
Saturday 22 October 2016

At last I can reveal all ! & Day 2 of Cheryl's adventure !

Good Morning Ladies,

Something a little different this Saturday, I hope you don't mind.

Now I know that most of you ladies are fantastic stampers and have no problem getting a perfect image every time, but there are a few of us that despite our very best effort cannot get a perfect image every time we stamp.  Mind you I will add that the Stamps that I bought from Stampin Up do seem to stamp fine (even for me)!!
Anyway there are a few of us that have this.........
On our wish lists, but the huge price tag is a little off putting, particularly as so many of us have so many 'guaranteed to solve' tools in our craft stash, most of the reviews are good though.  
So I have been doing a bit of research into alternative solutions to this problem, I bought this....
But to be honest neither Sue or myself  found it to be successful, maybe we were pressing too hard or not hard enough but boy we tried as it wasn't cheap either, I have the large one and it was over £25 ! 

While searching through the internet I came across a "Copycat" 'Misti' tool, it consists of this 
Hemingsbo opening Picture Frame

It costs £3, yes that's all !! With the addition of a couple of extra inexpensive bits and pieces you have yourself a very useful stamping tool! 

I added 
Perspex 2mm

A sheet of 2mm Perspex in the 'window' of the frame as the piece of thick acetate that comes with the frame is not very strong and moves in the frame, the 2mm perspex is a lot better fit and is much stronger when inking up your stamps. It cost me £1 per sheet (measured to fit).  I also added a thin sheet of tin that Paul cut from a sweet tin for me, but magnetic sheet would work fine, I topped that with a thin sheet of 'funky' foam to make a better surface to stamp clear stamps on.  You can also add a loop of ribbon to the inside of the frame to make it easier to open and close.
There are a few good videos on YouTube about using this frame as a stamping tool.

Our Brenda went and bought one on Wednesday and has made a few modifications to hers, adding perspex 
Brenda's Stamping Frame
Brenda has printed off a Grid sheet from the internet to pop inside the frame, which would help with making sure your stamps are straight.  Brenda used low tack tape to hold her paper down, as it tends to lift with the stamp.
Strong magnets would also work if you have a magnetic sheet behind the funky foam too. (That's what the Misti uses)

Here are a few of my first attempts.......

I stamped the snowflake first then the flourish & Sentiments

I die cut star first THEN Stamped image on

First Stamp (not perfect)

Second stamp perfect image

I then added a flourish !

I was so excited once I started stamping with this new tool, I never have success with stamping, all of these stamped images were made busing clear stamps, it is so reassuring to know that if you don't get a perfect image first time,  you can confidently stamp again, getting a perfect image! As you can see from above even the silhouette stamps (butterfly) even came out perfectly.  
The Kraft card star I die cut first and then was able to accurately add the detail stamp afterwards, how amazing is that ??! (Can you tell how excited I am!!??

So if any of you want to buy one they are from IKEA, the frame is called 'Hemingsbo' and costs £3. 
I am going to order a A4 thin metal sheet and some strong magnets, when I find a good deal I will add the link here.  
Having said that mine is working fine as it is, I would just like to have the base more securely fixed.

It really does work though ladies ! 
Day 2 of Cheryl's Adventure

Cheryl travelled from New York to Philadelphia and then on to Washington DC, 
Here are a few of Cheryl's photos from day 2......

Cheryl's Amazing Hotel

Hotel Entrance

Faith, Hope & Charity Memorial 

I am pretty sure you all know what all of the photographs above are of, Hopefully Cheryl will pop in and tell us all about her day in Washington DC.
Thank you so much Cheryl for sharing your adventure with all of us xxxx
PS...did yoiu buy those Chandeliers??? I could imagine them hanging in your downstairs loo !! Haha

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that's a great Frugal Friday tip! I don't do enough stamping to justify buying the MISTI but your version would be perfect.

    Cheryl-lovely photos, recognise the one from Washington.

    We have a lovely day here, looks like it's going to be sunny. I need to call at the butchers to collect my order then I'm meeting my friend at Dobbies so that will be the morning gone!!


  2. What a superb idea! Like MICHELE I don't stamp much and this would be ideal especially with stamps like Alte New where you can place the 2nd stamp on top of first stamped image then pick it up with the frame, ink it and stamp I have that sponge thingy that you've shown above and I can't get on with it either
    Off to finish the sketch card now

  3. Your photos are beautiful CHERYL My futer son in law went to all these places when he and his friends did Route 66 I couldn't believe how big that statue of Abe Lincoln is!

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous idea for the stamping tool - looks great and a fraction of the price of the Misti! May have to look into doing this :-) Enjoy playing with your stamps and your new cutting machine :-)
    Fantastic photos from your trip to Washington DC, Cheryl.
    A lovely selection of craft goodies yesterday. Enjoy :-)
    Hope alls well with everyone and have a lovely day. Hugs to you all xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Back home last night after a lovely but very tiring few days.We walked our socks off. Visited Gibralta. So interesting. Great to see bobbies in uniform and red pilllar boxes. Took a trip up to the top of the Rock in a cable car - very scary. Seeing the apes was lovely. Lots of little babies riding on their mums back or being carried, oh so cute. Coming down in the cable car was even more scary. Visited Malaga . Had a boat ride, saw the Picasso Museum and visited a Moorish Castle and saw a Flamenco Show. Went to Marbella and ogled at the film star type houses and the magnificent boats in the harbour. How the other half live eh. Even 4 cokes were twice the price as anywhere else.
    Anyway it's good to be back for a rest.
    Hope everyone is well. Will catch up later on today.
    Lovely idea of a faux Misti today Sandra. Funnily enough a lady at craft class was talking about this a few weeks ago. Such a great idea and lovely images you've done. Sadly we don't have an Ikea near me but I definitely get one when I'm next in the UK.

    Love your photos Cheryl. Beautiful hotel and that Abe Lincoln statue looks enormous.

    Well I'm having a day if doing nothing today. Mind you I have to make a birthday card for my cousin so maybe I can incorporate it in this week's cc.

    Just off to read what you've all been up to this week.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I didn't realise that your trip to IKEA was to buy this. I hope you received my email before you went. As you'd rung while I was taking Doreen shopping. I couldn't wait for Pete to get off his iPad. Look forward to seeing it in action.
    Cheryl I love your pictures of Washington. Your hotel looks amazing. Was it a trip you organised yourself?, as it must have taken ages to put it all together, or did a travel company do it for you?.
    Gentle hugs for Janet, Maria and Lynda and anyone else in need of one today. Down in Bournemouth for the weekend before Pete has his scans on Monday.

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    Another beautiful day here so I must get out in the garden and make the most of it.
    Sandra , your stamping idea looks amazing and the results are perfect, definitely worth trying.
    Cheryl , your photos are fantastic memories of what must have been an exciting and wonderful holiday, I've never been to Washington but would love to go , also your hotel looks stunning!
    Tollie is scratching at my legs for me to take him out so I'd better go.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I did not get in yesterday,virgin were doing some maintenance in area so it was hit & miss, I lost 2 long posts so gave up.
    It is lovely that you had a meet up with Maria & Ric. The cut & scan sounds interesting & your buy at Ikea sounds even more interesting must investigate. Have fun with
    Cheryl your buys look interesting look forward to seeing what you produce. Your photos look great. Hope you are feeling
    Lynda you have bought some lovely bits again,
    Brenda your buys are great & thank you for the tip about plastic sheets great idea will definitely be looking to get
    My gemini is working well, I have tried embossing a die but only the died that were included& they were fine. Crafters Companion said that yes the mat does get cut, because of the pressure, so I should play around with taking mat out & using paper shim!!! I am going to ask why this is not mentioned in handbook. This aside I do love it so easy & light to use.
    Janet hope you are closer to finding out your problem, hugs on
    Val good to see you had a good
    Must go friends in for coffee this morning, so cafe up & running jacket potatoes in the oven ready for lunch.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Morning Sandra and all.
    Hope you all have a good day, it seem to get rather nice here so will have a walk to the post office later.
    Beautiful stamping by a photo frame Sandra. Send me a list what else I need to make it up when you have all the bits together ,please.
    Lovely photos from DC Cheryl and your hotel there must have been amazing. Hope you pop in and tell us how it was. Interesting little trips you always going on :-)
    Pat- hope you have a nice time in Bournemouth.
    Anne- bet Tollie must have missed you when you were on holiday. Who was looking after him for you ? What part of Spain did you go too ? Sorry, I'm still the snoopy one. Not the Skinny-Lizzy one, I don't think I ever be :-)
    Sue, big gentle hug. Hope you pain is lighter today. I must say that the steroid inj. have helped a lot. Hardly any pain in knee or calf. Now is it just the rest of the body who need some needle work.
    Missing you Janet, hope you feeling up too see us soon. Herman managed to get through the door last night and made a bit of a mess (of the nr.2 nature) but I spent all morning cleaning it all up and sterilised the floor so it should be safe to have the cafe' open again :-)
    Take care everyone, love and many hugs Maria Xxxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I'm sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday it was one of those days, I didn't even get into the craft room. Best laid plans come to mind. Thank you for the great info about Ikea Hemmingbro frame. Ladies on Wednesday, when we were on the school run, I had a text from Sandra, saying that you can make a Misti style stamper for £3. I was keen to find out how it was possible, so rang Sandra to ask how? It just so happens our journey to and from our daughters takes us past IKEA in Croydon. John was driving at the time, his reaction was "oh no we haven't got to go into Ikea have we" he knows I can spend ages in there. But I was on a mission, found the frame, also picked up some serviettes and a bag of Dimes ( Sweets) we were in and out very quickly.
    Thursday I had great fun playing with my new toy, which I would say works as well as any of the Misty demos I have seen. I did add a piece funky foam also a sheet of graph paper (downloaded free off from the Internet) also I've used one of my A4 Perspex sheets, so I can add more pressure when inking my stamp. I really feel I have a bargain. So a big big thank you Sandra. XX

    Cheryl your pictures are lovely, what an amazing trip that this must've been. Thank you so much for sharing LOL

    But think it's time for a drink now, so I'm off to put the kettle on.
    Sending caring hugs and love to everyone, Brenda XXX

  11. Hello all, been a lovely day here, washing all dried just waiting to ironed.

    I have been waiting in all day as a Lego set I ordered was supposed to be here today, but hasn't arrived , good job it's not Oscars birthday until next month, so annoying.

    Sandra love the idea of your of your faux Misti, I have the real one but this looks just as good, the Misti has two very strong magnets which really hold the paper really tightly.

    Cheryl your photos look amazing, always wanted to go to the states, but too late now, glad you had a lovely time.

    Been sorting things out in my craft room, realised just how much patterned paper I have , will never use it all.

    R on the way home from meeting in Leicester, so late dinner tonight.

    Hope you all have a lovely rest of Sat, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well not sure where my day went someone pinched it. Went for our walk lovely sunny day little chilly but had really walk.
    Sandra you stamping is amazing with your Ikea home mad Misti sounds great & Brenda sounds like you have mastered it so well with your tweeking xx
    Thank you both for sharing.Cheryl your photos are beautiful & your hotel looked amazing you must have so many lovely memories.
    Maria pleased the steroid injections have helped & you are our Skinny Lizzy you have done so well with your weight loss. Xx
    Had a lovely eavening yesterday with Darren Sam & HARRY he is talking a lot clearer now. He gets so excited when he Uses his potty he said Nannie Nannie I did a wee in my potty look.๐Ÿ˜ love him. I was looking at some photos of Darren at the same age As Harry I showed them to him & he said it's Harry not Daddy.
    Made a card today with one of my new Sheena's embossing folder's I'm pleased with it. Made a note too self Tidy up craft room tomorrow๐Ÿ˜ซ✂️๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ’ฃ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ–จ๐Ÿ“ธ
    So I must remember to read it HaHa.
    OOO just been given a cupper so I'm off to drink it.
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hello all,
    Oh Lilian what a annoying thing to happen . Hate when they just leave you hanging and can't bother to phone or something. Lucky you ordered it way in time.
    Brenda, my OH would love if I was shopping like you hihi but as you say it is just nice to walk around and see new things and I love it when the Christmas items coming out.
    Pop on the train and come to MK one day if you want a change :-)
    Manged to finish the CC and another little card so quite happy with that. Love the cutouts Margaret,promise I will keep an eye on the little i's ! :-)
    Lynda, hope you had a lovely time with little Harry and many cuddles opportunities.
    Good night my friends, hugs Xxxx
