is lovely. You see I love it :-) I do like all Stampin Up products and if you became a seller I think is a great idea as long you know it could be hard work and don't want you overdo things. Sorry to see you and Sue too are not well, wish you better soon. Having a day in my nighty myself as no sleep (not because of the election) so going back to bed soon, anything else will have to be on hold.
    Michele- good you got the £30 back. MND is a horrid illness so I hope you sell some cards for it's course.
    Have a good day at work.
    Anne- love to see Tollie in his little coat, he must look sooo cute . Sorry to hear you had to go to the dentist, hope it will be alright for x-mas.
    I too hope Cheryl got the heating sorted as it is very raw and wet outside today. Cheryl- how you doing ?
    Janet- I hope it look pretty with a dust of snow. Take care tho if going out. Glad you had a nice time at K&N, have a rest today. Sonia- hope you are doing better, have the mojo reappeared yet ?
    Lynda- hope you are ok and the same to you all. I wish you all a good day whatever you be doing. Warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm sorry you didn't get much sleep last night, you are being sensible with going back to bed. I hope you manage to get back to sleep too. My joints are a bit better today. Im looking forward to seeing you next week 😁 Take care x

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm sorry to hear you didn't have much sleep last night. Hope your feeling more with it now.

  8. Morning ladies,

    Well, what a blowy, brilliant sunshiny kind of day I have woken up to. Leaves strewn all around the garden and trees almost bowing over. Let's hope all the leaves come down in one fell swoop instead of weeks to come of clearing them up.
    Boiler on it's way and being fitted next Monday. I'm No.1 on the plumber's list. So far I have been managing ok, I come from sturdy stock and can well remember growing up with just a fireplace in the living room. Jamie bought me a little portable halogen heater which is marvellous. The heat just pumps out of it and I feel quite 'toasted' at the moment.

    Sandra, sounds like you need some extra vitamin C. Sorry you feel so poorly. Have you thought of investing in an electric blanket? I bought one four winters ago, it has the added bonus of being left on all night at a lower temperature which is very handy for my creaky old joints.

    Wardrobe emptied ready for sorting out this morning. I am getting quite ruthless with what I am keeping and I feel so good about this decluttering and reorganisation. The charity bags and boxes will have more than I have when I've finished! 'They' say you can't take your money with you when you go, well my view now, is that you can't take your clothes and chattels either so why keep them?
    A more streamlined me will be the 'new' me.

    Off for another cuppa, speak to you all soon.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I'm glad that you are snug and warm. We have all got a bit soft these days, with heat in every room. Making pictures on the inside of the bedroom window was always good fun when we were children 😀 At least you have a trusted plumber who will get the new boiler in as quickly as possible. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      You need to speak to my Pete regarding throwing old things away. He holds onto everything. I'm glad your heating going to be sorted soon. I also remember having just a fire in the sitting room, and everywhere else being absolutely freezing.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I hope you are feeling much better today my lovely. If not I agree with Pat and think you should see your GP. It was a shame that we couldn't meet ul, my joints haven't been good good for a few days but yesterday I was hoping that my morning meds (always think positive on Tuesdays) would help more than they did so I wouldn't have been able to come over anyway 😓 Next week we will make up for it when we have our meet up with Brenda, Mum, Maria and Karen. Can I just ask which day for definate, is it the Tuesday or the Wednesday?
    Your card today is gorgeous, and with stamping direct onto the card, how good did that feel 😁 look after yourself xx

  10. I know,I hit publish too early, again!
    Brenda, I hope you enjoyed your take away last night 😀
    Lilian, it's good to hear that you managed a walk yesterday as your bruises are healing x
    Lynda, you really would feel odd if you didn't have to have at least one blood test a week, wouldn't you. I hope you are feeling ok tjough. Have a good day x
    As it's Wednesday we have our grand daughters after school and take them for their swim lessons. Phoebe who is 7 is in a class with much older children as she swims so well, she would stay in the water for as long as you let her as she loves it so much. Paige, 5, is getting more and more confident, especially as she has gone up a level and her new teacher is wonderful, so encouraging and fun. It's lovely to watch them both so happy in the water.
    Sending you all love and hugs with extras for Sandra, Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello All, very cold here, went for our usual wolk to get the paper, and it was sleeting on the way home. The weather seems to have forgotten that we are supposed to be one of the mildest areas.

    Sandra so sorry you are feeling so poorly again, hope you soon feel better.
    Your card is amazing, love stamping up products, used to buy from a lady in Somerset, but had to commit to buy £25 each for 6months which I did for a year, but had to pull out as not sure how much work I'll have, will have to order on line direct now I suppose.
    Sorry you had to miss your get together yesterday, still you have next week to look forward to.

    Cheryl glad your boiler will be sorted soon, must admit when we were young we only had coal fires in the sitting , so no heating anywhere else, although I must admit the bathroom was freezing in the winter, you certainly didn't linger.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the day, keep warm if you are going out, the wind is raw out there, hugs Lilian

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Bit late today, but have been keeping an eye on the news. This morning as I was coming to I could hear lots of emergency vehicles passing through along the main road. I googled local news. It was telling me there has been a tram incident in Croydon. The latest update is over 50 people taken to hospital and there are some fatalities. I just pray for them and their families.

    Sandra, sorry you are feeling poorly again, you really should see the doctor, please don't keep putting it off, this infection shouldn't keep reoccurring. I have to say you really are a trooper dragging yourself into the craft room and creating this amazing masterpiece it, really is beautiful.

    Had a lovely time yesterday with my sister, she admired all of my beautiful beautiful birthday cards and said she had never seen so many handmade cards or one person.

    I was VERY SURPRISED to hear Donald Trump had been elected. Hope they don't regret electing him.

    Thine I moved myself, have some work to do on the computer, it shouldn't take to long, then may be have time to think about the CC.

    Love to everyone,Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you have a lovely birthday with your sister. I've just heard about the tram crash on the news. So tragic to hear. I also was surprised that Donald Trump won the American election.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry you feel poorly, please take care of yourself & see Dr. if you still feel unwell. Sending healing hugs xxx.
    Sorry I am late today I had 3 phone calls one after the other before I went to Petanque so ran out of time.
    Sandra I love your card, everything is perfect well
    Janet so pleased you enjoyed K&N, you are on the right track at last. Hope the snow doesn't come south
    Cheryl I well remember just a fire in living room, frost on inside windows when you woke up, but would not keen to go back to it. Hope your boiler goes in smoothly. Take
    Hope everybody else are feeling well must get on want to make a couple of cakes before crafting.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  14. Hi Sandra
    Just popped in to see what everybody else is up to. Are you feeling a bit better today?.
