
Tuesday 8 November 2016

Happy Birthday Brenda & More Challenge cards

XxX Happy Birthday Brenda Xxx

Sue's Challenge Card
Sue's 2nd Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge style card.

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I invite you all to join me in wishing a Very Special Friend a Very Happy Birthday !! Brenda I wish you the happiest birthday, I hope you are getting to do something nice today, although I am sure that you celebrated with your family at the weekend. Today you can celebrate with your 'blog family' ! 
I look foward to hearing what you have planned and if you have had any treats!
I also look forward to giving you your birthday hugs next week, 
Sending love and hugs today too xxxxx

Now onto today's cards......

Sue didn't quite get her email to me with her challenge cards until too late on Sunday, so we get to see them on their own today. …..

I really love the shade of Blue you have used as the background to your cards Sue, it really enhances the colours of the Baubles you have used, the perfectly tied miniature bows look stunning on top of your intricate Oval Baubles. 
The Baubles on the second card are amazing, such a bright pop of colour, I love how you have arranged them, is it a stamp that you have coloured?  They look so perfect!
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely xxxx

Michele sent me this card yesterday afternoon, it matched the brief for the talent perfectly so I thought I would add it on to today's post too!
Such a Festive Pop Up Box style card, filled with baubles, stars and snowflakes, the metallic card will reflect the Christmas lights, giving an extra dimension too your card. thank you so much for sharing Michele xxxx

Sue and Pat are coming over to craft today, I have already made some Leek and Potato soup for our lunch, so that I can maximise crafting time with both of them, looking toward to seeing you later ladies xxx

I hope all of you have a great day however you are spending it !

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-I hope you have a wonderful birthday today.

    Sue-two lovely cards.

    I'm feeling a bit annoyed as I got an email yesterday informing me that I need Public Liability Insurance to go ahead on Saturday, the best quote the fundraiser for the Hospice could find was £46.70!! This is to be paid by me, on top of the £30 I've already paid out for the table. Needless to say, I won't be paying that which means I won't be selling my cards and I'm expecting them to say I can't have a refund. I hope that's not the case as it should have been made very clear at the time of booking.

    Anyway-if my Saturday is free I might pop over to my in-laws with the bags of craft stash off my crazy friend then start on a couple of birthday cards.


    1. Oh How disappointing You're quite right This should have been said from the start If all you stall holders are having to pay this amount that seems very expensive The total amount sound more than what my daughter used to pay for a whole year when she ran her dance class I hope you get your cash back at least

    2. Hi Michele,
      I think its a bloody disgrace not being up front with the full cost in the first place, £76.70 for a table at a craft fayre is extortion, especially if you are just selling cards, the chances of you just breaking even are remote, (nothing to do with your cards) people don't want to pay more than a couple of pounds for a card! I think that they will have a lot of people pulling out, I feel sorry for anyone that has invested in stock to sell or make things to sell ! £30 is more than enough, to add public liability that is more than the cost of table seems wrong! I know you feel bvad because its for a hospice Michele,you could just make a donation and still be better off! I hope that you get your deposit back!
      Just to put things into perspective Paul pays £140 a YEAR for Public Liability for the whole Allotment (he is treasurer)!
      He thinks she has it wrong, to not tell you until 4 days before is even worse!

    3. Oh Michele, I think that is disgusting and to tell you 4 days before they should be ashamed of themselves. £30 for the table is bad enough but how many cards would you have to sell to break even. I do hope you can get your money back. I would imagine it's going to be a very sparse fair as a lot of people will pull out. Xxx

    4. Oh Michelle this cost seems ridiculous ( to put it mildly) and to tell you about it at this stage after all your work ( maybe worth putting in a complaint to whoever is in charge , maybe this is the overall cost to cover all stall Holders? ) would it be possible to donate your cards to the Hospice itself to sell? Hope you get this resolved.

    5. Michele this is awful, to not tell you until now I thought it was down to the organisers or the hall not the stall holders. I am with the others donate to the hospice & keep the cards for yourself. Hope you get your money

    6. Michele this is awful, to not tell you until now I thought it was down to the organisers or the hall not the stall holders. I am with the others donate to the hospice & keep the cards for yourself. Hope you get your money

    7. Hi Michele, I'm sure it's the people who run the hall to organise the insurance, £30 is a large sum for a stall, that should include the insurance.

    8. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear the trouble you're having after all of your hard work :-( I agree that surely the organisers should be paying for public liability. I have just looked back at some previous documents for a local craft group I belong to in Facebook - when they hosted a craft fair last year, the group paid for the insurance at a cost of £58 (I assume all members who had a stall paid a share of it) then the group added a disclaimer to the programmes that they were not responsible for purchases made from sellers, which left it upto the individual stall holders as to whether they took out their own insurance.
      I feel sure that if anyone had to it would be the organisers who take out insurance for holding the event in the first place.
      I hope you get it sorted x

    9. Hi Michele, this is so wrong, They should have told you much earlier about the insurance. Hope you get the money back for the table if you not using it this weekend. I'm so sad that you can't because you would have sold plenty for the charity , all your work are wonderful xx

    10. Hi Michel
      How awful that you found out at the last minute about the Public Liability insurance. All the hard work you put in as well. I bet quite a lot of people have pulled out. The whole world is going mad.

    11. Hi Michele
      So sorry about being told so late you have to pay for public liability insurance surly that's not payable by everyone who has a table that doesn't seem right. Hope you get your money back for the table.πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. Happy Birthday Brenda Can't wait to see you next week for a proper hug
    Your cards are lovely SUE I like the brightly coloured one - very cheerful on the mantelpiece
    Another fantastic pop-up card MICHELE I am definitely going to book a couple of days off to "play" with new techniques

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today.
    πŸŽ‰HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDAπŸŽ‰ wishing you very many happy returns of the day. I hope you have a lovely day, doing whatever you want with no guilty feelings because it's your special day. You have got some other special birthdays this month, don't you, how lovely to get to spend lots of time with the family 😁 big hugs are on their way to you xx
    Fingers crossed that this comment appears as over the last two days some have not, yet others have. How does that work? Blooming technology!
    I will say again how lovely all of the C cards were on Sunday and I love this week's challenge Sandra.
    Guess who forgot to send her CC's until Sunday? 😞 I had actually finished them both by teatime on Saturday so I was cross with myself for not sending them there and then!
    The round bauble one is the first ever card that I have made using only stamps and that is only because of you SANDRA, my lovely. Thank you again for opening up a part of crafting that just wasn't an option before, but now I have my faux Misti I can stamp without fear 😁 All of the stamps on both cards are Dawn Bibby Christmas ones that I bought about 5 years ago, there are lots of really useful stamps in the set. I stamped the baubles several times and coloured them with Promarkers and a silver pen. Next time I will heat emboss them in black to show the outlines better. The first card needs a tweek as the pretty border at the top of the card lost its definition when I glittered it.
    Michele, your pop-up CC is great. I love the crisp and clean blue and white colours x
    I've got one of my favourite days of the week today, time with my lovely friends crafting and Sandra's yummy leek and potato soup. What a great day, I just wish the time didn't go so fast when we get together.
    Lynda, I hope this week's tests etc. go well dear friend x
    I hope everyone is staying snug and warm, thinking of you especially Cheryl x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue ,hope you well. Two gorgeous cards, love the second one with all the wonderful colours. Have a great day over at Sandra's xx

    2. Hi Sue
      As they're stamps I might just have to borrow the second one. Both cards are lovely. Sorry we couldn't meet up this week.

  4. Morning Everyone

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA - I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Love Sue's beautiful cards and Michele's pop up. All are so bright and cheerful. Just what's needed this cold morning.

    MICHELE- I cannot believe that an organiser can leave something so important so late to inform you and that it's such a large amount to pay especially when you have already paid out a large amount for the stand.

    I'm off to K&N this afternoon and looking forward to catching up on the last few weeks gossip. I'll be taking something to do as I'm not sure who is bringing the card to make.

    Hugs are on their way to everyone especially to all not feeling too good and Cheryl hoping they will keep you warm. xxxx

    1. Have a nice time catching up with all the gossip at Knit and Natter. Glad you feeling up to go out again, many hugs xx

    2. Enjoy K& N today Janet. It's lovely that you feel up to going out now.

    3. Hi Janet so pleased your felt able to go K N today hope you had a good catch up with everyone Take care πŸ€—πŸ€— xx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    More great Christmas cards for us to admire today!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA! Hope you have the most wonderful day xoxo
    I expected to waken up to snow this morning but it is lovely , so I might go to golf, snow forecast for tomorrow so we will see.
    Sandra , Pat and Sue enjoy your soup and crafting , sounds the perfect way to spend a cold day.
    Cheryl I hope you have heating now.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. I thought about you up North if you got any snow yet. Wonder how Tolly will think about it. Have you got him a little coat, he might be cold after his trim :-) take care xx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Yes I've got him a little coat ,dark red on the outside and furry inside , he looks so cute in it and likes wearing it ( which is lucky) .
      I'm just back from the dentist , had lost about half the back tooth so because it is such a big job she did the preparatory work today and will put in the proper filling on the 20th December, at least I'm having no pain from it!
      Hope you are feeling less pain now after your injection xoxo

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Best wishes for a very happy birthday Brenda. Hope you have a lovely day.. What a lot of celebrations you and your family have this month.

    I had a really bad time with Google yesterday. It just kept stopping and deleting everything. I tried ti comment again last night but it wouldn't let me again. It seems ok today. Hope I haven't spoken too soon.

    Sue just love your cc's especially the second one, so bright and cheerful.

    Michele I always love your pop up boxes. So clever.

    Sandra do hope the three of you have a lovely time crafting and chatting today.

    Well the weather has changed here. From summer last Saturday to winter today. It seems to have bypassed Autumn completely. It's lovely and sunny with not a cloud in the sky but the wind is icy. I wore my jeans and a coat walking Gracie this morning and I've just got the duvet out as up to now I've only had a sheet over me.This is when I start feeling down as I just hate the cold which was why I feel so sorry for Cheryl this week. Hope your boiler is replaced soon Cheryl.

    JANET hope your K&N goes well today.
    LYNDA I hope your tests are ok.

    Off to Tai Chi this morning then bingo. I don't know whether I'll be doing much Tai Chi as my back is still bothering me.

    Take care everyone. Have a good day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hope you took care at Tai Chi and didn't do too much. Enjoy the Bingo. Only +4 in Bucks this morning. The Fleece jacket is now staying on all day
      Take care xx

    2. Hi Val
      Minus 3 this morning but not as cold as up North. Seems odd to hear you say you need to put a duvet on.

    3. Hi Val
      Thanks I only had πŸ’‰Tests this week but next week on 15th I have Diabetic nurse & πŸ’‰Test in morning & Lung function in the afternoon so all good fun I now get withdrawal symptoms if I haven't got any blood tests HAHA
      Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Brenda a very happy birthday to you, November is certainly a month of birthdays in your family. I hope you have a perfect day & you are spoilt, hugs on
    Sandra thank you for showing Sue & Michele's cards, I love your 2nd card Sue well done you, the faux Misti is marvellous. Michele your box card is lovely as well. Hope the 3 of you have a lovely
    Janet I have a feeling there will be more chatting than crafting at K&N they will be pleased to see you,
    Cheryl hope you are keeping
    Must go & thaw car out first time this year. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello All, very cold and wet, managed a walk today, so my bruises must be getting better.

    MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY, Brenda, hope it's the loveist one ever.

    Lovely cards Sue, and Michele your pop up boxes are really fun, thought I'd try and make one for Oscars birthday at the end of the month.

    Well better get a move on, have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and all lovely coffee shop friends,

    A BIG BIG THANK YOU to everyone, for all of your lovely messages also the fantastic cards I have received, I am truly overwhelmed by you thoughtfulness, YOU ARE ALL so very special, and wonderful blog friends.XXX

    SUE, Wow - two lovely bauble cards, love the background colour it just makes your design pop.

    MICHELE, Your pop up cards are brilliant, love the colours. I must have a 'go' I have the instructions you gave us, SO no excuses!!!

    Today my sister is coming for lunch, we just don't get together often enough, she is always so busy. She works in a church in Kingsway, Holborn. and lives a street away in Drury Lane. But she is always so busy. I just don't know how she does it, she is four years older than me, and just never stops. But enjoys her life and that's the most important thing. This evening I had a choice to go out or have a take away, I have opted for the takeaway. So a lovely relaxed evening planned. The family celebrated my birthday with me at the weekend, it went hand-in-hand with the grand sons 18th. The older grandson had made me a lovely birthday cake, it was sponge with chocolate and vanilla filling and covered on the top with chocolate. So you can will you imagine we had cake and cake!!! but it was lovely.

    Sister should be here any moment so I'll say goodbye for now and hope to pop in later. Thank you again my lovely friends love Brenda XXX

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸ·πŸ·πŸ’ Have a lovely day with your sister. Enjoy your takeaway this evening.
      Love & Hug's πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xxx

    2. Happy Birthday Brenda. Enjoy your day with your sister :-) Hugs xxx

    3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Hope you have a wonderful day with take away tonight and spending the day with your sister sister :-) Bamse hugs for you today xxx

    4. Hi Brenda
      I hope your having a lovely birthday with your sister. She is one busy lady. Enjoy your takeaway tonight.

  10. Good morning Sandra.& everyone
    Sue your cards are both lovely I love the baubles,are they stamps or die cuts the small ones are so cute. Michele your card in a box is brilliant love the colour's used. Sandra have a lovely day with Sue & Pat enjoy your soup too.
    Just going for a walk soon as couldn't get one yesterday as heavy rain all day.
    Sandra I'm going to try stamping later with my stamper gift, Thank you.πŸ€—
    Will send you pictures after. Sorry haven't read any comments yet will check them out when I get back.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you had a nice walk but were well dressed up and warm. Have you got a special place you go for your walks or are they around where you live ? Hope Bambie is alright and you be ok this week, hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love todays beautiful cards from Sue and Michele, they're stunning :-)
    Great sketch for the week Sandra. I will try, but won't make any promises to get one made! Still dont feel like getting back to the craft table :-(
    I hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Pat. Enjoy your soup, sounds lovely.
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Two lovely cards from our Sue and a wonderful box card from our Michele, still fuming for you what happened.
    Sue, Sandra and Pat have a great day crafting together!
    A bit late but had a long walk this morning ,had to defrost the car first tho to get to the place then went for coffee and to read the daily papers in Waitrose. Did
    some stamping yesterday so have been colouring in a little bit. Also went to the post office to send the card for my Dad ,£ 2.45 ! It wasn't even thick. Yikes for sending the Christmas cards later :-/
    Sonia, hope you get your Mojo back soon. Sending you some warm hugs to help you through the day.
    It's lunch time so a bowl of the leek and potato soup would go down perfectly but I have some prawns and some Thins so will make something out of that instead :-) Cottage Pie round 2 for our dinner tonight.I always making too much so we have it again hihi ,don't like freezing mash.
    Happy Birthday once again to our Brenda, hope you have a wonderful day. Love and warm hugs to you all ! Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Oh, cottage pue sounds just the ticket for a cold day.

  13. Hi Sandra
    First of all Brenda can I wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope your having a lovely day.
    Sorry to hear that you are unwell today Sandra , Sue emailed to say she was unwell also.
    Love both your cards Sue especially the second one.
    Michele I do love your pop up boxes. Will have to tackle one when Sandra is around to point me in the right direction. Cold and frosty today, good job I didn't have to go outside with the children today.
