
Tuesday 4 October 2016

A Stunning Anniversary Card and Happy Birthday Lilian !!

Another of our Amazing Anniversary Cards 

Happy Birthday Lilian 

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I would like to wish our lovely friend Lilian a Very Happy Birthday,
I hope that you have a lovely day planned Lilian are your visitors still with you? I'm sure our Margaret will have popped a cake into the cafe for you xxxxx

Today's fabulous card was made for Paul and I for our Silver Wedding Anniversary by Lilian, it has a lovely double pierced frame, the main part of the card is a beautifully intricate die cut that Lilian has cut in Silver, which works so well, the pretty centre piece is a Gorgeous metal heart embellishment,  it almost looks engraved it has that much detail on, a few pretty white flowers is all that is needed for the finishing touches of this stunning card, both Paul and I loved your card, thank you Lilian xxx

Well I am not sure what the plans are for today, I am pretty sure that Pat is coming today as she has dentist tomorrow.  I am hoping and praying that Sue will be able to join us too, if so I think we may try and go for our 'Anniversary meal' as we weren't able to celebrate back at the start of August as Pat was in hospital.  So all being well that's what will happen today! 

I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you have planned, Michele, have a wonderful time away xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Good morning Sandra and everyone coming through the cafe' door today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lilian ! Wishing you all the best and have a lovely day ! xx
    Michele ,you are going to be missed but hope you have a fantastic holiday and we can't wait to hear what you think of Washington. Wonder if you get to meet Obama or his wife if you seeing the white house :)
    Anne- hope you have a fabulous time too. If you near Val say Hi from us all :)
    Sending many hugs to our Janet. Take care and so hope you getting better soon x
    I hope you all have a nice day and if you three Graces manage to get together, have a fun day !
    Have been up since 4, asked hubby if he wanted to go shopping but it was a bit early for him :) doing it later. Not looking so nice as yesterday but going for my walk in a minute. Had a bad afternoon, nothing went my way and my left arm was hurting so bad so nothing got done. Having a scan on the 23d, didn't think they were doing them on a Sunday and I missing ww. Might miss it this Sunday too if we going to Colchester to see my Step-son. Will have to go closer to home on the Monday evening if so because it's no good if not going. Have some idea's for my sons birthday card but not put anything together yet and will have a look at the cc too this afternoon so that me for now. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xoxo

    1. Oh Maria I'm so sorry to hear you're in such pain I know it won't treat the pain but may give you a little relief but have you tried Tiger Balm

    2. Hi Maria. Hope your pain has eased and you have a better day today. Enjoy your walk :-) xx

    3. Hi Maria
      I'm sorry you had a bad night and your arm was very painful. Hopefully the scan at the hospital will pinpoint what's wrong. Take care my friend.

    4. Hi Maria, I'm sorry you have had a bad night, is it worth ringing the hospital to see if they've had a cancellation and can bring your scan forward? I would say it's worth a try you've got nothing to lose. Take care sending you gentle hugs XX

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILIAN O was certainly getting my knickers in a bit of a twist wishing all sorts of people happy birthday in the wrong instances earlier!
    Have a great day whatever you're up to
    Have a fantastic holiday MICHELE Will you be visiting young LOUIE
    Enjoy your meet up ladies Hope we can have another meet up soon

    1. Hi Karen
      I to hope we have a meet up soon as I missed the last one.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday Lilian :-) Wishing you a lovely day xx
    Love your card to Sandra and Paul, it's beautiful :-)
    I hope you have a lovely day with Pat and Sue if you meet up, and enjoy your meal out.
    Michele and Anne have a great time on your holidays.
    Hope everyone is well and has a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Lilian wishing you a very happy birthday & your card for Sandra & Paul is lovely. Hope you are enjoying your few days
    Sandra hope you get your meal out & you all get
    I have put a chocolate sponge with fresh cream in cabinet so hope we can sing happy birthday to Lilian when she pops in. Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Janet & Maria love

  5. Hi Sandra,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lillian hope you have a great day. xx
    Love the card you made for Sandra and Paul, Everything about it is perfect.

    Hope our three graces manage to have a meet up today to celebrate their 'Anniversary ' thinking of you girls.

    Sue, I will post your Snowmen when I go for yet another INR test this morning. Hope you enjoy playing with them.

    Sorry to dash ladies, I will be back later.

    Big hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope your INR test goes ok today.

    2. Hi Brenda thank you for lovely card. Hope your INR test goes

    3. Thank you Pat and Margaret, yes I am now seems to be back on track at last, it's been all over the place the last couple of months. I'm free of blood tests now until the beginning of November.
      Margaret please your card arrived, I'm so sorry I didn't have your birthday date on my Cotswold calendar. LOL

  6. Hi Sandra
    Wishing Lilian a very Happy Birthday today. I hope you have a lovely day today. Will be meeting Sandra today but I don't think Sue will be coming as she has things to do at 12.30.
    Love the card that Lilian made for your Anniversary Sandra.

    1. Hi Pat your card arrived this morning, thank

  7. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Lilian-hope you have a wonderful day.

    Just waiting for our flight to be called then thats it-we're off to Washington.


  8. Hi Sandra & everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILIAN have a brilliant day whatever your doing.💐🎉🎁🎂
    Your card for Sandra & Paul is gorgeous.
    Sandra Sue & Pat have a lovely Anniversary meal hope you can all make it.🍸
    Not sure what's on the cards today probably go for walk we can go on the beach now with Bambie so as the sun is shining might be nice. Started CC yesterday so try & finish that the first one endid up in the bin. Just finished housework OH is still in bed💤💤so going to wake him up otherwise he will still be there at 12oclock. JANET hope your feeling better each day sending you lots of Hug's xx
    Will pop back later Love Lynda xx

  9. Afternoon Ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILIAN, hope you have a fantastic day.

    Arrived home late last night with a stinking cold and chest infection, jumped into bed and woke up about 10 ish, decided to have a lie in then couldn't get back to sleep as brain wide awake with things to do. So first load of washing now finished, a mountain of mail and 23 birthday cards to open with another cuppa Yorkshire Tea, oh how I have missed a proper brew whilst away. The Americans might have 50+ flavours of coffee but do not know how to brew a proper cup of tea. Have been on the PC for over an hour catching up with messages, emails and notices. Now have brain fog. Travel tales to post and photos to send to Sandra later on.
    So many Café post to catch up too. See you soon

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Afternoon all Meant to say earlier that the card you made for Sandra and Paul is gorgeous LILIAN

  11. Hello All, what can I say , I am totally overjoyed with all the cards that I came home to today, I think it's the most cards I have ever had, THANKYOU ALL so much.
    We arrived home a couple of hours ago, we have had a couple of lovely days walking our legs off, going to have fish and chips for supper for birthday treat.

    Will be in tomorrow with my views on the Misti which I have the A 5 size one, as I see Sandra was asking about it.

    Going to put some washing on now and unpack the bags.

    Will be in tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra and all,
    my Internet has been off all day just tried one last time before bed and hey Ho it's working.
    Lillian, hope you've had a lovely day and enjoyed your fish and chips. Love the Anniversary card you made.
    Maria, do hope you had a better day today and your in less pain. Like Karen, I think Tiger Balm is very handy to have in the cupboard. It has eased my back ache on occasions.
    CHERYL,glad you had a good holiday but sorry you've come back with a cold. I think the air con on the plane has a lot to answer for. It seems like every time I fly I end up with a cold?
    Well off to bed now. Have a good night everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Pretty card! Wishing for many more years of parties, love and togetherness. My friend's first anniversary was a great day celebrated with all. Loved her choice of superb event venues Chicago and catering arrangements. Pizza pies and veggie ladles were mouth watering. Even the roasted chocolate and cake designing was a fabulous work done by bakers.
