
Thursday 10 November 2016

A lovely Thank you Card

Good Morning Ladies,

It was so lovely to see photos of the snow up north yesterday, sadly for us it was just buckets of rain, it absolutely chucked it down at 4am,  I was awake and felt really hungry, I think its because when Paul is on nights we have tea a lot earlier than usual, so I ended up having a cup of tea and some toast and sat watching the drama unfold in USA, that was enough to put anyone to sleep!  On the up side I didn't feel quite so achy yesterday so maybe it will be over this time ( I am touching wood and have my fingers, toes, eyes and legs crossed)!!! 

I had some gorgeous "Happy Mail" from our Lynda on Monday, it was the gorgeous card you see above.
Lynda I absolutely love it, I believe the papers are from the £1 shop pads (which aged gorgeous and such good quality), that laced you have added across the centre is beautiful and works perfectly, the flowers and beaded swirls frame your lovely sentiment beautifully. 
Thank you so much Lynda, it really made my day xxxx

Val, how did you get on at Crib ?
Cheryl, so pleased to hear that you should be warm and toasty by Tuesday!
Janet, I hope you had a quiet day yesterday, recovering from your afternoon out on Tuesday, hope all goes well with Blood Pressure check xxx
Lilian, I hope your bruises are easing a little and you are a little mored comfortable xxx

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-your card is gorgeous, no wonder it cheered Sandra up.

    Sandra-hope your feeling much better today.

    Yesterday was busy with a few dramas so I'm hoping today will be a much nicer day. Then I have Tesco shopping to do then phone my Dad.


    1. Hi Michele thank you for your kind words. Hope your day is without any dramas at work. Hope your Dad is ok when you ring him later. Xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your day is trouble free.

    3. Hi Michele, Sorry I didn't comment yesterday. I was so pleased you got the money back for the Table top sale. I have never heard of Liability insurance for this type of sale before. What about Car Boot etc. It's mind blowing. xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Gorgeous card Lynda, the sentiments are beautiful and the colours are so pretty! I'm sure it brightened your day Sandra to receive it and I do hope you are in less pain today.
    It's Iain's 80th today so I better go and give him his breakfast in bed ! Just the start of his day of pampering lol!
    Didn't go the walk yesterday but trimmed Tollie and gave him a bath , he was very good but it does take quite a bit of time, but he does look and smell gorgeous!
    Cold and dry here this morning but only white tops on the mountains.
    Friends coming for dinner tonight so a busy day ahead.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne thank you for your kind comment on my card.
      Wishing Iain a very happy 80th 🎉 Glad Tollie was good for you having his Bath bet he looks lovely & fluffy. Enjoy your evening with your friends. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Anne. Hope Iain has a wonderful 80th birthday and enjoys being pampered today.. Have a lovely evening with friends tonight.
      You're braver than me trimming Tollie yourself. I had Gracie clipped last Friday and then the weather went cold on Monday. I've had to put her coat on cos she sits here shivering. Being a Spanish dog she hates the cold ha ha. Have a lovely

    3. Hi Ann
      Please wish Iain a very happy 80th birthday. Enjoy your meal with friends this evening.

    4. Hi Anne sending Birthday hugs for Iain's 80th. hope he is having a great day. xx

  3. Morning Everyone

    Well the snow has gone and we have a very wet and rainy start this morning so hopefully it was only a very short visit. It is nice to look at through the window but it plays havoc with transport etc.

    LYNDA- Your card is just beautiful. I love the gentle colours you have used and the sentiment is just right.

    LILIAN- Hoping you're feeling a little better today. Take care.

    ANNE- Happy Birthday to Iain. I'm sure you will have a lovely day.

    Quite a busy day for me today - BP check this morning and then hairdresser this afternoon so I'd better go and get my driver out of bed as I have to be at the surgery for 09.30. Unlike Iain he will not be getting his breakfast in bed hehehe.

    HUGS are on their way to all of you. Tea/Coffee pots are all ready and waiting for you all to pop in and chat. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you for your lovely comment.As Sandra said the papers were from a paper pad from £ shop but really lovely quality.
      Good luck with BP test & being pampered at hairdresser later.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet. Hope the blood pressure is Ok this morning. Enjoy your trip to the hairdresser. Xxx

    3. Hi Janet
      Hope the BP check goes ok. Enjoy your pampering at the hairdresser. I've just had the chiropodist to do cut my toenails, Jo does a fantastic job on them. Won't be having them painted again until the spring.

    4. Hi Janet hope all went well this morning and BP is OK xx

  4. Good morning i Sandra & everyone
    Shock horror it's me at 9.30 am 😆 & seeing my card double shock.HaHa
    So glad you liked it Sandra I just wanted to say thanks for your kindness.
    Hope your feeling better today & doesn't turn into anything more. Shame you missed your crafting with Sue & Pat. Sue hope your feeling better too 🤗Xx
    I got up at 4am as OH snoring 😴 so load couldn't stand it any longer & had a headache I could still hear him downstairs but more quietly.
    Seems a better day weather wise dry after few very wet days so hopefully get a walk in before Tesco shopping. Sorry didn't comment yesterday well I did but wouldn't publish I tried three times but every time I pushed publish comment disappeared same on Sue's blog.most odd. Sandra your card yesterday was gorgeous. I Must try & get some C cards done this afternoon & challenge card too. Well better get tidying up & get a shower before the day has gone.
    Pop in later.Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, it's so annoying when you've spent time typing a comment and then it disappears. So frustrating.
      My lovely husband used to snore and I must admit most nights I ended up in another bedroom. Hope you managed to get some sleep and the headache went.
      Enjoy your

    2. Hi Lynda
      Love the card you made for Sandra. Love the colours. I had rouble publishing magnate ne a few weeks back, when I pressed publish nothing happened. Then poof everything I'd typed went into cyber space. You'll have to buy some earplugs if Terry's snoring is that loud.

    3. Hi Lynda, I have a snorer as well, so you have my sympathy.
      Your card is beautiful, love the very fine lace you have used.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    What a pretty card Lynda has made for you today Sandra. Love the pretty papers and the lace and what a lovely sentiment.
    Glad you're feeling a bit better today Sandra and less achy.

    I did win at crib yesterday thank you for asking. The men were so busy arguing over the American election that they weren't concentrating my dad always told me never to argue over politics or religion because you'll never agree and really all the arguing in the world isn't going to alter te result. Like Brent we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
    Lovely sunny day here today and I'm off to meet a friend for coffee. She is bringing her little dog today so I'll take Gracie, with her coat, down with me.

    Sue and Lillian do hope you're feeling ok today.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. That was supposed to say BREXIT. Ha ha xxx

    2. I'm glad you won Val at crib. Like you I find it pointless arguing about politics or religion. Shame we're not all like that, the world would be a better place.

    3. Hi Val thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      I think your Dad had the right idea about not arguing over politics or Religion no point your never win. But pleased you one at crib Val.🤗Xx

  6. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Very nice card from our Lynda, pretty papers. The £ shop here had never heard about the paper packs which is a shame.
    Hope to see you live coming Tuesday Sue and some of you other ladies but for now I had to cancel my friend this morning and I'm going back to bed.
    I wish you all a good day whatever you are up too and a very Happy 80th Birthday to Iain.
    love and warm hugs to everyone, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Good job you reminded me it was Tuesday we're meeting up, my brain told me it was a Wed. Don't know why as I had Tuesday on the calendar.

    2. Please tell me it's Tuesday, as I've changed my INR appointment so I will be free. Where are we meeting, is it John Lewis or somewhere else?
      Have checked my trains, I can get a train from Norbury (my local station) to Watford Junction, and it only takes just over an hour. Fingers crossed, this time we won't have industrial action and power failures.
      See you next week ladies. xx

    3. Hi Maria thank you 😊 for liking my card. I'm gutted about not seeing you all Tuesday but so many appointments before my opp so couldn't change the two I have Tuesday,I'm sure you will all have a great time.
      I hope you feel better soon my

    4. Brenda- I think it will be the Holiday Inn again unless I hear something else from anyone, hope that's ok.
      Lynda- your health is more important so we have to arrange some more meets in the new year.Don't be upset my friend, huggies xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    I'm happy to hear your feeling better today. Sore throats are horrid. Shame though we had to miss our meet up this week. However, we'll have an extra special meet up next week. I was confused when Maria said we're meeting up on Tuesday as I had Wed fixed in my brain. Although I'd written it in on Tuesday on my calendar.
    Lovely card Lynda that you'd sent to Sandra. Love the green paper although I'm not to sure our shop had any.

    1. I hope it's Tuesday Pat because Rick has gone to get me the train tickets hihi xx

    2. Thank you Pat I think I went in our £shop at the right time for the paper pads as I haven't seen them since. Shame as they are lovely now Pat you sure your meeting everyone on Tuesday not Wednesday 😊 🤔😱HaHa. 🤗🤗 Love Lynda xx

  8. Just popped in to wish Cheryl good luck for her mammogram today and tell her how glad I am to see her tests came back clear, you go girl and happy clear out in the wardrobe :-) xx

  9. Hi Maria
    Yes it is Tuesday we meet up. Just my brain not functioning but what's new. Good luck with the mammogram Cheryl.

    1. Cheryl good luck for the mammogram so pleased your other tests came back clear BIG🤗🤗🤗🤗 Lynda xx

  10. Hello I was missing yesterday because I am having such trouble with my internet - sometimes it'll connect and sometimes it won't - Gggrrrh!
    I loved your card yesterday SANDRA I have never seen Stampin' Up products except on Pinterest and they do look lovely But don't overload yourself.
    Happy Birthday BRENDA for yesterday and Happy Birthday Iain
    It was sad to hear about that tram crash near you AND I am astonished to hear that DT is now the president. Whoever we spoke to in New York hated the very idea.
    What do your relatives think MICHELE and I'm so glad to hear you got your money back too
    Your card is beautiful LYNDA.
    Still having problems with these "new" glasses so I have to have a third sight test and the optician I saw yesterday tested for dry eye - which apparently I have very dry eyes. So have drops to try and help - with a view to that improving my middle distance. Another reason why I don't come on my laptop - I can't see text etc very easily
    So looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday and any of you that can make it too
    So pleased to hear the sore throat is easing and that CHERYL's tests came back clear
    Hope yo managed to catch up on some sleep MARIA and it seems you're back on form JANET
    Take care everyone xxxx

    1. Thank you Karen your so kind. Hope you get your glasses sorted & the drops help. Take care 🤗Xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you are feeling better & less achey, this weather is not
    Lynda your card is beautiful love that colour, well done. Take
    I should be at embroidery this afternoon, decided to give it a miss as I seem to have a cold keep going hot & cold, so enjoying a relaxing afternoon.
    Janet hope your BP in fine & having your hair done makes you feel better as well, take
    Maria hope you are fit by Tuesday take
    My mind has gone blank so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret for your kind words. Hope you aren't coming down with anything keep warm & rest up. Take care love Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends,

    Sandra, What a lovely card Lynda sent you, those papers are so pretty and such a gorgeous colour. Lynda what a kind and thoughtful gesture, it's no surprise Sandra was so moved. You obviously made her day so special. xx

    I didn't manage to comment this morning as we went to see my hairdresser friend. We are now at our daughters and will soon be going to collect Ciara and take her swimming, Callum wants to be grownup and take the bus, then walk the rest of the way. And Tierney takes the bus (although they are on diversion, due to th tram accident yesterday) but she will ring to be picked up, as it's a long uphill walk from where she gets off the bus to home. It' gets so complicated when all three go to different schools and in opposite directions.

    Will pop my head around the door when we get back home and see what everyone has been up to, Love Brenda xxx

  13. Hello All, sorry to be late, the day has just run away with me. The weather is still wet and cold , am almost over my fall now, managed a bit longer walk today.

    Sandra love the card Lynda sent you, so glad you are a bit better today.

    Watching Hochanda they have Sue's dies on , although they are too much money for me at the moment.

    Not much else going on here, R played for a funeral this afternoon, apparently an elderly lady of 95yrs, only 8 people there, seems very sad end. ( R is a church organist ).
    Have a good rest of the evening, hugs Lilian

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