
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Karen's fantastic Pixie Powder Background card

 Karen's amazing Christmas Card
Background Close up

Good Morning Ladies,

Karen sent me these photos of her first card made with Sue's Pixie Powder and Cosmic glue technique, that she demonstrated on Hochanda on Saturday.
I think that this card is fantastic, the background looks exactly like a moonlit night sky.  
I will copy and paste below the method that Karen Followed.........

Sue spread a fairly thick layer of CS Dries Clear Glue on to black glossy card - I did use CS Foundation card - just prepared one on "cheap" card and will have to see how that looks when the glue dries.
I sprinkled RIch Gold, Midnight Blue and (blow!) was it Peacock Green or Aqua Lagoon....
Spritz lightly with water
Attack it with a heat gun. It bubbles and flattens. As Sue described it you are "cooking" the glue
Leave to dry completely. It did look horrendous before this as the glue was showing through white in places!
I trimmed it to fit behind the die cut and mounted it onto a black card blank.

One tip I will add is when spritzing with water make sure that you cover most of pixie powders without making the whole thing too wet, if you don't the pixie powders will fly everywhere when you put the heat tool on it. (I will let you learn from my mistakes) haha. 

I think that the mix of colours you have got on your piece Karen is perfect, you can see what iris meant to be, I need to get a couple more colours before I have a go, the gold is essential I think, I don't have that colour, or the peacock green!
Karen, thank you so much for sharing your first attempt with us, I had something totally different planned for today's post, but after opening your email I was blown away plus I could 'feel' how pleased you were with it from your email, its not often that we surprise ourselves at how well something turns out, when we do we need to make the most of it.  Xxxx
I have Margaret's first attempt at the 'Inkyliscious winter bauble technique' to share with you too later this week.

Now ladies I would like your advice, Pat and I did some stamping yesterday and attempted some colouring in, we got mixed results to be honest, which left me with a dilemma, I absolutely love colouring in stamped images, I find it very calming, I was almost 'happy dancing' when almost every one of my images stamped perfectly !  I then sat and got ready to colour the images, I got out my Spectrum noir pens, I  have had them a couple of years and hardly used them, I was really disappointed at how many had dried up, making the colouring guides almost impossible to follow, I have a few promarkers too, but I wasn't happy with any of my results, which left me a little disheartened.  
So what would you all recommend? I am thinking about colouring pencils I think, as they won't evaporate liked my pens have, because we all go through phases don't we,? I might not be so into the colouring mood in a months time, but I think the one thing that stopped me before was not getting great results. So do I look at the Creafters Companion Pencils, then which ones give better results the water colour ones (blue tins) or the normal pencils (red tons)??? Do they blend well? Can you get good results for hair and skin?  
I wish more than anything you could try before you buy, because to buy the whole collection which I would need to colour all images properly!   I know there are other pencils that are popular with crafters 'Polychromos' or 'Prisma colour' I believe, have any of you used or tried these ones??  
Do you have any recommendations? Maybe if you have any of them you could pop round and we can sit and try them together??? That way I can try before I buy, may cost me more than pencils to cover your travel expenses though!!  Hahaha 
Seriously I value your opinions! 
Pat and I had a fun afternoon, Sue was on 'Granny ' duties again.

Hopefully Michele will be in USA by now, have a wonderful time Michele xxxx

Welcome home Cheryl, sorry to here you have bought germs back with you, get well soon xxxx

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Thank you SANDRA for showing my card I was so pleased at how it turned out and did a happy dance Most, well nearly all, of my attempts to "create" a background rather than use a piece of card patterned or otherwise end up in the bin or just sit around because they don't look like what it did on tele and "when am I going to use it" I enjoy trying though
    The cheap glossy card looks Ok but not as spectacularly shimmery as CE card
    Hope MICHELE and ANNE are having a great time
    Good to see you home CHERYL I hope the pains are easing MARIA and that you're continuing to get stronger JANET
    Home alone tonight so will be playing with PP's! I love them

  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm just looking in while I'm feeling reasonable.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the recent Birthday Girls. I hope you received your cards in time.
    It's a good thing that I got all birthday cards made up to November before I went into hospital.

    KAREN- what a beautiful card. You're so brave doing such a complicated background and your result is lovely.

    Don't know what will happen today. I really must try and get to my crafting table as I've a card needs making.

    Everything looks lovely in the CAFE and just waiting for customers.
    Hugs to you all and many thanks for your get well messages and cards.

    1. Lovely to see you Janet, thank you for my lovely card, my table is full of lovely cards, never had soo many. Take care hugs on

    2. That's the thing JANET It's not complicated You just need to be a bit patient waiting for it all to dry thoroughly The stag is a free die from Die Cutting mag

  3. PS I can't help you on the pen/pencil front I would love to know because there's so many on the market I've got so confused on what to go for I know some pencils have wax in so would the wax deteriorate over time?
    I bought a colouring book last year to take on hols instead of a crossword book and used my daughter's pencils that are over 15 years old They worked fine but couldn't blend with them.... Like you SANDRA I have phases but want to try colouring for card making What would work on inkjet printed images?

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, wow, wow Karen your card is fantastic :-) Firstly I love the die cut you have used - is it from Memory Box? Secondly your background is stunning, love the colours :-) Thanks for sharing the technique. I bought my first pot of pixie powder the other day, and although I know I need to add to the collection of colours, would be grateful for any tips on how else to use them ;-)
    Sandra, your question on colouring pencils is one I'd be interested in hearing opinions on too. I have Promarkers, and have never really been satisfied with the results and have thought about watercolours too. I see a lot of people on Pinterest using Copic Markers too, but for me I think it really is my lack of colouring/blending skills rather than the actual pen itself, lol ;-) Sorry you weren't pleased with your efforts, have been there many times before and it just makes you want to give up doesn't it? :-(
    Anyway, this was meant to be a quick pop in this morning as we have terrible traffic hold ups around here at present due to roadworks - grrrr, won't bore you with all details but let's just say yesterday I spent more time sat in my car than I did out of it, so preparing myself for the same today!
    Michele have a fab time.
    Cheryl hope you had nice time, sorry you're not feeling too well.
    Right, must dash! Have lovely day everyone, sending hugs xxxx

    1. Hello Sonia It was a freebie from Die Cutting mag I think the Spellbinder Paper Cuts ones would work well because they make a whole card front

    2. Thanks for letting me know Karen - what a fabulous freebie :-) xx

  5. Good morning all.
    Amazing pixie background and a lovely Christmas card Karen. Love the trees and the stag frontal. Thanks for the little hints and tips reg. the powders, did use some at a workshop and jeez the state of us all but don't want to do the same mistake at home :)
    Welcome home Cheryl, have missed you everyday you been away and looking forward to some wonderful tales and photos from your once in a lifetime holiday. Sad you come home with such a bad chest and cold ,hope you feeling better soon.
    Off for a walk to Ikea as soon the washing machine has stopped. Will look at the Tiger balm because nothing else seem to work, thanks ladies.
    have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all Maria xoxo

  6. Hi everyone.I was late commenting last night as I'd had probe with Internet all day.
    anyhow it's fine now.
    Just love your card Karen. The background is really beautiful. I have some Pixie Powders, not the ones you've used but haven't tried this technique so many thanks for the great tips. Love the die cut you've used as well. A beautiful Christmas card.
    Sandra I have lots of Pro Markers which are still inky after a few years of buying
    them. However last year I bought the Spectrum Nor set in facial colours and they'd dried up after a few months. I really can't get to grips with the colouring lark and I can't blend for toffee. Will be interested in the comments re colouring pencils though.
    Well after about 6 weeks off Crib Wednesday is on again. Looking forward to it but how rusty I am I'll find out later.
    Maria , hope you're feeling a little less sore today. I find Tiger Balm really good hope you do to.
    Janet hope you're feeling better day by day Take care.
    Cheryl. Sorry you're not feeling so good. Do hope you're better soon.
    Cheryl, Margaret and Lillian hope my cards arrived safely.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val yes your card arrived thank you very

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Karen's card it is lovely, not tried any of these yet, there are soo many things on the market it is like a maze!! I have primaries but not too good with them should use them more, I think you could spend 24 hrs a day crafting if you had nothing else to
    Karen love your card you made a superb job of
    Sorry I am late today was trying to get a casserole on before I went to Petanque. Have son coming today for nearly a week so busy few days.
    Maria hope your arm feels easier today please take it
    Cheryl hope you had a good sleep & feel better
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks for letting me know Margaret. Hope your game went well and you enjoyed your casserole. Sounds delicious.
      Sadly I lost 3-2 at crib today as a bit out of practice.
      Have a good evening.
      Love Valxxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Late as usual but I haven't exactly been wasting my time. I had to complete some online forms with John sitting at my elbow, finish that and had important emails to attend to. While I was sorting out the emails and tidying the desk John popped into Croydon to pick up some parcels from M&S for our daughter. I had no sooner completed everything when he was back home again. Mind you unlike me he will only go where he has to go and not be distracted. In fact he really does not enjoy shopping with me, but that is fine because I love browsing, it's a good job we understand each other.

    Karen, I love your card today, and really must try this technique,. Thank you for the very useful information on your experience. I have tried using pixie powders on acetate, not entirely happy with the results. And as was your first result - I am totally in awe of your talent, it really is gorgeous.

    I have Promarker and Copic pens, I have to say I do prefer the Coptic. Now Colour pencils, have to say I'm a bit of an addict, Think if you named it I've probably got them. I can't resist trying different ones out. They're all good, I think for shading, my 1st choice would be AquaBlend, I have got Polychroms but have not used them very much. I just love to look at them !!!! (How Sad is that) I really do need to practice my colouring and shading a lot more.

    Cheryl, so pleased you are back with us. After all your exciting travels. xx

    Lillian, sounds like you had a great break, what a lot of walking you did. xx

    Think it's time I had a cup of tea, I'll look in during the evenings to see if anyone has been up to anything. Hope you've all had a good day, sending love and hugs to everyone especially those who are feeling under the weather.

    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello everyone.
    Hope you all had a alright day and that anyone not feeling to good have improved over the day. Nice to see you in Janet, sending you many well wishes and hugs x
    I have some Derwent colouring in pencils normal and for water colouring but don't like any of them as I only got some cheap version and don't seem to get the colours strength that I like. Have a box of Promarkers but like your they have dried up some of them and never managed to do the shading right with them. Also have quite of few Spectrum Noir but find them tricky too to get right. Maybe we could all go for a colouring in course together, what do you think ? :-)
    Bought the Tiger balm, it has not done anything yet and it does smell hihi so now I'm not just rattling now I also smell when I coming. Yay, managed to get the 10,000 steps today but jesus you have to do about 5 miles walking to get it in so doubt I do that every day :-)
    Wishing you all a good-ish night and hope to see you and some other friend joining us tomorrow in the cafe'. I miss so many of our friends ! xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA I have used Tigan balm & agree it dose spell..
      Well done on 10,000 steps well I managed about 100 HaHa.
      Take care my friend Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry late went round my friend Margarets today she gave me some Pixy powders & some shinny card She brought me home about 4.30 as Terry has Man Flu he dose look poorly I just hope I don't catch it,
    Then Darren (son) rang as Sam had a check up on her ankle she broke last year as she had a lump they wanted to keep an eye on but all ok.They wanted to pop in on way home but i said Dads not well he declined as he is just getting over the same thing so don't want to chance it.So missed out on Harry cuddles booHoo, Never mind I wouldn't want any of them to get it.
    I finished my challenge card when I got back home. From Margsrets.
    KAREN your card is gorgeous love your background.
    CHERYL lovely to see you home & in the cafe.Sorry you have come back with a bad cold.Sending heeling Hug's xx
    MARIA I hope your arm is better today Hug's xx
    Cupper tea time but I have yo make it myself as T is asleep on the sofa

    1. Sorry pressed publish befor I signed off
      Love Lynda xx

  11. I am no colouring expert either but I like to have a go. Like many I have bought many types and have had varying successes. One tip I will give you is that if you are looking at the Crafters companions pencils do read what you are buying, some as has been said are watercolours (AquaBlend Pencils) and stand alone, others are wax (ColourBlend Pencils)and also stand alone but are intended to be used over alcohol markers to enrich and blend them, and then there is the new range (Colorista Pencils) which are wax-based and stand alone or can be used over alcohol markers, where launched for the Adult Colouring market. Wether this is just another product to sell I don't know. I do not own any of these and have not used any of these so I have no idea how good they are, I hope this helps.

  12. Sorry I forgot to say. Great Card Karen, love the background, I will have to try it, thanks.

  13. Wow what a lovely card and background - I've only got pixie powders in gold and silver but might try with brushos.

    As for the colouring I have had some of my crafters companion pens dry up and I emailed crafters companion and they replaced them. I had already refreshed some by putting a few drops of rubbing alcohol in the pen - try looking on YouTube there are a lot of videos showing how to do it. It did work but then I got frustrated as there were so many and we shouldn't have to do these tricks.

    For colouring I have got the service of old spectrum noir pencils which blend ok, ive also got a tin of derwent coloursoft the which are pretty good. For watercolouring I've got a tin of faber castelle aquarelle pencils and also some whsmiths ones which are fairly nice but not as nice as my faber castelle - i use sheena stamping card which makes all the difference when watercolouring. I hope this helps.

  14. Wow what a lovely card and background - I've only got pixie powders in gold and silver but might try with brushos.

    As for the colouring I have had some of my crafters companion pens dry up and I emailed crafters companion and they replaced them. I had already refreshed some by putting a few drops of rubbing alcohol in the pen - try looking on YouTube there are a lot of videos showing how to do it. It did work but then I got frustrated as there were so many and we shouldn't have to do these tricks.

    For colouring I have got the service of old spectrum noir pencils which blend ok, ive also got a tin of derwent coloursoft the which are pretty good. For watercolouring I've got a tin of faber castelle aquarelle pencils and also some whsmiths ones which are fairly nice but not as nice as my faber castelle - i use sheena stamping card which makes all the difference when watercolouring. I hope this helps.
