
Monday 24 October 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Now this weeks Sketch Challenge is a little bit different......
My thinking was to make cards using what's in your Bit/Scrap Box, using up all of those odd birds of left over paper that are too small to do anything with, yet to precious to throw away!

You can use ANY shape, even flowers, butterflies or Snowflakes, triangles, diamonds, hexagons or circles,
Anything you choose, you must them arrange them into your chosen pattern on your card, add a sentiment and that's it !
This theme ties in with our 'Frugal Friday' feature.
I have added some different styles of sketches down the left hand side for your inspirastion, I will add some finished cards too, mostly from pinterest. They will be at the bottom of this post.

I hope you enjoy this challenge ladies, it will work for any card style, Birthday, Christmas, Get Well, Congratulations!

I look forward to seeing your designs, your cards are always hugely inspirational ladies.

Not much on planned here today, frustratingly Paul has a lot of shifts this week, it always seems to work that way when the girls are home on holiday, never mind that have lots of A level homework and studying to do, so they will be busy.  We may manage a trip to the cinema, hopefully!

I hope you all have a good week ladies,

Love and Hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant choice of sketch cards for us today Sandra. I really hope you're feeling better this morning.
    After a quick FaceTime session with the American relatives last night, I phoned my Dad who did nothing but complain for 40 minutes which really tried my patience. I couldn't get back into crafting so I started to read my book and before I realised-it was 10pm!

    I have a "management " day today-lots if paperwork to sort then I need to go into the Unit to complete one of my test kits (we have to send these off every 3 months to continue to work) then I have the joy of doing someone's Appraisal this afternoon. I can honestly say-it's never dull at work....!!!


    1. Your such a busy lady Michele. Hope today turns out quieter than you think.

    2. Michele the job you do is soo important, without the likes of you we would suffer alot more, thank

    3. Hi Michele. Sorry that you had to listen to all of the moaning from your Dad, but I'm sure you had a lovely chat with your American family (it's so nice to be able to see each other while chatting isn't it)
      I hope todays work goes well and quickly for you. I second Mum's thanks to you and all that also do the same vital work x

    4. Hi Michele
      My word what a busy day you've been having. Appraisals are awful. I hated doing them myself. I hope your dad doesn't wear you down to much though.

  2. A brilliant choice of challenge Thinking cap on already Don't work too hard MICHELE
    I enjoyed my dancing at the week end if nothing else Not looking forward to work today One of the guys was on leave last week which made the working environment nice and peaceful That will be shattered today as he's loud and his "look at me aren't I brilliant" attitude is back Where are the ear plugs...

    1. There's always one to spoil a nice atmosphere isn't there Karen? Difficult to ignore as well but I'm sure you try to. Hope its not as bad as you think.xx

    2. Hi Karen,
      It is a pity we cannot choose our work colleagues isn't it. Hope it's not too

    3. Hi Karen. It's good to hear you had a good time dancing the weekend away 😀 Sorru to hear that you will have to put up with your unpleasant work colleague now he is back! X

    4. Hi Karen
      It's such a shame we can't choose who we work with. I'm glad that you enjoyed the dancing anyway.

  3. Hi Sandra. Hope you're feeling ok today and that nasty sore throat hasn't turned into anything worse.
    Great ideas for cc this week. My mind is working hard trying to think of a card for this week I'm still trying to get organised for a week tomorrow when the Christmas display including my cards is put out in the shop. Nowhere near ready yet. I see a busy week ahead.
    Nothing much on today. Food shopping later but most of the day to myself.
    Skype my son last night and my poor DIL has been given two sticks now by the physio people. She is now able to slowly get around downstairs but says her arms and hands hurt so much. The physio people haven't touched her back yet as they don't seem to know what to do for her. My poor son looks exhausted looking after her, six dogs and working of course.
    Anyway ladies, have a good day whatever you're up to. Hope those not feeling to good especially Janet, have a better day today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Oh Val your poor DIL she must be so fed up, have they decided what the problem is? you must feel helpless being so far away.Good luck with Christmas stock sounds as if you are going to be

    2. Hi Val. How many more cards to you have to do for the shop? At least you have your Christmas shopping break to look forward to with your lovely daughter 😀 Your poor son and daughter in law. He must be exhausted and she must be so fed up with not having any real answers or treatment, poor girl. Have a good day getting lots of cards finished I hope x

    3. Hi Val sorry your DIL is in so much pain hope she gets some treatment &answers very soon must be so worrying for her & your son. Sending Hug's xx

    4. Hi ladies. Thanks for your kind wishes re Helen. She has at last had a letter from the Consultant saying the injection caused the problem but what that is exactly no one is saying. They have their solicitor on to it now so let's see what happens.
      Sue, I need to make 40 more cards but no way in a week so I'll just put out what I've got next week and carry on making them. I love making them so it's an enjoyable chore.
      Bye for now Valxxx

    5. Hi Val I do hope the physio people are able to sort your DIL out. Sounds like your sons got his hands full.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope your throat is easier this morning, the cc looks interesting, I was cutting out yesterday & was trying to use every space so should be able to find something. Have a good week with the
    Janet hope things are improving hugs on
    Lynda is it this week you have your stent? everything crossed for you hugs on
    Maria are you going for your walks yet, don't push it too much, hugs xxx
    Hope all the others I have not mentioned are well on this dull damp day, soo dark this morning, sending hugs to all who need them.
    Cafe nice & warm coffee on ready & soup on ready for visitors.

    1. Hi Margaret my Stent is on 21st November so little way off yet so you can uncross everything HaHa.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Mum. Im so glad that you are getting on so well with your Gemini. I hope we manage to have a catch up later! Love you xxx

    3. Hi Margaret. So glad you're getting on well with your Gemini. Saw it on Hochanda and it looks a fantastic machine. Thanks for the lovely coffee. Nice and milky, just the way I like it. Drinking it

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love the sketch - will try to take part, but still haven't done any crafting for the last couple of weeks. Fantastic selection of cards yesterday from everyone :-)
    Hope you're feeling much better Sandra and are able to have a restful day. So many coughs and colds going around at the moment - James has had one for the last 2 weeks, and now I've come down with it aswell :-( Hope it doesn't last as long as I start my new job next Monday so am dosing myself up!
    Hope everyone else is keeping well. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Sonia hope you feel better quickly ready for your new job. Sending healing

    2. Hi Sonia. Sorry to hear that you have a cold. Keep yourself wrapped and drink lots of hot tea to kill off some of those nasty bugs. Fingers crossed it is all cleared up before next Monday. Sending healing hugs x

    3. Hi Sonia. Sorry to read you have a cold. It really makes you feel bad dens' t it. As Sue said, plenty of hot drinks and maybe a hot toddy or two. Hope you feel better really

    4. Hi Sonia
      I hope your cold clears up before you start your new job.

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Interesting challenge card this week, the cogs are trying to turn but for some reason I have not come out of slumberland yet this morning.
    Hope all who working have a good day and it's not getting too bad as you think.
    Val, hope your DIL get some relieve soon and the days for her will get better.
    Pat, thinking of you and Pete.
    Well wishes to anyone not feeling to good and wrap up warm if going outside, rather chilly out there.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, so glad to read the injection in your knee has worked. You must feel so much better. Keep warm. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad the injections are working Maria. We've just got to wait for the results of Petes scans now. No appointment date yet to see the consultant. He had about 5 or six scans apparently. They injected dye into him via a canular in between his scans.

    3. Love the name skinny Lizzy though Maria.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    This week's CC sketch looks like an easy one. That usually means that I find it harder for some reason. Like the rest of you I have so many little bits of papers so this is a great way of using them up.
    I hope your throat is not as bad as it was yesterday my lovely. Have a restful day if you can. Big hugs to help if it's still sore. See you in the morning, if you are well enough xx
    Pat, I am thinking of both you and Pete today. Fingers are firmly crossed that the results are good. Sending you a big hug x
    Maria/Skinny Lizzy, how did WW go yesterday? You can start walking further again now its a week after having the jab, if I remember correctly? The grey weather doesnt make you want to get out and about though does it! If you do venture out enjoy yourself x
    Janet, I hope you get some results and then treatment to get you on the road to a full recovery. Sending gentle healing hugs x
    We had a lovely afternoon yesterday at Tim's(son) celebrating his birthday. Today is Beaver paperwork and then ironing so a boring one for me. I hope you all have a good day, whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Sandra,and all in need. Take care x

    1. Hi Sue
      The waiting for the results doesn't do Pete any good, so I hope they don't take to long to send our appointment.

  8. Hello Sandra& everyone one Blogger has just pinched my comment again it doesn't even let me finish typing before it's sent to sybre 🚀 space GRRR!!!
    Sandra I hope your feeling better take it easy today the CC looks interesting when I get my head around it thank you. Not much doing today just normal housework washing on the line & got to change bed so they can go in wash.
    Going for our walk later as the only exercise I can do at moment must try & walk further. Then I must finish tidying craft room then try & not mess it up again 🤔 I have two special cards to make one for my daughter for the 30th & one for my step granddaughter for 6th November so must start them thinking cap on.
    Sending Hug's for Janet & Maria & Cheryl hope your all feeling better.
    Must get ready so will pop back & catch up.
    Love & 🤗 Lynda xx

  9. Pat thinking of you & Pete fingers & everything crossed for a good result
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello All, pouring with rain here, just come in from my walk to get the paper.

    Sandra hope the throat is better this morning, the sketch looks really interesting, not going to say easy as when I think that, it always takes me ages to think what to do.

    Yesterday didn't do much housework, apart from tidying my work/craft room, in the afternoon stamped and painted, some notelets for my friend, they are very basic one layer, use my Misti to compose all the stamps to get her, and then I can just stamp away.

    Pat and Pete, hope everything goes well with you.

    Val hope the card making is enjoyable, it would take me a year to do that many cards.

    To those working hope your day goes well.

    I'm on my own again tonight, so might have a think about challenge card.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  11. Pat, sorry I seem to have missed the appointment you have for Pete today.
    Hope and pray you get a good result. Xxx

  12. Hi ladies. I just popped in to see if Pat had been in with news of how Pete got on today.
    Pat, I have been thinking of you both all day. Sending love and hugs. Hope to see you in the morning dear friend x

  13. Hi Sandra
    Wow, love today's sketches using up our scraps. Mind you a lt of mine are intertwined. So I wouldn't be able to do much with them.
    Well Pete had his scans. But until we see the consultant we won't know the results. Pete had dye injected into him in between scans. Had about five or six as far as I can tell. We haven't heard when his appointment for the consultant is either. He'll have a few friends round tomorrow to keep him company until till we go off to Bets on Wed morning.

  14. Hi everyone,
    Sandra -hope your throat not got any worth and you had a nice and restful day so you can meet up with the other two graces tomorrow.
    Sue- hope your pain have eased some.Take care when doing the ironing. I had a scan done on my shoulder yesterday morning so no ww. They could see calcium build up but said my doctor can sort that out, I don't know.... Hope to go for a walk tomorrow somewhere because today have been a day of absolutely nothing and I hate feeling this way so tonight I hope for a good sleep and a productive day tomorrow.
    Sonia- wish you better so you can start your new job coming Monday.
    Lynda- stop pressing the wrong button so you keep loosing the comments like that lol no honesty, it is a real Grrrr! Did you have a nice time with Harry the other day ? Hope Terry is alright.
    Lilian, hope you have some lovely autumn days soon. It will get milder here this week, I prefer when it's cold and dry and not too much rain around but I guess we can't have everything :-)
    Night night all, xoxo
