
Wednesday 26 October 2016

My Sketch Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a lovely day yesterday, it was so lovely to all be back crafting together. Sue and Pat were eager to their 'Stamping Tool' picture frame put together, so we did that first, Sue shared my excitement, I probably bored them by showing them all of the things I had managed to stamp with this new tool, its opened up a whole new world for me and Sue too, we both struggled with getting a perfect stamped image first time.  Sue left with the excitement of showing Margaret how fantastic this tool is.......
I look forward to Margaret's reaction too, and yours too Lynda xx

Now onto today's card, made from some scraps and off cuts of mostly My Minds Eye Paper pads, I have quite a few, I love the bright cheerful colours of these ones, I die cut them using a Free Hexagon die set I got on a Crafter's Companion "inspiration" magazine. I them mounted the paper die cuts onto card for extra rigidity and arranged them on my card.  The sentiment was the only one that would work with the bits of paper that coordinated in my "bit box".

Janet, you bought a smile to my face yesterday, thanks for popping in, it was so lovely to hear from you, I can't wait to have you back regularly, fingers crossed for next appointment xxx

Pat, Have a lovely time in Essex, I hope you find Bet well, I am sure she will love the company xxx

Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra.

    Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday on my cards & thanks to Sandra for featuring them, without you Sandra most of us would just have a box full of cards that no-one ever saw.

    Janet-lovely to see you commenting yesterday, hope you get done answers after your appointment.

    By the time I'd got home, had dinner & watched three episodes of Law + Order that we'd recorded it was too late to craft last night so maybe tonight??!!
    Yesterday was busy at work & today probably will be. We're meant to be having a meeting but my "chocolate teapot " boss has double booked herself so she doesn't want this meeting to go ahead but we really need it as we (me & 4 colleagues)have a few pressing issues to discuss! Guess we'll know by 9am who has won-ha ha!!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you won in your tussle with your chocolate teapot. Your cards were lovely yesterday I do love snowmen and penguins on Christmas cards.

  2. Morning Sandra and everyone visiting the cafe' today.
    Love the Card Sandra, the colours are great.
    Funny enough I was looking for something hexagonal but didn't have any in my stash so it will be circles I think :-) will have a play this afternoon after been into town and Dunelm. Had liked to pop in to the Range next door but OH hates it and I have no card (see last night post) so it will have to be another time.
    Michele- hope all goes well at work and your day is fine.
    I too watched some Law & Order in the night, think I'm some seasons behind :-)
    Lynda- our little pincushion, hope you are alright. Also see my last night post, April seem such a long way.
    Special healing hugs to our Janet and Sonia, hope you felling better soon and to anyone else who are not well. Take care all ! Have a good day whatever you are up too,
    Love and hugs to you from me, Xoxox

    1. Maria thank you for my lovely card. Hope you have gad a good

    2. Hi Maria
      Sounds like you had problems with your bank details. I hope it's now sorted and that you get your cards sorted out soon. Hope your injections are still working.

  3. A very pretty card SANDRA Good to see you back commenting JANET I've been so bad at keeping up and emailing but have we got a date for the meet up I'm so pleased you're all getting on with this new stamping tool I gave up stamping because I could never get a perfect stamped image You reminded me of the fact that I have a Versamark pen SANDRA when you spoke about using one on your ScanNcut and used it yesterday on a printed image It worked You have to be a bit careful because it can "bleed" a bit Disn't have time to photo the results as card was needed for today and by the time ai'd finished the light was too poor
    Home alone tonight So I hope to do CC and I might have a Frugal Friday tip (well in my head anyway)

  4. Hello everyone, dull here, hoping the sun will come out later.

    Sandra lovely card, did one last night but have had a better idea for another one, came to me during the night , so may not work out !!!!

    Glad you all three had a lovely day crafting yesterday and that your stamping buddy works .

    When are you planning your meet up ? , wish I was a bit nearer , but will be thinking of you all.

    Well I'd better go and do some work or the day will be gone, hugs Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you had a good day yesterday, I cannot wait to see my faux Misti thank you so much for thinking of me you are soo Your card is great lovely
    Maria we have had 2 cards used in this way in the last 4 months, so annoying luckily the bank were quick of the mark. Hope you enjoy Saturday & it will be nice to see your
    Janet sending hugs & also Sonia hope you are feeling better hugs on
    Cafe up & running please come & visit.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and all
    Glad the 3 of you had a good time yesterday and that your faux Misti is working well.
    Love the card you've made today Sandra,. I had originally thought of hexagons but like Lillian, in bed last night, I thought of another idea. Who knows Lillian the Dream Fairy may have visited us with the same idea. Anyway I've cut out the shapes but not assembled it yet.
    The Electric arrived about 3 yesterday afternoon with a new router. He did say it was unusual to burn out and I think I was lucky to have been in at the time. Anyway because of it all I missed Tai Chi in the morning and bingo in the afternoon. Very frustrating.
    Yet again this morning I am waiting on someone to call. I ordered some furniture and it's to be delivered this morning but as yet hasn't arrived. It's 11.30 here and I go out in an hour for Crib afternoon. Even poor Gracie hasn't been for her walk
    yet. Hope its not another wasted day.
    Maria, how awful that someone has managed to get your bank details but fortunate that the bank picked up on it so quickly.
    Have a good day everyone. Love to everyone not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val how annoying that your having to wait in for people to arrive. I hate having to hang around as well. I hope Gracie gets her walk.

  7. Ooh MARIA how lucky you were Thought I had an idea for CC but mojo has gone for a walk! Maybe after I've had some food my brain might kick in
    I think the faux Misti should be called Sandra's Stamping Buddy or SSB for short ...

  8. Hi Sandra
    Well once again yesterday seemed to have disappeared. I'll go back and read yesterday's posts. I seem to have missed Michelle's cards which I loved. Love your sample card Sandra as well. I hope Mrs B managed to sort hers out.
    Well we're at Bets now who lives in Gt Oakley he Harwich. Senile Dementia is a bummer. She thinks her brother who she never sees lives up the road, but he actually lives in Kidlington. She also thinks she's just moved into her bungalow, but used to live here before. Such a shame to see her like this plus having to use a frame to get about.

  9. Hi Sandra
    I've just been back and read the comments hope I remember whose done what.
    Lynda sounds like Terry is trying to kill you off with Weed Killer and bread for lunch.
    Maria I do hope you get your money back from the bank that the fraudsters have spent.
    Janet I do hope they manage to get to the cause of your problems on Saturday. Hopefully you won't have to long a wait to see somebody on a Saturday. When Pete goes to Oncology on a Sat it's usually empty as the usual day is a Tuesday.
    My word Cheryl what a disaster your walk was from start to finish. Not to sure what planet your passenger was to say nothing at all when you were going in the wrong direction. And sounds like your meal was a disaster as well.
    As far as I'm aware off Maria those dates are fine with me. Not to sure if the 16th was mentioned, but if it was we must be wary of the were wolves as it's a full moon.

    1. The 16 th should be fine, in my diary the 14 th has the full moooooon hihi xx

  10. Well blogger says my post was published but where I have no idea as it's not here. So I'll try again
    Lynda sounds like Terry's trying to bump you off buying weed killer and bread for lunch.
    Janet, so glad to see your comment on the blog. I hope they'll be able to sort out the cause of your problem on Sat. In theory you shouldn't have to long a wait on a weekend. Unless of course it's normal for them to see people on a Sat.
    Cheryl, sound like you had a nightmare going for your walk. Not to sure what planet your passenger was on waiting until you arrived in the wrong place to tell you you'd gone the wrong way. Sounds like your meal was a nightmare as well.
    Brenda sounds like your baking day was a great hit. Your biscuits sound yummy. At least you'll now gave a few days off until the next time.

  11. Hello Sandra,

    We are back home now, so maybe life will start to become 'normal' again,Whatever that is!!

    I love the card you have made for today. I had hexagon shapes in my mind for the CC and I also have these dies. So thinking cap on again OR rearranged the hexagons ....... watch this space.

    I am so pleased you had a good day yesterday with Sue and Pat, reading between the lines I could feel the day had been really enjoyable.

    It's time for me to take to my bed, think the last few days are catching up with me. BUT I have to admit I enjoy every moment spent with the grandchildren. Bless his heart Callum (13 yr old) said today "Oh your not going home today are you?" Yet he spends most of the time in his den or the study, he is happy in his own space. He has Asperger but is high on the spectrum and just likes to know you are there. He is a delight to spend time with - when he is in the mood to talk!

    Good night everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Love your card Sandra I've been playing with my CC for a bit but most of the morning /afternoon I've been sorting my craft room got a biggish storage box with square compartments got it from Dunelm I have put all my ribbons 🎀 in it so now I can see what I have. But i have lots of empty small storage pots now. I Still have lots more sorting do. PAT I'm still here Terry didn't give me any weed killer in my tea 😱 haha I didn't read it after I published.He bought me a lovely bunch of 🌹 flowers 🌺 bless him.
    I have another 💉Blood test tomorrow morning this one is for my Diabetes.
    Your right MARIA I do feel like a pincushion. The one I had yesterday has left a really big bruise on my arm so I better have tomorrow's one on the other arm. I have to have blood tests every week for the Rheumatoid Arthritis as the Dr.Want's to keep a check on my Liver with the tablets I'm taking. This getting old lark is not any fun 🙃 Next month is full of hospital appointments blood tests for me & Terry so more prodding & poking & needles but hay ho.
    I'm off to drink my tea & then bed so good night God bless love Lynda xx
