
Sunday 2 October 2016

Sketch Challenge Card & Happy Birthday Margaret !

 My Sketch Challenge Cards

The '3' Sketch Theme

Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda lello's Challenge card

Janet's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge Card (2)

Karen's 1st Challenge Card

Karen's 2nd Challenge card

The back of Karen's card

Karen's 3rd Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's 1st Challenge Card

Lynda's 2nd Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's 1st Challenge Card

Michele's 2nd Challenge Card

Michele's 3rd Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Pat's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Sue, Maria & Margaret

Good Morning ladies,

Firstly today I would like to wish our lovely friend Margaret a very Happy Birthday, I  hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends Margaret, I hope you get to eat lots of lovely cake too!  It has been such a pleasure sharing your card making journey with you, I am so amazed at how fast you have mastered so many different Card Making skills, seeing the sheer joy and excitement when you did your first card making shopping trip warms my heart and your excitement and enthusiasm for trying new things is infectious, you are a huge inspiration Margaret, thank you for allowing me to share all of that with you.  Huge birthday hugs on their way to you my Dear Friend xxxx

Well I think that you all enjoyed the 'themed' challenge this week, so may fantastic cards, the good thing about a challenge like is that if you haven't got time to get a card made you can be sure that you can find one that you have done before that fits the challenge criteria. 
So much so that I managed to find cards for Sue, Janet, Pat,  and Val, all of whom were either unwell or too busy or on holiday, but I had cards in the 'archives' for all of them, so thank you ladies for your participation, I wonder if you will remember when you made the cards? 

Anne, I think this card is hilarious, I love the stamped image and the caption is one of those that you have to read twice! haha, thank you so much for taking part, have a wonderful holiday xxx

Brenda, Oh how cute is that Snowman, I know for sure that Sue will squeal with delight at him, she loves her cure snowmen!  Such a cute and gorgeous card Brenda, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Karen, 3 fantastic cards from you this week, thats fantastic, two amazing birthday cards and a really cute Christmas card, I love the personalised back of your cards too Karen.  The Rolls Royce card is fantastic, I would never have thought of that theme for a card, YAY for Serif Craft Artist, I can see how much you missed having it, you really inspire me Karen, I have Craft Artist 1 & 2 and I just can't get the hang of it, can I book you for a weeks tuition? pretty please! Thank you so much xxx

Lilian, I love the floral image on your Challenge card this week, such beautiful Blossom, are they peel off's that you have used in the corners or die cut corners? either way, they look amazing, I sometimes use peel-offs on my inserts and I think that they are something that most crafters have loads of as they were 'the thing' a few years back and we over look them, they can add just whats needed on a card. Thank you so much for finding the time to make a card, have fun with your visitors xxx

Lynda, two fantastic cards from you this week, a fantastic Christmas card and a lovely birthday card too, I love how you have the circles in the ascending sizes and adding the 3,2,1 adhesive gems, it works so well.  the cute buttons are a great addition to the butterfly card to, add a real pop of colour, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Margaret, I love your Christmas card this week, such a pretty snowflake and I love, love, love the font of your 'Merry Christmas'! A perfect Christmas card Margaret, thank you for taking part xxx

Maria, I just love your cute little doggy Christmas card, they look so cozy in their warm Christmas scarves!  Thanks for the lovely photo of you, Sue and the birthday girl (Margaret)! Taken at Ally Pally.  Thank you for rushing to get your card made too,
Good luck at 'ww' this morning, try standing on one leg!!! Haha xxx

Michele, 3 challenge cards from you too this week, I love the Card Candi Christmas Trees, what a fab idea, I love the colour too!  The red baubles are lovely on that embossed background, the contrast base card works so well too.  The background of the 'christmas tree' card is another touch of Michele's genius, it is the waste from adhesive dots!!! works really well Michele well done, have a lovely holiday xxx

Sonia, another gorgeous challenge card from you this week, I love all the little touches you add to your cards Sonia, the die cut panel and the stamped image behind the butterflies works perfectly, 
is that little circular sentiment a stamp set Sonia? they look so pretty with a simple flower in the centre.  Thank you for taking part xxx

Thanks again ladies, Pat, Sue, Janet & Val, I hope you didn't mind me adding your cards in myself, it's seems to have your cards and not use them, they are a great source of inspiration too.

Well I must go and get on with this weeks Sketch Challenge, ooh what to choose this week......!

Enjoy your Sunday ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Margaret-hope you have a fantastic day.

    Brilliant selection of challenge cards-Anne, I just love your card, it would be perfect for my crazy friend.

    Please don't think I sat & made 3 cards this week for the challenge-they're all old ones as I totally ran out of time. The blue/black one was made using the waste of a sheet of sticky dots for the background-Frugal Friday tip!

    The Musical Fireworks were excellent last night and it stayed fine all evening. The very heavy rain during the day caused a few technical issues but other than that the evening was great. Two more companies compete tonight then the judges compare all 8 displays (2 on Friday) then announce the winner. They must all have spent thousands & thousands on their displays-we're very lucky that they hold this national competition here. We have a lot of great events in Southport.

    We have sunshine here already so I might be able to put the patio table & chairs away in the shed once they're dry then will do a quick visit to the greenhouse before tackling the mountain of ironing.


    1. I would have loved to have seen those fireworks I'm a real softie when it comes to fireworks - the pretty ones not the loud ones

    2. Hi Michele, the fireworks sound great. Like Karen, I just love fireworks. The Spanish do some great displays in fact
      hardly a week goes by when there isn't a Fiesta somewhere local. It must cost a fortune but wonderful to watch.
      when is it that you go on holiday?
      Enjoy your Sunday
      Love Valxxx

    3. I too love fireworks, the big once with loads of colour burst into the sky. Hope your packing goes alright and you will have a superb. holiday xxx

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET and to LILIAN and CHERYL eariler in the week
    Today's cards are all truly brilliant and what variations - terrific In my minds eye I wasn't sure if the cc meant three things exactly the same ... I would willingly show you what little I know SANDRA I know I only scratch the surface of its potential Perhaps next time we meet I could bring my laptop with me for a play
    Out dancing this afternoon and OSCAR is coming too It's a gentle session and as it's daylight it gives us a chance to catch up with lots of good friends Evening events it's louder and " thank you for the dance" You don't get the chance to chat if that makes any sense
    Ironing next but I might do a bit of crochet first I've just started making a reindeer from Kerry Lord's " Edward's Menagerie" I can't think who'll I'll be giving it to lol! Have a great day everyone

    1. Enjoy your dancing Karen. Looking forward to seeing you reindeer when you've finished. Love Valxxx

    2. Have fun Karen at the dancing. Can see Oscar going from person to person for some cuddles :-) Have a lovely day xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and all ladies this rather nippy but sunny Autumny morning.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET !! Have a fun and wonderful day.

    Lovely stack of Challenge cards,they all look very good and will have to look back again later. Meeting up with my friend in a minute for ww so we are going in hand in hand with our head hung low, hihi
    Warm cuddles to you all and some really special ones for anyone not feeling so good today.
    I got your e-mail Sandra, thanks.
    Love and hugs, Maria Xoxo

    1. Good luck at ww Maria. So difficult to stay the same weight whilst your on holiday. I know, I've notched up a couple of kilos myself. Never mind there's always next week.
      Love Valxxx

  4. Hello All, lovely day here, O/H playing the organ at church this morning so I have 5 myself.

    Many Happy Returns Of the Day MARGARET, hope it's a lovely one, sorry to take pic of your card for the cc this, limited time due to my visitors.

    All of the cards are lovely so much inspiration there, might gee me up to start C cards, my Sonia die came this week, cut it from silver mirror card ,it's really nice.

    Sandra the corners on my card are metal, a bit tacky but bought a lot metal embellishments from the craft channel, not a good buy as some of them are damaged, should really check things when I buy them.

    We are going to Barnstable for a couple of nights ( north Devon). , this they have wifi in the hotel so will try and keep up with everyone.

    Must get on , hugs to all Lilian

    1. Enjoy your few days away Lillian. Hope the weather is kind to you.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Have a few lovely days away Lilian. I like Devon and their scones :-) take care xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your card & best wishes, without you I would not have met all you lovely ladies or had so much inspiration for my cards, thank
    Please can I thank you all for your lovely cards, I have never had so many, I had a lovely time opening each one, thank
    All the cc are lovely once again & all so different, I can vouch for Lilian's I am the lucky one to receive it, is it painted flowers Lilian they are
    Janet hope you are steadily getting stronger take care healing hugs on
    I am having a quiet day & hope to have a play with my bauble kit I bought at Ally Pally. Cafe all ready for visitors fruit cake & lemon cake in cabinet for later, please call in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Have a wonderful day Margaret. Enjoy crafting with your new bauble kit. Just love fruit cake, thank you, it reminds me of Christmas.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Happy Birthday Margaret, I'm sorry your card is sitting on my desk, it will be in the post later. AND I have now added your birthday date to my list.
      I Hope you have a lovely day, enjoy playing with your bauble kit. Mine made it out of the box, I will get to play with it one of these

    3. Happy Birthday Margaret. Have a lovely day and enjoy your time crafting :-) Hugs xxx

    4. Enjoy your day, hope you don't mind I sent the photo of us angels in to Sandra :-).
      Pop should take you out for a nice lunch or something in the sunshine, hugs xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Really like all the cards today. So many wonderful variations :-)
    Sandra, the circular sentiments are a stamp set from LOTV. I have had them for years and they are so handy. I like to add a little punched flower/heart/snowflake or star in the centre to fit the theme :-)
    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, I'm trying to see how you made your card. It looks like many layers but.... Very nice! Have a nice Sunday xxx

    2. Hi Maria. Thank you :-) It's not too many layers - blue patterned paper with a smaller piece of pink and the blue die cut piece on that. I stamped the image on pink and added the blue frame and placed that over the edge of the blue die cut piece! I hope that makes sense, when I read it back it does sound a lot doesn't it, lol ;-)
      Hope you've had a good day and your son is enjoying his camping - hope he's got some thermals, it's turned really chilly tonight! Hugs xxx

    3. Lol yes it sound a lot of layers hihi
      I doubt son had anything with him too warm so he probably coming home tomorrow with a bad cold (man) as long he drives home slowly. First time he ever driven any further then into town and back, fingers crossed xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET, I hope you're having a great day, I've left you a message on to your post.

    What an amazing display of Challeng cards this week Sandra. They really are all brilliant, and just so inspiring. My Snowman is a Tutti die. About a week ago you asked had anyone used them, I have never even heard of the company. But after a Google search found that Oyster stamps sell them. Pam Simson is on there design team, I have always admired her cards, and often take a look at her blog. She had made a beautiful card using Tutti 'Flowery Heart' YES I had to buy it, also got Fluttering Butterfly Corner. They are lovely dies to use. If anyone would like to have a sample (or two) I will happily cut them out and post them on to you. Just let me know what colour you would like. I blame you Sandra for encouraging me to spend my money!!!!!!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for my birthday wishes, I have had a lovely time playing with my bauble kit, it is great fun.
      Take xxxm

  8. Afternoon ladies,
    well I can tell you that I put on 1 lbs so happy with that. Afterwards we took ourselves to Costa for a big breakfast or rather a brunch, as it after 11 am so now I don't want to see anything else today.:)
    Had another look at all the cards and I love them all. Lynda's with her pp :-) Michele with her candi, the bauble on is great, Sonia with her colour's and layout. You have all made some wonderful cards. Mine will go to my sister who breeding dogs even if they meant to be foxes I think they work as dogs too. Might just put some little extra bits to it later. I have my son's birthday coming up so will play and see what I can do. I'm home alone as OH has gone to see football in London and Son is down in ?(where the big cat was on sightings,was it near Bodmin ?) anyhow he's out camping the nutter. It must have been pretty cold last night, brrrr!
    Take care all, xxx

    1. Bodmin is just up the road from me, it went down to about 7C here last night, hope he has a warm sleeping bag.

    2. I guess he woke up cold this morning then, if he slept at all hihi. They had about 12 miles to walk back to the car, that should have warmed him up a bit. What idea to go camping in the autumn anyway, to be young ey xxx

  9. Evening Sandra and everyone.
    Thought I'd just pop in to see what everyone has been upto today.
    Margaret, hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed crafting :-)
    Lilian, enjoy your time in Devon. Hope the weather stays nice for you :-)
    Karen, hope you had a good time dancing and Oscar enjoyed it too :-)
    Hope everyone else had a lovely day too.
    Maria, your picture you posted to Sandra on Facebook made me chuckle - that was so me today! Had a good crafting session yesterday, but I don't know what happened today :-( Everything I started ended up being put to one side for another time. My box of unfinished projects is getting bigger and nearly falling out the craft cupboard. I guess we can all relate, lol.
    Anyway, looking forward to your challenge tomorrow Sandra - maybe I'll be able to make use of some of those unfinished projects :-)) Hugs to all xxx

    1. Posted reg,son further up :)
      oh that was me too today ,tomorrow and every day hihi
      Have a good night and yes ,wonder what we have for tomorrow from Sandra. It does keep us on our toes or something like that, hugs xxx

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    How did your Inkylishous Bauble turn out I haven't tried mine yet.
    We haven't been home long went to my Sons. Had a lovely day with HARRY it's so lovely now he is talking & just love it when he says Nannie melts my heart
    He thinks he is so funny when he says to Terry Stinky Grandad HaHa. Cheeky boy. Sam did a lovely roast lamb dinner. The girls were out Janie (18 ) now has a part time job in a bar/restaurant & goes college Samantha (16) next month was out with her boyfriend both all grown up now.They both love Harry too bits.
    Weather very windy today but sunny but gets quite chilly in the evenings now.
    What a fantastic lot of Challenge cards today all brilliant well done everyone. What's in store tomorrow Sandra I wonder. Hope you have all had a good day
    I'm going to have a nice cuppa see you all later love Lynda xxx
