
Thursday 27 October 2016

Anne's Crazy Bird's

Good Morning Ladies,

Two of Anne's cards to share with you today, I have been thinking about buying these Tim Holtz stamps for some time, I just love the expressions on the faces of the birds, each one different, making them very versatile.
The first card Anne made for her Son-in-Laws Birthday, just colouring the one bird makes the card look so much more 'dramatic'.
The second card Anne has created makes the birds look quite different, You can't help but fall for that cute face can you, he looks so pitiful  doesn't he?! Your colour blending on the birds is incredle, I love the fun feel of this card.
The dies that match the stamps cut with such detail too, even the whisps on the top of the birds head.
Thank you Anne for sharing your amazing creations with us. xxx

A day of hospital appointments and haircuts today, Matt has his Arthritis |Clinic, I am hoping he will let me go with him as I think that his Arthritis has spread to his hips and shoulders and I don't want him absorbing all of that news on his own,he already has it in his knees,elbows, wrists,ankles and the joints of his toes, he has Psoariatic Arthritis,  He can be quite independant at times, so I'm not sure if he will let me go with him.

I then want to sit down and do some crafting!

Sending Love and Hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-WOW, two fantastic cards. They're both brilliant.

    Yesterday was so busy at work-the day just flew. I actually started a challenge card last night while hubby was watching Bake Off. Am not completely happy with it so I think I'll start another one but that won't be until Friday evening or Saturday afternoon.


    1. Hiichele.I hope work had gone quickly again today for you. I am hoping to have another play with my CC too as I am not totally happy with it x

  2. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope Matt's hospital visit not too bad, it does hurt when you see your child suffering & cannot do anything about
    Anne your cards are super bring a smile to your face, thank you for sharing.
    It is brighter this morning, shopping first thing then embroidery this afternoon so busy day again.
    Cafe ready coffee pot on, bread rolls cooking ready for bacon rolls so come & join me.
    Sending hugs to Janet & Sonia hope they feel better H
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

    1. Love you Mum. See you in the morning xxxx

    2. Margaret and Sue will you be playing with your Feux Misti, Fristy, Stampingisty, EasyStamper. (Sorry can not come up with any more names) Anyway have fun. LOL xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Anne, just love these two cards. The birds are so quirky I just love them. I do have this stamp set and the dies but only used them once as my coloring was awful, not like yours Anne which looks perfect. I might copy your idea of keeping them black and white for the background if you don't mind.

    Sandra do so hope Matt hospital appointment isn't as bad as you fear. It's so horrible when our children have health problems. I'd much rather be ill myself if it would help. Fingers crossed for him.

    I'm off out for coffee with a friend soon then an afternoon of crafting. I did manage to get to crib yesterday afternoon as Lynn came home and waited for the furniture delivery man and I'm glad to say I won 4-2. It's the first time since I came back from Croatia that I have won so maybe my luck has changed.

    Well, hope everyone not feeling so good today are having a better day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Congratulations on winning g at Crib yesterday, it does look like your luck has changed x

  4. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends

    Anne I love both of your cards, they really made me smile when I opened the blog this morning. Like Sandra I have had my eye on these stamps, they would be a great for teenage cards etc. And now with my faux Misti I feel more confident. Think I could've talked myself into spending my money. Ha ha

    Sandra I hope Matt lets you go with him to the hospital with him, it's always great to have back up plus and an extra pair of eyes and ears! Fingers crossed all goes well, sending gentle hugs for you both. LOL

    Today I'm out for lunch with my teacher friends, not sure how many will be there,
    It's always great to have a good old catch-up. I will pop in later to see what has been happening with you all.

    Hope you all have a good day, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope you had a lovely meet up with your teacher friends, I bet none of you were lost for words of they are anything like us πŸ˜€ x

  5. Hello All, better now after the worse fog I have seen here, woke in the night and could not even see the road by our garden, very disorienting in the night.

    Sandra hope your Matt lets you go with him, some how it's better for two people to listen, that's if you are allowed in.

    Anne love your cards, been wanting those stamps for ages, also the cat and dog ones, but as you need the dies to go with them,might have to be my Christmas present from R.

    Didn't do my challenge card yesterday, thumb to sore to turn handle of GC. will have to did out my cut and boss, which I bought years ago but haven't used much, as the plates are so heavy, still needs must, can't stop crafting.

    Do so everyone who is suffering at the moment will soon be on the mend, thinking of you all and sending healing hugs.

    Well I'm off to clean my two industrial sewing machines ready to start the next lot, but no more sewing today.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It was very foggy here Tuesday night, even at 7pm when I was driving back from the town where Sandra lives. I'm sorry to hear your thumb is sore. I must say that the boards on Mums Gemini are really thin and light, which is another good thing about it, except that they will warp if you don't remember to turn them often. I hope you got the sewing machines nice and clean, ready for the next lot of hoods x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight. Anne, what great fun both cards are. I love the crazy birds, and your blending of the colours is fantastic. I love how you have added the words on the second card too, along with the age, brilliant. Thank you for sharing x
    Sandra, the comment I made yesterday is up in the ether along with Pat's, Lynda's and others it seems! Why and how do they vanish?
    Anyway, sorry I'm late in today, had check ups at docs and nurses this morning then had a lovely headache so haven't been with it for long. Another day bites the dust!!!!
    Karen, I have been trying to think of a name for the faux Misti, thought of mixing faux with Misti making a "Fisti" but don't think that is suitable, if you get my drift!!! 😁 Will have to think again.
    Lynda, I also thought Terry was going to give you weedkiller on toast for your lunch the other day. It made me chuckle when I read it πŸ˜€ I know he loves you really, so only teasing. Sorry you are feeling like a pin cushion. Ask for a butterfly needle ro be used when they take bloods.It is smaller and much less likely to bruise you, I have learned from long experience so hope it works for you too x
    I hope everyone has had a good day, and you stay snug and warm tonight. I am hoping to play with my CC later as I'm not too happy with it at the moment.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Sonia and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue HaHa that will teach me to read what I have written It did sound funny though.But I must say he didn't give me weedkiller on toast he actually bought me some 🌹.Bless him Hope your feeling better.
      Sending you some πŸ€— πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— Hug's xx

  7. Oops, just for a change I forgot to mention something!!!
    Sandra, I hope Matt got on well at the RA clinic. It's hard when your children are adults and go on their own, isn't it.
    I think it is always a good idea, no matter what your age, to have a relative or close friend in with you as they often hear or understand things that you don't, or they can remind you to ask certain questions that you might not think of otherwise.
    Anyway, no matter what I hope Matt got on ok. Love and hugs. Take care xx

  8. Me Again ........... Confession time, Couldn't help myself I've ordered this Stamp and the Die. Just know it's going to be great for the boys. xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry I'm late had my blood πŸ’‰test this morning yet another bruise.
    Woke up with a bad headache & got worse as the day went on so didn't go Tesco shopping I had a lay down in bed after got home from doctors & went off to sleep for a few hours. Still have headache even now but not as hoping it will be ok tomorrow.
    Sandra hope Matt got on ok at hospital & they give him some help with his pain. I hope he let you go with him sending him big Hug.
    ANNE I love your two cards I have the stamps & dies but haven't used them yet I will be pleased if mine come out as good as yours.
    OOO BRENDA you little devil they are cute aren't they.
    I haven't done anything today so must make Lisa's card tomorrow & finish off craft room. Janet (((((HUG'S )))) on the way xx hope your feeling better.
    MARIA hope your ok & your injection is still helping with the pain Big Hug's xx
    Well friends I'm going to have a cupper then off to bed. Good night all
    Love Lynda xx
