
Monday 3 October 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

 My Sketch Challenge card (natural light)

 My Challenge card (craft lamp on) shows sparkle!

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

It's Monday again, so you know what that means.........Sketch Challenge time!!!!

This week I created a quite simple sketch for you, I tried to design one that would work well for any occasion, I think this fits that brief, you could use a patterned paper or just emboss a piece of card for the bottom, you could make it into a handbag even (with the top section as the flap of the bag) , I think I am going to make a Christmas card with this design later too.  My main rule is that you must have fun!!
I am excited to see what you can all come up with. You don't even need dies for this sketch, you can stamp your sentiment.  

I am trying to make an effort to do more stamping, I love stamping, sadly it isn't one of my strongest skills, I have been watching YouTube videos about the "Misti" tool, I just wish it wasn't so expensive, I would have one straight away otherwise!  Have any of you got a "Misti" ?  I did see a few videos on making your own version, sadly DIY isn't one of my strongest skills either!  Maybe I could get Paul to have a go?!
Actually I bet Alan (Margaret's husband) could knock us one up in no time, with a bit of input from Sue....... He's one of those amazing chaps that can knock you up anything if you explain the basics, I'm sure this wouldn't tax him too much.  Sue....can you ring your Dad???  If he could just start with one for me, then he can start on the next 15 or so, I'm sure everyone would want one, we'd have to rename it though. 
'Misti' = 'Most incredible Stamp tool invented', I did think of "Palmers incredible stamp tool invention " but "Pisti" doesn't have the same 'ring' (Palmer is Margaret and Alan's Surname)!!    I welcome your suggestions! 

I'm off to play with some new goodies I have received, did any of you order anything from Sue's Hochanda shows on the weekend?  I bought a couple of the 'Frame' style embossing folders and a Christmas Gemini die, from Ben at SETcraft though not Hochanda!  I have been looking for a nice corner embossing folder for a while, I would like a general one too, the two I ordered were Christmas, they are smaller ones too.  I must get a start on making my Christmas cards, I don't usually start until November, I then run out of time an end up buying them, I only make cards for friends and some family, some don't understand the time, effort and expense that goes into making a card.  

Sending love a huge hugs to all of you, especially to those that are under the weather.



  1. Attempt number 3! Love the sketch I think I saw the Misti tool for the first time when I got sidetracked looking for videos on YouTube for Pixie Powder ideas If it is I want one too! Looks especially good for Alte New stamping
    Dancing was great fun Met up with some girlies that we haven't seen for 8-9 months AND a gentleman that we hadn't seen for about 10 years! He used to live in Madrid

    1. Morning Karen,
      I am usually a bit sceptical about expensive tools but love the idea behind this 'Misti' tool, mainly because its designed for the exact thing that puts me off stamping, having something to enable you to restamp as many times as you need to get the perfect image! I have the stamp tool with the sponge feet but don't find it particularly helpful as you have nothing to hold your work in the exact same place.
      I think my trouble is to do with weight bearing, I think that I either put too much pressure on or not enough, due to me not being to steady on my feet, I know that Sue has the exact same problem, which is why I think this Misti thing would work for us.
      Glad you had fun at dance class yesterday, I can just see your proud 'Granny' smile as little Oscar is the centre of attention bless him, he will be the King of Salsa as he grows up with the music and dancing!
      Have a great day,

    2. Hi SANDRA I want a Misti too but as you say very expensive.
      I did see a make it yourself one video on YouTube but it wasn't much cheaper than the Misti. Hug's xxxx
      Karen glad you had a good time at Salsa & meeting up with old friends have a good day Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a great time dancing and meeting old friends. Wish Pete would dance. He used to before but mostly jump jigging around. Doesn't like to do ballroom, Salsa or anything else for that matter.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a great sketch. I'm afraid I won't have time to join in with this one. We're going to get our dollars this morning then start packing the suitcases-someone asked where we're going...Washington DC for a week do this will be last comment for a while. There's free wifi in the hotel (& usually lots of other places) but I don't think hubby will be too thrilled if ignore him and start blog hopping.

    Will be back with you all next Tuesday.


    1. Time for you to relax Michele, enjoy Phil's company for the next seven days and forget about work and any other daily 'stresses'!. I imagine Washington is beautiful at this time of year, I look forward to seeing some lovely photos.
      Have an amazing time my lovely,

    2. Have a fantastic holiday Michele. Will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back :-) Hugs xxx

    3. Have a wonderful time Michele. You definitely deserve a lovely break. Maybe catch a glimpse of the President?

    4. MICHELE have a brilliant holiday & relax. Don't worry about work for the next week just enjoy yourselves. Good luck with the packing.Safe journey. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Michele hope you have a lovely holiday, you deserve

    6. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your holiday in Washington. Look forward to seeing some pictures when you get back.

    7. Michele, Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Relax and Enjoy. xx

  3. Good Morning ladies,
    I have just watched a Barbara Gray show on Hochanda (on catch up)
    She has launched a smaller version of the 'Gelli plate' it looks quite good, Lynda, Anne and Sonia I could see you all enjoying this tool !
    What I was interested in was the new inks I saw on the show, the look like Distress Inks in shape and packaging but they are called "Artistry Inks", have any of you used them? Are they a clarity product? The ink pad itself looks amazing, it has a little storage area for your foam pads included, it looks like someone has looked at Distress inks and thought "how can I make this better"
    I would love to hear what you all think.
    Have a fun day,

    1. Hi Sandra. I did see something about some new inks on the Crafter's Companion email, I think they were linked in with the Gelli plate so prob are from Clarity too. Great idea that they store the foam pads too - am always muddling mine up and forever washing them! Will take a look :-) Thanks for letting us know. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Sandra Barbara Grey has the artistry ink pads on her Clarity web site 4 for £17.99 Hug's Lynda xx

    3. I'd be interested in knowing about these inks too. What with Colour Clouds, Distress inks, Archival, Adirondak I am totally confused. Perhaps this could be one of your review slots SANDRA

    4. I thought Barbara's new inks were her version of Distress inks, and she has added the little sponge. Must admit they do look nice, but I have so many distress inks etc. Most of them rarely see the light of day.

    5. Hi Karen I'm the same regarding ink pads I never know what ones to use. I just use the first one I get out the box & hope for the best lol.
      That's a good idea Karen if anyone knows which ink is for which projec. Xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great sketch for the challenge, will get my thinking cap on! Love your pretty card too :-)
    Enjoy playing with your new goodies Sandra (have you received your papers yet?) I didn't order anything from Sue's shows. I love the look of the border embossing frames too and the holly octagonal die set. I am popping into the craft shop this morning to see if they have them in - need to get some basics, card and adhesive so who knows what else might fall into my basket ;-)
    Just watched a YouTube video on the Misti tool - wasn't sure what it was! It does look fab. Think the 'Pisti' tool sounds good and if Margarets husband can knock some up, I'll gladly have one too ;-))
    Karen, glad you enjoyed the dancing yesterday.
    Maria, I hope you son doesn't arrive home with a cold - frosty here this morning!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card and an "easy" enough sketch so even I should be able to make something.
    Michele- Have a fabulous time in W.DC ! Hope the flight and everything goes without any hick ups. Tell us all about it when you back home.
    Lynda- Love the age Harry is now when they start to speak more and more. Teach him something nice words too, tihi
    Karen- have Oscar got the hip movements right yet ? Watched the Stricktly last night and there are some moves on there alright :)
    Had a beautiful walk this morning, very cold but sunny and the smoke was coming up from the lake while the Swans and ducks floating quietly in the water the white morning dew was glistering in the grass. Wish I had the camera at such a moment. Shower and then we going to the solicitors to sort out some paper work and some coffee out.
    Well wishes to our Janet,hope you feeling better soon. Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Hi MARIA HARRY's big Sister told him to say that to Terry but he did make us laugh & Terry thought it was funny too. Darren told him to say sorry Grandad He also gets frustrated When he wants to say something & can't quite say it so he gets hold of your hand & takes you to what he wants.Love him to bits. Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all. My comment yesterday seems to have disappeared. Hope I pressed publish!!! Anyway loved all your cards yesterday. Got a lot of inspiration.
    Love today's sketch as well. Will have a go later.
    Sandra, I have looked and looked again at the Misti. A marvellous tool but don't know if I'd get much use out of it as although I have lots of stamps it's not one of my favourite things to do. Mind you if I bought one perhaps stamping would become a favorite thing. You can see how indecisive I am ha ha.
    meant to say love the photos from yesterday. Hope you had a lovely birthday Margaret.
    Off for a coffee now with a friend ( my ex hairdresser actually ) who has been back in the UK for a few months because of illness in the family. So lots to catch up on.
    Janet hope you're feeling better day by day.
    Love to everyone.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra like the look of the cc hope to have a go later. I will have a look at the Misti, have no idea what it is
    Thank you all again for my beautiful cards, I have never had soo many I have them all on table in the lounge, thank
    Janet hope you are beginning to pick up hugs on
    Cafe ready for visitors heating on low as it is alot cooler, leek & potato soup for lunch.
    I had great fun playing with the bauble kit yesterday, pleased with the results.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I might think about buying the Bauble kit as I had a play with Sandra's when they came over last week. But I'll look through my stash first just in case I have something similar.

  8. Good morning SANDRA & ladies
    Hope everyone had a good weekend Saterday was horrible rained all day so did't do much just Tesco Yesterday was better sunshine & a lovely day at my son's. The sun is out again but a chilly wind. I have just finished a big pile of ironing so sitting with a Cupper now. Probably go for a walk but I want to spend some time in my craft room got a few idea's in my head well not much else in there HAHA. Going to be good this week & get back on track with loosing some pounds. Well done MARIA at WW I need to do exercises for toning up.
    MARGARET glad you had a lovely birthday hope my card turned up today as Terry posted them & he only put a second class stamp on it.Men.
    Well I'm going to have my shower now so will pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry SANDRA your card is gorgeous & I like the Challenge card sketch too will try that as well love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Must do my ironing sometime. Oscar is just at that lovely age now isn't he. Hope Margaret got my card as well. I don't like to put any post in the one up by us, as I've had at least 4 cards that haven't reached there destination. Janet didn't get hers nor 3 others I posted.
      Hope Janet received her last one I send.

    3. Hi Lynda yes I did get it this morning, thank you it is lovely love the poppy, is it a die or another of your lovely creations?. xxx

    4. Hi MARGARET pleased you got your card. The Poppy is a spellbinders Di lite die it is lovely. Xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Well yesterday seemed to have sneaked by when I wasn't looking. I've just looked at all the challenge cards. My word how clever are the ladies. So many cards and each one is different. Even Janet managed to send a card in.
    I haven't quite got my head round this weeks card yet so I'll have another look later.
    Been up to the school this morning to say Petes scans permitting I'll be back at school at the start of the new term.
    I've decided I need the LED light for my Groovi plates. Tried to do one without one on pink parchment, Paul Church said you could see them on the pastels but it's quite hard to see what your trying to do. So I surcummed.
    Gentle hugs to all those who need one especially Janet. Take care my friend.

    1. Sorry Pat I have not received your card yet, nothing new there with local post, yet from Yorks. collected at 5.30pm here by 10.00am next day doesn't make sense to me. Hope Pete's scan is

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. As I didn't get in yesterday I must say how beautiful and inspiring the CC's are. Thank you for showing my card Sandra, I did look twice then thought wow, someone else had made a card just like mine, THEN I saw it WAS mine, lol. And yes Sandra you know me so well, Brenda's snowmen card was my favourite xx
    Brenda, I would like to take up your offer of some die cuts of them, please, in white (as I can't imagine them in any other colour) : ) x
    Mum, your first attempts at the bauble card kit are great, I can see why you enjoyed using it yesterday. Do you think you will have enough time to make them for everyone on your Christmas card list as I know they will be enjoyed by everyone? I'm looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful birthday cards : )love you x
    I must have another look at the Misti then show it to Pop to see what he could come up with. He is still thinking about how to make a die cutting machine that cuts cleanly and easily over the whole board with out it weighing a ton!
    Michele, have a great holiday x
    Janet, big gentle hugs are winging their way to you x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, more than happy to send you some. Will get on to it later. xx

  11. Hi Sandra,

    Your CC card is beautiful. Hope I can rise to the challenge!

    I have looked at the Misti and agree it is expensive, did see a small DIY version made out of an old clear DVD/video case. Might try that, I am not a very confident stamper and any aid would be better and achieve now.

    I didn't buy anything from Sue's shows, was tempted but thought better of it as we have two 18-year-old birthdays coming up and a 21st. so I really had to sit on my hands. Must confess it was difficult!!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love Brenda xxx
