
Thursday 20 October 2016

Two Stunning Christmas Cards From Brenda

Brenda's Christmas Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

We are going on a little adventure today, hopefully we will get to meet up with Maria at the same time.  IKEA is our destination, but instead of going to Bristol as we usually
do we thought we would go to Milton Keynes, that way we get to meet up with Maria too, making the adventure much more fun!  
The 'thing' we are shopping for could save you a fortune, well at least £60, I will reveal all tomorrow on Frugal Friday.

Now onto today's cards, aren't they amazing?! 
I am biased as I love kraft card, I think it gives a modern, almost Scandinavian feel to a card. 
The die that Brenda has used is Desire 'Create a card' die, " Peace on Earth", I love it, its perfect for batch card making too. After die cutting the Kraft card you can just pop a piece of white or coloured card behind the die cut, this highlights every detail of the die cut image. 
So Brenda has die cut a piece of Kraft card, added it to a mat of white card, then attached some gorgeous double sided ribbon top and bottom, tucking it around the back and attaching with tape, this panel is then attached to the front of the Kraft card blank. Brenda has then added a knot to either end of the ribbon and adding a die cut bauble for decoration. The top card has a MDF Dove, that's delivering the "Peace on earth".
Brenda I love both of your cards, I am going to go and have a play with my "Peace on earth" die now. Thank you so very allowing me to share your cards. xxx

Maria, I hope your Injection goes well this morning, see you later xxx

Don't forget your crafty shopping photos ladies!

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-two gorgeous cards, they're really lovely.

    Yesterday was busy at work so the day went really quickly. I got as far as looking on Pinterest last night for inspiration for the challenge card but that was it. No time tonight as I'm doing the Tesco shopping then ringing my Dad. Will ring hubby as he's still in Scotland then will have to put the shopping away.

    It's very dark this morning-doesn't make you want to go out!


    1. Hi Michele. I hope todays work goes as quickly as yesterday for you. Good luck with the shopping and the putting away. Not my favourite job so I will be thinking of you. I hope you get to have a nice chat with hubby and the phone call to your Dad goes well x

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a good a day today as yesterday,

  2. Hello All, early today as I am going to see my friends for a crafting day.

    Brenda love your cards, really thought they were texture paste, also find the sentiment very appropriate as there seems to be so much unrest in the world just now.

    Hoping to do some C. Cards today, and the challenge card also, but we do a lot of chatting so not sure how much I'll get done.

    Maria hope the injection goes well, do you have to keep your weight off for a few days? If you manage to meet up with Sandra, hope you have a lovely time.

    Sandra you are teasing us again, can't think what you will get from IKEA that will save us money, very intrigued, our nearest one is Bristol, which is a 2hrs + journey, so have never been, maybe one day.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I don't need to wish you a good day with your friend crafting as it is one of the best ways to spend a day, isn't it : ) x

    2. Hi Lilian we also have a great time crafting, well that's amid the talking and laughing.

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Love your cards Brenda, like Lilian I thought at first glance they were texture paste too, the gorgeous ribbon you have used finishes them off beautifully.
    We have had a wonderful holiday but now back to reality, unpacking Washing and ironing 😬 ! I also have to get ready to go down to Glasgow on Tuesday ( my first trip alone in two years as I didn't like to leave Iain on his own after his big operation , but he's fine now ) I'm going to stay with a friend and go to the Craft show in the SECC and return home again on the Saturday, so I'm looking forward to it.
    Hope you all have a lovely meet up !
    Good luck Maria with your injection , I hope it helps xo
    Also hope Janet you get good news xo
    Havent managed to catch up with everything yet but I'll try !
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. It's good to have you back in the Café. Will we get to see any photos of your holiday? The washing and ironing after a holiday always brings you back down to earth with a bump, doesn't it! At least you have next week to look forward to, it sounds like you will have a great time with your friend and at the show. How many guilty secrets will end up in your basket I wonder? : ) X

    2. Hi Anne
      I hope you enjoyed your holiday. We need a washing and ironing genie to do it for us don't we.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous cards from Brenda, love the die cut sentiment. I love the little baubles too, they are so sweet, who are they by, please?
    Lovely cards yesterday too from Sue and Margaret.
    Hope you manage to meet up with Maria at IKEA, have fun.
    Anne, glad you had a lovely holiday.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Like you I love those tiny baubles...something else for my Christmas wish list! Have a good day x

  5. Phew! I'm glad I wasn't too late texting Hav a great day and hopefully you'll have two reveals - whatever IKEA brings and that early Christmas present you mentioned earlier in the week
    Enjoy your Craft show ANNE
    And today's cards are beautiful I think I got my head around the explanation They are gorgeous BRENDA
    VAL I owe you an email - thank you
    Enjoy your day and the trip to IKEA is fruitful!

    1. Hi Karen. I always find that written instructions are easier to follow when you are actually doing them (if that makes sense!)Hope you have a good day x

  6. Good morning Sandra and all.
    Beautiful cards Brenda, thought first is was a stencil and you had used paste, very nice.
    Glad you had a nice holiday Anne. Enjoy the craft show. I'm thinking of going to the NEC one, will see if the pennies allow.
    Have things to do before going out so best jump in the shower.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up too, love and hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria/Skinny Lizzy. I hope the injection goes well and that you feel the benefit of it. I'm sorry that I couldn't come to see you today but am sending you a big hug x

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you & Paul have a fruitful trip to IKEA, & a lovely meet up with Maria, look forward to hearing all about
    Brenda your cards are lovely, very elegant I am growing to really like the craft card very versatile, I have that sentiment die as well & love it. Thank you for sharing with
    Shopping again this morning, it would be great if we didn't have to food shop wouldn't it.
    Anne pleased you had a lovely holiday, enjoy your time in Glasgow & the
    Cafe up & running hugs on way to all who need them especially Janet, love

    1. Hi Mum. We would have so much more crafting time if we didn't have to food shop, or have to cook(except when we wanted to) wouldn't we. Love you xx

  8. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Brenda I love both your cards beautiful that's a lovely die.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I did actually I did a comment twice last night but when I pushed publish they both floated up in cyber space & didn't publish so sorry I gave up. Sue & Margaret's cards yesterday where both gorgeous. Maria I hope your injection helps you good luck I have everything crossed for you. Have a lovely meet up with Sandra at IKEA looking forward to seeing what your buying that will save us money. Not much going on today Tesco shopping then our walk. Then craft room must do CC today. I had a nice time yesterday round Margaret's I cut some snow globes out they are a lot smaller than I thought but are quite nice & I embossed some card with the Nordic square folder so will try & make some C cards too.well must get a wiggle on & clear up
    Janet hope you get some answers soon sending you some Hug's �� �� xx
    See you all later love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Thank you for your kind words about my card : )
      I see you are food shopping too, think of the crafting you could be doing instead! It sounds like you have got lots of bits ready to make some Christmas cards this afternoon. Is the snow globe die Sue's one? Have a good time x

    2. Hi Sue Yes it's Sues snow globe I will send Sandra a picture of card when I have made it. Well we haven't got to Tesco yet as waiting for Terry to get off his computer so I'm just waiting for him to say we will go tomorrow grrr I tell you I will cut the plug off it. He dose my head in he can't get ready without turning 💻 on.
      🤗 Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      I told you that Terry and Pete must be brothers he was also glued to his iPad this morning. Doing scrabble, he kept saying I'm not ready to rake Doreen shopping yet, so in the end I went on my own as I got fed up with waiting. Looks like you had a lovely time with Margaret cutting out snow glad bes.

    4. Ha Ha what are they like men. How is Pete he got his appointment through Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Brenda, what beautiful Christmas cards, simple and elegant. I love the colour combo, the dove and those gorgeous little baubles. Are they a die? Thank you for sharing these lovely cards x I'm really sorry that I couldn't come with you today to visit our lovely Skinny Lizzy, and visit Ikea (that might be good though as there are always lots of things in there that just want to pop into my basket) I'm looking forward to the big money saver my lovely. Have a good day : ) x
    Thank you for all of the lovely comments about my gingerbread men card. They do make you smile when you see them, don't they?
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling much better and haven't had any more of those horrid dizzy spells x
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Just catching up Work was a real pain this morning So I'm glad to be home Crafting Club tonight So will need to sort out what to take - no knitting on the go at the mo and sort something for MIL to do too I have a couple of ideas for the CC in my head which doesn't always work out does it ladies We'll see ....

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Thank you for showing these cards, they really are so easy, and so great for batch making, as the Die does most of the work. You could also turn this into a larger card very easily, and using the die as your sentiment.
    The small Bauble die was on my shopping list for AP. I can't remember which stand I bought it from. It is called CHARMING XMAS Xmas Bulbs. Company name on the packing is PRECIOUS MARIEKE. I have looked on line and Oysterstamps have it in stock at £2.75

    I hope your trip to IKEA is successful, if not let me know, I could do was go into Croydon IKEA for you. So pleased you will be meeting up with Maria.

    I have been trying to write this message since about 11.00 I keep getting interruptions, the phone on two occasions and my dearly beloveds on others. Also I am working on the project and would like to get The results to Sandra before we go on the school run. Maria I think the gremlins have been stealing the hours in my day again!!!!

    Love and hugs to everyone Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I've ordered a couple of dies from Oysterstamps. But I'm confused as I got an order number from them but no confirming email from them. So I have no idea where there coming from or when. When I looked on the site there was no phone number nor an email address. Originally found a site with a Rochester address but cant find it again. No gremlins at the moment on the internet. I might just get some of these dies to go with the ones I'm buying as I love your cards.

    2. Hello Pat, they have recently moved to new premises. I ordered over the weekend they moved and was surprised when my order arrived just a few days later. xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love Brenda's cards today. I looked at these last week but decided to give them a miss. Might just change my mind now. I hope you manage to meet up with Maria today as well. Hope your injection went well Maria. Hope this will post today.

  13. Hi everyone,
    sorry late with the update but our internet have been down for hours, so annoying when that happens. Had a lovely meet up with Sandra and Paul this afternoon, she is very good because she got me to buy as well what she come to Ikea to buy, a bargain indeed hihi
    Anyone who will come up/down to Ikea in MK for a free coffee/tea/hot chocolate ,midweek are welcome anytime!
    The injection was fine just a little pain when the steroid went in, have been told to take it easy with the walking for a week so must get some other exercise in somehow, just seen the Salsa on Tv so perhaps I will join you Karen for some spins :-)
    Made a CC back home bur as usual I'm not happy so hopefully I will get some time after shopping etc. You are right Sue, we loosing so many hours doing housework, shopping and washing, should take a maid in maybe but then I would loose the money I could use on craft stuff so I guess shopping is still on the agenda for tomorrow, bull :-) Sending special hugs to our Janet, wishing you better. Cheryl, hope you are ok and the bug has left,hugs. Take care all and have a good night xxxx
