
Friday 21 October 2016

This Weeks Crafty Shopping.........

My Birthday/Christmas Present

Little add on

My Other Big purchase

Cheryl's Craft Shopping

Cheryl (2)

Cheryl Felting Kit

Lynda's Craft shopping

Lynda's Embossing Folders

Margaret's New toy

Margaret's dies and Embossing folders

Brenda's Shopping
Good Morning Ladies,

Oh I did have a lovely day yesterday, I got to shop at Ikea and meet with Maria and Ric, which was a huge bonus, we chatted for a good couple of hours, but as we are all aware when we get together there is never any shortage of conversation, I must say though I think that Paul and Ric chatted more than Maria and I !
After meet ups like we had yesterday it always sets me thinking about how amazing it is that two years ago we were all strangers and now its like meeting with up with old friends, we talk about family and all the many interests that we all share, just as though we have been lifelong friends.
I am so grateful that this blog has created such wonderful friendships xxx thank you ladies xxx

Now onto the shopping.......

I am sure that you had all guessed that Paul had bought me a Scan and Cut, its the one that was on offer on Create and Craft last week, the first one they bought out, but it updates to the same spec as the cm900, the only difference is it isn't wireless, it won't scan a 24 inch mat and the screen is a little bigger!  All of those things I can live without, so when I have finished reading the manual, I will get busy putting it through its paces!  I bought the universal pen holder while it was on half price too, I thought that I could get write with a versamark pen, add embossing powder and heat, if it works it means that I can emboss names and sentiments etc, watch this space! 
After much pondering and watching pencil reviews I decided to go for the Derwent Coloursoft pencils, they seem fantastic so far! 

Cheryl went to the Craft4Crafters Show at Bath and West Show ground and bought herself some lovely new things, 
Some gorgeous fabric, Lace, Fantastic Habico Stamps (I love them) and Red line tape. 
Some more fabric and a Needle Felting Kit (I think) with all of the wool fibres that you need to do the needle felting, I can't wait to see what you make Cheryl, I have seen some amazing needle felted pieces.  Thank you for sharing your shopping with us xxx

Lynda, you have bought some gorgeous goodies this week I love the Sheena Embossing Folders that you have bought, I have rediscovered Embossing folders recently, they are more versatile than I used to think, Sheena comes up with some fab, inspirational demo's too.  Sue's Tree folder is amazing too, you will love the Fluffy Puffy stuff, don't do what I did and add too much though, I ended with an avalanche of snow on my cottage, Hahaha.  I look forward to seeing the Inkyliscious Silhouette stamp used on a card, I think it will look fantastic with one of your sunset style back grounds Lynda,
thank you so much for sharing xxx

Margaret, Ohh exciting new buy for you, The lovely Gemini machine, I look forward to your review on it, you got a lovely selection of dies and embossing folders too.  I bet Sue is looking forward to playing with it too, I know what will be next on her craft shopping list!  Thank you so much for sharing your new toy with us xxx

Brenda has bought some sheets of Perspex this week for storing her stamps on, an idea that Ali Reeve uses for her stamp storage and a fantastic idea as it is strong enough to stand up in a box yet light enough to take in and out, Its a fantastic organisation Idea that I think I may need to copy, there is another great use for these sheets of Perspex too.  I will reveal that tomorrow. thank you Brenda for a fabulous storage solution xxx

Right ladies I know I said I would reveal all about my Ikea bargain today, but I want to do a full post on it, we didn't get back until after 7pm last night, I was excited to have a go with my new toy and it worked straight out of the packing, but I think it needs a couple of tweeks, so I will be giving it a good try out today and with some of Brenda's input I will do a full post on it tomorrow, explaining all about it.  Hopefully you will find it helpful. Sorry to make you wait my lovelies.

Anne, welcome home my lovely, I hope you had a lovely holiday, we missed you xxxx

Janet, huge hugs winging their way to you too my lovely xxxx

Love and Hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Wow-some lovely purchases on show today. I can't wait to hear about both die cutting machines as I'm still waiting for Spellbinders to release a date for the motor for the Platinum machine.

    Yesterday at work was fine until my Dad turned up -that set me into a panic! He'd had a Physio therapy appointment so he thought he'd pop in to tell me all about it. I then heard all about it again when I rang him last night!
    Not sure where my evening went, think someone stole it.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm not surprised that you paniced when you saw your Dad at work, we always think the worst when something like that happens. Glad that he was just saying hi, sorry you had to hear about his Physio twice though : /.
      I hope you will get to do what you want over the weekend instead of someone stealing your time : ) x

    2. Hi Michele. that must have worried you to see your dad at work. Glad it was only to say what they did for him at physio x 2. Hope your day is fine and you will have a calm and nice crafting weekend xx

    3. I'm so glad your dad was OK It does freak you out a bit when that happens I used to work in an Acute Hospital with a big A&E ....

    4. Thank goodness your dad was ok and only wanted a chat Michele. My Mum repeats herself all the time now so I wouldn't worry too much just lend your ears occasionally. lol xxx

  2. Hello Everyone, early this morning, have to be at the opticians at 9am, for my new glasses.

    Too dark to see what the weather is doing, hate this time of year, I think I was born to hibernate!!!!!

    O/H of to Leicester today for a meeting tonight, and not home until tomorrow evening, so might get out my scan and cut and see if I can get more out of it, watch this space.Sandra hope you enjoy yours.

    Glad you managed to meet up with Maria yesterday and that you had a lovely time at IKEA, would love to go sometime, they are talking about building one at Exeter, so that will suit us better.

    Janet healing hugs on the way to you, we miss you hope the Drs help soon.
    Hugs to all, especially those who are under the weather at the moment, I understand there is a nasty virus rearing its ugly head again this year, Son and Family were laid low last week.

    Will pop in again when back from opticians, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope that your new glasses are ok, bet paying for them was painful though!
      Enjoy just playing with your Scan and Cut, that's the best way to find out how it works, rather than trying to make something in particular.
      These dark mornings are horrid aren't they. We live in the wrong climate, maybe we should go and stay with Val for the winter months? X
      Yes, there are a couple of nasty bugs doing the rounds here too. Fingers crossed we all avoid it x

    2. Hi Lilian, hope your new glasses will work fine and you have a nice day playing with your Scan and Cut.It was pitch black here too when I got up this morning, hate it. It looks like it could be a nice day otherwise. Take care xx

    3. I hope you have more luck with your glasses than me! I'm very interested in getting your feedback re ScanNcut too

    4. Hi Lilian, I don't think I want any more bugs this year. I did manage to get a doctor's appt, had light probes in my ears and up my nose, result is the infection in my sinuses is till there and it has passed down the tubes to my ears (Eustachian tubes I think is the technical name) which is the root cause of the giddiness, so back on ABX and a Beconase nasal spray. Hopefully these will work. xx

  3. WOW! What a lot of great shopping So glad you had a fab time with MARIA too SANDRA You are so right about the friendships we've made
    I had sort of guessed you'd bought a ScanNcut I was sorely tempted but thought it's still a bit pricey for somebody that makes the occasional card! Then blow me down OH said that ai should have got it! I am extremely interested in your thoughts as ( I think I've said before) that I bought one at the very beginning Didn't find Mel or John very helpful - but it was new With hindsight it need recallibrating which apparently is easy to do nowadays Will your pencils work in it? Maybe next time - because I'm sure it'll be on offer again

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Boy, what wonderful buys you ladies have had the last week or so. have fun Sandra playing today.
    Love all your EF's Lynda, honestly if you bought anything in duplets I have a nice smoke free home for them here :)
    Cheryl going to be busy, looking forward to see what you make with the felts. Gorgeous stamps too. Margaret- enjoy your little Gemini ,no handle to turn I see. Nice dies and EF's too.
    Brenda, nice stamp buy's as well. Have 'fun',take your time sorting out your stamps on to the perplex and tell us how it goes. Really need to find something else for mine as they keep falling off in my album which weigh a ton to lift.
    I hope know one has got the bug yet that seem to go around and that most of you have had the flujab. I wish you all a good day and sending many warm hugs to you all,
    Maria Xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Some lovely guilty secrets this week.
    Sandra, have fun with your Scan and Cut. If you need any help with it Chris said that he isore than happy to come over and show you how it works (he used a larger professional version for sign making for years for the those of you that didn't know) Your pencils look lovely, so many beautiful colours, I would like to have a play with them next week. I'm glad you had a good day yesterday, both with getting to spend time with our lovely Skinny Lizzy and getting the Ikea goody. Can't wait to have a play with it : ) X
    Cheryl, some lovely goodies for you this week. I love the materials and the stamps. Have you tried felting before? Do you have a project in mind for it all? I look forward to seeing what you make. I hope you are feeling much better now x
    Lynda, I love the embossing folders you have got this week. I bet you will come up with some gorgeous cards, looking forward to seeing them x
    Mum, I bet you have been putting your new toy through its paces, if you have had time that is. Sorru I won't be down today, joints aren't being nice, this weather doesnt help does it! Love you xx
    Brenda, thank you for showing us this great storage for stamps. Most of mine are in jumble in a box, which means it takes ages to find the one I want, that's part of the reason why I don't stamp much. Hope to change that soon when I get organised! Have a good day x
    A gentle day of crafting for me as my joints aren't so good. Sending love and hugs to all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow! What a great selection of goodies this morning , you really have been busy shopping!
    Sandra , I hope you get lots of pleasure from your Scan n Cut it will be interesting to hear how you get on with it, I've never been tempted by any of these machines as they seem too complicated and expensive for me , but you never know? Lol!
    Margaret, Lucky you! I would love to know what you think of your Gemini , when my Grand Caliber is past it I think I would like an electric machine .
    Cheryl and Linda , I'm looking forward to seeing all your creations with your new stash , you certainly won't be lost for something to do.ha ha !
    The Perspex sheets look a good idea for stamp storage Brenda, I just keep mine in small open boxes in catagories as best I can, but I keep my dies on magnetic sheets fixed to the walls in my craft room and also in Art Boxes ( I find them really good) I did try the folders with the magnetic sheets inside but the plastic holding them was too flimsy so I cut down the magnetic sheets and glued them onto cardboard cut to fit the Art Boxes and it has given me lots of storage.
    I also bought some stash from the C&C sale ( they arrived when I was on holiday) I was so desperate to try them out I forgot to take photos but I got 3 sets of Tonic dies and 2 tattered lace sets and some stamps .
    I need to make an 80 th birthday card for Iain so I'd better get my thinking cap on, also I never got the ironing done yesterday as we had to go for our flu jabs .
    Well I better go and get started , thank you girls for the welcome back , love and hugs to all xoxo

  7. Morning everyone,

    Gorgeous day out on Wednesday on a visit to the ss Great Britain with Hinkley REA. So informative was our guide and we also 'went below' the dry dock to see the keel. You don't get the size of the ship until you walk the whole length of what was under water. The great ship looks as though it is suspended in water but in fact there is a glass & steel frame around it with only about 1/2inch of water floating on top, which can be drained off when it rains.

    Such gorgeous hauls ladies, you have done me proud lol. I loved these stamps on one stall which were priced at £9.99 each but the show price was £1 ea! Couldn't resist that as they were chosen with men cards in mind.
    The red tapes were another bargain, 16 for £4, laces were priced at £1 per pack and the fabric strips..100g for £1. They will come in very useful when I start quilting pillow cases for my grandchildren made from Pete's shirts. They can snuggle up to granddad every night then.
    The felting packs are for my next 'messy' day with Joseph, Tiegan, Alexia & Mackenzie. Any suggestions for what they can make for Mummies Christmas presents?
    The very good quality of the thick cotton material in the Christmas design is for a new tablecloth. I have had a suggestion that could embroider in red on the narrow borders around the squares.
    My next bargain which I will not post about until it arrives at the end of this month.
    Same quality cotton in the other designs are to make a lined shopper/craft bag for Tiegan and Alexia's Christmas presents, any left overs will hopefully make matching purses and brolly covers.

    Will leave you now to carry on with a big clear out in my bedroom, I am downsizing the number of tops I have into a charity bag. I don't wear them all save for a couple of times each in the warmer months.
    Then I will have some free time later to finish off the wedding ring and card for my niece and soon-to-be husband.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. What a lovely idea to make quilts with their granddad's shirts Cheryl Never ever tried felting so I can't wait to see what you do with it

  8. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Wow love all today's shopping Sandra I hope you get on ok with your scan & cut & use it more than Margaret she's only used it a couple of times & it cut into the mat so never used it again she didn't get any help from Mel when she emailed her about it. Margaret hope you love using the Gemini & your dies & embossing folders a great purchase. Cheryl love all your buys too What a brilliant idea making quilts from their grandad shirts they will love them. Your so clever xx Brenda good buys great idea with your stamp storage. Where did you get the Perspex sheets from ? Please Brenda. I have mine in folders but they ar so bulky with all the packages so I think yours is a better idea.
    Pat we didn't do shopping yesterday HaHa when T got off computers he said we will go tomorrow so went this morning. After his blood test.
    Darren Sam& Harry are coming later about 5ish so looking forward to that
    Will make a lasagna for 🍴 dinner. I'm going to make the CC now so will see you later Love Lynda 🤗Xx

    1. Hello Lynda,
      I got them from Perspex
      On the web site tap in Clear Perspex - Rectangle.
      Then select thickness, mine are 2mm which is thick enough.
      You then have to put in dimensions A4 is
      Then select finish. basically, do you want the edges polished or any holes drilled, this will add to the cost so I declineed any extras.

      I have gone around the edges with an old Emery board, as they were a bit sharp in places, that was no big deal. I know John would've done it for me had I asked, but sometimes I just like to do things for myself. He will often say, almost in frustration you are an independent what is it. Ha Ha - He loves me really !!!

    2. Sorry Lynda, I was going check the A4 size it is - 210 x 297 mm or in inches 8.3 x 11.7 sorry hope I haven't confused you. LOL

    3. Hi Lynda my flower,

      Love your EF buys too. Oooh, I can think of so many cards for them. Are the others stencils? xxx

    4. Hi Brenda thank you for the info on the Perspex inwill check them out.
      Your a star Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    This morning I lost a long comment, and as we were about to go out I had to abandon my message, which was very frustrating to say the least.

    So pleased you manage to meet up with Maria yesterday and a bonus that Ric could also come along, it must have been great for Paul to, he is very patient, and I have to say good company even when it's all female company, so it must have been a real bonus for him to have male company this time. XX

    Sandra, I'm sure you're having great fun with your Scan and Cut. There seems so much to take in, but I know you will master it. Now your pencils are going to be a great investment, I'm sure your daughters will be more than pleased with this purchase.

    Cheryl, what a lot of interesting items you have for this week, I can see hours of activity there, have fun XX

    Lynda, I like those embossing folders, and your Inkylicious goodies look great. Wish we could have a day when we could all play together, now wouldn't that be fun. XX

    Margaret I am sure you're enjoying playing with your Gemini cutting machine, it really looks great and much more compact than any of the others. Looking forward to hearing your opinion On it, as I've said before I would really like one of these. But cannot justify the expense at this time. XX

    My crafty purchase was 10 A4 Perspex sheets. It was the young lady on the Inkylicious stand at AP who put the idea into my head, she was storing her dies on A4 Perspex for her demos, even when she had to lift several sheets up to find a die she wanted it didn't seem a hassle. So let's see how it works for me. I found the sheets on-line A4 2mm thick costing £1 each. That was the cheapest I could find them.

    I'm off to spend an hour in my craft room. hoping to achieve something in that short space of time.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  10. Hi Brenda,
    What a good idea you have in using Perspex. I'll definitely check out that site. xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl they are all Sheena Douglas embossing folders no stencils
      Glad you had a good day at your craft show.
      Hug's Lynda xx
