
Tuesday 25 October 2016

A Trio of Terrific Christmas Cards By Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

I feel so privileged that I get to share the cards of other Fantastic Crafter's,  I am passionate about sharing the cards of ladies that would not get the opportunity to show their cards ordinarily.

Today's cards have been designed by our Michele, she is the 'queen' of CD ROM cards, making the very best of the digital resources available.  The first two cards today are Digital Downloads from 'Ella'S Designs', they are the cutest snowman cards, I love his rosy cheeks, the papers are all so bright and vibrant Michele, what Printer do you use?  as the papers look as though they have come from a paper pad!
The third card is another of Michele's speciality cards, 'the pop-up' box, I know first hand how amazing they are as Michele made me one for my birthday, they really do have the "wow" factor when you opoen them up!
These cards will look amazing on your Craft Stall Michele, you had better get cracking!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your cards Michele xxx

Hopefully seeing Sue and Pat today, they will get to use their ' Faux Misti' frame for the first time, I hope they find them useful, I think Pat is hoping to buy some Altenew stamps to use in it!

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Always a shock to see your own cards featured. The two snowmen cards were made from 2 A4 sheets from the digital download-we have a Canon printer & I use quite thin card. The pop up card was made using some very old papers & toppers -Warren Rabbit I think.

    I didn't get chance to start my challenge card but found some great ideas on Pinterest. Hubby's flight was slightly delayed last night but he made it home around 9.30pm so I switched the computer off & chatted to him for a while.

    Nothing much planned for today-work will probably be busy then I have a few EBay sale items to post tonight then I think I'd better buy some more ink cartridges in case I need to print more Christmas designs out.


    1. Hi Michele. What a lovely trio of cards for us to enjoy today. I love that cute little penguin, and I wish I had your knack with using different coloured and patterned papers to build up your cards, they look so pretty. The characters on your pop up box are great, they will bring a smile to whoever is lucky enough to get this card 😀 Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a good day x

    2. Hello Michele,great cards, your stall will look great at the sale

  2. Lovely cards MICHELE It's the matting and layering that really makes your Penguin ones pop And I am always in awe of your pop up cards

  3. Morning Everyone

    We have a very dull and cold start to the day here.

    MICHELE- I always love your cards. They always bring a smile to my face. Your pop up cards are always amazing and today's offering is just beautiful.

    Well I have my appointment for my hospital visit for more prodding and poking. It's this coming Saturday morning so I've everything crossed something will be sorted so I can get back to normal (well normal for me).

    Mountains of hugs to you all especially Dear Friends who are not feeling too well. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Lovely to see you, will have everything crossed for Sat. sending

    2. Hi Janet. So hope you will be sorted out on Saturday so you can get back to feeling more like your old self. Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Janet. It is so good to see you in the Café. All fingers and toes will be very firmly crossed for you on Saturday so that you finally get some answers and whatever present to get you back to normal (you are as normal as any of us here 😀) Sending big gentle hugs x

    4. Hi Janet I have everything crossed for you for Saturday. I hope you get some answer's i hope you get back to normal as Sue said your already Normal. Sending you ((((((( Big Hug's))))) xx

    5. Hello Janet, will be sending all the good vibes for Saturday, in the hopes you get some answers, you are truly missed here.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the 3 of you get together today & have a lovely
    Michele always your cards are perfect, I am sure they will fly of your stall. Hope work is not too
    Miserable morning here but a little warmer, Petanque this morning then hopefully crafting this afternoon.
    Cafe all ready for visitors feels lovely & cosy in there this morning, toasted teacakes with coffee just the job. Maria hope your shoulder not too bad, have you received the cut outs?xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I'm glad it's not so cold today, enjoy Petanque and enjoy crafting later 😀. Thanks for the yummy teacakes, perfect on these cooler days. Love you xxx

    2. If I could take arm off i would :-/, Yes,thank you I said a few days ago I'm going to look after the i's :-) Have a good day xx

    3. Hi Margaret have a lovely day enjoy your Pétanque.hope you have nice weather like us we have sun & quite warm.enjoy crafting later on.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Maria,
      Sorry I did not see that post glad you got them. Sorry shoulder is so sore, hugs on

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra, hope the three of you have a lovely time today playing with you Faux Misti.
    Michele , your 3 cards are lovely. The penguin ones are so cute and as usual the pop up card is stunning. I bet you'll be selling out at your Craft fair.
    Yesterday afternoon I could smell burning in the house and pin pointed it to the telephone router which I unplugged as fast as I could. Anyway the Engineer has just been. Had a look around and told me the router has burnt out. I had told him that in my email!!! He's just gone away to get a new one and will be back later. It means I miss Tai Chi today which I actually don't mind as my back is still aching from all the walking last week.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Thank goodness, you were lucky aren't you, finding that faulty router. It is so annoying when you tell repair men what the problem is before they arrive, and assuming that they will then have replacement goods with them, only for them to announce to you what the problem is and then having them trundle off to get the part, or worse, having to order it!!!!! Sorry that your back is still sore, maybe a restful day is needed for you then? Sending a big healing hug x

    2. Hi Val it was a good job you were home & smelt the burning.
      Not very good service that the repair man having to order a new router you would think they would carry Spare ones how anointing.
      Hope your back is better soon.
      Sending Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Good morning everyone.
    Love your cards and pop up box Michele. The penguin is so cute ,also like the lay out you have made. Have a good day at work.
    Lovely to see you in Janet, sending you healing hugs and everything crossed for Saturday.
    Had a walk around the lake earlier, chilly but nice and knee stayed alright, touch wood. Hope to make some more cutting outs and make a Fathers day card / CC so will get a wiggle on . Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up too. Well wishes to anyone not feeling too good. Love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hello skinny Lizzy/Maria glad you had a nice early walk & glad your knee isn't giving you any pain now so pleased the injection worked.
      Have a good craft session this afternoon.
      Hug's Lynda xx a 🤗

  7. Good morning everyone,

    Enjoyed my niece's wedding very much on Saturday, it was so lovely to catch up with family members.
    This Saturday I will be attending a 21st Birthday party for one of my daughter's friend's daughter. Which makes my total tally of staying in on a Saturday night this month to 0. I haven't been out so much for literally ages!

    Our walk yesterday was a bit of a disaster, I drove to the wrong place thinking that was there we needed to be. I mentioned to one of our group beforehand, I wasn't sure where it was and she replied 'Don't worry, I know how to get there', but did not tell me until we arrived that it was indeed the wrong place! The original meet up was on the way to where I actually went, but she never said a word until I parked and then remarked 'You should have turned left way back' Result was, by then it was too late to turn around and try to meet up with the others. Then our lunch at our local Express Park was nothing short of terrible. The waiter stood on one end of an oval table and leant across us to put the plates on the table. The meals were not up to standard, my was not warm at all and he had my side order missing so when he came back with the garlic bread, I gave him my plate back and asked for it to be heated up. He came back a few minutes later and said they were cooking another meal for me and apologised in advance for the delay. My meal duly came back quite hot with very sunburnt chips and again he leant over Rosie to place it on the table. (I inspected the meal and knew instantly that it wasn't a fresh meal but the one I had returned earlier. I had cut a notch in my gammon which was still there). Upon which she remarked that it was very bad manners to serve meals across other diners. He didn't' even appear bothered but did say sorry. He then went to the table opposite us and said to the two ladies seated there, 'I must be careful not to lean over anybody to serve' Once he had gone they remarked to us that was an unnecessary aside as they hadn't made a complaint.
    TripAdvisor will have a juicy review of this!

    I've played catch up on the last couple of posts, Sandra's stamp up idea looks good. I have used the Rockablocks since they came out and find them so much easier for my arthritic fingers.
    My day 2 pictures are mostly self explanatory, I am sure everybody knows the iconic landmarks.
    The picture of the statue soldiers is called 'On Patrol', it is the memorial for the Korean War. How the sculptor got the eyes to be so unnerving is absolutely brilliant. He has portrayed the tiredness and the alertness as they are patrolling in the Korean jungle. They are all looking in a different direction and you could feel them watching you as you walked around the triangle that they were in. I had a good close up look at one that was nearest the path and I felt as though his eyes were looking into my very soul. Spooky or what?
    Faith Hope & Charity is the monument for all the women who served as doctors, nurses and ancillary staff who served in all the wars. You cannot see Faith, she is depicted as a nurse on her knees praying, Hope is looking to the skies in search of God and Charity is the nurse holding the injured soldier. We saw so many wonderful memorials in the National Memorial Garden. The best one for me was the Vietnam War. It is built in reflective black marble into a slope and they taper like two elongated triangles with all the names of the fallen, not placed in order of seniority but as they died, from the first to the last from 1959 - 1975. Very moving to see so many Americans finding their loved ones and taking photos of where their names are.

    Lovely to see you in the café Janet, I hope your appointment will find the answers you need. Stay strong my dear heart.
    Michele's cards, as always, bring a smile to my face, so cheerful is your little snowman and the explosive card a masterpiece.

    Healing thoughts and gentle hugs for all our poorly ladies.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Should be penguin not snowman lol

  9. Hi Maria/Skinny Lizzy. I'm so pleased that your knee is bearing up well. Have fun crafting later on. When is Father's day in Sweden? Will you try and make your Dad's card using this week's challenge or have you got another plan for it? Have fun anyway x

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. A quick comment before I must get ready to spend the day with the other Graces. I love Tuesdays 😀
    What bright and cheerful cards Michele has for us to enjoy today. Isn't that penguin cute 😀
    It's lovely to see Janet felt up to popping in. We will be thinking of you on Saturday x
    I hope everyone has a good day. Think you will need an umbrella if you are going out though, it's grey and wet here 😔
    Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Maria/Skinny Lizzy. We are sat at Sandra's trying to remember what the date was that you suggested in Nov for a meet up? Hugs Sue x

  12. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone
    Sandra Sue & Pat hope your all enjoying yourselves crafting & trying out the stamping with the £3 Misti hope we get to see your makes.
    I had a blood test 💉☹️This morning then went for our walk the Sun was shining & quit warm & most enjoyable. Michelle I love all three of your cards especially like the card in a box so cute.
    Just waiting for Terry he went to get some weed killer & a loaf for lunch at 1.45 & he's not back yet now it's 2.30 what on earth he is doing I haven't got a clue😤
    I will go in craft room & start on the special cards I have got to make.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Hello All, well the fog has lifted at last, it was so thick this morning I couldn't see the other side of the road, hope it's clears tonight o/h driving back from London.

    Sandra, hope you and the two graces have a lovely day crafting together, can't wait to see the results of using your faux misty.

    Just finished doing all of the junior hoods, 72 in 10 different colours, so many thread changes.

    Going to do my challenge card now, which I meant to do last night, but sat and caught up with some of my recordings, not sure what I'll do yet might browse Pinterest.

    Have a good day or what's left of it, hugs Lilian

  14. Hello Sandra and all my coffee shop friends,

    Sorry to be so late, and apologies for not coming in yesterday although I did look to see what you all up to. As you may know and have guessed, it's half term and we are staying at her daughters house. We arrived early yesterday, which was full on baking day. Ciara wanted to make Shortbread, I had also suggested making caramel shortcake. We ended up making both, the caramel shortcake having white, milk, and dark chocolate on the top. Which was finished off with a feather effect, Impressed or what, it really went down a treat.
    Anyway yesterday was all about cooking. Today we have been card making, Ciara is impressed with Faux Misti. Thought at the time I should have got one for her. But she is happy to share for now, and also VERY impressed with the results.

    Michele your cards today are lovely, those Penguins are so cute.

    Sandra very interesting challenge, hope to be able to contribute something later this week. We will be back home tomorrow evening, daughter has two days off so our tour of duty will come to an end.... until the next time!!!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry should have said - hope the three grace have had a great

    2. Have a fabulous time with the grandchildren. The cookies sound real yummy :-) Hugs to you all xx

  15. Evening everyone, hope your day have been alright.
    Sorry to see you had rain Sue because here it was a lovely day.
    Had a look for some dates and I know Pat didn't want it too late so what do you think of
    14th ,15th ,16th or 17th of November ??
    Lynda, I hope Terry is free so you can join us this time and hopefully Lilian too !
    I hope you three graces had a fun day and managed to make some stamping. I bought the frame but so far that is.
    I'm going to a fun day with Julia on Saturday so have prept some things to take with me so I hope to finish some cards but the cutting out is tiring so will see how it goes.
    Sue- Fathers day in Sweden this year is the 13th of November and I made his card so something. We have booked a long weekend in beginning of December to Gothenburg so we will meet up with my family for a couple of days :-)
    oh Val- how lucky you were at home, never heard before that a router can burn out. Hope you get it fixed soon and take care of your back x
    Cheryl- love hearing about your walks, sorry you ended up in the wrong place and the lunch was mediocre. Better luck next walk you do. Hope you are feeling better,hug
    Had to phone the Bank today and cancel my card because someone have manged to get hold of it and buying and using it for other things. Scare how people can get hold of your informations and misusing it like this, I'm so careful when using it but......
    Watching Strictly come Dancing and can't believe that Ed Balls still in it, he is awful :-) Is any of you watching it ?
    Wish you all a good night and happy dreams Xxxx
