
Saturday 29 October 2016

Happy Birthday Karen & Birthday cards

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Happy Birthday Karen๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

My Birthday Card From Karen

My Card from Sue 

My Card from Margaret

My Card From Pat

My card from Cheryl

My card from Anne

My Birthday card from Michele

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly this morning I would you to join me in wishing our Dear Friend Karen a very 
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day with family and friends and special hugs from Oscar xxxx

I felt terrible that I hadn't got round to sharing the rest of my Birthday cards, so today I have featured all of those that hadn't already been shared, I had so many beautiful cards, each one I treasure, the fact that each of you took the time to make a card means such a lot to me. 

Karen used a selection of Sue Wilson dies, including the fantastic "Happy" die set to create her card, I was 'on the fence' about this die, but the more I see it used the more I like it, thank you Karen xxx

Sue, I felt very honoured that you had used your "strictly for stroking" paper collection for my birthday card!!  Sue and I both have this Papermania collection and we are both reluctant to use them, Sue also used the 'Lyra' Die from Creative Expressions Gemini die collection.  Thank you Sue, I love it xxx

Margaret, you also used some of my favourite paper collections for my card, from Anna Marie Designs of course, I love how you have used that corner die to create a frame for the birthday cake, it shows how far you have come with your card designing.  Thank you so much Margaret xxx

Pat, you created your own pretty background with stamps and the used one of the creative Expressions New York collection die sets for the focal element of your card, finished with a fabulous "Happy Birthday" die cut.  Thank you so much Pat xxx

Cheryl has used the Pleated card tutorial to create her card, I cannot believe the accuracy though, the pattern across the card including that line are all
 Perfectly straight and matched up! Finished with that gorgeous Pearl trimmed lace, thank you so much Cheryl xxx

Anne has used Sue Wilson's 'Fire and Ice' technique to create the stunning background for her card, it is so bright and sparkly, the pattern in the background is made using a mini striplet die, it is gorgeous, the camera just doesn't do it justice, I do have a secret yearning for those Noble Oval dies too, thank you so much Anne xxx

Michele made me an absolutely amazing 'pop up' card,it doesn't matter how old you are, opening a pop up box card still has the 'wow' factor, my favourite colour too, it is a mini work of art Michele, thank you so much xxx  
PS.. I was going to suggest that you make a load of these for your sale table, but thinking about it, I don't think you would get enough money to cover the time it takes you to make them!  Maybe have a couple as the height and sparkle would look fantastic as part of your display xx

Paul's back in work today so its just the girls and I at home again today, I got Paul to get the bits in for them to make their own pizzas for tea, that should give them a break from homework, I will be taking easy, I really haven't shaken this sore throat all week, it has been particularly bad this last couple of days and the glands in my neck are huge, I feel generally yuck, but I want to sit and play with my stamping tool today. 
Lynda I have finally sorted a box for your Frame, I will be sending it via Hermes I think, just to make sure it arrives safely and in one piece, sorry for the delay, its a pain when Paul's at work most of the week! Xxx

Janet, special hugs on route to you today my lovely xxx

Love and hugs for the rest of you too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Karen-hope you have a fantastic day today.

    Sandra-what lovely birthday cards, all so different but all brilliant.

    Didn't call at my crazy friends last night as she informed me there was nowhere to sit down -I'm totally serious! That's how cluttered her house is. I'm calling on Tuesday evening which gives her more time to tidy up although I'm not expecting major changes when I get there.

    Wide awake early this morning so already had my breakfast. Just need to pop to the shops in the village (Co-op & the butchers) then I've got an appointment at the hairdressers at 10am.
    I really must make some more Christmas cards & a couple of pop up cards for my sale table so that's this afternoon sorted.


  2. Morning Sandra and all visiting this blog today, do come and join in for a chat and a free coffee and lets celebrate our very good friend Karen !

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN !! Have a fabulous day with the family. Many hugs flying through the air to you :-)

    Sandra you got some beautiful cards for your birthday.

    Michele, your pop up cards are so special so I hope you make some today and you sell them fine at the fair. Enjoy your day and relax.
    Sorry to see Sandra you still have the soar throat, wish you better.
    I hope you all have a nice day. Sending special hugs also for our Janet, hope you are ok x
    Haven't slept much so will see how my crafting goes today. OH have gone to London to see football so Son will take me and it will be only the second time I go in his car, just hope he get me there in one piece hihi
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxoxo

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Karen a very happy birthday to you which will be even more special now you have Oscar to cuddle, enjoy every
    Sandra a lovely lot of cards all different as well. Hope you have a quiet weekend & get rid of your sore throat. Thank you for getting me my faux misti, I love it. Sending you healing
    Well Sue had a good time yesterday using my Gemini she cut out lots of bits, & didn't cut through the embossing mat this time. I think this is definitely on her Christmas wish list. I hope to have a play later.
    Maria hope you enjoy your day
    Janet everything crossed for good result today hugs on
    Lilian sorry your thumb is soo painful, I suffer abit with it as well but more in my wrists, sending
    Sonia hope your cold is improving hugs on
    Cafe all ready for visitors, special birthday cake ready for Karen this afternoon so come & join us.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, Have Fun ...... I LOVE my faux Misti. I now want to use my stamps more I kept getting disappointed with my stamping The results were not that good even when I put a piece of dense foam under the card. And Ciara thought it was brilliant.
      Happy stamping xx

  4. Hello Everyone
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the birthday wishes. I have had some amazing cards, thank you. we are going ot for lunch later which means I get to cuddle Oscar - one of the best presents ever. I need to decide where to go, I'm such a ditherer and don't know where to go. I'll be looking up some of the suggestions Charlotte has made that are "Oscar friendly"
    The Halloween party was great fun. met up with some Salsa ladies I hadn't seen in a while. OH came joint first in the "parade" - I was in another room dancing Kizomba and Charlotte had done a fantastic job with "Day of the Dead" make-up, my skills weren't needed. I will try and send Sandra some photos. I will try and catch up later. Hope the sore throat goes soon SANDRA, perfect excuse for just sitting and craft in my opinion

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy your meal and lots of cuddles from Oscar.

    Sandra, so sorry you've still got that nasty sore throat. A day of R and R is definitely what you need. Love all your cards. What a talented group you are.

    Well a busy weekend ahead. All the shops Christmas cards are spread out in the dining room table. Final tweaks to be done and new headings typed all ready for going to the shop on Monday. If they're not made now, they're not going to be. I think I started making them in March thinking I had plenty of time but still been rushing like mad the last couple of weeks. Never mind , it's an enjoyable stress.

    Love to all especially those of you not feeling too good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val, You are amazing making all those Christmas cards for the shop. I'm sure the customers will love them. xx

  6. ๐ŸŽ‰ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN ๐ŸŽ‰ I hope you have a lovely day with the family, and that you enjoy your meal, where ever you end up going xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN enjoy your meal & your cuddles with Oscar xx
    Sandra sorry your throats still sore perhaps you shoul get some antibiotics from the doctor. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending me the "STAMPING SANDRA" I'm ๐Ÿ‘€ looking forward to having a play with it big Hug's ๐Ÿค—Xx
    Wow VAL so many cards how many have you made altogether for the shop enjoy your day xx MARGARET glad you had a nice day with SUE yesterday even if she used your Gemini all day HaHa.Hope you get to use it today have a good day.xx MARIA enjoy your crafting day with Julia. Hope you arrived safe with your son driving ๐Ÿš™ :0)). MICHELLE your crazy clutter friend sounds like my friend Margaret she has her settee piled high & one chair piled high with craft stuff & her table as well she has to move lots onto the floor which also has loads on already when I visit her so I can sit down she lives in a mobile home so you can imagine. Sandra you have a lot of beautiful Birthday cards on show today they are all gorgeous. I went round Margaret's Monday to give her a hand to sort her shed out full of craft items she was looking for stamps & her gelli plates but mainly card & papers I came away with three bags of things but think it's mainly papers card extra. Some punches,so will sort it out later & May be something for selling or charity shop. Nearly finished Lisa's birthday card going to finish it now as have to post today,I've finished my challenge card so must send that to Sandra. Well I'm off to my craft room will pop in later.
    Love Lynda xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN I hope you have a lovely meal, which will be extra special because Oscar is going to be there. xx

    Sandra I hope you ARE taking things easy and drinking plenty of lemon and honey, hopefully your throat will ease off soon. It's horrible how a throat infection can affect your whole body, take care please LOL

    Wow! your Birthday cards are gorgeous I love them all. Each one so inspiring.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Not a lot happening here today, wasted most of the morning. After lunch I will attempt to make a CC.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday Karen! Hope you're having a lovely day and enjoy your meal out with the family :-) Apologies as your card is still in my handbag waiting to be posted - have been out numerous times and keep forgetting, sorry!
    Beautiful selection of Birthday cards Sandra, all so lovely.
    Hope your sore throat improves soon. Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  10. Afternoon Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN. I wish for you to receive special birthday gifts of bright rainbows, smiles and good health.

    What a plethora of wonderful gorgeousness in your birthday cards Sandra.
    I am thinking of making an online album in my photo programme of all the cards I have received since joining your blog. There are some fantastic cards in one of my drawers just crying out for something special to happen to them. Then I will put them on a memory stick and use it in my photo frame that plays the pictures into a virtual film. I can't remember the exact name of the frame but I expect some of you will know what I mean or have one yourself.

    Cleared some empty cardboard boxes out of the loft this morning with Jamie's help, now flat-packed and in the recycling box ready for collection. I always keep them for one year and a day in the off-chance that I might need to return the broken down item to whence it came.

    Shopping at the Range totally amazed me. So many 'things' just jumped into my basket! How very dare they! It's a mystery where they came from and how they knew I would be there yesterday. Some will be used in craft Christmas stockings. A large photo of my haul will be sent to Sandra. there are some very good bargains in the craft section ladies, you must go see.
    I also took the chance to photo some items which I would like in my Christmas bag this year. As we only give each other token gifts they are all under £15 & also won't break anyone's budget. Then I remembered I haven't got internet access on my phone to send them out! DOH!!!!
    But I will put a message out on FB so family can see my wishes. Every year I usually get chocolates (my doctor has me on a permanent Mediterranean diet which is very similar to the GI one that I have followed for many years due to my sudden high cholesterol readings), tins of sweets or biscuits which I have already bought for my guests, or toiletries that I cannot use because their ingredients are not on my cancer free list. Told Jamie about it when I got home and he agreed it was a brilliant idea and that we should all do it.

    Must crack on, I have a 21st Birthday card to make for tonight's party and get my photos done.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    First of all I'd like to wish Karen as very happy birthday. I hope you have an anazing day. Lovely birthday cards Sandra. I'll look in later as we've a houseful at Bets today.

  12. Hello All, late again , very dull here today.

    KAREN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY, hope it's been lovely.

    Sandra your cards are all lovely, you and the rest of the ladies are all wonderful card makers.

    Janet hope you have some answers today, and that you will soon be on the mend.

    Benn trying to do some watercolour cards, it's years since I've done any, so I used my old marker pens on my stamps and then water colour, need a lot of practice, but at least it saves my thumb from die cutting, which is much better today, but don't want to put any strain on it.

    Hope you are all having a lovely Saturday, hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ tonight. It's lovely to see the rest of your beautiful cards again Sandra. Both Pat and I were lucky enough to see them all in the "flesh". I didn't need to look at my papers to choose what to make your card with as we both love this gorgeous pad, (I had a final stroke before putting it the envelope ๐Ÿ˜)
    I then put it away until I could give it to you, and haven't found it since!!! After hours of searching for it both the night before and on the morning I had to quickly try and make a similar one but didn't have the time to do all of the decorating and embellisents that the original one had. (I still haven't found the original one, it is ridiculous as we only have a small house, but it's not the first thing to go missing. I now write down where I have put anything that needs to go in a "safe" place).
    I hope everyone is having a good day/evening. I am off to tweek my CC as I've had another idea then will be sending it to Sandra a bit earlier this week I hope.
    Janet, I hope that you got some better news after being poked and prodded today. Sending healing hugs x
    Sonia, it's good to see you back in the Cafรฉ. Sorry you have been having a wobble but Im sure by this time next week you will be feeling much better about it. We will all be thinking of you on Monday and sending you supportive hugs x
    Right, I'm off to get on with my CC. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  14. This is very beautiful. I've just created my own website to sell some pop-up cards. They're absolutely beautiful. If you are interested in pop-up cards. It is exactly what you are looking for: happy birthday pop up cards, pop-up cards
