
Monday 7 November 2016

Let it Snow..sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks challenge is 'Snow', which means your card can feature a Snowman, Snowflakes or a Snowy Scene, entirely your choice, I thought that it made sense to carry on the Christmas theme for another week, (Sorry Val, I know you must be sick of making Christmas cards after stocking a whole shop) !

I had a play with the 'resist technique' for my card, I was going to uses stamps but due to my inability to get a decent stamped image up until recently I haven't really got any Snowflake Stamps, so I was very resourceful and used a mask.
I started off by scoring two lines across my card to give me a guide to mask off, I then used a  'That Special Touch Snowflake Mask' to ink through with Perfect medium, placing the snowflakes randomly across by border, I then added Cosmic Shimmer True White Embossing folder to the inked areas, tapped off excess and then heat set.
I made sure both sides of my border where well masked off before I went in with 'Shaded Lilac' Distress Ink, I gave that a blast with the heat tool and wiped off any ink from my embossed snowflakes.
To edge my coloured border I used some pretty irredescent lace and topped that with a similar coloured narrow ribbon. 
I added some acrylic Snowflakes and Sparkles to finish my feature border.
To finish I die cut my Two layered Sentiment, Colouring the base part with Shaded Lilac Distress ink and leaving the top section White, I then went over it with my Spectrum Noir Sparkle Pen. 
The beauty of this style card is that its quite flat, so shouldn't be too costly to post.

I quite enjoyed playing with a new technique, it made me want to try more, I might try and get Snowflake stamp and have a go at Sue Wilson's 'Triple Stamping' Technique.

Have a great day everyone.
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I might have to use a card that I've just made for Saturday as I think I'll be short of time this week. I still have to make a Thank You card for my crazy friend, a congrats card from her to our friend who had twins on Friday plus two birthday cards.

    I'm hoping to meet up with a friend for dinner either Tomorrow or Wednesday-hope she's emailed me at work. I have a "management " day today-I'm sitting with our 2nd Year student to go through her NVQ then I have a rep coming to see me at 10am. After that I need to tackle the 200 plus emails sitting in my inbox.


    1. Isn't it amazing how our emails mount up We have an apprentice start today So best foot forward Enjoy your meal - something to look forward to

    2. Hi Michele
      It's quite a job isn't it juggling work and our emails. Hope you manage to get through quite a few.

  2. Morning Café chums,

    Love the idea of snow for this week's CC.
    The sun is shining bright warming me up just by looking outside. Hopefully it will last until this afternoon when it will shine in my craftroom so I can play catch up.
    How did we ever last through cold days when there was no concept of central heating? Answer?... we put on thicker clothes. Good job someone invented the fleece jackets, lol
    Jamie has bought me a portable halogen heater to take into whatever room I am working in so at least I now have a modicum of heat where ever I go. I also found some of the hand warmers that you put inside gloves, let's see if they still work.
    Kev, my plumber, is now on the case to fit a new boiler and I should soon have a warmer house.

    Love 7 hugs,
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl I do so hope your new boiler is fitted soon. Those hand warmers sound a good idea. You sound like me - I just hate being cold. Take carexx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Like you and Val I also feel the cold. The problem I have is that Petes medication gives him hot flushes so he's always hot.

  3. I couldn't find any matches Mrs B, so I threw an egg outside
    to break the chain. x

    1. Hi Cheryl. Let's hope the broken egg is the last thing to break. I'm glad that your plumber is on the case now. Take care x

  4. Morning Everyone
    I like the look of this week's CC SANDRA so hopefully I'll manage to get a card donex.

    MICHELE- I really don't envy you and your Management Day so fingers crossed that it goes quickly and smoothly for you.

    CHERYL- I have more than quite a few of those very useful hand warmers and wouldn't be without them. I dread the thought of not being able to get up to a warm house. I know I did for many years but I was also younger and fitter then too now I need to be warm all the time. Have a good walk this morning.

    We have some sunshine at the moment but there's a very big black cloud heading in my direction so hopefully it passes over.
    I'll just have a coffee and sit awhile before I start my day by trying to get a few more Seasonal Cards started.

    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Gorgeous card Sandra ,Clever thinking and it worked a treat! Love the irredescent lace it's so pretty.
    I will try and get a card made but I have a busy week ahead.
    Pilates this morning but will need to be careful as my knee is playing up.
    Cheryl I hope your new boiler is installed quickly and you have heating soon .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  6. Lovely challenge idea SANDRA I do hope the heating gets sorted soon CHERYL I hate being cold and it plays havoc with my skin complaint - urticaria pigmentosa I need warmth but not too hot Can't win sometimes
    Need to make a couple of special birthday cards OH is hopefully buying the confetti I'd like to use in a shaker card so that ai can make a start
    Looking forward to a night in to knit -,got an order for two toddler hats that I'd like to get finished asap

  7. Morning everyone.
    Love snow so good idea for a card. Like your resist technique you have used on yours.
    Just got back from my walk and it does look lovely but very bitter cold winds, especially around the lake. Soon going for food shopping. Hope to make some cards this afternoon but might just tidy up a bit as I'm getting digs from the others about the mess in the kitchen.
    I wish you all a good day whatever you are doing and warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you are an inspiration to us coming up with all these ideas & methods thank you. I love the look of the CC this week,after housework & ironing I hope to have a
    Check hope your heating is sorted asap you certainly need it. Hope you have a lovely walk this morning & no more
    Janet lovely to see you in for coffee, we did miss
    Michele hope today is not too bad at least you have a meal out to look forward
    Karen hope OH remembers your confetti & enjoy your knitting at least it will not take too
    Anne go careful with your knee, this getting old is no fun is it?xxx
    Must get on cold again but sun shining. Sending hugs to all who need them Lynda good luck with all your pre-op

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry ladies, just ignore my last comment. Google won't let me add to or cancel the comment.
    Love today's challenge and your card Sandra.
    Signing off now to see if this will publish.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Like this weeks challenge Sandra quite a lot of room for ideas. Hopefully this week will be quieter and I'll be able to come up with a card.

    We had a lovely day yesterday celebrating a grand sons 18th birthday, the meal at the restaurant was delicious, Italian and all very tasty, then back to their house where we had birthday cake and fun and games it was lovely. We now have our granddaughters 18th birthday to look forward to on the 24th and on 25th November our oldest grandson will be 21. So this is a very busy month, and great because we get to see everyone.

    Time to get the washing out the machine, might even get the sheets on the washing line. Hope everyone has a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I glad you had a lovely day yesterday. Sounds like your going to have a lovely month party wise, and seeing all the family.

    2. Wonderful parties to celebrate and memories to make Brenda, enjoy them all. xxx

    3. Glad you all had a wonderful time, sending you and John some hugs. Did you get my e-mail ? Hope to see you soon xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love once again the Christmas theme. Will be doing snowflakes which I'd added to my bauble card. Am I telepathic or what, as I've already made one and started another snowflake card.

  13. Hello All, very cold here, been to see a car for me this morning, as my car now has a lot of rust underneath, it's 14 yrs old and has been a great servant. Always had Nissan before, but have decided to go for a Honda Jazz, it's 4yrs old but very low mileage, only getting £350 for mine !!!

    Love the snow flake theme for this weeks challenge card, have a few stamps and some dies so hopefully I can make something reasonable.

    Have the heating on full blast this afternoon, sorry Cheryl, hope you're heating is sorted soon.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  14. Hi Sandra my long comment has just disappeared as I'm still typing that's a new one comment going to cyber space before i finished writing it. So annoying.
    Any way Sandra your card is gorgeous & today's CC looks ok too.
    We had a lovely day yesterday went to Lisa for dinner she did roast chicken with all the trimmings then homemade apple crumble&a cream yummy.
    It was nice seeing Joseph he is getting so tall I'm sure he will be over 6ft when he finally stops not sure when that is he is only 11 we'll 12 on 18th December.we left about 5.30 then popped in to see Darren on the way home as it was Sam's youngest daughters 16th birthda. I had kisses & cuddles with Harry lovely. He is so funny he went on his potty & did a wee got off & said I have finished daddy go empty it & wash my potty. HaHa. Stayed a couple of hours so didn't get home till 9.45pm. But lovely seeing everyone. Right going to dish up dinner as Terry said he is fading away 😑
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda, Harry he is just so adorable and already know who is the boss hihi Glad you had a nice weekend with the family. take care xxx
