
Sunday 23 October 2016

Your Challange Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Brenda's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Margaret's second Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you all got some use out of my 'Faux Misti' post yesterday, we had a lot of interest, lots of new people looking in and some of our old friends too, which was so nice to see.  It may have been the smell of Margaret's baking that drew them in though!  Mind you from what Maria posted yesterday Herman the Goat did his best to put people off !! hahaha

Now onto this fantastic display of your Challenge Cards,

Brenda, What a wonderful Wintery Scene, that paper is gorgeous as is that Embossing folder, oh that Snowman is just adorable Brenda, the whole card works perfectly, I love how it looks like the snowman is holding up the greeting!  Thank you so much for taking part Brenda xxx

Karen has used the My Craft Studio Charisma Bunny CD rom for her card, I love his patches, the background paper is from the same CD, the 'duo' card was from Create and craft, the little heart buttons from Sue Wilsons 'New Arrivals' die set.  An absolutely gorgeous birthday card for Brooke, Karen, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Lilian, it looks like you have been having a play with different background techniques, this looks like Pixie Powders, to me it looks like little meteors flying through the sky, the stars add to that look, I hope everyone else sees the same thing otherwise you will think I was writing this post while 'under the influence' (which I wasn't, honestly)!  A fantastic Man card Lilian, thank you so much for taking part. xxx

Lynda, A fabulous Christmas card, I love the combination of Silver and Grey papers that you have used, the pretty patterned Poinsettia's add the perfect finishing touch to this fabulous festive card, thank you so much for taking part Lynda xxx

Margaret, not one but two fantastic cards from you this week, one fabulous Christmas card with those pretty die cut bells and I love that little die cut bow on your ribbon, the ribbon is beautiful, the gold detail on it makes it look very expensive and exquisite.  Your other card is a fab 'Man' card, often so tricky to get right, your steam train will tick lots of boxes.  The bakers twine is a great addition to any man card, its often tricky to embellish them as ribbons etc aren't very 'masculine'. Thank you so much for taking part, I am hoping to see cards flying out now you have your fantastic new Gemini Machine xxx

Maria, such a pretty card from you this week, Your colour scheme is so pretty, I love that beautiful butterfly you have used (Creative Expressions I think) , your bow is stunning too, the little peg holding your sentiment is a genius finishing touch Maria, such a pretty card, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Michele, such a pretty card from your Mum in Law this week, love the monochrome look, how sweet of her to allow you to share one of her cards.  Can you ask her what die she has used to die cut the scallop border on her decorative paper, its so elegant.  Thank you for sending a card in my lovely xxx

Sue, I love the colour theme of your card, adding the purple was a touch of genius, it works perfectly, those owls are so cute! I love your birthday wishes die too!
Thank you for taking part xxx

Val, wow Val I love this card, first of all those papers you have used are fabulous, you have really showed that Phill Martin 'Happy Birthday' die off so well, adding the black die cut underneath for shadow really enhances the die cut, that also ties it in with the background, those cute little stars give a perfect touch to the card, the three little gems on opposite corners finishes the card perfectly, thank you so much for taking part Val xxx

Thank you ladies, a lovely range of cards again this week, I will get straight on with tomorrows sketch today, Paul is back on shift today so I will be crafting all day, the girls will be busy with homework, I also got organised last night and prepared tonights dinner and have in marinating in the fridge.  We are trying Nigella Lawson's Chicken Schwarma recipe from her latest TV show, I remember having a Schwarma in Amsterdam a few years ago and it was delicious, that was cooked on a kebab skewer though, this recipe is cooked in the oven, but with all of the lovely fragrant things in the marinade I am hoping for something delicious, you just serve it with flatbreads and a few side dishes, oh and a yoghurt/tahini dressing.  We are then having Cookie Dough pots for pudding, which are literally Cookie Dough cooked in a ramekin, served with icecream, yummy!  A fairly quick and easy tea, but that works best when Paul doesn't get home until after 7.30pm.  I will let you know how it turned out! 

Get well hugs for Janet and Cheryl, I hope your Antibiotics are helping you to recover quickly Cheryl  xxx

I hope you all have a restful Sunday,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely collection of challenge cards. I'll own up-my "card" is really one my Mother in Law made specially for me for this challenge! I'm struggling to get back into any sort of routine & especially card making.

    We had a lovely meal last night at my in-Laws but had to leave early as hubby had hurt his back playing golf earlier and was struggling to get comfortable. As soon as we got home it was "painkillers & hot water bottle "!!
    No gardening today but as it's looking like it's going to be a lovely day, we might go for a walk. We're FaceTiming the American relatives as it's Evans 13th birthday today then I'll phone my Dad. Hubby will be watching the Grand Prix this evening so I'll head into my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      Hope hubbys back is better today. Pete's going to miss the Gran Prix today as we'll be on our way back from Bournemouth. If he'd have realised he'd have recorded it.

  2. It always amazes me what stunners are created for the challenge and this week is no exception Your dinner sounds amazing SANDRA Can I come? At this rate OH and I will be having "breadandpullit" or "breadandscratchit" I need to go food shopping. I've been trying to make meals with what is in the freezer to try and free up space for Christmas goodies
    Might be dancing this afternoon We'll see what the day brings when OH gets out of his pit I'm not going to nag him He has had quite a week

    1. You are more than welcome Karen! I always make way more than we need, just in case others turn up!
      'Bread and pullit' was something my Nana used to say!

    2. Thank you for the invite SANDRA! I'll enjoy savouring the flavours at home Just about to get picked up to go dancing

  3. Hello Everyone, raining and very cold, windy, and grey, think winters on the way, heating on I think, usually try to leave it until Nov. To use it , but just too cold today.

    The cards today are all smashing, mine is better in real life, my iPad seems to alter the colours dulling them down.

    Not much on today, O/H at church this morning, so have a couple of hours to catch up with jobs around the house OR go to my craft room wonder which will win ?

    Hope all have a lovely day, will pop in later to have a nosey what everyone is doing. Hugs all round , Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, woke up very late, which messes up my whole day (you will know what I mean Sandra) then we had Chris junior and his Mum Gemma came up for the day and RJ joined us once he had finished work so with one thing and another the day flew by.
    I had planned to sit and enjoy yesterday's post about this fantastic diy stamping tool once I went to bed but woke up a few hours later not having even opened up my phone!
    Am I the only one that loves to come into the Café when I know I won't be disturbed by hubby etc? I much prefer to sit on my own and read the blog and everyone's comments before making my own comments.
    Sandra, I am so excited about the stamping frame, I can't wait to get mine from you on Tuesday. As a struggling stamper it will enable me to turn to my stamps without that sinking feeling that I usually have. Thank you so much for putting in all of the hard work and research my lovely, and Paul too, of course 😁 x
    Cheryl, thank you for more lovely photos. Wow, what a hotel, that chandelier is stunning. I imagine that it was emotional seeing the Hope, Faith and Chariry tributes. Your photos convey that feeling. I am really enjoying seeing your holiday, looking forward to the next set 😀 I hope the antibiotics are helping and their side effects arent making you feel too bad x
    Onto todays great CC's. It's always a pleasure to sit and scroll through them, no change there this week, each and everyone is inspiring. Thank you for sharing them. I did email mine to you late last night Sandra as I had forgotten to send it earlier on in the day! 😀
    Pat, I hope you are enjoying your stay in Bournemouth. I will be thinking of Pete tomorrow. Big hugs are on their way to you x
    I hope you all have the blue sunny sky that we have here, quite crisp and chilly though. Autumn is certainly here now isn't it. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Cheryl, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. No Sue you are not on your own there, I love to come Into the cafe when I know I won't be disturbed. It's not always easy though. xx

  5. Hi Maria/Skinny Lizzy. You do deserve the name as you are doing so well 😀
    I am so glad that you are already feeling the benefit of the steroid jab 😁 wouldn't it be good if you could have them in every part that hurts (you would end up like a pin cushion though, wouldnt you!) Sending hugs x

  6. hi everyone. Lovely cards ladies. You're all such an inspiration.
    I'm feeling less tired today. The washing is on the line. I didn't realise I'd worn so many clothes in just a few days. Will hopefully get the ironing done later.
    Lovely surprise last night. Lynn has booked for both of us to go Christmas shopping in the UK just for a couple of days at the end of November. Craft shops here I come.
    I'm having to use the house computer at the moment as my tablet isnt working. I think the battery may have died. It didn't work whilst I was away which is why I couldn't comment.
    Maria glad the injection seems to have helped and you're now pain free yeh.
    Janet sorry you have to have yet more tests. Do hope theycan sort you out soon.
    Sandra. Your dinner tonight sounds delicious. I wish I was having something more exciting than salad now.
    Take care all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val aren't you lucky to have craft shops around you. I usually stock up at Craft shows or at Emerald Craft in Lyndhurst when we come down to Bournemouth. Went there yesterday but for me I didn't buy a lot.

    2. Hi Pat. When I stay on the Wirral apart from the Range there are 2 garden centres close which both have quite a good craft shops in them. I must admit though that I order stuff on the internet as well and have it sent to my son's to pick up. I just love browsing in shops and buying of course.. Take care. Love Valxxx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    Another wonderful selection of challenge cards ! I'm sorry I just didn't get round to making one and I won't manage one again this week as I'll be away from home but hopefully I'll be back into a normal routine next week.
    Maria, so glad to hear your jab is working in relieving your pain, we left Tollie with our family who live next to us and they have his sister ( Luna) so he was in his element but we did get a wonderful welcome when we got home ( I was sure he would have forgotten us , so it was really nice, we were in Calahonda , between Fuengirola and Marbella ( Costa del Sol) so I enjoyed reading about Val's trip as we have enjoyed exploring the area over the years ( we have been going to this area for thirty years ) so you can tell we really enjoy it! If I won the lottery I would buy a wee holiday house in La Calla ( a little village on the edge of a beautiful beach) . No harm in dreaming, lol!
    Sandra Your dinner for tonight sounds mouth watering , enjoy!
    The sun is shining and it is a glorious morning so I'm off outside to the garden.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, I hadn't realised you were down south at the same time as me. You must have had the same fine weather. I've never been that way before so I really enjoyed the experience. We didn't visit La Calla but it sounds lovely. Just keep our fingers crossed for a lottery win. Bet Tollie is such a happy little dog having you home again. Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of cards. Yes I am having fun with my Gemini, I actually put together 3 cards yesterday afternoon,record for me. Your meal tonight sounds scrumptious hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day
    Cheryl I forgot to mention your hotel it does look splendid hope you enjoyed the
    Sue hope you enjoyed Chris yesterday & your joints are
    Maria pleased to hear your injection worked I must admit they always help me. Hope WW goes well this
    Cafe all ready for visitors lemon drizzle cake in cabinet for later, bacon butty for lunch enjoy.
    Janet hope you have had more tests by now, sending hugs to you & all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely array of cards ladies. Love all the designs. I hope the antibiotics re starting to kick in Cheryl, and that your steroid injections are doing you some good Maria.
    Janet I hope you've had your extra tests by now and that the results find out the cause of your problems. Had a lovely couple of days so far. Weather is being kind to us. Off to Poole this afternoon, Sue's decided she'd like some Sketcher shoes like mine.

  10. Hi Sandra
    I've just read your post again and seen what your having for dinner. Won't make it back in time though as it sounds delicious.

  11. UPDATE:
    I have added Sue's card to the list above, so be sure to go back and check it out.
    I have woken today with the most painful sore throat, it feels like the start of tonsillitis, which I am praying it isn't, I have had that twice in my adult life and on both occasions never felt as terrible, I couldn't lift my head off the pillow!
    Fingers crossed that this is a simple sore throat please !

    1. Sandra hope it is not tonsillitis, I have had a few times & it is awful. Sending you lots of healing hugs love

    2. Hi Sandra
      I hope it isn't tonsillitis and that your feeling a bit better this evening.

    3. Hi Sandra,
      I hope it's not tonsillitis, it is so painful. Sending gentle hugs. xxx

    4. Hi Sandra. So hope it's a sore throat and not tonsillitis. Hope you're feeling a lot easier tonight.
      Love Valxxx

    5. Hope you will soon be better Sandra , take plenty of honey and lemon, to sooth, will cross my fingers that it's not tonsillitis, hugs for you.

  12. Quick look in I forgot to say to MARIA that I love you new name and that the steroid injection is helping

  13. Hello Sandra and all the ladies in the coffee shop,

    What a lovely selection of cards you have for us today, it's wonderful to see how we all interpret the sketch differently, each card is so inspiring. My card the ribbon trim was silver and blue, but it looks black and blue in the photo.

    Sandra your dinner sounds lovely. You could suddenly have visitors standing at your front door with begging bowls!!!! We are having beef in ale, with roast potatoes and vegetables. It always goes down well.

    Pat hope you are enjoying your time in Bornmouth. Great you got to go to the craft shop yesterday. Does Pete go in with you? John would choose to wait outside or stay in the car. That good with me, because I get to browse and shop without comments - like "HOW much?" It's a good job he understands me.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Brenda
    No Pete doesn't go in with me. Sue and I left the men to park the car while we went to the craft shop. They then tried to find a shop that sold watch batteries with no ouck. So they waited outside for us. We then went to the bakery shop next door. The men had steak and potato pasties, us ladies had toffee cake all washed down with a cup of tea. Pete would also query what things cost.

  15. GRRRR just lost my post it just disappeared as I was typing.
    Hello Sandra & ladies. Sandra hope your feeling better & your not any worse
    Hug's.Pat did you get anything nice in the craft shop i only have Hobbycraft or the Range they don't stock very much I just buy the essential things.
    Hope your trip to Bornmouth was enjoyable.
    Well I love all the challenge cards all amazing as always & all different.
    I have started tidying craft room this afternoon but got fed up now. I have to put dinner on now nothing as exciting as Sandra's dinner. Janet hope you gets some answer's soon sending ((((Hug's)))
    Cheryl hope your feeling better too ((((Hug's))) on there way.
    Well better get a wiggle on. Try get in later. Love Lynda xx
