
Friday 11 November 2016

A long awaited Janet Card and Tollie in his winter coat!

We Shall Remember Them 

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me adding a little 'Armistice Day' photo, I personally believe it is hugely important to remember this day and be forever grateful to those that gave their lives xxx

I am so excited to be able to share with you one of Our Janet's cards, I love the colour scheme and the dies you have used Janet. I know the Oval Frame is the Geneva die from the Switzerland Collection of Dies by Sue Wilson,  but I am not sure what make that gorgeous border die is, its so pretty.
The Stick pins and matching Bow finish your card beautifully Janet, its so lovely to be sharing your cards again. Xxxx

Next up we have the adorable Showing off his new haircut and his Cosy Winter Coat, he is just so adorable Anne, he has grown too. He looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth! It must be so hard to tell him off if does does something naughty.
Thank you for sharing his photo with us xxxx

I had a frustrating afternoon yesterday, my tablet has been playing up, it won't always turn on and it deleted all my apps etc, so I contacted the company I bought it from, they organised an online conversation, I explayed to "Harley" exactly what was wrong, he gave me a list of things to do, I asked if I should remove my memory card, he said no, it won't be affected, so I went and did as he asked, my tablet shut down and after 10 mins it restarted, I eagerly opened it up, to find that it was a Factory Settings function in had performed, so it had cleared every file and photo from my tablet and memory card, all my blog photos, everything!! I was mortified, when I tried to return to "Harley" to "THANK" him, he had disappeared!!  I could have screamed and it was probably good he was gone to be honest!

I am hoping to start Christmas shopping today and then Craft!

Have a lovely day,
Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-perfect photo for today. We won't get chance to observe the 2 minutes silence at 11am but that doesn't mean we won't be thinking of all those affected.

    Janet-stunning Card. It's really lovely to have you back-commenting again.

    Tollie looks very smart is his winter coat.

    Thank goodness it's Friday-yesterday was a better day at work but why do some people just like to moan??!! They really do not know how lucky they are-today might just be the day I tell them that!!!!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a better day yesterday. I think some people are born moaners. I always say there's always people worse off than you. The ward that Pete and Danny were on over looked the cemetery, and when somebody grumbled he always said to them. See those people up there, they'd gladly change places with you. It always made me smile when he said that.

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you had a better day at work. If you did tell the moaner to stop and think I bet you would have got a round of applause! Have a good weekend. Enjoy visiting your in-laws tomorrow. Take care x

    3. Hi Pat. You have told me about the cemetery saying and it is so true isn't it. Xx

  2. Good Morning all,
    Thank you Sandra for posting the photo for Armistice Day. Like you I don't think we should ever forget the sacrifice that was and is still being made so that we can live in a free world.

    Janet how lovely to see one of your beautiful cards today. Just love te color and the dies you've used and the stick pins are a perfect finish. Lovely that you're getting back to 'normal'.

    Anne. Tollie looks so lovely in his snuggly winter coat. He really knows how to pose for the camera. Oh so cute.

    Sandra. What a frustrating phone call. I can imagine what you wanted to do to Harley. Bet his ears were burning.

    Off to craft Club this morning. Don't these weeks fly by?

    Maria hope you're feeling a lot better today. Take it easy. You've got to be fit for the meet up next Tuesday of which I'm very jealous by the way.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val I hope you have a lovely time crafting. We always have a laugh when we meet up.

    2. Hi Val. I hope you had a good time at Craft club today. Have a good weekend. Take care x

  3. Morning Everyone

    I appreciate the picture at the top of today's blog. Like most people in this beautiful country of ours our Family have suffered during the Two World Wars and in recent times and we cannot THANK those brave and giving souls enough who have given their ALL so that we can live as we do today. THEY WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.

    This is the first birthday card I have made since the middle of August (I have made one or two Seasonal Cards this last week) as I made all the bday cards I needed up to November during the Summer knowing that I was going into hospital. I now have to start making such cards as well as all the others needed for December.

    As SANDRA says the top dies are from SW's Switzerland Collection and the large bottom die is a Crafter's Companion 'Edgeable' one. There are six in the complete set and are made to fit on an 8x8 card. All six are just beautiful dies and cut like a dream. I bought the set when they were on Hochanda -they were ON OFFER I hasten to add and it was during the time when I was on very limited duties and couldn't craft (well that's my excuse hehehe). The stick pins I made again using SW beads bought ages and ages ago when they first came out.

    As it's Friday it has to be housework day - don't they come around very quickly -.
    My BP has gone back to behaving itself so that's good but they wanted more blood - I'm beginning to feel like Tony Hancock in the blood sketch lol.

    HUGS on their way to all of you Dear Friends. have a good day whatever you decide to do. xxxx
    The CAFE doors are open and waiting for you all to pop in

    1. Hi Janet
      So pleased to hear your sounding much more yourself now. You and Lynda will start to feel like pin cushions, keep having to have blood tests. Take care my friend.

    2. Hi Janet. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous card with us. It is so good to have you feeling up to crafting again 😁😁 You and Lynda will make a good pair with all of the bloods being taken from you both! Have a good weekend. Take care x

  4. Morning everyone,

    A really beautiful card Janet, so lovely to see you back to crafting form.

    Apologies for no comments yesterday, was up early to pick up eldest daughter Giorgina to accompany me to my 2nd follow up mammogram. Problems started when we tried to enter the Q-Network multi story at Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton. The ticket machine would not work, after I had pressed for my ticket, a message appeared NOT IN USE-Out of Order. I pressed for the attendant who said that they were full up and he couldn't release the machine until another attendant had checked how many spaces there were.
    The lady at the machine next to mine asked what was happening, she had been in a queue for quite a while. I waited a couple of minutes after watching several cars exiting then pressed for the attendant again. I complained that they were making me late for my appointment upon which his remark was "It isn't their fault that the hospital gives everyone the same appointment time". How rude was that? A complaint is on its way.
    Finally got to the Breast Care Center after ringing them regarding the problem and then had the pleasure? of being examined in their new machine. Oh dear, apparently they have to squash your boobs sidewards until the number goes down to 5. It hurt like hell!!!! My goodness me, I was in so much pain like never before. I could have quite happily sung, 'Please release me, let me go' It wasn't so bad squashed flat, I was prepared this time and next year I shall be taking my Zapain tablets before I go although the technician advised Evening Primrose tablets for a couple of days beforehand.
    Then we had an average meal in a Brewers Fayre establishment before going onto Monkton Elms Garden Centre to visit their craft dept. for material for my quilting and embroidery projects.
    Took Giorgina home then visited The Range in Bridgwater to buy a new duvet, cover set and one of the first items on my Christmas list for Giorgina to give me. She has no transport so cannot get to every shop she'd like to unless family takes her. Then went to Argos for an electric blanket. Came home late afternoon, almost dark by then, had quick tea then set to making up Jamie's bed with the new items as a surprize. I had almost finished when he walked in and remarked 'well you have been Christmas shopping haven't you?' Working nights he always comes home in the dark cold early hours, so was well chuffed to jump into a warm bed and said he hadn't had such a good night's sleep for a long while, well worth him having his presents early.

    Paperwork to do sort out this morning, I'll pop in for quick look later on.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Crikey you did have a day and a half yesterday. Not to sure what the attendant had to be rude about. And why wasn't an out of order put on the machine in the first place. Seems to me he didn't want to leave his cubbyhole to do it. Mind you you did do some lovely Christmas shopping afterwards. Talking about Bridgewater, did you go to the parade they had last weekend. My friend went with her son and family. She said it was fabulous but so cold. And what an awful mess was left behind by the spectators. She'd never seen such a mess, she hated to think what the centre was like. Why do people throw there rubbish on the floor rather than find a bin to put it in.

    2. Hi Cheryl. You did have a bad time at the hospital didn't you. I agree with Pat, that rude attendant clearly couldn't be bothered to do his job properly so a complaint is certainly needed. I'm not surprised that Jamie was chuffed to bits with your very kind and thoughtful early Christmas presents. I used to put a hot water bottle in the bed when I left for work when Chris was on nights in our first flat as it was freezing.
      Have a good weekend, my fingers are crossed that the weather doesnt get any colder, at least until you get your new boiler fitted. Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love your card Janet, it's lovely to see one of your makes again. Love the dies and the stickpins. Haven't seen to border at the bottom die before.
    Doesn't Tollie look gorgeous in her winter coat Anne. She's adorable.
    Wow, Sandra you did have a frustrating day yesterday. I wonder if you rang to complain it might stop the same thing happening to anyone else.
    I stamped some sentiments onto some Christmas cards this morning. I do love Justrite stamps but wish they would do them so you can see what your stamping and not red rubber. I've just stamped seasons greetings on the wonk on one of them. Then I only went a stamped two cards with the sentiment up side down. Why oh why didn't I check first. I now have to see if I've got another oval die to fit on top. Grrrr. Hugs to all in need of one today. A nice and sunny day in Oxfordshire at the moment.
    Meant to say Pete went for his injection yesterday and to have his catheter changed. He asked Wendy (his nurse ) what his PSA readings were as they had to be done after his appointment. They'd gone up from 16 to 23.99 in 5 weeks. So now he's worried again until we go to see the consultant on the 4th Jan, even though he's been told his cancer hasn't spread any further he's still worried. They always say don't worry but that's easier said than done.

    1. Hi Pat. How frustrating for you to have messed up your stamped sentiments. I hope you are able to be cover them. I really don't like stamps that aren't clear, but I must try with the few red rubber ones that I have on my lovely new toy as it shouldn't be a problem any more, should it.
      I'm sorry to hear that Pete's PSA readings are going up. He is bound to worry, it's easy to say dont worry but who wouldn't in his place. I hope you manage to have a good weekend. See you on Tuesday πŸ˜€ Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra thank you for Adding a tribute to Armistice Day, yes it is very important to be remember. Yesterday evening I was helping Ciara with her homework. At school they have been talking iabout Remembrance Day and why we have Poppies. She asked had we known anyone who was in World War I. John said his father was. She was so pleased to have a name, she then went onto the Imperial War Museum website and actually found his name. Her face lit up, I think she felt she has something extra to contribute. She now wants to go onto Ancestry website, and investigate family. I have done some family research, And have discovered things about my family, also ghosts in the cupboard !!!!

    JANET, it's wonderful to see you crafting again. What a fantastic card, love the colour. This card really sings to me. I love it. xx

    ANNE, What gorgeous pictures of Tollie, he is absolutely adorable, as someone else said it looks as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth but I bet it's a little character. LOL

    We are of out soon, going to Wimbledon, just for a look around, might just have to pop into the Lakeland store. I never managed to come out of there empty-handed. Ha ha

    Love and hugs for everyone, hope you're having a good day, Brenda XXX

    1. Sandra, what a dreadful afternoon you had yesterday. We always think that a helpline has all the correct information. I hope you have registered a complaint with the company, I know that you have lost so much information and it can't be retrieved, but they should be made to realise that information a company 'representative' is giving to the customers is incorrect. Sending special (((((Big Hugs))))) xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. It is so important for the children of today understand why it s so important to remember all that gave their lives for us. I'm sure it made it more " real" for Ciara when she saw her great Grandad name. I did a night class course on genealogy years ago and it is fascinating. I haven't done much but plan to one day. We were told that there are Always at least one skeleton in the cupboard in each familmy which makes it all the more interesting πŸ˜€ Have a good weekend. Im looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Take care x

  7. Hello All, dry at the moment, but chilly.

    Glad to see the rememberance picture, second what everyone else has said about remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom.

    Janet very lovely card, glad to see you getting back to normal.

    Sandra so sorry you had such an awful experience yesterday, with the "helpline"
    We had the same problem with Rs main computer, had to sort the mess out my self.

    Hope you are all keeping well, for your meeting up next week, would love to be with , alas too far.

    Well I'd better go and do something, just finished lunch of hot gammon and cauliflower cheese, so feeling rather full.
    Have a good day all ,hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Your lunch sounded delicious. We haven't had gammon for ages so will have to remedy that. It is a shame that you can't make the meet up on Tuesday, but it would be a very long journey for just a few hours wouldn't it. Hopefully we will get to meet sometime next year. Have a good weekend. I hope the weather stays dry for you. Wish it was warmer tjough. Take care x

  8. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Good to see the rememberance picture this morning Sandra, we should never forget.
    Sorry about your frustrating day yesterday I think most of us have experienced similar at some time, will there be any way of getting back all the photos etc that you lost ? I really am not genned up on things like that.
    Janet Your card is beautiful , I also haven't seen the bottom edge die before.
    Thank you girls for all the birthday wishes for Iain , he really enjoyed his day and the dinner with friends was enjoyed by us all, but golly I was so tired afterwards so having a quiet time before the Edinburgh family arrive this evening.
    Glad you liked the photos of Tollie, he is such a wee cutie and full of fun and mischief , he will have a great time with Marsaili and Archie over the weekend.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. I must send belated birthday wishes to Iian as my quick comment yesterday has vanished! Tolly does look so cute in his new coat. That angelic look is deceiving I bet 😁 No doubt you will all be tired after a lovely family weekend. Have fun. Take care x

    2. Sorry Anne for misspelling Tollies name x

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sorry I am late again had a bad night & full of cold so having quiet day.
    Thank you Sandra for the picture, it is right & proper we should remember & be grateful to all who gave their lives & still do.
    Janet lovely to see your card I love the colour, thank you for sharing, great to see you where you
    Anne sorry I missed Happy birthday for Iain pleased he had a good day, Tollie looks absolutely gorgeous how do you keep her white? Enjoy the
    Pat sorry Pete's count has gone up again, it is worrying Alan has his test in 10 days. Take care xxx
    Sending healing hugs to all who feel under the weather love

    1. Hi Mum. I'm sorry that you are full of that horrid cold. I hope you are resting as I know what you are like for not stopping!!!
      See you in the morning. Sending lots of healing hugs. Love to you and Pop xxxx

  10. A beautiful photo SANDRA I was lucky that both my great grandfathers and grandfathers survived but other family members didn't We will never forget the atrocities that lots of young men went through
    Lovely card JANET
    TOLLIE looks beautiful I can't get over how white she is
    Oooh I feel for you SANDRA having nearly lost all of my files I hope you complain to his Manager
    Was it CHERYL or ANNE having a mammogram What an awful experience in all aspects
    Take care xxx

    1. Hi Karen. I hope you have a good weekend. Are you dancing over it? If so have fun
      Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 😁 Take care x

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight. I echo everyone's comments about all that were lost, and continue to be sadly. We shall remember them.
    I so sorry that you have lost everything on your tablet my lovely. My heart goes out to you as photos on there can't be replaced. It is all the more infuriating that "Harley" said that you didn't need to worry about removing your SD card. Sending you big hugs xx
    It is so comforting to see you, our lovely Janet getting back to normal. What a gorgeous card to come back on too 😁
    Maria, it is sad not seeing you in the CafΓ©. I hope that you are not feeling too bad. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday so I hope you are better before then dear friend. Sending you healing hugs x
    I had a headache today so haven't got much done yet! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Mum, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    I agree thank you Sandra for the picture WE WILL REMEMBER all those brave soldiers that were lost & will continue to do so.
    Sorry late internet has just come back on.
    Janet from one pin cushion to another HAHA your card is gorgeous love the dies you've used & the colour's are lovely x
    So sorry Sandra you must be gutted at loosing everything on your tablet I also think you should complaine about Harley giving you the wrong information. You must be devestated loosing all your photos & memory's you can't get back.
    Margaret I hope you feel better tomorrow πŸ€—πŸ€— xx Also our Maria I hope you feel better tomorrow πŸ€—πŸ€— for you too my friend Xx
    Well. Off to bed now Love & πŸ€—xx Lynda xx
