
Saturday 12 November 2016

A Tutorial on the 'Tumble Dryer' Technique

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Something a little different this week, I saw a tutorial on YouTube using used tumble dryer sheets to create this gorgeous Winter Wonderland.  It is really simple, I hope you will pop over to You Tube and have a look at my tutorial video.  Please don't be too harsh, I tried not to 'um' and 'arr' too much, but I did the odd one! Sorry xx
Here is the link to the video:

It would be lovely if you could give me a 'thumbs up' on the video and maybe subscribe so that you get a sneak preview each time I add a new video.

I am so excited for you to have a go at this technique too, the tumble dryer sheet is so tactile on the card, so soft, you just want to stroke it!

Thank you for all of the lovely Challenge cards you have sent in, they are so gorgeous, I am looking forward to sharing them with you tomorrow.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card, really lovely. The video is perfect & have given it the thumbs up! I'm hoping to have a play in my craft room this afternoon. I should be able to move in there once I've delivered all the craft stash to my M in L this morning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very very wet and windy Sheffield.

    SANDRA- what a wonderful idea of using TD sheets. I've only ever used them for rubbing across my dies before cutting as I find they more than help release the die cuts particularly some of the more intricate dies.
    I shall now add this technique to their uses having watched your excellent video.
    you definitely didn't use too many 'errs or umms' and your explanation is so easy to follow. I'm looking forward to more videos please.
    I also love the card you created.

    I'm off this morning to do a bit of shopping in Meadowhall(hell). This is my first time in a good few weeks so I'm hoping it's not too busy lol.

    The Café is open and ready for business so come on in and have a seat, a cuppa and a chat. I've put a bucket by the door for wet brollies so you don't have cope with them while visiting.

    HUGE HUGs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'll start using them to rub across my dies in future if I remember. Have a lovely shop in Meadowhall and I hope it's not to busy for you.

  3. As I'm on my iPod I will watch video later when I fire up my laptop Looks like a brilliant technique giving a lovely soft finish
    It is so dark and wet here I want to craft but in this light..... Hope it brightens up for Tuesday

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sandra just love your card and the video is great. Very easy to understand and I've actually heard you speak ha ha. I've never actually seen tumble dryer sheets over here and haven't got a tumble dryer but I'll speak to my DIL and ask her to keep some for me. It's a really lovely technique and so effective.

    Enjoyed craft class yesterday. More talking than crafting as usual. One of the ladies was 70 and we had a lovely cake.

    Going to a Craft Fair later with Wendy. It's being held at a caravan park about 40 minute drive away. I've have been to a summer fair there which was lovely. There's usual a lady there selling craft goodies so looking forward to that.

    Maria do hope you're ok.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Fabulous card Sandra and I will watch the tutorial next. Also need to go shopping for some tumble dryer sheets :-) but not today because I think we all have the same weather today which is very, very wet indeed :-(
    Yesterdays card from our Janet was lovely and Tollie in his little coat, oh I have fallen in love ;-)
    I haven't been crafting for 3 days so I hope to make some today. I had to get out of bed yesterday because we went to London earlish to pick my new passport up and then we spent the day with SIL and were not back until gone eight and by then I was pooped. Hopefully Tuesday will be a sunny,cold day with a blue sky or you will have to give me a kick and shake.
    If anyone else of our crafters seeing this and are by any chance near Watford on Tuesday and fancy a coffee and a chat with some amazing ladies, do pop in to Holiday Inn, next to Watford station and say Hi !
    Have a nice crafting day ladies, warm hugs to all Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Crikey, just remembered I'm supposed to be at school so I'd better remember to tell them I won't be in. It's on the calendar as well. If I had a brain I'd be dangerous.

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Love , love , love your card Sandra ! And the video is great ( thank you ) so easy to understand I can't wait to try this technique , I do love a bit of sparkle lol!
    Maria, so glad you liked Tollie in his winter coat , he is such a cutie! I hope you're feeling better today and manage some crafting xo.
    Well , it's Mandy's birthday today ( they arrived up last night) so 13 of us are going out to celebrate both birthdays ( so great, no cooking for me to do today)
    Must go and have my shower and get dressed.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      Wish Mandy a happy birthday from me, and I hope you all have a great time.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Just watched your video on the tumble dryer technique. Great technique, I'll have to give you some sheets to use on my behalf seeing as I don't have a tumble dryer.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a gorgeous card & your video is excellent, given it the thumbs
    Wet & miserable here Sue was coming down but she has a headache. Hope it goes soon
    Michele hope MIL enjoys her
    Janet good luck with the
    Karen I don't like these dark
    Val enjoy the Craft Fair hope you find some
    Maria lovely to see you in missed
    Anne enjoy your day with family & happy birthday to
    Pat hope Pete's not worrying too
    Friends in for coffee so will send hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I think I'm losing it !!! I thought I had posted a comment earlier.

    Sandra, love this card, I have watched your video, the technique is all very clearly explained. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything. I'm definitely going to have a go at this. (Just need the tumble drier sheets)

    It time for a cup of tea, I will pop back later, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Sandra I did a comment three hours ago bl...y things gone again. I would love to know where they all go Grrr.
      Wel not sure where my day went as well perhaps it goes with the comments.🤔
      I have made bulk spaghetti Bolognese for freezing & a Lasagna for dinner it was yummy.
      Sandra I have sent you my Challenge cards for tomorrow. I also watched your you tube video it was very professional Sandra & you explained it perfectly your card is lovely. I will definitely have a go at it.
      X factor has just started I hope Honey G goes this week can't stand her.
      Maria I hope you Feel better tomorrow & ok for Tuesday Pat what you like hope you find your brain 😳 Hope Pete's ok & not worrying to much sending Hug's 🤗Xx Margaret hope your feeling better too take care & keep warm Hug's 🤗 On there way. Val hope you enjoyed craft fair did you buy any goodies xx Janet hope your shopping trip was ok & you didn't ware yourself out too much 🤗🤗xx
      Take care love Lynda xx

  10. Hello All, wet and cold here.

    Sandra love your card, will watch video later, Im sure it will be great.
    Been to pick up my new car this morning, all so very different from my old lady.
    Sure I'll get used to it. Hate driving.
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  11. Hiya,
    hihi trying to keep up with the young generation but it doesn't sound right somehow so good night sound better this time of day.
    Janet - hope you had a nice shopping trip and it wasn't to many people around. Have a rest tomorrow tho as I'm sure you were tired out back home again, many hugs to you.
    Val- hope you and Wendy enjoyed the trip over for the craft fair and you managed to get something for your cards.
    Anne- happy birthday to Mandy. Hope you all have a fab party ! Wonderful when you don't need to cook :-)
    Pat with no brain and Brenda losing it, hope you both be ok ;- and poor Sue with another heady, wish you better my friend.
    Some colds etc going around and Janet and Lynda as our pin cushions, hope all your appointments goes well and I will hold your hand Lynda when you have the Stent in. Michele, hope you had a nice time with the in-laws today and managed some crafting this afternoon in your tidy work place.
    Lilian, have fun learning all the new buttons and gears on your new little car so you can drive up and join us somewhere next year (this year nearly gone, what happened to 2016 ?)
    Karen- hope you have a good weekend, cuddles to Oscar. Margaret-hope you felt better when the light came up. Cheryl- hope you had a nice day and the same to our Sonia, hope you are ok ?
    I had a few bad days I guess with SAD and pain but have had a good day today, even made a couple of cards, yay me :-) It was raining hard first thing but got a bit lighter later on. Popped over to my friend / neighbour and we had a walk together for an hour. It felt good and hopefully it will last some days so I can get things done ,like house work and washing, promise though to be fine for next week. Have so much to do so must be.
    Hope you all have a good night and pleasant dreams, warm hugs Xoxo
