
Sunday 6 November 2016

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

My Sketch Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

This week's challenge was simply to make a card that featured a Christmas Bauble, it could be any style of card you wanted.  So without futher a do, here they are...................................................

Anne's 1st Challenge card

Anne's 2nd Challenge card

Anne's 3rd Challenge card

Cheryl's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Bauble

Karen's 1st Challenge card

Karen's 2nd Challenge card

Lilian's Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge card

Margaret's 1st Challenge card

Margaret's 2nd Challenge 

Michele's 1st Challenge card

Michele's 2nd challenge card

Pat's Challenge Card

Pat's 2nd Challenge card

Val's Challenge card

I have to say that I am absolutely blown away by how many cards that you have all been making,  the biggest and best surprise was receiving cards from my dear friend Pat, I opened an email that was titled '' I hope your sitting down'' hahahaha, thank you Pat, you made my week.  The other huge treat for me was having Our Dear Janet back on the line up, Janet I cannot wait to be featuring your cards regularly again, your fingers must be itching to craft!! 
It was so lovely to be able to share a card from Cheryl too, I love your real christmassy red bauble card Cheryl xxx
There are far too many cards for me to go through one by one this week, we have some absolutely amazing cards, so many different things used on your cards from Texture Paste on Karen's cards to embossing folders and torn edges on Pat's card. I love the dark 'grungy/metallic' background on Lynda's card to the bright and cheerful snowflakes on Anne's card. Val your Holly leaves look so realistic too.  Margaret I love your little stamped cottages, it is a versatile little stamp.
Thank you all ladies, you are bloomin amazing!!!!

One of the comments that a couple of you said in your emails was that this weeks Challenge kick started you into making your Christmas cards, that to me makes it all worth while, I love writing my blog posts every day so to hear that one of the posts encouraged somebody in some little way really does warm my heart.  
I am hoping later this week to get a decent video camera set up so that I can 'show' some tutorials on different techniques, rather than trying to explain them in text. Just simple card folds and simple papercraft ideas. I will have to tidy my craft desk first though!

Right I must get on and organise tomorrow's Challenge, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions, I may just do another style of Christmas card, I would love your feedback though????

Love and hugs to all of you


  1. Happy Sunday everyone,

    Another gorgeous array of challenge cards, bit disappointed mine not there, did you not receive my messenger post Sandra? My kindle has been playing up lately and I thought had sorted it out. will have to check on that.

    Gurt big squashy Sunday hugs to one and all

    Love Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl looking forward to seeing your card if Sandra received it.

    2. Morning Cheryl,
      I did receive your message, but for some reason 'blogger' would not let me update my post last night.
      Its all done and up for everyone to see now my lovely, thank you so much for taking part xxx
      Sandra xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl. Your card is so pretty, I love the beautiful lace embellishments. I hope your not too cold without your central heating, it's bright but with a really cold wind here today. Wrap up and stay snug x

    4. Hi Cheryl, hope you are alright ? yes, have you got the heating and hot water sorted ? Take care xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    So many lovely cards & all so different. Sandra-maybe a specific Christmas theme for the next few challenges then everyone can build up their cards so there's no last minute panic. I really don't mind what the them for the challenge is though.

    Well-it's dry but very breezy here today. Will get the housework done this morning and head up to my craft room after lunch to make another "Card in a Box " for my sale table and diecut some Christmas trees & Stars to decorate the table and the tubs I've got to put everything in.


    1. Hi Michele
      Now you've just reminded me that Cheryl sent he some die cut trees last year. I must fish those out a use up.

    2. Hi Michele. Im glad that you only have to make another card in a box for the sale. Please will you share some pics of your cards when the table is all set up next week? We have similar weather here, the wind is getting really strong now. Enjoy your crafting later on x

    3. Sorry, forgot to say that I love your card too Michele 😀 x

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic array of Seasonal Cards. I love all of them and they really do look so so special of our display board here in the Café.
    I have seen one or two ideas I particularly love so I may just borrow them - with your permissions of course lol.

    I ventured out to Meadowhall yesterday for the first time since the middle of August. After visiting three shops and having two Coffee Stops I was more than ready for home but at least I feel that things are getting back into a routine.

    We have a very windy and cold morning here with a sky that is threatening rain so a warm and cosy Sunday is on the cards for me.

    Top of the Lunch Menu for today is a Roast Beef Dinner so I hope you can all make a point of visiting.
    Huge and Gentle hugs on their way to all who are under the weather together with some rib crushing ones for all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm so glad that you managed an outing yesterday. Mind you Meadowhall is daunting, as some friends and I stayed at the Travelodge by the station overnight, and spent the day shopping there. It's huge. Gentle hugs on the way as your not quite 100%.

    2. Morning Janet,
      Lovely to hear you have regained some energy and are back in the café.
      Enjoy your time at Meadowhall. Whenever Pete & I visited his elder sister Molly in Rotherham, we took her here to shop as she was totally amazed by the experience. xxx

    3. Oh Janet, you must have been exhausting after going to Meadowhall, its exhausting just watching people trying to shop let alone attempting shopping yourself!
      I would give anything right now to be sat around a table eating Roast Beef with you!!
      Have a nice relaxing day today.
      Love and hugs

    4. Hi Janet. It's so good to hear that you managed to get out today. I have never been to Meadowhall but from Sandra and Pat's comments it sounds like it is very big! Your bauble is gorgeous, what a cute little angel, what have you put inside? I will certainly be joining you for the roast dinner and will be raising a glass to wish you a speedy recovery 😁 x

    5. Hi Janet, so nice to see you have been out and about. Never been to Meadowhall.
      If there is any roast beef left I love to have it in a sandwich with some english mustard,mmmmm :-) Love your angel in a bauble. Many hugs xxx

  4. Why a great selection of cards I love visiting on Sundays to see what everyone has done
    Christmas is a good theme to use because I don't sell my cards but I always try and make all of my Christmas cards
    Or what about a colour or an item (eg button, lace, ribbon) as a theme
    Or as we are leading up to Christmas - snowflake - tree - robin (I can see some very querky robins from the ladies that bought those - Oooh brain freeze - Tim Holtz bird stamps)
    The footie is on later So after I've tackled the ironing I may just sit and knit....

    1. Hi Karen
      I suppose I'd better get my ironing board out as well.

    2. Hi Karen,
      The ironing doesn't sound like a great way to spend your Sunday, I don't sell my cards either, unless somebody has asked for something in particular.
      I find it difficult to set price my cards, especially if I've spent hours making it.
      Thank you for your input for next weeks challenge card

    3. Hi Karen. I will be ironing too later on, but Gem and I are going to make some more Christmas cards first. I think sticking to the Christmas theme is a good idea, I like your idea of using an item too.
      Have "fun" ironing. I make sure there is a good watch when I do mine which helps me plough through it. Take care x

    4. Hi Karen. Sorry I made you worried the other day, so far no glue accident hihi. Love your cards, like the stencil you have used. Ironing, what is that ? Saying that I have a few things in a bag under the stairs, oh well they can stay there a little longer. Take care xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Wow what a stunning collection of cards today. Now I have a bauble die from Dies'ire that I cut out so I must get it finished. I got carried away making Christmas cards I forgot about it. Now I usually leave my Christmas cards until the last minute. So thank you Sandra.
    I loved all the cards, but Karen has made me think about getting my texture paste out. All I need now is to find a mask or stencil to use it on. Michele are your baubles die cuts as I love them?, so delicate.

    1. Morning Pat,
      So lovely to see your cards on the line up today, my favourite is the purple one!
      I have quiteva few Christmas Masks if you want to use them.

    2. Pat-the delicate baubles are part of a set..2012 Holiday Tree by Spellbinders. The tree is a gorgeous filigree tree & is quite large plus you get two different bauble dies with it.


    3. Hi Pat- love your cards. The deep purple one is stunning. I think you should see the doctor with your arm, it's a along time to have pain. You must look after yourself, hug xxx

    4. Thanks Michele
      I'll have a look at those dies. Got confused for a moment ( not difficult I know ) as my first card was actually a burgundy colour not purple. Probably will pop to the Drs with my arm. It's just a bagging pain but not all the time. We don't actually have a Dr right now as ours left and hasn't yet been replaced. Doesn't look good here a one Drs is closing due to lack of funding in March. 4300 patients and only 3 other surgeries to take them. Plus there building new houses around Witney all the time.

  6. Hello All, cold and grey here this morning.

    All of the cards are lovely and a great inspiration, I always leave my cards to last minute, so having the challenge has really been great, to get me started early.
    As Pat has said I will get my texture paste out, hope it hasn't gone hard.

    Having an easy day today , feeling sore and stiff after my fall, have good day all hugs Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian,
      I hope you aren't in too much pain after your fall, I expect you will be feeling it for a few days.
      I'm so pleased that you were spurred on to start your Christmas cards.
      Do you make them all?
      We decided last year (after we paid the postage) that handmade cards were for special friends and family only. I think the cost of postage is absolutely ridiculous.
      I have found that if young have larger package or parcel its worth checking out Hermes, you can send up to 2kg for about £2.75, so worth a check.
      Sending gentle hugs

    2. Hi Lilian,
      Have you tried adding some glycerin/rosewater to your pastes when they look a tad dry. I found this tip on YouTube and added some to my gilding waxes and hey presto! it works. xxx

    3. Hi Lilian, some gentle hugs and well wishes are winding it's way to you. Hope you feel better soon. Take care when working this week xxx

    4. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling a bit better today after your fall.

  7. Could Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Well you've excelled yourselves again this week ladies. All the cards and Janets beautiful bauble and really lovely.
    I must admit I love the idea of a specific theme like this week's challenge Sandra. Unlike general cards I'm sure we all have things like Santa's and snowmen in our stash. I really am rather fed up with making Christmas cards personally but will still obviously join in as I have neighbours and cards for friends here still to make.
    I've just got back from the Sunday market. I bought cheese and fruit and veg and Lynn bought bought some trainers for her Zumba classes. Her and Paul are off work today instead of the usual Friday so for the first time in about 6 months were going out for Sunday lunch. I just LOVE roast dinners and I'm so looking forward to it.
    It's gone really blustery here and just noticed that all the washing has blown off the line on to the floor so must go out and peg it on.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Good morning Val,
      I hope your washing is still clean, nothing more frustrating than having to washing it again.
      I am sure you must be sick of Christmas cards right now, are you still having to make them to 'top up' the sold cards from your display?
      Enjoy your Sunday lunch, my mouth is watering at the thought.I think we may just have to have roast beef and Yorkshire puddings today, its certainly chilly enough!!
      Have a lovely day,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Val, enjoy the roast dinner. Are that ex pats who making it for you in Spain ? Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your roast. We took Doreen out to lunch at Yarnton Nurseries. She had a Ham and Cheese toastie, we had homemade Beef and Guinness pie with Roast and new potatoes plus vegetables. It was yummy. Lovely that I didn't have to cook again. That 4 times we've been out to lunch this week.

    4. Hi Pat, you bring back lovely memories for me of when we used to go to the nurseries, when we lived at Yarnton, I expect it's changed a lot, most of them are more department stores now.

  8. Hello Sandra everyone in the coffee shop,

    What gorgeous bauble cards you have all designed this week, each one is different, you really are an amazing group of talented ladies. XX
    Sorry Sandra it's a quick in and out today as we are just about to leave to go to Essex for grand sons 18th birthday lunch.
    I have had a slight distraction this morning at the top of our road is the A23 London to Brighton Road and as always on the first Sunday in November the old crocs race takes place, and looking out of our bedroom window we can see them going across the top of the road.

    Sorry late is must dash hope you all have a great day love Brenda XXX

    1. Morning Brenda,
      I bet the 'Old Crocs' race is really fun to stand and watch, a bit distracting though if you are trying to get out of the door!
      Have a lovely day in Essex celebrating your Grandsons 18th Birthday!

  9. Morning Ladies,
    Please take another look at the cards as Blogger has finally allowed me to share Cheryl's card!
    Have a lovely day,

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards again, I am afraid mine were rather last minute I can now see what I can change, thanks for ideas. Themed cards are a great idea for example I have several Christmas trees etc., I don't mind I just enjoy the
    Lilian sorry you had a fall & you feel sore sending you gentle
    Janet great you felt like going shopping please take it easy today, sending hugs looking forward to roast beef
    Brenda hope you have a lovely family
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I am loving all of your bauble creations. All so different and beautiful. Seeing them makes me wish I'd been able to take part but with a busy week and my crafting mojo still awol, I just didn't even attempt it. Have got some time off in the week as working next weekend so hopefully will feel the need to get back to the crafting table!
    Lilian, sorry to hear about your fall :-( Hope you're taking it easy and feeling better x
    Brenda, enjoy your Grandsons 18th Birthday celebrations :-)
    Hope everyone is having a lovely day. Sending hugs xxx

    Nearly forgot to say....... Lovely selection of Christmas crafts yesterday too :-) xx

  12. Afternoon Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love all the bauble cards today, you have all made a great job and it is even a couple from our Pat :-) Sorry I didn't join you this week but have concentrated on doing the cards I make for this year and it have been so many hits and miss so I didn't do anything for days.
    Went out this morning with a friend for breakfast and some window shopping in town after ww which is a ,don't ask. I hope you all have a good day. Love and hugs Maria xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Now looking at Cheryl's card has given me some more ideas for Christmas cards. I hope you don't mind Cheryl if I do something similar to yours.

  14. Hi ladies, sorry I'm so late it's been a busy day.
    Gorgeous selection of Christmas cards giving us all wonderful ideas, I do enjoy having a challenge to do as it makes me get a move on lol!
    Well I got Iain's cake made yesterday and it does look good and it smelled amazing while it was in the oven ( I just love the smell of baking) .
    Janet good to hear you have managed to get out and about, just take it easy and try to be good lol!
    Lillian I hope you are on the mend after falling.
    Gave Tollie and Luna a trim today ( the puppies) which took longer than expected.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  15. Hi Michele
    I looked at these dies. However, the tree that's with it has terrible reviews on Amazon. So I don't think I'll bother just for the ornaments. There coming from America and they take ages anyway.

  16. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sorry late just got home went Lisa's for dinner had a nice day then we popped into Darren's on way home had lovely cuddles with Harry so all in all had a lovely day. I love all the challenge cards today you have all made such beautiful cards mine has come across darker than in flesh so to speak,also haveing trouble with my camera 🎥 it is playing up everything was coming out yellow
    Anyway I haven't read any comments yet so will have A nosey now.
    I'm tired so going to bed soon. Love Lynda xx
