
Friday 28 October 2016

All that Glitters.......

Good Morning Ladies,

So that was Half Term (or whatever they call it these days)! I cannot believe how fast this week has gone, Sophie and Lucy have spent most of it with their noses in a book or drawing (in Sophie's case). Which is probably a good thing as today is Paul's first day off since Saturday, so we couldn't have gone anywhere anyway.

Matt's appointment seems to have left him with more questions than answers, bless him.  He has scans etc to wait for, one of his worries was how his medication affects his fertility and what complications his medication could cause when it comes to wanting to become a father, he seems to have gotten mixed answers and he is more confused about the whole thing, I wish he would have let me go with him as I would have sat there until someone did give me the right answers!  I think I will be making a few calls. 
Onto today's card, I have many scraps of glitter card in my 'bit box' so I decided to die cut some snowflakes and build a wreath with them, I drew around a circle die to give a guide to placing the snowflakes, I then added the "All that Glitters is Snow" sentiment in the centre, using my new Stamping Tool!  
It is another version of this weeks challenge card, how are yours coming along?!

Karen has sent in two great tips for Frugal Friday.........

First one is I quite often make 5x7 cards and use basic 5x7 dies to make squares.
1) cut out the rectactangle in the size of width you require
2) turn die 1/4 of a turn and place card along one edge
3 pass through die cutter again - yuo end up with a perfect square
It could save you a bit of money by not having to buy basic square dies as well as rectangular dies....

Second one - I can't remember who told me this tip, I put a shout out as to what to do with old cd cases. They won't replace nice expensive photo frames but I have one with a picture of Oscar stuck to my board at work and this one is of my dream man which is stuck to my pin board in my craft room. I haven't sealed the cases. So I can change the photograph as often as I like! An extremely cheap way of using cd cases that contained old pc games/cdroms.

Two great tips Karen,  you can guarantee you never have the right size square die, so this tip is great! 
Loving your CD Case idea too, I think Michele did Calenders with them too! 
Loving your Heart throb Karen!!  I was devastated when he died,  as I like many women my age adored him from Dirty Dancing, so sad.   I am quite a Vin Diesel fan, but if I'm totally honest I married my heart throb!! (Soppy I know)   
Do any of you ladies have a 'heart throb' or someone you secretly admire??.....

Sue also gave the tip that Michele mentioned a couple of weeks back, I thought she had bought some fabulous new card stock with her on Tuesday, but it was the card from a really pretty tissue box, it would have been too much of a shame to bin it, it would make some great notelet cards, or tags. 
Keep your eyes peeled for pretty serviettes too, they are great for upcycling boxes, just cover with a coat of Gesso, then just use water down PVA to apply the serviette, you will have to peel off the back layers though.

Another tip that I recently discovered is that there is so much free downloadable stuff for crafter's on Pinterest,
From sheet music to use as background papers to vintage images and background papers.  You can even just print out sentiments!  Go have a look, you will be amazed at how much there is, its sdo pretty too.

Thank you for your input today ladies!

Have a great day,
Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra-perfect for using up all those bits of card we keep!

    Great Frugal Friday tips today. Didn't get chance to look at my challenge card last night-we watched two more episodes of Law & Order SVU after I'd put the shopping away & phoned my Dad.

    I'm calling at my crazy (cluttered house) friend tonight, on the way home from work. She has more craft stash for me-no idea what she's found this time!


    1. Hi Michele. Have a good day at work. I bet you are looking forward to see what your crazy friend has for you this time. I hope you get lots of time to craft over the weekend x

    2. Hi Michele
      Have a good day at work. I'm looking forward to seeing what your friend has for you.

  2. Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday Time is really running away with me at the mo I had a surprise vist from Charlotte and Oscar too She needed some face paint for tonight's shindig I certainly wasn't going to pass up having a play and a cuddle!
    I'd forgotten about MICHELE's calendars I must rewind on that one. I've got a couple of more pictures to do My desk at work is so tiny that frames would be too big and bulky and I'd worry that they may "walk"
    I use the rectangle into a square technique a lot when using the old Deckle edge dies from Spellbinders but were a little too small to photograph
    Your card is lovely SANDRA I've made similar in shades of silver or gold I used Merry Christmas as the sentiment Much prefer yours
    I hope to to CC later and have a scroll back to yesterday'a comments It will depend how early I'll have to turn into make-up artist for tonight!

    1. Hi Karen. Thank you for sharing your Frugal Friday tips. I love the photo frames. A younger Sam Neil would have to be in mine 😀
      What a brilliant way of using your rectangular dies. I would never have thought of that. I have a large set of square dies but no rectangles. Wish I had got them instead now!
      Having a surprise visit from your daughter and little Oscar must have been a lovely way to end your day. I bet he is a real little character now. They do grow up so fast though, don't they! Have a good day at work and then as make up artist. Can we see some photos of your daughter once you are finished please. I am not very good with face paints, luckily Chris is brilliant at it so he always did ours and the children. Take care xp

    2. Hi lovely that Charlotte popped in with Oscar. All the nicer for being unexpected. I bet Oscar enjoyed your cuddles as well.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love this sparkly snowflake Christmas card. I wouldn't have thought of doing the CC this way so thank you for that my lovely. Sorry that Matt didn't get the answers he was after yesterday, maybe an email to his consultant would help. Have a good day with Paul and the girls whatever you decide to do x
    Maria/Skinny Lizzy, I hope you are ok, missed seeing you in the Café yesterday x
    Lynda, I hope your headache has completely gone today and you get to do lots of crafting. How lovely of Terry to give you roses instead of weedkiller 😀 x
    Janet, I will be thiking of you tomorrow and do hope that you get some answers once and for all x
    Pat, I hope you are having a nice time at Bets, difficult as it is with her dementia x
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop today so must get on now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Sonia and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Enjoy your day with your Mum and Pop.

    2. Hi a lovely time today. Drive carefully. X

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Ah Sandra, what a cute card. I just LOVE snowflakes as you can tell from my cc this week.
    Karen, great tips and a really clever way of using rectangle dies. Thank you for that. Such a good idea of the c cases. Never would have thought of that. Is that really Patrick Swayze? I honestly didn't recognise him. My favourite at the moment is Travis Fimmel who plays Ragnar Lothbrok in The Vikings. In fact Lynn and Paul bought me a very large signed photo of him for Christmas which is on the wall at the bottom of my bed and very nice to wake up to in the morning!!!
    Well it's been raining here this morning but it's stopped now and the sun is out again and I can take Gracie for a walk. It's Craft Club day so just packed my bag all ready to go.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val enjoy your walk with Gracie, and gave a lovely time at craft club.

  5. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    An inspirational card today Sandra, so pretty and festive. I must confess I have not been in the Christmas card mood for quite a while now. I think my mojo went earlier this year when I made loads for the charity shop. But I will need to pull my finger out soon and crack on with them.
    Another use for Frugal Fridays, use the empty CD/DVD cases for your stamps. I have done this before and I find it is quite easy to find what I need as you could write what is inside on the spine in permanent ink.
    Been extremely busy tidying my craft room and getting all started projects and a couple of new ones out of the way ready for Monday's tease.

    My garden is in need of a tidy up, I absolutely am loving all the autumnal colours now appearing on the trees and shrubs. My Callicarpus's berries have now turned a deep purple colour which is 'popping' out of the orangey leaves. Good job I have bought a new leaf shredder, now we have the two compost bins in use, they can all go in there for next year's mulch. I don't do that with the willow leaves though as they take literally ages to decompose, so they end up in my green bin for the council to take away.
    Right, off now for a shower and a quick? shop in the Range. I need some narrow & festive grosgrain ribbons to make some characters for hair clips. I think these will be a good seller on my stall for Cannington Christmas.

    See you all later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your mojo comes back soon in time for the Christmas show. You intrigued me with the ribbon for characters for hair clips for your stall. Would be interested to see a picture of them please when you've finished them.

    2. Hi Cheryl. Like Pat I'm wondering how you're using the ribbon. A picture of them would be great.x

  6. Hi Sandra
    Couldn't comment yesterday but I did love Anne's crazy birds. It's such a shame that Matt didn't get much joy with his questions from the hospital.
    Love your snowflake card, mind you you did cut out a great number of snowflakes didn't you out of glitter card. Love the blue glitter card you've used.
    Hopefully we're off to Clacton this afternoon Bet willing as she's now very very slow and forgets what she's doing all the time.
    Love your frugal ideas Karen although I have used dies to make cards before but not very often.

    1. Hi Pat. Hope your trip to Clacton goes well and the weather stays fine for you.x

  7. Another great idea for cd cases CHERYL Hope you get some great goodies from your crazy friend MICHELE Another fav man of mine is Hugh Jackman of film Australia fame I've now forgotten what else I was going to say!

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    Karen two brilliant tips today, love that one for turning the rectangle die into a square cut shape, very clever idea.

    I have a tip, when we were at our daughters this week she asked me to repair a pair of Callums school trousers, bless her heart Debbie is not into sewing. The cottons she had were nothing like the grey school trousers. I used a permanent grey marker to colour the cotton .... perfect match!

    Sandra, what a beautiful card you have created from you glitter bits, no one would ever guess it was created from left overs, but then as crafters we do not have scraps, every morsel is used. Seriously I always look at my leftover bits to check if a die would fit on to it, So not a lot of waste here.

    Sorry you didn't get to go with Matt yesterday, I hope you will be able to get some answers for him when you make your phone calls.

    Today we are off into town (London) a visit to the bank and a little shopping. Nothing exciting. Home this afternoon, hopefully will get some crafting in.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs. Brenda xxx

    1. Great tip Brenda, one that came in very handy for you. Enjoy your shopping and hopefully your crafting later.x

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a pretty card such lovely colours. Might try & do another cc with Sue later, that's if I can get my hands on my machine!! Sorry Matt did not get the answers he wanted. Have a lovely day with Paul & the
    Karen great tips from you today, great to have unexpected cuddles
    Lynda hope your headache has gone take it easy sending
    Janet everything crossed for you tomorrow, let's hope they give you an answer this time, sending
    Maria hope you are ok missed you yesterday, sending
    Cheryl sounds as if you are as busy as ever hope your mojo comes back soon for card
    Michele hope you get lots of useful stash from your
    Val enjoy craft club, do you manage to do very much? If it is anything like the embroidery group I might do a few stitches, my excuse as leader I have to look at what everyone else is doing don't
    Pat enjoy your trip to Clacton hope sun is shining for
    Must get on cafe is up & running cottage pie on menu today so please visit us..
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. Hi Margaret . Hope you get to use your machine later ha ha.
      I usually take dies to Craft Club to cut out to use at home. That way I can concentrate on all the chatting we've now got 8 members so an awful lot of chatting is done. I love it. X

  10. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    sorry didn't get in yesterday. We went to my SIL for the day and by the time we got back home it was late.
    Loved both your cards Anne, they are so fun the crazy birds and your colouring in is perfect.
    Very nice card this morning Sandra, the glittery snowflakes are lovely. Hope Matt be alright and he can get proper answers to his questions soon.
    Michele- hope your day is good, more things from your friend. Sure it not just me who wished we lived closer to you, Lynda and Karen when you get some hand me downs from your good friends :-)
    Very good frugal Friday Karen. Have heard of the CD cases before for stamps but haven't thought about putting my hunk in them , think I had to put George Clooney in one of many hihi
    Lynda- bless you to have so many blood test taken, hope you be ok and Terry too. take care.
    Sending many hugs to you all and hope you all have a nice day. Going for a walk now, need some air so be back later. Xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is lovey especially as made from scrap glitter card love it.
    Sorry you didn't get to go with Matt & he didn't get any positive answers from his hospital visit,hope you can get in touch with his consultant & find out more. Have a lovely day with Paul & the girls. Karen great frugal tips from you today
    Maria missed you yesterday hope your ok sending big Hug's 🤗🤗
    Janet still got everything crossed for you tomorrow hope you get some answer's sending Hug's 🤗🤗. Cheryl your always so busy. Have a good shop in the Range look out for all the goodies that jump in your basket.
    Pat have a good day at Clacton & the sun shines for you.
    Val have good day & enjoy craft club.
    Sue have a lovely day with mum & pop's hope you get to use mums new toy
    Thanks for asking my headache is lot better so pleased it didn't turn into a Migraine but my Tinnitus is very load today.
    Well we are off to Tesco soon. Then have to get craft room finished & finish daughter's card too.
    Hope everyone has a good day & the sun is shining like ours. Will pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope the tinnitus are better by tonight, got ringing in mine sometimes which is weird. Don't forget to take a photo of your daughters card. Sorry have not been in many others blogs, do you still posting on yours ? Take care, hope to see you soon. hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    So sorry I haven't been commenting lately. What a week! Still not feeling 100% and not sleeping well as have had so much on my mind. To cut a very long story short I'd had a "wobble" about the new job, then when I thought everything was resolved it turns out not to be! Anyway, after much thinking I am still starting the new job on Monday and taking it as a positive and a great new start for me :-)
    Sandra, I love your card today - the snowflake wreath is beautiful. I hope Matt is ok and you are able to get some more answers x
    Lovely cards displayed throughout the week and great tips today x
    Sorry not to have caught up with everyone's news, but I hope you are all well and have had a good week.
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Sorry you still have your cold I am sure you will love the new job, & I sure you will be brilliant at it. Sending lots of

    2. Sonia, you will be great in your new job and they will love you as much as we do. Hope your cold goes away soon though so you feel better, many hugs xx

    3. Thank you Margaret and Maria :-) Hugs xxx

  13. Hello All, sorry to be late, had to see Dr this morning as my bottom thumb joint was so bad, didn't get much help, said it was a flare up of the arthritis which I have in all my hand joints.

    Lovely card Sandra, did you cut your snow flakes on your scanncut?

    Karen great frugal tips, love the one about cutting square with rectangle die.

    That's all from me can't hold pointer any longer, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Lilian, I wish your pain gone. Living with pain can make you feel so low at times and Arthur is a real bugger to have as many of us know, wish we could tell him to go away forever. Take care and gentle hugs xx

    2. Hello everyone, hope your day have been good. If not I so wish you all better soon. Had a bout of nausea this morning but after a pill for it and some fresh air so did I feel some better and managed to go shopping, have a coffee out and tidy up around my craft spot in the kitchen. Putting some bits together for tomorrow when I go for the workshop with Julia. It's just a play day so we bring our own things for finish some cards if possible and other little things. Wish you all a nice evening and a peaceful night. Hugs to all xxx

    3. Hi Maria. Glad your nausea soon passed. Sounds like you've had a busy day. Enjoy your crafting tomorrow. Hugs xxx
